module Mailboxer module Models module Messageable def self.included(mod) mod.extend(ClassMethods) end module ClassMethods def acts_as_messageable has_many :messages has_many :receipts, :order => 'created_at DESC', :dependent => :delete_all include Mailboxer::Models::Messageable::InstanceMethods end end module InstanceMethods def mailbox @mailbox = if @mailbox.nil? @mailbox.type = :all return @mailbox end def send_message(recipients, msg_body, subject) convo ={:subject => subject}) message ={:sender => self, :conversation => convo, :body => msg_body, :subject => subject}) message.recipients = recipients.is_a?(Array) ? recipients : [recipients] message.recipients = message.recipients.uniq return message.deliver end def reply(conversation, recipients, reply_body, subject = nil) subject = subject || "RE: #{conversation.subject}" response ={:sender => self, :conversation => conversation, :body => reply_body, :subject => subject}) response.recipients = recipients.is_a?(Array) ? recipients : [recipients] response.recipients = response.recipients.uniq response.recipients.delete(self) return response.deliver(true) end def reply_to_sender(receipt, reply_body, subject = nil) return reply(receipt.conversation, receipt.message.sender, reply_body, subject) end def reply_to_all(receipt, reply_body, subject = nil) return reply(receipt.conversation, receipt.message.recipients, reply_body, subject) end def reply_to_conversation(conversation, reply_body, subject = nil) #move conversation to inbox if it is currently in the trash - doesnt make much sense replying to a trashed convo. if(mailbox.is_trashed?(conversation)) mailbox.receipts.conversation(conversation).untrash end #remove self from recipients unless you are the originator of the convo recipients = conversation.last_message.recipients if(conversation.originator != self) recipients.delete(self) if(!recipients.include?(conversation.originator)) recipients << conversation.originator end end return reply(conversation,recipients, reply_body, subject) end def read_message(obj) if obj.class.to_s.eql? 'Receipt' return obj.mark_as_read if obj.receiver == self elsif obj.class.to_s.eql? 'Message' receipts = obj.receipts.receiver(self) return receipts.mark_as_read end return nil end def unread_message(obj) if obj.class.to_s.eql? 'Receipt' return obj.mark_as_unread if obj.receiver == self elsif obj.class.to_s.eql? 'Message' receipts = obj.receipts.receiver(self) return receipts.mark_as_unread end return nil end end end end end