# # frozen_string_literal: true # # new({ particle: :display, render: false }) do |params| # # alert type # unless params[:items] # params[:items] = { width: 200, height: 33 } # end # container_width = params[:width] ||= width # container_height = params[:heigth] ||= height # container_top = params[:top] ||= top # container_left = params[:left] ||= left # # item_width = params[:items][:width] ||= 400 # item_height = params[:items][:height] ||= 50 # item_margin = params[:margin] ||= 3 # # mode = params[:mode] # # case mode # when :none # when :custom # when :list # if params[:data].instance_of? Array # elsif params[:data] == :particles # list_id = "#{id}_list" # unless grab(list_id) # container = '' # attach.each do |parent| # container = grab(parent).box({ id: list_id, left: container_left, top: container_top, width: container_width, height: container_height, overflow: :auto, color: :black, depth: 0 }) # container.on(:resize) do |event| # puts event[:dx] # end # container.resize({ min: { width: 100, height: 100 }, max: { width: 300, height: 700 } }) do |event| # puts event # end # # end # sorted_particles = particles.sort.to_h # sorted_particles.each_with_index do |(particle_found, value), index| # line = container.box({ id: "#{list_id}_#{index}", width: item_width, height: item_height, left: 0, top: ((item_height + item_margin) * index) }) # line.text({ data: "#{particle_found} : ", top: -item_height / 2, left: 2 }) # if value.instance_of?(String) || value.instance_of?(Symbol) || value.instance_of?(Integer) # input_value = line.text({ data: value, top: -item_height / 2, left: 5, edit: true }) # input_value.keyboard(:down) do |native_event| # event = Native(native_event) # if event[:keyCode].to_i == 13 # event.preventDefault() # input_value.color(:red) # end # end # input_value.keyboard(:up) do |native_event| # data_found = input_value.data # send(particle_found, data_found) # end # else # puts "value is :#{value.class} => #{value}" # end # end # closer = container.circle({ id: "#{list_id}_closer", width: 33, height: 33, top: 3, right: 3, color: :red, position: :sticky }) # closer.touch(true) do # container.delete(true) # end # end # else # end # when :grid # grid_id = "#{id}_grid" # unless grab(grid_id) # container = grab(:view).box({ id: grid_id, width: container_width, height: container_height, overflow: :auto, color: :white, depth: 0 }) # ############## deletion # container.touch(true) do # alert "removing container recursively : #{container.id}" # val_1= Universe.atomes.length # puts "val_1 : #{val_1}" # container.delete({ recursive: true }) # val_2= Universe.atomes.length # puts "val_2 : #{val_2}" # puts "val_1-val_2 : #{val_1-val_2}" # end # ############## deletion # params[:data].each_with_index do |item, index| # # unless grab("#{grid_id}_#{index}") # item = container.box({ id: "#{grid_id}_#{index}", top: 0, position: :relative, left: nil, right: nil }) # # item.touch(true) do # # alert "removing container recursively : #{container.id}" # # val_1= Universe.atomes.length # # puts "val_1 : #{val_1}" # # container.delete({ recursive: true }) # # val_2= Universe.atomes.length # # puts "val_2 : #{val_2}" # # puts "val_1-val_2 : #{val_1-val_2}" # # end # # end # end # # container.html.style('gridTemplateColumns', '1fr 1fr 1fr 1fr 1fr 1fr') # container.html.style('gridTemplateColumns', 'repeat(4, 1fr)') # container.html.style('gridTemplateRows', 'auto') # container.html.style('gridGap', '10px') # container.html.style('display', 'grid') # container.on(:resize) do |event| # puts event[:dx] # end # container.resize({ min: { width: 10, height: 10 }, max: { width: 300, height: 700 } }) do |event| # puts event # end # end # end # end # new({ particle: :visible }) # new({ renderer: :html, method: :visible }) do |params| # if params == false # params = :none # elsif params == true # params = :block # end # html.visible(params) # end # new({ particle: :position }) do # end # new({ method: :position, type: :integer, renderer: :html }) do |params| # html.style(:position, params) # end # # b = box({ color: :red }) # # b.touch(true) do # # b.display({ mode: :list, data: :particles, width: 333, items: { width: 200, height: 33 }, height: 33, margin: 5 }) # b.display({ mode: :list, data: :particles, items: { width: 200, height: 33 }, height: 33, margin: 5 }) # end # ############## Builder ############# # c = circle({ left: 333 }) # fake_array = [] # i = 0 # while i < 32 do # fake_array << i # i += 1 # end # c.touch(true) do # c.display({ mode: :grid, data: fake_array,width: 333, height: 333 }) # end # ############# Generator ############# # gen = generator({ id: :genesis, build: { top: 66, copies: 1 } }) # gen.build({ id: :bundler, copies: 32, tag: { group: :to_grid }, color: :red, width: 33, height: 44, left: 123, smooth: 9, blur: 3, attach: [:view] }) # grab(:bundler_1).color(:blue) # # color({ id: :the_orange, red: 1, green: 0.4 }) # # atome_to_grid = tagged({ group: :to_grid }) # the_group = group({ collected: atome_to_grid }) # # the_group.touch(true) do |i| # color(:green) # end # # wait 0.3 do # the_group.left(633) # wait 1 do # grab(:view).display({ mode: :grid, data: fake_array }) # end # # # # # # ############# new({ atome: :generator }) do |params| # we remove build and store it in a temporary particle as it has to be added after atome creation build = params.delete(:build) params[:temporary] = { build: build } end new({ post: :generator }) do |params| build_plans = params[:temporary][:build] # alert build_plans # grab(params[:id]).build(build_plans) end new ({ particle: :build, store: false }) do |params| # we get the id or generate it for the new builder if params[:id] byild_id = params[:id] else byild_id = "auto_build_#{Universe.atomes.length}" params[:id] = byild_id end # now we create a hash if it doesnt already exist # if it exist we feed the hash if build build[byild_id] = params else # build_hash = { byild_id => params } store({ 'build': build_hash }) end # # now we'll created the wanted atomes # here are the default params default_styles = { type: :shape, renderers: [:html], width: 66, height: 66, color: :gray, left: 12, top: 12, copies: 0, attach: :view } params = default_styles.merge(params) color_found = color(params[:color]) left_pos = params[:left] top_pos = params[:top] atomes({}) unless atomes params[:id] = identity_generator(params[:type]) unless params[:id] atomes[params[:id]] = [] params[:copies].downto(0) do |index| item_number = params[:copies] - index bundle_id = if params[:id] "#{params[:id]}_#{item_number}" else "#{params[:id]}_#{item_number}" end copied_items_params = params.dup copied_items_params[:id] = bundle_id # alert copied_items_params copy = Atome.new(copied_items_params) copy.attach(copied_items_params[:attach]) copy.apply([color_found.id]) copy.left(((copy.width + left_pos) * item_number) + left_pos) copy.top(((copy.height + top_pos) * item_number) + top_pos) atomes[params[:id]] << bundle_id end end def duplicate(ids) ids.each do |id_passed| atome_passed=grab(id_passed) # atome_passed.particles.delete(:left) # we remove attached particle_to_remove=[:id, :broadcast, :history,:callback, :html_object, :store_allow,:attached] particles_found=atome_passed.particles.dup particles_found.delete_if { |key, value| particle_to_remove.include?(key) } particles_found[:id]=identity_generator(particles_found[:type]) collected_particles={} particles_found.each do |particle_found, value_found| collected_particles[particle_found]=value_found end ordered_keys = [:renderers, :id, :type, :attach] ordered_particles = ordered_keys.map { |k| [k, collected_particles[k]] }.to_h other_part = collected_particles.reject { |k, _| ordered_keys.include?(k) } # merge the parts to obtain an re-ordered hash ordered_particles = ordered_particles.merge(other_part) # alert ordered_particles nw_atome= Atome.new(ordered_particles) wait 2 do nw_atome.left(333) end # Atome.new({"renderers"=>["html"], "id"=>nil, "type"=>"shape", "attach"=>["view"], "tag"=>{}, "attached"=>["text_15"], "unit"=>{}, "collected"=>{}, "width"=>99, "height"=>99, "apply"=>["box_color"], "left"=>100, "top"=>100, "clones"=>[], "preset"=>{"box"=>{"width"=>99, "height"=>99, "apply"=>["box_color"], "left"=>100, "top"=>100, "clones"=>[]}}, "touch"=>{"tap"=>true}, "touch_code"=>{"touch"=>:jhjh}}) # Atome.new({"renderers"=>["html"], "id"=>:jgjhg, "type"=>"shape", "attach"=>["view"], "tag"=>{}, "attached"=>["text_15"], "unit"=>{}, "collected"=>{}, "width"=>99, "height"=>99, "apply"=>["box_color"], "left"=>100, "top"=>100, "clones"=>[], "preset"=>{"box"=>{"width"=>99, "height"=>99, "apply"=>["box_color"], "left"=>100, "top"=>100, "clones"=>[]}}, "touch"=>{"tap"=>true}, "touch_code"=>{"touch"=>:jhjh}}) end end b=box c=b.circle c.text(:hello) b.touch(true) do puts @id end b.clones([{ left: 300, top: 300, color: :blue, entangled: [:width, :attached, :height] }, { left: 600, top: 366, color: :green, entangled: [:left, :height] }]) # duplicate([b.id]) # Atome.new( { renderers: [:html], attach: [:view],id: :my_test_box, type: :shape, apply: [:shape_color], # left: 120, top: 0, width: 100, smooth: 15, height: 100, overflow: :visible, attached: [], center: true # }) # model={shape} gen = generator({ id: :genesis, build: {top: 66, copies: 1} }) # gen.build({ id: :bundler, copies: 32, color: :red, width: 33, height: 44, left: 123, smooth: 9, blur: 3, attach: [:view] }) # grab(:bundler_1).color(:blue)