module GettextI18nRails #translates i18n calls to gettext calls class Backend @@translate_defaults = true cattr_accessor :translate_defaults attr_accessor :backend RUBY19 = (RUBY_VERSION > "1.9") def initialize(*args) self.backend =*args) end def available_locales FastGettext.available_locales || [] end def translate(locale, key, options) I18n.with_locale(locale) do if gettext_key = gettext_key(key, options) translation = plural_translate(gettext_key, options) || FastGettext._(gettext_key) interpolate(translation, options) else result = backend.translate(locale, key, options) if RUBY19 && result.is_a?(String) result = result.dup if result.frozen? result.force_encoding("UTF-8") else result end end end end def method_missing(method, *args) backend.send(method, *args) end protected def gettext_key(key, options) flat_key = flatten_key key, options if FastGettext.key_exist?(flat_key) flat_key elsif self.class.translate_defaults [*options[:default]].each do |default| #try the scoped(more specific) key first e.g. ' custom message' flat_key = flatten_key default, options return flat_key if FastGettext.key_exist?(flat_key) #try the short key thereafter e.g. 'my custom message' return default if FastGettext.key_exist?(default) end return nil end end def plural_translate(gettext_key, options) if options[:count] translation = FastGettext.n_(gettext_key, options[:count]) discard_pass_through_key gettext_key, translation end end def discard_pass_through_key(key, translation) if translation == key nil else translation end end def interpolate(string, values) if string.respond_to?(:%) reserved_keys = if defined?(I18n::RESERVED_KEYS) # rails 3+ I18n::RESERVED_KEYS else I18n::Backend::Base::RESERVED_KEYS end options = values.except(*reserved_keys) options.any? ? (string % options) : string else string end end def flatten_key key, options scope = [*(options[:scope] || [])] scope.empty? ? key.to_s : "#{scope*'.'}.#{key}" end end end