#!/usr/bin/env ruby # This is used to boot the generator in an environment with no # Origen application loaded. # This emulates how it will run when generating an app and means # that any unintended dependencies on a real app environment will # be highlighted during test. # Path to Origen lib dir must be supplied as first arg $LOAD_PATH.unshift ARGV[0] $LOAD_PATH.unshift "#{File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__))}/../" require 'fileutils' # Prevent the bundle from loading by running this outside of the if RUBY_PLATFORM == 'i386-mingw32' tmp_dir = 'C:/tmp/origen_app_generators/new_app' else tmp_dir = '/tmp/origen_app_generators/new_app' end FileUtils.rm_rf tmp_dir if File.exist?(tmp_dir) FileUtils.mkdir_p tmp_dir begin require 'origen' Dir.chdir tmp_dir do # For some reason this is not being defined by required origen anymore User = Origen::Users::User unless defined? User if RUBY_VERSION >= '2.0.0' gem 'byebug', '~>3.5' else gem 'debugger', '~>1.6' end require 'origen_app_generators' if ARGV[1] == 'invoke' OrigenAppGenerators.invoke('tmp') else eval(ARGV[1]).start ['tmp'] end end ensure system "mv #{tmp_dir}/tmp tmp" end