An instance of a Sample playing. Can be used to stop sounds dynamically, or to check if they are finished. It is recommended that you throw away sample instances if possible, as they could accidentally refer to other sounds being played after a very long time has passed.


pan RW
speed RW
volume RW

Public Instance Methods

pause ()

Pauses this instance to be resumed afterwards. It will still keep a channel filled while paused.

# File reference/gosu.rb, line 293
    def pause; end

paused? ()

# File reference/gosu.rb, line 294
    def paused?; end

playing? ()

# File reference/gosu.rb, line 296
    def playing?; end

resume ()

# File reference/gosu.rb, line 295
    def resume; end

stop ()

Stops this instance of a sound being played. Calling this twice, or too late, does not do any harm. You can nil out the reference to the instance afterwards as it will be useless.

# File reference/gosu.rb, line 291
    def stop; end