# Fivemat Why settle for a test output *format* when you can have a test output *fivemat*? I'm tired of the two *de facto* standards for test output: 1. Bunch of dots — Wait till the end to see what failed, and guess the dot count to estimate progress. 2. Extreme verbosity — See failures as they happen if you pay very, very close attention. In other words, you can choose between "too little" or "too much." I've looked at third party alternatives, but none of them did much for me. What I want is the middle ground: dots grouped by file. Thus, I give you Fivemat: DoohickeyTest .... KajiggerTest .........................F........... 1) Failure: test_isnt_actually_nil(KajiggerTest) [test/kajigger_test.rb:17]: Expected nil to not be nil. WhatchamacallitTest ................................................ WidgetTest ...E...... 2) Error: ZeroDivisionError: divided by 0 test/widget_test.rb:20:in `/' test/widget_test.rb:20:in `test_dividing_by_1' MiniTest, RSpec, and Cucumber are supported. Here, have some sample Cucumber output: features/sign_in.feature ......F--........ no button with value or id or text 'Go' found (Capybara::ElementNotFound) ./features/step_definitions/web_steps.rb:53:in `/^I press "([^"]*)"$/' ./features/sign_in.feature:10:in `When I press "Log In"' features/sign_out.feature ....... features/sign_up.feature ............................................... Enable profiling by setting the `FIVEMAT_PROFILE` variable in the environment: > FIVEMAT_PROFILE=1 rspec --format Fivemat Doohickey .... (0.27s) Kajigger ..................................... (1.87s) ## Usage Start by adding `gem 'fivemat'` to your `Gemfile`. ### MiniTest On MiniTest 5, it's loaded automatically as a plugin, and there's nothing else to do. Otherwise, change `require 'minitest/autorun'` to `require 'fivemat/minitest/autorun'`. Or with Rails, add `require 'fivemat/minitest'` to `test/test_helper.rb`. If it doesn't work, you may need a newer version of MiniTest. (Add `gem 'minitest'` to your Gemfile if it's not there already.) ### RSpec Add `--format Fivemat` to `.rspec`. ### Cucumber Add `--format Fivemat` to `cucumber.yml`. ## Contributing Don't forget to include test coverage for any changes you introduce. (Ha! I kid! Everybody knows it's impossible to test a test library.) ## License Copyright © Tim Pope. MIT License.