module CORL module Plugin class Configuration < Nucleon.plugin_class(:nucleon, :base) include Mixin::SubConfig #--- def self.register_ids [ :name, :directory ] end #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Configuration plugin interface def normalize(reload) super logger.debug("Initializing source sub configuration") init_subconfig(true) unless reload"Setting source configuration project") @project = CORL.project(extended_config(:project, { :directory => _delete(:directory, Dir.pwd), :url => _delete(:url), :revision => _delete(:revision), :create => _delete(:create, false), :pull => true, :internal_ip => CORL.public_ip, # Needed for seeding Vagrant VMs :manage_ignore => _delete(:manage_ignore, true), :new => true }), _delete(:project_provider, nil)) unless reload _init(:autoload, true) _init(:autosave, false) yield if block_given? set_location(@project) end #--- def remove_plugin CORL.remove_plugin(@project) end #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Checks def can_persist? project.can_persist? end #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Property accessors / modifiers def project @project end #--- def directory end #--- def cache project.cache end #--- def ignore(files) project.ignore(files) end #--- def autoload(default = false) _get(:autoload, default) end def autoload=autoload _set(:autoload, test(autoload)) end #--- def autosave(default = false) _get(:autosave, default) end def autosave=autosave _set(:autosave, test(autosave)) end #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def set_location(directory) if directory && directory.is_a?(CORL::Plugin::Project) logger.debug("Setting source project directory from other project at #{}") project.set_location( elsif directory && directory.is_a?(String) || directory.is_a?(Symbol) logger.debug("Setting source project directory to #{directory}") project.set_location(directory.to_s) end end #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def set(keys, value = '', options = {}) super(keys, value, true) save(options) if initialized? && autosave end #--- def delete(keys, options = {}) super(keys) save(options) if initialized? && autosave end #--- def clear(options = {}) super save(options) if initialized? && autosave end #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def remote(name) project.remote(name) end #--- def set_remote(name, location) project.set_remote(name, location) end #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Import / Export def import(properties, options = {}) super(properties, options) save(options) if autosave end #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Configuration loading / saving def load(options = {}) method_config = Config.ensure(options) success = false if can_persist? if extension_check(:load, { :config => method_config })"Loading source configuration") config.clear if method_config.get(:override, false) properties ={}, {}, true, false) success = yield(method_config, properties) if block_given? if success && ! properties.export.empty? logger.debug("Source configuration parsed properties: #{properties}") extension(:load_process, { :properties => properties, :config => method_config }) config.import(properties, method_config) end end else logger.warn("Loading of source configuration failed") end success end #--- def save(options = {}) method_config = Config.ensure(options) success = false if can_persist? if extension_check(:save, { :config => method_config })"Saving source configuration") logger.debug("Source configuration properties: #{config.export}") success = yield(method_config) if block_given? end else logger.warn("Can not save source configuration") end success end #--- def remove(options = {}) method_config = Config.ensure(options) success = false if can_persist? if extension_check(:delete, { :config => method_config })"Removing source configuration") config.clear success = yield(method_config) if block_given? end else logger.warn("Can not remove source configuration") end success end #--- def attach(type, name, data, options = {}) method_config = Config.ensure(options) new_location = nil if can_persist? if extension_check(:attach, { :config => method_config })"Attaching data to source configuration") new_location = yield(method_config) if block_given? end else logger.warn("Can not attach data to source configuration") end new_location end #--- def delete_attachments(type, ids, options = {}) method_config = Config.ensure(options) locations = [] if can_persist? if extension_check(:remove_attachments, { :config => method_config })"Removing attached data from source configuration") locations = yield(method_config) if block_given? end else logger.warn("Can not remove attached data from source configuration") end locations end end end end