module YARD module Parser class StatementList < Array include RubyToken # The following list of tokens will require a block to be opened # if used at the beginning of a statement. OPEN_BLOCK_TOKENS = [TkCLASS, TkDEF, TkMODULE, TkUNTIL, TkIF, TkUNLESS, TkWHILE, TkFOR, TkCASE] COLON_TOKENS = [TkUNTIL, TkIF, TkUNLESS, TkWHILE, TkCASE, TkWHEN] ## # Creates a new statement list # # @param [TokenList, String] content the tokens to create the list from def initialize(content) if content.is_a? TokenList @tokens = content.dup elsif content.is_a? String @tokens = else raise ArgumentError, "Invalid content for StatementList: #{content.inspect}:#{content.class}" end parse_statements end private def parse_statements while stmt = next_statement do self << stmt end end # MUST REFACTOR THIS CODE # WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING # MUST REFACTOR THIS CODE | # OR CHILDREN WILL DIE V # WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING # THIS IS MEANT TO BE UGLY. def next_statement statement, block, comments =, nil, nil stmt_number, level = 0, 0 new_statement, open_block = true, false last_tk, last_ns_tk, before_last_tk = nil, nil, nil open_parens = 0 while tk = @tokens.shift #p tk.class # !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! REMOVED TkfLPAREN, TkfLBRACK open_parens += 1 if [TkLPAREN, TkLBRACK].include? tk.class open_parens -= 1 if [TkRPAREN, TkRBRACK].include?(tk.class) #if open_parens < 0 || level < 0 # STDERR.puts block.to_s + " TOKEN #{tk.inspect}" # exit #end # Get the initial comments if statement.empty? # Two new-lines in a row will destroy any comment blocks if [TkCOMMENT].include?(tk.class) && last_tk.class == TkNL && (before_last_tk && (before_last_tk.class == TkNL || before_last_tk.class == TkSPACE)) comments = nil elsif tk.class == TkCOMMENT # Remove the "#" and up to 1 space before the text # Since, of course, the convention is to have "# text" # and not "#text", which I deem ugly (you heard it here first) comments ||= [] comments << tk.text.gsub(/^#+\s{0,1}/, '') comments.pop if comments.size == 1 && comments.first =~ /^\s*$/ end end # Ignore any initial comments or whitespace unless statement.empty? && [TkSPACE, TkNL, TkCOMMENT].include?(tk.class) # Decrease if end or '}' is seen level -= 1 if [TkEND, TkRBRACE].include?(tk.class) # If the level is greater than 0, add the code to the block text # otherwise it's part of the statement text if stmt_number > 0 #puts "Block of #{statement}" #puts "#{stmt_number} #{tk.line_no} #{level} #{open_parens} #{tk.class.class_name} \t#{tk.text.inspect} #{tk.lex_state} #{open_block.inspect}" block ||= block << tk elsif stmt_number == 0 && tk.class != TkNL && tk.class != TkSEMICOLON && tk.class != TkCOMMENT statement << tk end #puts "#{tk.line_no} #{level} #{open_parens} #{tk.class.class_name} \t#{tk.text.inspect} #{tk.lex_state} #{open_block.inspect}" # Increase level if we have a 'do' or block opening if tk.class == TkLBRACE #|| tk.class == TkfLBRACE level += 1 elsif [TkDO, TkBEGIN].include?(tk.class) #p "#{tk.line_no} #{level} #{tk} \t#{tk.text} #{tk.lex_state}" level += 1 open_block = false # Cancel our wish to open a block for the if, we're doing it now end # Vouch to open a block when this statement would otherwise end open_block = [level, tk.class] if (new_statement || (last_tk && last_tk.lex_state == EXPR_BEG)) && OPEN_BLOCK_TOKENS.include?(tk.class) # Check if this token creates a new statement or not #puts "#{open_parens} open brackets for: #{statement.to_s}" if open_parens == 0 && ((last_tk && [TkSEMICOLON, TkNL, TkEND_OF_SCRIPT].include?(tk.class)) || (open_block && open_block.last == TkDEF && tk.class == TkRPAREN)) # Make sure we don't have any running expressions # This includes things like # # class < # Foo # # if a || # b if (last_tk && [EXPR_END, EXPR_ARG].include?(last_tk.lex_state)) || (open_block && [TkNL, TkSEMICOLON].include?(tk.class) && last_ns_tk.class != open_block.last) stmt_number += 1 new_statement = true #p "NEW STATEMENT #{block.to_s}" # The statement started with a if/while/begin, so we must go to the next level now if open_block && open_block.first == level if tk.class == TkNL && block.nil? block = block << tk end open_block = false level += 1 end end elsif tk.class != TkSPACE new_statement = false end # Else keyword is kind of weird if tk.is_a? TkELSE new_statement = true stmt_number += 1 open_block = false end # We're done if we've ended a statement and we're at level 0 break if new_statement && level == 0 #raise "Unexpected end" if level < 0 end #break if new_statement && level == 0 before_last_tk = last_tk last_tk = tk # Save last token last_ns_tk = tk unless [TkSPACE, TkNL, TkEND_OF_SCRIPT].include? tk.class end # Return the code block with starting token and initial comments # If there is no code in the block, return nil comments = comments.compact if comments statement.empty? ? nil :, block, comments) end end end end