require "sfn" require "sparkle_formation/aws" require "hashdiff" module Sfn class Planner # AWS specific planner class Aws < Planner # Customized translator to dereference template class Translator < SparkleFormation::Translation MAP = {} REF_MAPPING = {} FN_MAPPING = {} UNKNOWN_RUNTIME_RESULT = "__UNKNOWN_RUNTIME_RESULT__" # @return [Array] flagged items for value replacement attr_reader :flagged # Override to init flagged array def initialize(template_hash, args = {}) super @flagged = [] end # @return [Hash] defined conditions def conditions @original.fetch("Conditions", {}) end # Flag a reference as modified # # @param ref_name [String] # @return [Array] def flag_ref(ref_name) @flagged << ref_name.to_s @flagged.uniq! end # Check if resource name is flagged # # @param name [String] # @return [TrueClass, FalseClass] def flagged?(name) @flagged.include?(name.to_s) end # Apply function if possible # # @param hash [Hash] # @param funcs [Array] allowed functions # @return [Hash] # @note also allows 'Ref' within funcs to provide mapping # replacements using the REF_MAPPING constant def apply_function(hash, funcs = []) if hash.is_a?(Hash) k, v = hash.first if hash.size == 1 && (k.start_with?("Fn") || k == "Ref") && (funcs.include?(:all) || funcs.empty? || funcs.include?(k) || funcs == ["DEREF"]) method_name = Bogo::Utility.snake(k.gsub("::", "")) if (funcs.include?(k) || funcs.include?(:all)) && respond_to?(method_name) apply_function(send(method_name, v), funcs) else case k when "Fn::GetAtt" funcs.include?("DEREF") ? dereference(hash) : hash when "Ref" if funcs.include?("DEREF") dereference(hash) else {"Ref" => self.class.const_get(:REF_MAPPING).fetch(v, v)} end else hash end end else hash end else hash end end # Evaluate given condition # # @param name [String] condition name # @return [TrueClass, FalseClass] def apply_condition(name) condition = conditions[name] if condition apply_function(condition, [:all, "DEREF"]) else raise "Failed to locate condition with name `#{name}`!" end end # Evaluate `if` conditional # # @param value [Array] {0: condition name, 1: true value, 2: false value} # @return [Object] true or false value def fn_if(value) result = apply_condition(value[0]) if result != UNKNOWN_RUNTIME_RESULT result ? value[1] : value[2] else UNKNOWN_RUNTIME_RESULT result end end # Determine if all conditions are true # # @param value [Array] condition names # @return [TrueClass, FalseClass] def fn_and(value) result = do |val| apply_condition(val) end if result.to_s.include?(RUNTIME_MODIFIED) UNKNOWN_RUNTIME_RESULT else result.all? end end # Determine if any values are true # # @param value [Array] condition names # @return [TrueClass, FalseClass] def fn_or(value) result = do |val| apply_condition(val) end if result.to_s.include?(RUNTIME_MODIFIED) UNKNOWN_RUNTIME_RESULT else result.any? end end # Negate given value # # @param value [Array] # @return [TrueClass, FalseClass] def fn_not(value) result = apply_function(value) result == RUNTIME_MODIFIED ? UNKNOWN_RUNTIME_RESULT : !result end # Determine if values are equal # # @param value [Array] values # @return [TrueClass, FalseClass] def fn_equals(value) value = do |val| apply_function(val) end if value.to_s.include?(RUNTIME_MODIFIED) UNKNOWN_RUNTIME_RESULT else value.first == value.last end end # Join values with given delimiter # # @param value [Array>] # @return [String] def fn_join(value) unless value.last.is_a?(Array) val = value.last.to_s.split(",") else val = value.last end val.join(value.first) end # Lookup value in mappings # # @param value [Array] # @return [String, Fixnum] def fn_find_in_map(value) map_holder = mappings[value[0]] if map_holder map_item = map_holder[dereference(value[1])] if map_item map_item[value[2]] else raise "Failed to find mapping item! (#{value[0]} -> #{value[1]})" end else raise "Failed to find mapping! (#{value[0]})" end end # Override the parent dereference behavior to return junk # value on flagged resource match # # @param hash [Hash] # @return [Hash, String] def dereference(hash) result = nil if hash.is_a?(Hash) if hash.keys.first == "Ref" && flagged?(hash.values.first) result = RUNTIME_MODIFIED elsif hash.keys.first == "Fn::GetAtt" if hash.values.last.last.start_with?("Outputs.") if flagged?(hash.values.join("_")) result = RUNTIME_MODIFIED end elsif flagged?(hash.values.first) result = RUNTIME_MODIFIED end end end result = result.nil? ? super : result unless result.is_a?(Enumerable) result = result.to_s end result end end # Resources that will be replaced on metadata init updates REPLACE_ON_CFN_INIT_UPDATE = [ "AWS::AutoScaling::LaunchConfiguration", "AWS::EC2::Instance", ] # @return [Smash] initialized translators attr_accessor :translators # Simple overload to load in aws resource set from # sparkleformation def initialize(*_) super SfnAws.load! @translators = end # Generate update report # # @param template [Hash] updated template # @param parameters [Hash] runtime parameters for update # # @return [Hash] report def generate_plan(template, parameters) parameters = Smash[ { |k, v| [k, v.to_s] }] result = :stacks => => plan_stack( origin_stack, template, parameters ), ), :added =>, :removed =>, :replace =>, :interrupt =>, :unavailable =>, :unknown =>, ) convert_to_plan(result) end protected PLAN_CLASS = Miasma::Models::Orchestration::Stack::Plan PLAN_MAP = { :added => :add, :removed => :remove, :replace => :replace, :interrupt => :interrupt, :unavailable => :unavailable, :unknown => :unknown, } # Convert result hash into plan object # # @param [Hash] plan hash data # @return [Miasma::Models::Orchestration::Stack::Plan] def convert_to_plan(result) plan = PLAN_MAP.each do |src, dst| collection = result[src].map do |name, info| item = :name => name, :type => info[:type], ) unless info[:diffs].empty? item.diffs = info[:diffs].map do |d_info| diff = :name => d_info.fetch(:property_name, d_info[:path]), :current => d_info[:original].to_json, :proposed => d_info[:updated].to_json, ) diff.valid_state end end item.valid_state end plan.send("#{dst}=", collection) end plan.stacks = Smash[ result.fetch(:stacks, {}).map { |name, info| [name, convert_to_plan(info)] } ] plan.valid_state end # Remote custom Stack property from Stack resources within template # # @param template [Hash] # @return [TrueClass] def scrub_stack_properties(template) if template["Resources"] template["Resources"].each do |name, info| if is_stack?(info["Type"]) && info["Properties"].is_a?(Hash) info["Properties"].delete("Stack") end end end true end # Set global parameters available for all template translations. # These are pseudo-parameters that are provided by the # orchestration api runtime. # # @return [Hash] def get_global_parameters(stack) "AWS::Region" => stack.api.aws_region, "AWS::AccountId" =>":")[4], "AWS::NotificationARNs" => stack.notification_topics, "AWS::StackId" =>, "AWS::StackName" =>, ).merge(config.fetch(:planner, :global_parameters, {})) end # Generate plan for stack # # @param stack [Miasma::Models::Orchestration::Stack] # @param new_template [Hash] # @param new_parameters [Hash] # @return [Hash] def plan_stack(stack, new_template, new_parameters) plan_results = :stacks =>, :added =>, :removed =>, :replace =>, :interrupt =>, :unavailable =>, :unknown =>, :outputs =>, :n_outputs => [], ) origin_template = dereference_template( "#{}_origin", stack.template, Smash[ do |k, v| [k, v.to_s] end ].merge(get_global_parameters(stack)) ) translator_key = "#{}_#{,}" run_stack_diff(stack, translator_key, plan_results, origin_template, new_template, new_parameters) new_checksum = nil current_checksum = false until new_checksum == current_checksum current_checksum = plan_results.checksum run_stack_diff(stack, translator_key, plan_results, origin_template, new_template, new_parameters) new_checksum = plan_results.checksum end scrub_plan(plan_results) plan_results end # Check if resource type is stack resource type # # @param type [String] # @return [TrueClass, FalseClass] def is_stack?(type), ["AWS::CloudFormation::Stack"]).include?(type) end # Scrub the plan results to only provide highest precedence diff # items # # @param results [Hash] # @return [NilClass] def scrub_plan(results) precedence = [:unavailable, :replace, :interrupt, :unavailable, :unknown] until precedence.empty? key = precedence.shift results[key].keys.each do |k| precedence.each do |p_key| results[p_key].delete(k) end end end nil end # Run the stack diff and populate the result set # # @param stack [Miasma::Models::Orchestration::Stack] existing stack # @param t_key [String] translator key # @param plan_result [Smash] plan data to populate # @param origin_template [Smash] template of existing stack # @param new_template [Smash] template to replace existing # @param new_parameters [Smash] parameters to be applied to update # @return [NilClass] def run_stack_diff(stack, t_key, plan_results, origin_template, new_template, new_parameters) translator = translator_for(t_key) new_parameters = new_parameters.dup if stack.parameters stack.parameters.each do |k, v| if new_parameters[k].is_a?(Hash) val = translator.dereference(new_parameters[k]) new_parameters[k] = val == new_parameters[k] ? v : val end end end new_parameters.merge!(get_global_parameters(stack)) new_template_hash = new_template.to_smash plan_nested_stacks(stack, translator, origin_template, new_template_hash, plan_results) scrub_stack_properties(new_template_hash) update_template = dereference_template( t_key, new_template_hash, new_parameters, plan_results[:replace].keys + plan_results[:unavailable].keys ) HashDiff.diff(origin_template, MultiJson.load(MultiJson.dump(update_template))).group_by do |item| item[1] end.each do |a_path, diff_items| register_diff( plan_results, a_path, diff_items, translator_for(t_key), :origin => origin_template, :update => update_template, ) ) end nil end # Extract nested stacks and generate plans # # @param stack [Miasma::Orchestration::Models::Stack] # @param translator [Translator] # @param origin_template [Smash] # @param new_template_hash [Smash] # @param plan_results [Smash] # @return [NilClass] def plan_nested_stacks(stack, translator, origin_template, new_template_hash, plan_results) origin_stacks = origin_template.fetch("Resources", {}).find_all do |s_name, s_val| is_stack?(s_val["Type"]) new_stacks = (new_template_hash["Resources"] || {}).find_all do |s_name, s_val| is_stack?(s_val["Type"]) [origin_stacks + new_stacks].flatten.compact.uniq.each do |stack_name| original_stack = stack.nested_stacks(false).detect do |stk|[:logical_id] == stack_name end new_stack_exists = is_stack?(new_template_hash.get("Resources", stack_name, "Type")) new_stack_template = new_template_hash.fetch("Resources", stack_name, "Properties", "Stack", new_stack_parameters = new_template_hash.fetch("Resources", stack_name, "Properties", "Parameters", new_stack_type = new_template_hash.fetch("Resources", stack_name, "Type", origin_template.get("Resources", stack_name, "Type")) resource = :name => stack_name, :type => new_stack_type, :properties => [], ) if original_stack && new_stack_template new_stack_parameters = Smash[ do |new_param_key, new_param_value| [new_param_key, translator.dereference(new_param_value)] end ] result = plan_stack(original_stack, new_stack_template, new_stack_parameters) result[:outputs].keys.each do |modified_output| translator.flag_ref("#{stack_name}_Outputs.#{modified_output}") end plan_results[:stacks][stack_name] = result elsif original_stack && (!new_stack_template && !new_stack_exists) plan_results[:removed][stack_name] = resource elsif new_stack_template && !original_stack plan_results[:added][stack_name] = resource end end nil end # Initialize the diff result hash # # @param diff [Array] Hashdiff result entry # @param path [String] modification path within structure # @return [Smash] def diff_init(diff, path) do |di| if diff.size > 1 updated = diff.find_all { |x| x.first == "+" } original = diff.find_all { |x| x.first == "-" } di[:original] = Array(original).map(&:last).join(", ") di[:updated] = Array(updated).map(&:last).join(", ") else diff_data = diff.first di[:path] = path if diff_data.size == 3 di[diff_data.first == "+" ? :updated : :original] = diff_data.last else di[:original] = diff_data[diff_data.size - 2].to_s di[:updated] = diff_data.last.to_s end end end end # Register a diff item into the results set # # @param results [Hash] # @param path [String] # @param diff [Array] # @param templates [Smash] # @option :templates [Smash] :origin # @option :templates [Smash] :update def register_diff(results, path, diff, translator, templates) diff_info = diff_init(diff, path) if path.start_with?("Resources") p_path = path.split(".") if p_path.size == 2 diff = diff.first key = diff.first == "+" ? :added : :removed type = (key == :added ? templates[:update] : templates[:origin]).get("Resources", p_path.last, "Type") results[key][p_path.last] = :name => p_path.last, :type => type, :properties => [], :diffs => [ diff_info, ], ) else if p_path.include?("Properties") resource_name = p_path[1] if p_path.size < 4 && p_path.last == "Properties" property_name = diff.flatten.compact.last.keys.first else property_name = p_path[3].to_s.sub(/\[\d+\]$/, "") end type = templates.get(:origin, "Resources", resource_name, "Type") resource = :name => resource_name, :type => type, :properties => [property_name], :diffs => [ diff_info.merge(:property_name => property_name), ], ) begin if templates.get(:update, "Resources", resource_name, "Properties", property_name) == Translator::UNKNOWN_RUNTIME_RESULT effect = :unknown else r_info = SparkleFormation::Resources::Aws.resource_lookup(type) r_property = if r_property effect = r_property.update_causes( templates.get(:update, "Resources", resource_name), templates.get(:origin, "Resources", resource_name) ) else raise "Unknown property" end end case effect.to_sym when :replacement set_resource(:replace, results, resource_name, resource) when :interrupt set_resource(:interrupt, results, resource_name, resource) when :unavailable set_resource(:unavailable, results, resource_name, resource) when :none # \o/ else set_resource(:unknown, results, resource_name, resource) end rescue KeyError set_resource(:unknown, results, resource_name, resource) end elsif p_path.include?("AWS::CloudFormation::Init") resource_name = p_path[1] type = templates[:origin]["Resources"][resource_name]["Type"] if REPLACE_ON_CFN_INIT_UPDATE.include?(type) set_resource(:replace, results, resource_name, :name => resource_name, :type => type, :properties => ["AWS::CloudFormation::Init"], :diffs => [ diff_info, ], )) end end end elsif path.start_with?("Outputs") o_resource_name = path.split(".")[1] if o_resource_name set_resource( :outputs, results, o_resource_name, :properties => [], :diffs => [ diff_info, ], ) end end end # Set resource item into result set # # @param kind [Symbol] # @param results [Hash] # @param name [String] # @param resource [Hash] def set_resource(kind, results, name, resource) if results[kind][name] results[kind][name][:properties] += resource[:properties] results[kind][name][:properties].uniq! results[kind][name][:diffs] += resource[:diffs] results[kind][name][:diffs].uniq! else results[kind][name] = resource end end # Dereference all parameters within template to allow for # processing using real values # # @param t_key [String] # @param template [Hash] # @param parameters [Hash] # @param flagged [Array] # # @return [Hash] def dereference_template(t_key, template, parameters, flagged = []) template = template.to_smash translator = translator_for(t_key, template, parameters) flagged.each do |item| translator.flag_ref(item) end template.keys.each do |t_key| next if ["Outputs", "Resources"].include?(t_key) template[t_key] = translator.dereference_processor( template[t_key], ["DEREF"] ) end translator.original.replace(template) ["Outputs", "Resources"].each do |t_key| if template[t_key] template[t_key] = translator.dereference_processor( template[t_key], ["DEREF", :all] ) end end if template["Resources"] valid_resources = template["Resources"].map do |resource_name, resource_value| if resource_value["OnCondition"] if translator.apply_condition(resource_value["OnCondition"]) resource_name end else resource_name end end.compact (template["Resources"].keys - valid_resources).each do |resource_to_remove| template["Resources"].delete(resource_to_remove) end end translator.original.replace({}) template end # Provide a translator instance for given key (new or cached instance) # # @param t_key [String] identifier # @param template [Hash] stack template # @param parameters [Hash] stack parameters # @return [Translator] def translator_for(t_key, template = nil, parameters = nil) o_translator = translators[t_key] if template translator =, :parameters => parameters) if o_translator o_translator.flagged.each do |i| translator.flag_ref(i) end end translators[t_key] = translator o_translator = translator else unless o_translator o_translator ={}, :parameters => {}) end end o_translator end end end end