module Restfulness class Resource include Resources::Events include Resources::Authentication attr_reader :request, :response def initialize(request, response) @request = request @response = response end # Options is the only HTTP method support by default def options response.headers['Allow'] ={ |m| m.to_s.upcase }.join(', ') nil end def call # At some point, we might add custom callbacks here. If you really need them though, # you can wrap around the call method easily. send(request.action) end # Callbacks def method_allowed? self.class.supported_methods.include?(request.action) end def exists? true end def authorized? true end def allowed? true end def last_modified nil end def etag nil end def check_callbacks # Locale Handling set_locale # Access control method_not_allowed! unless method_allowed? unauthorized! unless authorized? forbidden! unless allowed? # The following callbacks only make sense for certain methods if [:head, :get, :patch, :delete].include?(request.action) resource_not_found! unless exists? if [:get, :head].include?(request.action) # Resource status check_etag if etag check_if_modified if last_modified end end end protected def locale request.http_accept_language.compatible_language_from(I18n.available_locales) end def set_locale I18n.locale = locale end def logger Restfulness.logger end private def check_if_modified date = request.headers[:if_modified_since] if date && date == last_modified.to_s not_modified! end response.headers['Last-Modified'] = last_modified end def check_etag tag = request.headers[:if_none_match] if tag && tag == etag.to_s not_modified! end response.headers['ETag'] = etag end class << self def supported_methods @_actions ||= (instance_methods & [:get, :put, :post, :delete, :head, :patch, :options]) end end end end