require "spec_helper" require "json" # For .to_json require "chef/compliance/reporter/automate" describe Chef::Compliance::Reporter::Automate do let(:reporter) { } let(:opts) do { entity_uuid: "aaaaaaaa-709a-475d-bef5-zzzzzzzzzzzz", run_id: "3f0536f7-3361-4bca-ae53-b45118dceb5d", node_info: { node: "chef-client.solo", environment: "My Prod Env", roles: %w{base_linux apache_linux}, recipes: ["some_cookbook::some_recipe", "some_cookbook"], policy_name: "test_policy_name", policy_group: "test_policy_group", chef_tags: ["mylinux", "my.tag", "some=tag"], organization_name: "test_org", source_fqdn: "", ipaddress: "", fqdn: "", }, run_time_limit: 1.1, control_results_limit: 2, timestamp: Time.parse("2016-07-19T19:19:19+01:00"), } end let(:inspec_report) do { "version": "1.2.1", "profiles": [{ "name": "tmp_compliance_profile", "title": "/tmp Compliance Profile", "summary": "An Example Compliance Profile", "sha256": "7bd598e369970002fc6f2d16d5b988027d58b044ac3fa30ae5fc1b8492e215cd", "version": "0.1.1", "maintainer": "Nathen Harvey ", "license": "Apache 2.0 License", "copyright": "Nathen Harvey ", "supports": [], "controls": [{ "title": "A /tmp directory must exist", "desc": "A /tmp directory must exist", "impact": 0.3, "refs": [], "tags": {}, "code": "control 'tmp-1.0' do\n impact 0.3\n title 'A /tmp directory must exist'\n desc 'A /tmp directory must exist'\n describe file '/tmp' do\n it { should be_directory }\n end\nend\n", "source_location": { "ref": "/Users/vjeffrey/code/delivery/insights/data_generator/chef-client/cache/cookbooks/test-cookbook/recipes/../files/default/compliance_profiles/tmp_compliance_profile/controls/tmp.rb", "line": 3 }, "id": "tmp-1.0", "results": [ { "status": "passed", "code_desc": "File /tmp should be directory", "run_time": 0.002312, "start_time": "2016-10-19 11:09:43 -0400" }, ], }, { "title": "/tmp directory is owned by the root user", "desc": "The /tmp directory must be owned by the root user", "impact": 0.3, "refs": [{ "url": "", "ref": "Compliance Whitepaper" }], "tags": { "production": nil, "development": nil, "identifier": "value", "remediation": "" }, "code": "control 'tmp-1.1' do\n impact 0.3\n title '/tmp directory is owned by the root user'\n desc 'The /tmp directory must be owned by the root user'\n tag 'production','development'\n tag identifier: 'value'\n tag remediation: ''\n ref 'Compliance Whitepaper', url: ''\n describe file '/tmp' do\n it { should be_owned_by 'root' }\n end\nend\n", "source_location": { "ref": "/Users/vjeffrey/code/delivery/insights/data_generator/chef-client/cache/cookbooks/test-cookbook/recipes/../files/default/compliance_profiles/tmp_compliance_profile/controls/tmp.rb", "line": 12 }, "id": "tmp-1.1", "results": [ { "status": "passed", "code_desc": 'File /tmp should be owned by "root"', "run_time": 1.228845, "start_time": "2016-10-19 11:09:43 -0400" }, { "status": "skipped", "code_desc": 'File /tmp should be owned by "root"', "run_time": 1.228845, "start_time": "2016-10-19 11:09:43 -0400" }, { "status": "failed", "code_desc": "File /etc/hosts is expected to be directory", "run_time": 1.228845, "start_time": "2016-10-19 11:09:43 -0400", "message": "expected `File /etc/` to return true, got false" }, ], }, ], "groups": [{ "title": "/tmp Compliance Profile", "controls": ["tmp-1.0", "tmp-1.1"], "id": "controls/tmp.rb" }], "attributes": [{ "name": "syslog_pkg", "options": { "default": "rsyslog", "description": "syslog package..." } }] }], "other_checks": [], "statistics": { "duration": 0.032332 }, } end describe "#send_report" do before :each do WebMock.disable_net_connect! Chef::Config[:data_collector] = { token: token, server_url: "https://automate.test/data_collector" } end let(:token) { "fake_token" } it "sends report successfully to ChefAutomate with missing profiles" do metasearch_stub = stub_request(:post, "https://automate.test/compliance/profiles/metasearch") .with( body: '{"sha256": ["7bd598e369970002fc6f2d16d5b988027d58b044ac3fa30ae5fc1b8492e215cd"]}', headers: { "Accept-Encoding" => "identity", "X-Chef-Version" => Chef::VERSION, "X-Data-Collector-Auth" => "version=1.0", "X-Data-Collector-Token" => token, } ).to_return( status: 200, body: '{"missing_sha256": ["7bd598e369970002fc6f2d16d5b988027d58b044ac3fa30ae5fc1b8492e215cd"]}' ) report_stub = stub_request(:post, "https://automate.test/data_collector") .with( body: { "version": "1.2.1", "profiles": [ { "name": "tmp_compliance_profile", "title": "/tmp Compliance Profile", "summary": "An Example Compliance Profile", "sha256": "7bd598e369970002fc6f2d16d5b988027d58b044ac3fa30ae5fc1b8492e215cd", "version": "0.1.1", "maintainer": "Nathen Harvey ", "license": "Apache 2.0 License", "copyright": "Nathen Harvey ", "supports": [], "controls": [ { "title": "A /tmp directory must exist", "desc": "A /tmp directory must exist", "impact": 0.3, "refs": [], "tags": {}, "code": "control 'tmp-1.0' do\n impact 0.3\n title 'A /tmp directory must exist'\n desc 'A /tmp directory must exist'\n describe file '/tmp' do\n it { should be_directory }\n end\nend\n", "source_location": { "ref": "/Users/vjeffrey/code/delivery/insights/data_generator/chef-client/cache/cookbooks/test-cookbook/recipes/../files/default/compliance_profiles/tmp_compliance_profile/controls/tmp.rb", "line": 3 }, "id": "tmp-1.0", "results": [ { "status": "passed", "code_desc": "File /tmp should be directory", "run_time": 0.002312, "start_time": "2016-10-19 11:09:43 -0400" }, ], }, { "title": "/tmp directory is owned by the root user", "desc": "The /tmp directory must be owned by the root user", "impact": 0.3, "refs": [ { "url": "", "ref": "Compliance Whitepaper" }, ], "tags": { "production": nil, "development": nil, "identifier": "value", "remediation": "" }, "code": "control 'tmp-1.1' do\n impact 0.3\n title '/tmp directory is owned by the root user'\n desc 'The /tmp directory must be owned by the root user'\n tag 'production','development'\n tag identifier: 'value'\n tag remediation: ''\n ref 'Compliance Whitepaper', url: ''\n describe file '/tmp' do\n it { should be_owned_by 'root' }\n end\nend\n", "source_location": { "ref": "/Users/vjeffrey/code/delivery/insights/data_generator/chef-client/cache/cookbooks/test-cookbook/recipes/../files/default/compliance_profiles/tmp_compliance_profile/controls/tmp.rb", "line": 12 }, "id": "tmp-1.1", "results": [ { "status": "failed", "code_desc": "File /etc/hosts is expected to be directory", "run_time": 1.228845, "start_time": "2016-10-19 11:09:43 -0400", "message": "expected `File /etc/` to return true, got false" }, { "status": "skipped", "code_desc": 'File /tmp should be owned by "root"', "run_time": 1.228845, "start_time": "2016-10-19 11:09:43 -0400" }, ], "removed_results_counts": { "failed": 0, "skipped": 0, "passed": 1 }, }, ], "groups": [ { "title": "/tmp Compliance Profile", "controls": ["tmp-1.0", "tmp-1.1"], "id": "controls/tmp.rb" }, ], "attributes": [ { "name": "syslog_pkg", "options": { "default": "rsyslog", "description": "syslog package..." } }, ], }, ], "other_checks": [], "statistics": { "duration": 0.032332 }, "type": "inspec_report", "node_name": "chef-client.solo", "end_time": "2016-07-19T18:19:19Z", "node_uuid": "aaaaaaaa-709a-475d-bef5-zzzzzzzzzzzz", "environment": "My Prod Env", "roles": %w{base_linux apache_linux}, "recipes": ["some_cookbook::some_recipe", "some_cookbook"], "report_uuid": "3f0536f7-3361-4bca-ae53-b45118dceb5d", "source_fqdn": "", "organization_name": "test_org", "policy_group": "test_policy_group", "policy_name": "test_policy_name", "chef_tags": ["mylinux", "my.tag", "some=tag"], "ipaddress": "", "fqdn": "", "run_time_limit": 1.1, }, headers: { "Accept-Encoding" => "identity", "X-Chef-Version" => Chef::VERSION, "X-Data-Collector-Auth" => "version=1.0", "X-Data-Collector-Token" => token, } ).to_return(status: 200) expect(reporter.send_report(inspec_report)).to eq(true) expect(metasearch_stub).to have_been_requested expect(report_stub).to have_been_requested end it "sends report successfully to ChefAutomate with seen profiles" do metasearch_stub = stub_request(:post, "https://automate.test/compliance/profiles/metasearch") .with( body: '{"sha256": ["7bd598e369970002fc6f2d16d5b988027d58b044ac3fa30ae5fc1b8492e215cd"]}', headers: { "Accept-Encoding" => "identity", "X-Chef-Version" => Chef::VERSION, "X-Data-Collector-Auth" => "version=1.0", "X-Data-Collector-Token" => token, } ).to_return( status: 200, body: '{"missing_sha256": []}' ) report_stub = stub_request(:post, "https://automate.test/data_collector") .with( body: { "version": "1.2.1", "profiles": [ { "title": "/tmp Compliance Profile", "sha256": "7bd598e369970002fc6f2d16d5b988027d58b044ac3fa30ae5fc1b8492e215cd", "version": "0.1.1", "controls": [ { "id": "tmp-1.0", "results": [ { "status": "passed", "code_desc": "File /tmp should be directory" }, ], }, { "id": "tmp-1.1", "results": [ { "status": "failed", "code_desc": "File /etc/hosts is expected to be directory", "run_time": 1.228845, "start_time": "2016-10-19 11:09:43 -0400", "message": "expected `File /etc/` to return true, got false" }, { "status": "skipped", "code_desc": 'File /tmp should be owned by "root"', "run_time": 1.228845, "start_time": "2016-10-19 11:09:43 -0400" }, ], "removed_results_counts": { "failed": 0, "skipped": 0, "passed": 1 }, }, ], "attributes": [ { "name": "syslog_pkg", "options": { "default": "rsyslog", "description": "syslog package..." } }, ], }, ], "other_checks": [], "statistics": { "duration": 0.032332 }, "type": "inspec_report", "node_name": "chef-client.solo", "end_time": "2016-07-19T18:19:19Z", "node_uuid": "aaaaaaaa-709a-475d-bef5-zzzzzzzzzzzz", "environment": "My Prod Env", "roles": %w{base_linux apache_linux}, "recipes": ["some_cookbook::some_recipe", "some_cookbook"], "report_uuid": "3f0536f7-3361-4bca-ae53-b45118dceb5d", "source_fqdn": "", "organization_name": "test_org", "policy_group": "test_policy_group", "policy_name": "test_policy_name", "chef_tags": ["mylinux", "my.tag", "some=tag"], "ipaddress": "", "fqdn": "", "run_time_limit": 1.1, }, headers: { "Accept-Encoding" => "identity", "X-Chef-Version" => Chef::VERSION, "X-Data-Collector-Auth" => "version=1.0", "X-Data-Collector-Token" => token, } ).to_return(status: 200) expect(reporter.send_report(inspec_report)).to eq(true) expect(metasearch_stub).to have_been_requested expect(report_stub).to have_been_requested end end describe "#validate_config!" do it "raises CMPL004 when entity_uuid is not present" do opts.delete(:entity_uuid) expect { reporter.validate_config! }.to raise_error(/^CMPL004/) end it "raises CMPL005 when run_id is not present" do opts.delete(:run_id) expect { reporter.validate_config! }.to raise_error(/^CMPL005/) end it "raises CMPL006 when data collector URL is missing" do Chef::Config[:data_collector] = { token: "not_nil", server_url: nil } reporter = expect { reporter.validate_config! }.to raise_error(/^CMPL006/) end it "raises CMPL006 when data collector token is missing" do Chef::Config[:data_collector] = { token: nil, server_url: "not_nil" } reporter = expect { reporter.validate_config! }.to raise_error(/^CMPL006/) end it "otherwise passes" do Chef::Config[:data_collector] = { token: "not_nil", server_url: "not_nil" } reporter.validate_config! end end describe "#truncate_controls_results" do let(:report) do { "version": "1.2.1", "profiles": [{ "name": "tmp_compliance_profile", "title": "/tmp Compliance Profile", "summary": "An Example Compliance Profile", "sha256": "7bd598e369970002fc6f2d16d5b988027d58b044ac3fa30ae5fc1b8492e215ff", "version": "0.1.1", "maintainer": "Nathen Harvey ", "license": "Apache 2.0 License", "copyright": "Nathen Harvey ", "supports": [], "controls": [{ "id": "tmp-2.0", "title": "A bunch of directories must exist", "desc": "A bunch of directories must exist for testing", "impact": 0.3, "refs": [], "tags": {}, "code": "control 'tmp-2.0' do\n impact 0.3\n title 'A bunch of directories must exist'\n desc 'A bunch of directories must exist for testing'\n describe file '/tmp' do\n it { should be_directory }\n end\nend\n", "source_location": { "ref": "/Users/vjeffrey/code/delivery/insights/data_generator/chef-client/cache/cookbooks/test-cookbook/recipes/../files/default/compliance_profiles/tmp_compliance_profile/controls/tmp.rb", "line": 3 }, "results": [ { "status": "passed", "code_desc": "File /tmp should be directory", "run_time": 0.002312, "start_time": "2016-10-19 11:09:43 -0400" }, { "status": "passed", "code_desc": "File /etc should be directory", "run_time": 0.002314, "start_time": "2016-10-19 11:09:45 -0400" }, { "status": "passed", "code_desc": "File /opt should be directory", "run_time": 0.002315, "start_time": "2016-10-19 11:09:46 -0400" }, { "status": "skipped", "code_desc": "No-op", "run_time": 0.002316, "start_time": "2016-10-19 11:09:44 -0400", "skip_message": "4 testing" }, { "status": "skipped", "code_desc": "No-op", "run_time": 0.002317, "start_time": "2016-10-19 11:09:44 -0400", "skip_message": "4 testing" }, { "status": "skipped", "code_desc": "No-op", "run_time": 0.002318, "start_time": "2016-10-19 11:09:44 -0400", "skip_message": "4 testing" }, { "status": "failed", "code_desc": "File /etc/passwd should be directory", "run_time": 0.002313, "start_time": "2016-10-19 11:09:44 -0400" }, { "status": "failed", "code_desc": "File /etc/passwd should be directory", "run_time": 0.002313, "start_time": "2016-10-19 11:09:44 -0400" }, { "status": "failed", "code_desc": "File /etc/passwd should be directory", "run_time": 0.002313, "start_time": "2016-10-19 11:09:44 -0400" }, ], }, { "id": "tmp-2.1", "title": "/tmp directory is owned by the root user", "desc": "The /tmp directory must be owned by the root user", "impact": 0.3, "refs": [{ "url": "", "ref": "Compliance Whitepaper" }], "tags": { "production": nil, "development": nil, "identifier": "value", "remediation": "" }, "code": "control 'tmp-2.1' do\n impact 0.3\n title '/tmp directory is owned by the root user'\n desc 'The /tmp directory must be owned by the root user'\n tag 'production','development'\n tag identifier: 'value'\n tag remediation: ''\n ref 'Compliance Whitepaper', url: ''\n describe file '/tmp' do\n it { should be_owned_by 'root' }\n end\nend\n", "source_location": { "ref": "/Users/vjeffrey/code/delivery/insights/data_generator/chef-client/cache/cookbooks/test-cookbook/recipes/../files/default/compliance_profiles/tmp_compliance_profile/controls/tmp.rb", "line": 12 }, "results": [ { "status": "passed", "code_desc": 'File /tmp should be owned by "root"', "run_time": 1.228845, "start_time": "2016-10-19 11:09:43 -0400" }, { "status": "passed", "code_desc": 'File /etc should be owned by "root"', "run_time": 1.238845, "start_time": "2016-10-19 11:09:43 -0400" }, ], }, ], "groups": [{ "title": "/tmp Compliance Profile", "controls": ["tmp-1.0", "tmp-1.1"], "id": "controls/tmp.rb" }], "attributes": [{ "name": "syslog_pkg", "options": { "default": "rsyslog", "description": "syslog package..." } }] }], "other_checks": [], "statistics": { "duration": 0.032332 }, } end it "truncates controls results 1" do truncated_report = reporter.truncate_controls_results(report, 5) expect(truncated_report[:profiles][0][:controls][0][:results].length).to eq(5) statuses = truncated_report[:profiles][0][:controls][0][:results].map { |r| r[:status] } expect(statuses).to eq(%w{failed failed failed skipped skipped}) expect(truncated_report[:profiles][0][:controls][0][:removed_results_counts]).to eq(failed: 0, skipped: 1, passed: 3) end it "truncates controls results 2" do truncated_report = reporter.truncate_controls_results(report, 5) expect(truncated_report[:profiles][0][:controls][1][:results].length).to eq(2) statuses = truncated_report[:profiles][0][:controls][1][:results].map { |r| r[:status] } expect(statuses).to eq(%w{passed passed}) expect(truncated_report[:profiles][0][:controls][1][:removed_results_counts]).to eq(nil) end it "truncates controls results 3" do truncated_report = reporter.truncate_controls_results(report, 0) expect(truncated_report[:profiles][0][:controls][0][:results].length).to eq(9) end it "truncates controls results 4" do truncated_report = reporter.truncate_controls_results(report, 1) expect(truncated_report[:profiles][0][:controls][0][:results].length).to eq(1) end end describe "#strip_profiles_meta" do it "removes the metadata from seen profiles" do expected = { other_checks: [], profiles: [ { attributes: [ { name: "syslog_pkg", options: { default: "rsyslog", description: "syslog package...", }, }, ], controls: [ { id: "tmp-1.0", results: [ { code_desc: "File /tmp should be directory", status: "passed", }, ], }, { id: "tmp-1.1", results: [ { code_desc: 'File /tmp should be owned by "root"', run_time: 1.228845, start_time: "2016-10-19 11:09:43 -0400", status: "passed", }, { code_desc: 'File /tmp should be owned by "root"', run_time: 1.228845, start_time: "2016-10-19 11:09:43 -0400", status: "skipped", }, { code_desc: "File /etc/hosts is expected to be directory", message: "expected `File /etc/` to return true, got false", run_time: 1.228845, start_time: "2016-10-19 11:09:43 -0400", status: "failed", }, ], }, ], sha256: "7bd598e369970002fc6f2d16d5b988027d58b044ac3fa30ae5fc1b8492e215cd", title: "/tmp Compliance Profile", version: "0.1.1", }, ], run_time_limit: 1.1, statistics: { duration: 0.032332, }, version: "1.2.1", } expect(reporter.strip_profiles_meta(inspec_report, [], 1.1)).to eq(expected) end it "does not remove the metadata from missing profiles" do expected = inspec_report.merge(run_time_limit: 1.1) expect(reporter.strip_profiles_meta(inspec_report, ["7bd598e369970002fc6f2d16d5b988027d58b044ac3fa30ae5fc1b8492e215cd"], 1.1)).to eq(expected) end end end