# frozen_string_literal: true require 'ipaddress' require 'json' require 'openssl' require 'resolv' module PWN module Plugins # This plugin leverages ip-api.com's REST API to discover information about IP addresses # 1,000 daily requests are allowed for free module IPInfo # Supported Method Parameters:: # ip_resp_hash = ip_info_rest_call( # ip: 'required - IP or Host to lookup', # proxy: 'optional - use a proxy' # ) private_class_method def self.ip_info_rest_call(opts = {}) ip = opts[:ip].to_s.scrub.strip.chomp proxy = opts[:proxy] if IPAddress.valid?(ip) if proxy browser_obj = PWN::Plugins::TransparentBrowser.open(browser_type: :rest, proxy: proxy) else browser_obj = PWN::Plugins::TransparentBrowser.open(browser_type: :rest) end rest_client = browser_obj[:browser] ip_resp_str = rest_client.get("http://ip-api.com/json/#{ip}?fields=country,countryCode,region,regionName,city,zip,lat,lon,timezone,isp,org,as,reverse,mobile,proxy,query,status,message") ip_resp_hash = JSON.parse( ip_resp_str, symbolize_names: true ) # Ensure the max number of IPs we can query / min = 120 to avoid being banned # Per http://ip-api.com/docs/api:json: # "Our system will automatically ban any IP address doing over 150 requests per minute" # To unban a banned IP, visit http://ip-api.com/docs/unban sleep 0.5 ip_resp_hash end rescue StandardError => e raise e ensure PWN::Plugins::TransparentBrowser.close(browser_obj: browser_obj) if browser_obj end # Supported Method Parameters:: # is_rfc1918 = PWN::Plugins::IPInfo.check_rfc1918( # ip: 'required - IP to check' # ) public_class_method def self.check_rfc1918(opts = {}) ip = opts[:ip].to_s.scrub.strip.chomp ip_obj = IPAddress.valid?(ip) ? IPAddress.parse(ip) : nil rfc1918_ranges = [ IPAddress(''), # - IPAddress(''), # - IPAddress('') # - ] rfc1918_ranges.any? { |range| range.include?(ip_obj) } end # Supported Method Parameters:: # ip_info_struc = PWN::Plugins::IPInfo.get( # target: 'required - IP or Host to lookup', # proxy: 'optional - use a proxy', # tls_port: 'optional port to check cert for Domain Name (default: 443). Will not execute if proxy parameter is set.', # skip_api: 'optional - skip the API call', # dns_server: 'optional - DNS server to use for lookup (default: your default DNS server)' # ) public_class_method def self.get(opts = {}) target = opts[:target].to_s.scrub.strip.chomp.downcase proxy = opts[:proxy] tls_port = opts[:tls_port] ||= 443 skip_api = opts[:skip_api] ||= false ip_info_resp = [] is_ip = IPAddress.valid?(target) hostname = '' if is_ip target_arr = [target] if is_ip unless is_ip begin hostname = target dns_server = opts[:dns_server] dns_resolver = Resolv::DNS.new(nameserver: [dns_server]) if dns_server dns_resolver ||= Resolv::DNS.new target_arr = dns_resolver.getaddresses(target).map(&:to_s).uniq rescue Resolv::ResolvError target_arr = nil end end target_arr.each do |this_target| ip_resp_hash = ip_info_rest_call(ip: this_target, proxy: proxy) unless skip_api ip_resp_hash ||= {} is_rfc1918 = check_rfc1918(ip: this_target) ip_resp_hash[:ip] = this_target ip_resp_hash[:is_rfc1918] = is_rfc1918 ip_resp_hash[:hostname] = hostname ip_info_resp.push(ip_resp_hash) unless target_arr.nil? next unless proxy.nil? ip_info_resp.each do |ip_resp| tls_port_avail = PWN::Plugins::Sock.check_port_in_use( server_ip: this_target, port: tls_port ) ip_resp[:tls_avail] = tls_port_avail ip_resp[:ca_issuer_uris] = nil ip_resp[:cert_subject] = nil ip_resp[:cert_issuer] = nil ip_resp[:cert_serial] = nil ip_resp[:crl_uris] = nil ip_resp[:extensions] = nil ip_resp[:not_before] = nil ip_resp[:not_after] = nil ip_resp[:oscsp_uris] = nil ip_resp[:pem] = nil ip_resp[:signature_algorithm] = nil ip_resp[:version] = nil next unless tls_port_avail cert_obj = PWN::Plugins::Sock.get_tls_cert( target: this_target, port: tls_port ) next unless cert_obj.is_a?(OpenSSL::X509::Certificate) ip_resp[:ca_issuer_uris] = cert_obj.ca_issuer_uris.map(&:to_s) unless cert_obj.ca_issuer_uris.nil? ip_resp[:cert_subject] = cert_obj.subject.to_s ip_resp[:cert_issuer] = cert_obj.issuer.to_s ip_resp[:cert_serial] = cert_obj.serial.to_s ip_resp[:crl_uris] = cert_obj.crl_uris.map(&:to_s) unless cert_obj.crl_uris.nil? ip_resp[:extensions] = cert_obj.extensions.to_h { |ext| [ext.oid.to_s.to_sym, ext.value] } unless cert_obj.extensions.nil? ip_resp[:not_before] = cert_obj.not_before.to_s ip_resp[:not_after] = cert_obj.not_after.to_s ip_resp[:oscsp_uris] = cert_obj.ocsp_uris.map(&:to_s) unless cert_obj.ocsp_uris.nil? ip_resp[:pem] = cert_obj.to_pem.to_s ip_resp[:signature_algorithm] = cert_obj.signature_algorithm.to_s ip_resp[:version] = cert_obj.version.to_s end end ip_info_resp rescue StandardError => e raise e end # Supported Method Parameters:: # PWN::Plugins::IPInfo.bruteforce_subdomains( # parent_domain: 'required - Parent Domain to brute force', # dictionary: 'required - Dictionary to use for subdomain brute force', # max_threads: 'optional - Maximum number of threads to use (default: 9)', # proxy: 'optional - use a proxy', # tls_port: 'optional port to check cert for Domain Name (default: 443). Will not execute if proxy parameter is set.', # results_file: 'optional - File to write results to (default: /tmp/parent_domain-timestamp-pwn_bruteforce_subdomains.txt)' # ) public_class_method def self.bruteforce_subdomains(opts = {}) parent_domain = opts[:parent_domain].to_s.scrub.strip.chomp raise 'ERROR: parent_domain parameter is required' if parent_domain.empty? default_dictionary = '/usr/share/seclists/Discovery/DNS/n0kovo_subdomains.txt' dictionary = opts[:dictionary] ||= default_dictionary raise "ERROR: Dictionary file not found: #{dictionary}" unless File.exist?(dictionary) max_threads = opts[:max_threads] proxy = opts[:proxy] tls_port = opts[:tls_port] timestamp = Time.now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d_%H.%M.%S') results_file = opts[:results_file] ||= "/tmp/SUBS.#{parent_domain}-#{timestamp}-pwn_bruteforce_subdomains.txt" File.write(results_file, "[\n") # Break up dictonary file into sublines and process each subline in a thread dict_lines = File.readlines(dictionary).shuffle mutex = Mutex.new PWN::Plugins::ThreadPool.fill( enumerable_array: dict_lines, max_threads: max_threads ) do |subline| print '.' subdomain = subline.to_s.scrub.strip.chomp target = parent_domain if subdomain.empty? target = "#{subdomain}.#{parent_domain}" unless subdomain.empty? ip_info_resp = get( target: target, proxy: proxy, tls_port: tls_port, skip_api: true ) mutex.synchronize do File.open(results_file, 'a') do |file| resp_len = ip_info_resp.length next unless resp_len.positive? ip_info_resp.each do |ip_info_hash| file.puts "#{JSON.generate(ip_info_hash)}," end end end end rescue StandardError => e raise e ensure # Strip trailing comma and close JSON array final_results = File.readlines(results_file).uniq # Strip trailing newline and comma from last line last_line = final_results[-1].chomp.chomp(',') final_results[-1] = last_line File.write(results_file, "#{final_results.join}\n]") end # Author(s):: 0day Inc. public_class_method def self.authors "AUTHOR(S): 0day Inc. " end # Display Usage for this Module public_class_method def self.help puts "USAGE: is_rfc1918 = #{self}.check_rfc1918( ip: 'required - IP to check' ) ip_info_struc = #{self}.get( target: 'required - IP or Host to lookup', proxy: 'optional - use a proxy', tls_port: 'optional port to check cert for Domain Name (default: 443). Will not execute if proxy parameter is set.', skip_api: 'optional - skip the API call', dns_server: 'optional - DNS server to use for lookup (default: your default DNS server)' ) #{self}.bruteforce_subdomains( parent_domain: 'required - Parent Domain to brute force', dictionary: 'required - Dictionary to use for subdomain brute force', max_threads: 'optional - Maximum number of threads to use (default: 9)', proxy: 'optional - use a proxy', tls_port: 'optional port to check cert for Domain Name (default: 443). Will not execute if proxy parameter is set.', results_file: 'optional - File to write results to (default: /tmp/parent_domain-timestamp-pwn_bruteforce_subdomains.txt)' ) #{self}.authors " end end end end