require 'securerandom' # ============================================================================= # template for generating an orats base project for rails 4.1.x # ============================================================================= # view the task list at the bottom of the file # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # private functions # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def generate_token SecureRandom.hex(64) end def method_to_sentence(method)!('_', ' ') method[0] = method[0].upcase method end def log_task(message) puts say_status 'task', "#{method_to_sentence(message.to_s)}:", :yellow puts '-'*80, ''; sleep 0.25 end def git_commit(message) git add: '-A' git commit: "-m '#{message}'" end def copy_from_local_gem(source, dest) base_path = "#{File.expand_path File.dirname(__FILE__)}/includes" file_name_of_source = File.basename(source) run "mkdir -p #{File.dirname(dest)}" if dest.present? && file_name_of_source != dest run "cp #{base_path}/#{source} #{dest}" end # --- def initial_git_commit log_task __method__ git :init git_commit 'Initial git commit' end def update_gitignore log_task __method__ append_to_file '.gitignore' do <<-S # OS and editor files .DS_Store */**.DS_Store ._* .*.sw* *~ .idea/ # the dotenv file .env # app specific folders /vendor/bundle /public/assets/* S end git_commit 'Add common OS files, editor files and other paths' end def copy_gemfile log_task __method__ run 'rm -f Gemfile' copy_from_local_gem 'Gemfile', 'Gemfile' git_commit 'Add Gemfile' end def copy_base_favicon log_task __method__ copy_from_local_gem 'app/assets/favicon/favicon_base.png', 'app/assets/favicon/favicon_base.png' git_commit 'Add a 256x256 base favicon' end def add_dotenv log_task 'add_dotenv' file '.env' do <<-S RAILS_ENV: development PROJECT_PATH: /full/path/to/your/project TIME_ZONE: Eastern Time (US & Canada) DEFAULT_LOCALE: en GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_UA: "" DISQUS_SHORT_NAME: "" S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID: "" S3_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: "" S3_REGION: "" TOKEN_RAILS_SECRET: #{generate_token} SMTP_ADDRESS: SMTP_PORT: 587 # 465 if you use ssl SMTP_DOMAIN: SMTP_USERNAME: #{app_name} SMTP_PASSWORD: thebestpassword SMTP_AUTH: plain SMTP_ENCRYPTION: starttls ACTION_MAILER_HOST: localhost:3000 ACTION_MAILER_DEFAULT_FROM: info@#{app_name}.com ACTION_MAILER_DEFAULT_TO: me@#{app_name}.com DATABASE_NAME: #{app_name} DATABASE_HOST: localhost DATABASE_POOL: 25 DATABASE_TIMEOUT: 5000 DATABASE_USERNAME: postgres DATABASE_PASSWORD: supersecrets CACHE_HOST: localhost CACHE_PORT: 6379 CACHE_DATABASE: 0 CACHE_PASSWORD: "" PUMA_THREADS_MIN: 0 PUMA_THREADS_MAX: 1 PUMA_WORKERS: 0 SIDEKIQ_CONCURRENCY: 25 S end git_commit 'Add development environment file' end def add_procfile log_task __method__ file 'Procfile' do <<-S web: puma -C config/puma.rb | grep -v --line-buffered ' 304 -' worker: sidekiq -C config/sidekiq.yml log: tail -f log/development.log | grep -xv --line-buffered '^[[:space:]]*' | grep -v --line-buffered '/assets/' S end git_commit 'Add Procfile' end def add_markdown_readme log_task __method__ run 'rm README.rdoc' file '' do <<-S ## Project information This project was generated with [orats]( vVERSION. S end git_commit 'Add markdown readme' end def update_app_secrets log_task __method__ gsub_file 'config/secrets.yml', /.*\n/, '' append_file 'config/secrets.yml' do <<-S development: &default secret_key_base: <%= ENV['TOKEN_RAILS_SECRET'] %> test: <<: *default staging: <<: *default production: <<: *default S end git_commit 'DRY out the yaml' end def update_app_config log_task __method__ inject_into_file 'config/application.rb', after: "automatically loaded.\n" do <<-S config.action_mailer.delivery_method = :smtp config.action_mailer.smtp_settings = { :address => ENV['SMTP_ADDRESS'], :port => ENV['SMTP_PORT'].to_i, :domain => ENV['SMTP_DOMAIN'], :user_name => ENV['SMTP_USERNAME'], :password => ENV['SMTP_PASSWORD'], :authentication => ENV['SMTP_AUTH'] } config.action_mailer.smtp_settings[:enable_starttls_auto] = true if ENV['SMTP_ENCRYPTION'] == 'starttls' config.action_mailer.smtp_settings[:ssl] = true if ENV['SMTP_ENCRYPTION'] == 'ssl' config.action_mailer.default_options = { from: ENV['ACTION_MAILER_DEFAULT_FROM'] } config.action_mailer.default_url_options = { host: ENV['ACTION_MAILER_HOST'] } redis_store_options = { host: ENV['CACHE_HOST'], port: ENV['CACHE_PORT'].to_i, db: ENV['CACHE_DATABASE'].to_i, namespace: '#{app_name}::cache' } redis_store_options[:password] = ENV['CACHE_PASSWORD'] if ENV['CACHE_PASSWORD'].present? config.cache_store = :redis_store, redis_store_options # run `bundle exec rake time:zones:all` to get a complete list of valid time zone names config.time_zone = ENV['TIME_ZONE'] unless ENV['TIME_ZONE'] == 'UTC' # config.i18n.default_locale = ENV['DEFAULT_LOCALE'] unless ENV['DEFAULT_LOCALE'] == 'en' S end append_file 'config/application.rb' do <<-'S' ActionView::Base.field_error_proc = do |html_tag, instance| if html_tag =~ /\
).html_safe end end S end git_commit 'Configure the mailer/redis, update the timezone and adjust the validation output' end def update_database_config log_task __method__ gsub_file 'config/database.yml', /.*\n/, '' append_file 'config/database.yml' do <<-S development: &default adapter: postgresql database: <%= ENV['DATABASE_NAME'] %> host: <%= ENV['DATABASE_HOST'] %> pool: <%= ENV['DATABASE_POOL'] %> timeout: <%= ENV['DATABASE_TIMEOUT'] %> username: <%= ENV['DATABASE_USERNAME'] %> password: <%= ENV['DATABASE_PASSWORD'] %> test: <<: *default database: <%= ENV['DATABASE_NAME'] %>_test staging: <<: *default production: <<: *default S end git_commit 'DRY out the yaml' end def add_puma_config log_task __method__ file 'config/puma.rb', <<-'S' environment ENV['RAILS_ENV'] threads ENV['PUMA_THREADS_MIN'].to_i,ENV['PUMA_THREADS_MAX'].to_i workers ENV['PUMA_WORKERS'].to_i pidfile "#{ENV['PROJECT_PATH']}/tmp/" if ENV['RAILS_ENV'] == 'production' bind "unix://#{ENV['PROJECT_PATH']}/tmp/puma.sock" else port '3000' end # prune_bundler restart_command 'bundle exec bin/puma' on_worker_boot do require 'active_record' config_path = File.expand_path('../database.yml', __FILE__) ActiveRecord::Base.connection.disconnect! rescue ActiveRecord::ConnectionNotEstablished ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(ENV['DATABASE_URL'] || YAML.load_file(config_path)[ENV['RAILS_ENV']]) end S git_commit 'Add the puma config' end def add_sidekiq_config log_task __method__ file 'config/sidekiq.yml', <<-S --- :pidfile: <%= ENV['PROJECT_PATH'] %>/tmp/ :concurrency: <%= ENV['SIDEKIQ_CONCURRENCY'].to_i %> :queues: - default S git_commit 'Add the sidekiq config' end def add_sitemap_config log_task __method__ file 'config/sitemap.rb', <<-'S' # Set the host name for URL creation SitemapGenerator::Sitemap.default_host = "" SitemapGenerator::Sitemap.create do # Put links creation logic here. # # The root path '/' and sitemap index file are added automatically for you. # Links are added to the Sitemap in the order they are specified. # # Examples: # # add root_path # add foobar_path, priority: 0.7, changefreq: 'daily' # # Iteration example: # # Article.published.find_each do |article| # add article_path("#{}-#{article.permalink}"), priority: 0.9, lastmod: article.updated_at # end end S gsub_file 'config/sitemap.rb', 'app_name', app_name git_commit 'Add the sitemap config' end def add_whenever_config log_task __method__ file 'config/schedule.rb', <<-S every, at: '3:00 am' do rake 'orats:backup' end every, at: '4:00 am' do rake 'sitemap:refresh' end S git_commit 'Add the whenever config' end def add_sidekiq_initializer log_task __method__ file 'config/initializers/sidekiq.rb', <<-'S' ENV['CACHE_PASSWORD'].present? ? pass_string = ":#{ENV['CACHE_PASSWORD']}@" : pass_string = '' redis_host = "#{pass_string}#{ENV['CACHE_HOST']}" sidekiq_config = { url: "redis://#{redis_host}:#{ENV['CACHE_PORT']}/#{ENV['CACHE_DATABASE']}", namespace: "ns_app::sidekiq_#{Rails.env}" } Sidekiq.configure_server do |config| config.redis = sidekiq_config end Sidekiq.configure_client do |config| config.redis = sidekiq_config end S gsub_file 'config/initializers/sidekiq.rb', 'ns_app', app_name git_commit 'Add the sidekiq initializer' end def add_mini_profiler_initializer log_task __method__ file 'config/initializers/mini_profiler.rb', <<-S if defined? Rack::MiniProfiler # Toggle with ALT+p Rack::MiniProfiler.config.start_hidden = true end S git_commit 'Add the mini profiler initializer' end def add_staging_environment log_task __method__ file 'config/environments/staging.rb', <<-S require_relative 'production.rb' #{app_name.humanize}::Application.configure do # Overwrite any production settings here, or if you want to start from scratch then remove line 1. end S git_commit 'Add a staging environment' end def update_development_environment log_task __method__ inject_into_file 'config/environments/development.rb', before: "\nend" do <<-'S' # Set the default generator asset engines config.generators.stylesheet_engine = :scss config.generators.javascript_engine = :coffee S end git_commit 'Update the default generator asset engines' end def update_production_environment log_task __method__ inject_into_file 'config/environments/production.rb', after: "config.log_level = :info\n" do <<-'S' config.logger =['log'].first, 'daily') S end git_commit 'Update the logger to rotate daily' inject_into_file 'config/environments/production.rb', after: "%w( search.js )\n" do <<-'S' config.assets.precompile << { |path| if path =~ /\.(eot|svg|ttf|woff|png)\z/ true end } S end git_commit 'Update the assets precompiler to include common file types' gsub_file 'config/environments/production.rb', '# config.assets.css_compressor', 'config.assets.css_compressor' git_commit 'Add sass asset compression' end def update_routes log_task __method__ prepend_file 'config/routes.rb', "require 'sidekiq/web'\n\n" inject_into_file 'config/routes.rb', after: "draw do\n" do <<-S concern :pageable do get 'page/:page', action: :index, on: :collection end # you may want to protect this behind authentication mount Sidekiq::Web => '/sidekiq' S end git_commit 'Add a concern for pagination and mount sidekiq' end def add_backup_lib log_task __method__ file 'lib/backup/config.rb', <<-'S' ## # Backup v4.x Configuration # # Documentation: # Issue Tracker: # Config Options # # The options here may be overridden on the command line, but the result # will depend on the use of --root-path on the command line. # # If --root-path is used on the command line, then all paths set here # will be overridden. If a path (like --tmp-path) is not given along with # --root-path, that path will use it's default location _relative to --root-path_. # # If --root-path is not used on the command line, a path option (like --tmp-path) # given on the command line will override the tmp_path set here, but all other # paths set here will be used. # # Note that relative paths given on the command line without --root-path # are relative to the current directory. The root_path set here only applies # to relative paths set here. # # --- # # Sets the root path for all relative paths, including default paths. # May be an absolute path, or relative to the current working directory. root_path 'lib/backup' # Sets the path where backups are processed until they're stored. # This must have enough free space to hold apx. 2 backups. # May be an absolute path, or relative to the current directory or +root_path+. tmp_path '../../tmp' # Sets the path where backup stores persistent information. # When Backup's Cycler is used, small YAML files are stored here. # May be an absolute path, or relative to the current directory or +root_path+. data_path '../../tmp/backup/data' # Utilities # # If you need to use a utility other than the one Backup detects, # or a utility can not be found in your $PATH. # # Utilities.configure do # tar '/usr/bin/gnutar' # redis_cli '/opt/redis/redis-cli' # end # Logging # # Logging options may be set on the command line, but certain settings # may only be configured here. # # Logger.configure do # console.quiet = true # Same as command line: --quiet # logfile.max_bytes = 2_000_000 # Default: 500_000 # syslog.enabled = true # Same as command line: --syslog # syslog.ident = 'my_app_backup' # Default: 'backup' # end # # Command line options will override those set here. # For example, the following would override the example settings above # to disable syslog and enable console output. # backup perform --trigger my_backup --no-syslog --no-quiet # Component Defaults # # Set default options to be applied to components in all models. # Options set within a model will override those set here. # # Storage::S3.defaults do |s3| # s3.access_key_id = "my_access_key_id" # s3.secret_access_key = "my_secret_access_key" # end # # Notifier::Mail.defaults do |mail| # mail.from = '' # = '' # mail.address = '' # mail.port = 587 # mail.domain = '' # mail.user_name = '' # mail.password = 'my_password' # mail.authentication = 'plain' # mail.encryption = :starttls # end # Preconfigured Models # # Create custom models with preconfigured components. # Components added within the model definition will # +add to+ the preconfigured components. # # preconfigure 'MyModel' do # archive :user_pictures do |archive| # archive.add '~/pictures' # end # # notify_by Mail do |mail| # = '' # end # end # #, 'John Smith Backup') do # archive :user_music do |archive| # archive.add '~/music' # end # # notify_by Mail do |mail| # = '' # end # end S file 'lib/backup/models/backup.rb', <<-'S', 'Backup for the current RAILS_ENV') do split_into_chunks_of 10 compress_with Gzip database PostgreSQL do |db| db.sudo_user = ENV['DATABASE_USERNAME'] # To dump all databases, set ` = :all` (or leave blank) = ENV['DATABASE_NAME'] db.username = ENV['DATABASE_USERNAME'] db.password = ENV['DATABASE_PASSWORD'] = ENV['DATABASE_HOST'] db.port = 5432 db.socket = '/var/run/postgresql' #db.skip_tables = ['skip', 'these', 'tables'] #db.only_tables = ['only', 'these', 'tables'] end # uncomment the block below to archive a specific path # this may be useful if you have user supplied content # archive :app_archive do |archive| # archive.add File.join(ENV['PROJECT_PATH'], 'public', 'system') # end # uncomment the block below and fill in the required information # to use S3 to store your backups # don't want to use S3? check out the other available options: # # store_with S3 do |s3| # s3.access_key_id = ENV['S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID'] # s3.secret_access_key = ENV['S3_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'] # s3.region = ENV['S3_REGION'] # s3.bucket = 'backup' # s3.path = "/database/#{ENV['RAILS_ENV']}" # end ENV['SMTP_ENCRYPTION'].empty? ? mail_encryption = 'none' : mail_encryption = ENV['SMTP_ENCRYPTION'] notify_by Mail do |mail| mail.on_success = false #mail.on_warning = true mail.on_failure = true mail.from = ENV['ACTION_MAILER_DEFAULT_FROM'] = ENV['ACTION_MAILER_DEFAULT_TO'] mail.address = ENV['SMTP_ADDRESS'] mail.port = ENV['SMTP_PORT'].to_i mail.domain = ENV['SMTP_DOMAIN'] mail.user_name = ENV['SMTP_USERNAME'] mail.password = ENV['SMTP_PASSWORD'] mail.authentication = ENV['SMTP_AUTH'] mail.encryption = mail_encryption.to_sym end end S git_commit 'Add backup library' end def add_favicon_task log_task __method__ file 'lib/tasks/orats/favicon.rake', <<-'S' namespace :orats do desc 'Create favicons from a single base png' task :favicons do require 'favicon_maker' FaviconMaker.generate do setup do template_dir Rails.root.join('app', 'assets', 'favicon') output_dir Rails.root.join('public') end favicon_base_path = "#{template_dir}/favicon_base.png" unless File.exist?(favicon_base_path) puts puts 'A base favicon could not be found, make sure one exists at:' puts favicon_base_path puts exit 1 end from File.basename(favicon_base_path) do icon 'speeddial-160x160.png' icon 'apple-touch-icon-228x228-precomposed.png' icon 'apple-touch-icon-152x152-precomposed.png' icon 'apple-touch-icon-144x144-precomposed.png' icon 'apple-touch-icon-120x120-precomposed.png' icon 'apple-touch-icon-114x114-precomposed.png' icon 'apple-touch-icon-76x76-precomposed.png' icon 'apple-touch-icon-72x72-precomposed.png' icon 'apple-touch-icon-60x60-precomposed.png' icon 'apple-touch-icon-57x57-precomposed.png' icon 'favicon-196x196.png' icon 'favicon-160x160.png' icon 'favicon-96x96.png' icon 'favicon-64x64.png' icon 'favicon-32x32.png' icon 'favicon-24x24.png' icon 'favicon-16x16.png' icon 'favicon.ico', size: '64x64,32x32,24x24,16x16' end each_icon do |filepath| puts "Creating favicon @ #{filepath}" end end end end S git_commit 'Add a favicon generator task' end def add_backup_task log_task __method__ file 'lib/tasks/orats/backup.rake', <<-'S' namespace :orats do desc 'Create a backup of your application for a specific environment' task :backup do if File.exist?('.env') && File.file?('.env') require 'dotenv' Dotenv.load source_external_env = '' else source_external_env = '. /etc/default/app_name &&' end # hack'ish way to run the backup command with elevated privileges, it won't prompt for a password on the production # server because passwordless sudo has been enabled if you use the ansible setup provided by orats system 'sudo whoami' system "#{source_external_env} backup perform -t backup -c '#{File.join('lib', 'backup', 'config.rb')}' --log-path='#{File.join('log')}'" end end S gsub_file 'lib/tasks/orats/backup.rake', 'app_name', app_name git_commit 'Add an application backup task' end def add_helpers log_task __method__ inject_into_file 'app/helpers/application_helper.rb', after: "ApplicationHelper\n" do <<-S def title(page_title) content_for(:title) { page_title } end def meta_description(page_meta_description) content_for(:meta_description) { page_meta_description } end def heading(page_heading) content_for(:heading) { page_heading } end def link_to_all_favicons ' '.html_safe end def humanize_boolean(input) input ||= '' case input.to_s.downcase when 't', 'true' 'Yes' else 'No' end end def css_for_boolean(input) if input 'success' else 'danger' end end S end git_commit 'Add various helpers' end def add_layout log_task __method__ run 'rm -f app/views/layouts/application.html.erb' file 'app/views/layouts/application.html.erb', <<-S© #{} #{app_name} - All rights reserved
S file 'app/views/layouts/_google_analytics_snippet.html.erb', <<-S S file 'app/views/layouts/_google_analytics_tracker.html.erb', <<-S S file 'app/views/layouts/_disqus_comments_snippet.html.erb', <<-S <% if ENV['DISQUS_SHORT_NAME'].present? %> comments powered by Disqus <% end %> S file 'app/views/layouts/_disqus_count_snippet.html.erb', <<-S <% if ENV['DISQUS_SHORT_NAME'].present? %>