Class AppException
In: app/models/app_exception.rb
Parent: ActiveRecord::Base

Model class for App Exceptions. This model helps to show the details of the exceptions tracked by the server.


Public Class methods

Take as argument and returns count of distinct closed exceptions for an Application


    # File app/models/app_exception.rb, line 35
35:     def count_closed(app_id)
36:       count(:exception_message, :conditions => {:app_id => app_id, :exception_status => CLOSED_EXCEPTION}, :distinct => true)
37:     end

Take as argument and returns count of distinct ignored exceptions for an Application


    # File app/models/app_exception.rb, line 40
40:     def count_ignored(app_id)
41:       count(:exception_message, :conditions => {:app_id => app_id, :exception_status => IGNORED_EXCEPTION}, :distinct => true)
42:     end

Take as argument and returns count of distinct open exceptions for an Application


    # File app/models/app_exception.rb, line 30
30:     def count_open(app_id)
31:       count(:exception_message, :conditions => {:app_id => app_id, :exception_status => OPEN_EXCEPTION}, :distinct => true)
32:     end

Gives the array of the five (open|closed|ignored) exceptions starting from the value of varriable ‘start’ for an application.


    # File app/models/app_exception.rb, line 25
25:     def get_all(exception_status, app_id, start = 0)
26:       all(:select => 'id, exception_message, exception_class, controller, method, wall_time, count(*) as count', :conditions => ['app_id = ?  and exception_status = ?', app_id, exception_status], :group => 'exception_message', :limit => "#{start}, 5", :order => 'wall_time desc')
27:     end

Gives the details af an exception with the help of its exception_message for a specific application.


    # File app/models/app_exception.rb, line 60
60:     def get_exception_details_by_exception_message(exception_message, app_id)
61:       exception = find(:all, :conditions => ["exception_message = ? and app_id  = ?", exception_message, app_id], :order => 'wall_time desc')
62:       return exception
63:     end

Gives the details of the exception with some specific id.


    # File app/models/app_exception.rb, line 54
54:     def get_exception_details_by_id(exception_id)
55:       exception = find(:first, :conditions => ["id = ?", exception_id])
56:       return exception
57:     end

Update all exceptions status for a matching application and exception message


    # File app/models/app_exception.rb, line 45
45:     def update_status_to(status, app_name, exception_message)
46:       if app = App.first(:select => 'id', :conditions => {:name => app_name})
47:         app_id =
48:         exceptions_id_array = all(:select =>'id', :conditions => ["exception_message = ? and app_id  = ?", exception_message, app_id]).collect { |e| } 
49:         update_all(["exception_status = ?",status], ["id in (#{exceptions_id_array.join(',')})"])
50:       end
51:     end
