module Elastics module InstanceProxy class ModelSyncer attr_reader :instance, :class_elastics def initialize(instance) @instance = instance @class_elastics = instance.class.elastics end def sync(*trail) return if trail.include?(uid) || class_elastics.synced.nil? trail << uid class_elastics.synced.each do |synced| case # sync self when synced == instance.class sync_self # sync :author, :comments # works for all association types, if the instances have a #elastics proxy when synced.is_a?(Symbol) to_sync = instance.send(synced) if to_sync.respond_to?(:each) to_sync.each { |s| s.elastics.sync(*trail) } else to_sync.elastics.sync(*trail) end # sync 'blog' # polymorphic: use this form only if you want to sync any specific parent type but not all when synced.is_a?(String) next unless synced == parent_instance.elastics.type parent_instance.elastics.sync(*trail) else raise ArgumentError, "self, string or symbol expected, got #{synced.inspect}" end end end def uid @uid ||= [instance.class,].join('-') end def refresh_index class_elastics.refresh_index end def sync_self # nothing to sync, since a ModelSyncer cannot sync itselfs end end end end