RSpec.describe Mdm::Workspace, type: :model do subject(:workspace) do end let(:default) do 'default' end it_should_behave_like '' context 'factory' do it 'should be valid' do workspace = expect(workspace).to be_valid end end context '#destroy' do it 'should successfully destroy the object and dependent objects' do workspace = FactoryGirl.create(:mdm_workspace) listener = FactoryGirl.create(:mdm_listener, :workspace => workspace) task = FactoryGirl.create(:mdm_task, :workspace => workspace) expect { workspace.destroy }.to_not raise_error expect { workspace.reload }.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) expect { listener.reload }.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) expect { task.reload }.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) end end context 'associations' do it { have_many(:clients).class_name('Mdm::Client').through(:hosts) } it { have_many(:creds).class_name('Mdm::Cred').through(:services) } it { have_many(:events).class_name('Mdm::Event') } it { have_many(:exploited_hosts).class_name('Mdm::ExploitedHost').through(:hosts) } it { have_many(:hosts).class_name('Mdm::Host') } it { have_many(:listeners).class_name('Mdm::Listener').dependent(:destroy) } it { have_many(:loots).class_name('Mdm::Loot').through(:hosts) } it { have_many(:notes).class_name('Mdm::Note') } it { belong_to(:owner).class_name('Mdm::User').with_foreign_key('owner_id') } it { have_many(:services).class_name('Mdm::Service').through(:hosts).with_foreign_key('service_id') } it { have_many(:sessions).class_name('Mdm::Session').through(:hosts) } it { have_many(:tasks).class_name('Mdm::Task').dependent(:destroy).order('created_at DESC') } it { have_and_belong_to_many(:users).class_name('Mdm::User') } it { have_many(:vulns).class_name('Mdm::Vuln').through(:hosts) } end context 'callbacks' do context 'before_save' do context '#normalize' do it 'should be called' do expect(workspace).to receive(:normalize) workspace.run_callbacks(:save) end end end end context 'columns' do it { have_db_column(:boundary).of_type(:string).with_options(:limit => 4 * (2 ** 10)) } it { have_db_column(:description).of_type(:string).with_options(:limit => 4 * (2 ** 10)) } it { have_db_column(:limit_to_network).of_type(:boolean).with_options(:default => false, :null => false) } it { have_db_column(:name).of_type(:string) } it { have_db_column(:owner_id).of_type(:integer) } context 'timestamps' do it { have_db_column(:created_at).of_type(:datetime).with_options(:null => false) } it { have_db_column(:updated_at).of_type(:datetime).with_options(:null => false) } end end context 'CONSTANTS' do it 'should define the DEFAULT name' do expect(described_class::DEFAULT).to eq(default) end end context 'validations' do context 'boundary' do let(:boundary) do nil end let(:error) do 'must be a valid IP range' end before(:each) do workspace.boundary = boundary workspace.valid? end it 'should validate using #valid_ip_or_range?' do expect(workspace).to receive(:valid_ip_or_range?).with(boundary).and_return(false) workspace.valid? end context 'with valid IP' do let(:boundary) do '' end it 'should not record an error' do expect(workspace.errors[:boundary]).not_to include(error) end end context 'with valid range' do let(:boundary) do '' end it 'should not record an error' do expect(workspace.errors[:boundary]).not_to include(error) end end context 'with invalid IP or range' do let(:boundary) do '192.168' end it 'should record error that boundary must be a valid IP range', :pending => '' do expect(workspace).not_to be_valid expect(workkspace.errors[:boundary]).to include(error) end end end context 'description' do it { ensure_length_of(:description).is_at_most(4 * (2 ** 10)) } end context 'name' do it { ensure_length_of(:name).is_at_most(2**8 - 1) } it { validate_presence_of :name } it { validate_uniqueness_of :name } end end context 'methods' do let(:hosts) do FactoryGirl.create_list(:mdm_host, 2, :workspace => workspace) end let(:other_hosts) do FactoryGirl.create_list(:mdm_host, 2, :workspace => other_workspace) end let(:other_services) do other_hosts.collect do |host| FactoryGirl.create(:mdm_service, :host => host) end end let(:other_web_sites) do other_services.collect { |service| FactoryGirl.create(:mdm_web_site, :service => service) } end let(:other_workspace) do FactoryGirl.create(:mdm_workspace) end let(:services) do hosts.collect do |host| FactoryGirl.create(:mdm_service, :host => host) end end let(:web_sites) do services.collect { |service| FactoryGirl.create(:mdm_web_site, :service => service) } end context '#creds' do # # Let!s (let + before(:each)) # let!(:creds) do services.collect do |service| FactoryGirl.create(:mdm_cred, :service => service) end end let!(:other_creds) do other_services.collect do |service| FactoryGirl.create(:mdm_cred, :service => service) end end it 'should be an ActiveRecord::Relation', :pending => '' do should be_a ActiveRecord::Relation end it 'should include services' do # to_a to make query return instances found_creds = workspace.creds.to_a expect(found_creds.length).to be > 0 expect( found_creds.none? { |found_cred| found_cred.service.nil? } ).to eq(true) end it 'should return only Mdm::Creds from hosts in workspace' do found_creds = workspace.creds expect(found_creds.length).to eq(creds.length) expect( found_creds.all? { |cred| == workspace } ).to eq(true) end end context 'default' do context 'with default workspace' do before(:each) do FactoryGirl.create( :mdm_workspace, :name => default ) end it 'should not create workspace' do workspace = nil expect { workspace = described_class.default }.to change(Mdm::Workspace, :count).by(0) expect(workspace).to be_default end end context 'without default workspace' do it 'should create workspace' do workspace = nil expect { workspace = described_class.default }.to change(Mdm::Workspace, :count).by(1) expect(workspace).to be_default end end end context '#default?' do subject do workspace.default? end context 'with DEFAULT name' do before(:each) do = default end it { eq(true) } end context 'without DEFAULT name' do it { eq(false) } end end context '#each_cred' do it 'should pass each of the #creds to the block' do creds = FactoryGirl.create_list(:mdm_cred, 2) allow(workspace).to receive(:creds).and_return(creds) expect { |block| workspace.each_cred(&block) }.to yield_successive_args(*creds) end end context '#each_host_tag' do it 'should pass each of the #host_tags to the block' do tags = FactoryGirl.create_list(:mdm_tag, 2) expect(workspace).to receive(:host_tags).and_return(tags) expect { |block| workspace.each_host_tag(&block) }.to yield_successive_args(*tags) end end context '#host_tags' do subject(:host_tags) do workspace.host_tags end # # lets # let(:other_tags) do FactoryGirl.create_list( :mdm_tag, 2 ) end let(:tags) do FactoryGirl.create_list( :mdm_tag, 2 ) end # # Let!s (let + before(:each)) # let!(:first_host_tags) do host_tags = [] do |host, tag| host_tag = FactoryGirl.create(:mdm_host_tag, :host => host, :tag => tag) host_tags << host_tag end host_tags end let!(:second_host_tags) do host_tags = [] do |host, tag| host_tag = FactoryGirl.create(:mdm_host_tag, :host => host, :tag => tag) host_tags << host_tag end host_tags end it 'should return an ActiveRecord::Relation', :pending => '' do should be_a ActiveRecord::Relation end it 'should return only Mdm::Tags from hosts in the workspace' do expect(host_tags.length).to eq(tags.length) expect( host_tags.all? { |tag| tag.hosts.any? { |host| host.workspace == workspace } } ).to eq(true) end end context '#normalize' do let(:normalize) do workspace.send(:normalize) end before(:each) do workspace.boundary = boundary end context 'with boundary' do let(:boundary) do " #{stripped_boundary} " end let(:stripped_boundary) do '' end it "should remove spaces" do normalize expect(workspace.boundary).to eq(stripped_boundary) end end context 'without boundary' do let(:boundary) do nil end it 'should not raise error' do expect { normalize }.to_not raise_error end end end context '#web_forms' do subject do workspace.web_forms end # # Let!s (let + before(:each)) # let!(:other_web_forms) do other_web_sites.collect { |web_site| FactoryGirl.create(:web_form, :web_site => web_site) } end let!(:web_forms) do web_sites.collect { |web_site| FactoryGirl.create(:web_form, :web_site => web_site) } end it 'should return an ActiveRecord:Relation' do should be_a ActiveRecord::Relation end it 'should return only Mdm::WebPages from hosts in the workspace' do found_web_forms = workspace.web_forms expect(found_web_forms.length).to eq(web_forms.length) expect( found_web_forms.all? { |web_form| == workspace } ).to eq(true) end end context '#web_sites' do subject do workspace.web_sites end # # Let!s (let + before(:each)) # before(:each) do other_web_sites web_sites end it 'should return an ActiveRecord:Relation' do should be_a ActiveRecord::Relation end it 'should return only Mdm::WebVulns from hosts in the workspace' do # there are more web sites than those in the workspace expect(Mdm::WebSite.count).to be > web_sites.count found_web_sites = workspace.web_sites expect(found_web_sites.length).to eq(web_sites.count) expect( found_web_sites.all? { |web_site| == workspace } ).to eq(true) end end context '#web_vulns' do subject do workspace.web_vulns end # # Let!s (let + before(:each)) # let!(:other_web_vulns) do other_web_sites.collect { |web_site| FactoryGirl.create(:mdm_web_vuln, :web_site => web_site) } end let!(:web_vulns) do web_sites.collect { |web_site| FactoryGirl.create(:mdm_web_vuln, :web_site => web_site) } end it 'should return an ActiveRecord:Relation' do should be_a ActiveRecord::Relation end it 'should return only Mdm::WebVulns from hosts in the workspace' do expect(Mdm::WebVuln.count).to be > web_vulns.length found_web_vulns = workspace.web_vulns expect(found_web_vulns.length).to eq(web_vulns.length) expect( found_web_vulns.all? { |web_vuln| == workspace } ).to eq(true) end end context '#web_unique_forms' do let(:rejected_address) do hosts[1].address end let(:selected_address) do hosts[0].address end it 'should return an ActiveRecord:Relation', :pending => '' do should be_a ActiveRecord::Relation end it "should reject #unique_web_forms from host addresses that aren't in addresses" do web_forms = workspace.web_unique_forms([selected_address]) expect( web_forms.all? { |web_form| expect( eq(selected_address) } ).to eq(true) end end end end