# frozen_string_literal: true class HotWaterAndAppliances def self.apply(model, runner, weather, living_space, cfa, nbeds, ncfl, has_uncond_bsmnt, clothes_washers, clothes_dryers, dishwashers, refrigerators, freezers, cooking_ranges, ovens, fixtures_usage_multiplier, water_heating_systems, hot_water_distribution, water_fixtures, solar_thermal_system, eri_version, dhw_map) # Get appliances if not clothes_washers.empty? clothes_washer = clothes_washers[0] end if not clothes_dryers.empty? clothes_dryer = clothes_dryers[0] end if not dishwashers.empty? dishwasher = dishwashers[0] end if not cooking_ranges.empty? cooking_range = cooking_ranges[0] end if not ovens.empty? oven = ovens[0] end # For each water heater (plant loop): # 1. Create WaterUseConnections object # 2. Obtain setpoint schedule water_use_connections = {} setpoint_scheds = {} dhw_map.each do |sys_id, dhw_objects| dhw_objects.each do |dhw_object| if dhw_object.is_a? OpenStudio::Model::PlantLoop water_use_connections[sys_id] = OpenStudio::Model::WaterUseConnections.new(model) dhw_map[sys_id] << water_use_connections[sys_id] dhw_object.addDemandBranchForComponent(water_use_connections[sys_id]) else # Get water heater setpoint schedule if dhw_object.is_a? OpenStudio::Model::WaterHeaterMixed setpoint_scheds[sys_id] = dhw_object.setpointTemperatureSchedule.get elsif dhw_object.is_a? OpenStudio::Model::WaterHeaterHeatPumpWrappedCondenser setpoint_scheds[sys_id] = dhw_object.compressorSetpointTemperatureSchedule end end end end # Clothes washer energy if not clothes_washer.nil? cw_annual_kwh, cw_frac_sens, cw_frac_lat, cw_gpd = calc_clothes_washer_energy_gpd(eri_version, nbeds, clothes_washer, clothes_washer.additional_properties.space.nil?) cw_schedule = HotWaterSchedule.new(model, Constants.ObjectNameClothesWasher, nbeds) cw_design_level_w = cw_schedule.calcDesignLevelFromDailykWh(cw_annual_kwh / 365.0) cw_space = clothes_washer.additional_properties.space cw_space = living_space if cw_space.nil? # appliance is outdoors, so we need to assign the equipment to an arbitrary space add_electric_equipment(model, Constants.ObjectNameClothesWasher, cw_space, cw_design_level_w, cw_frac_sens, cw_frac_lat, cw_schedule.schedule) end # Clothes dryer energy if not clothes_dryer.nil? cd_annual_kwh, cd_annual_therm, cd_frac_sens, cd_frac_lat = calc_clothes_dryer_energy(eri_version, nbeds, clothes_dryer, clothes_washer, clothes_dryer.additional_properties.space.nil?) cd_weekday_sch = '0.010, 0.006, 0.004, 0.002, 0.004, 0.006, 0.016, 0.032, 0.048, 0.068, 0.078, 0.081, 0.074, 0.067, 0.057, 0.061, 0.055, 0.054, 0.051, 0.051, 0.052, 0.054, 0.044, 0.024' cd_monthly_sch = '1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0' cd_schedule = MonthWeekdayWeekendSchedule.new(model, Constants.ObjectNameClothesDryer, cd_weekday_sch, cd_weekday_sch, cd_monthly_sch, 1.0, 1.0, true, true, Constants.ScheduleTypeLimitsFraction) cd_design_level_e = cd_schedule.calcDesignLevelFromDailykWh(cd_annual_kwh / 365.0) cd_design_level_f = cd_schedule.calcDesignLevelFromDailyTherm(cd_annual_therm / 365.0) cd_space = clothes_dryer.additional_properties.space cd_space = living_space if cd_space.nil? # appliance is outdoors, so we need to assign the equipment to an arbitrary space add_electric_equipment(model, Constants.ObjectNameClothesDryer, cd_space, cd_design_level_e, cd_frac_sens, cd_frac_lat, cd_schedule.schedule) add_other_equipment(model, Constants.ObjectNameClothesDryer, cd_space, cd_design_level_f, cd_frac_sens, cd_frac_lat, cd_schedule.schedule, clothes_dryer.fuel_type) end # Dishwasher energy if not dishwasher.nil? dw_annual_kwh, dw_frac_sens, dw_frac_lat, dw_gpd = calc_dishwasher_energy_gpd(eri_version, nbeds, dishwasher, dishwasher.additional_properties.space.nil?) dw_schedule = HotWaterSchedule.new(model, Constants.ObjectNameDishwasher, nbeds) dw_design_level_w = dw_schedule.calcDesignLevelFromDailykWh(dw_annual_kwh / 365.0) dw_space = dishwasher.additional_properties.space dw_space = living_space if dw_space.nil? # appliance is outdoors, so we need to assign the equipment to an arbitrary space add_electric_equipment(model, Constants.ObjectNameDishwasher, dw_space, dw_design_level_w, dw_frac_sens, dw_frac_lat, dw_schedule.schedule) end # Refrigerator(s) energy refrigerators.each do |refrigerator| rf_annual_kwh, rf_frac_sens, rf_frac_lat = calc_refrigerator_or_freezer_energy(refrigerator, refrigerator.additional_properties.space.nil?) fridge_weekday_sch = refrigerator.weekday_fractions fridge_weekend_sch = refrigerator.weekend_fractions fridge_monthly_sch = refrigerator.monthly_multipliers fridge_schedule = MonthWeekdayWeekendSchedule.new(model, Constants.ObjectNameRefrigerator, fridge_weekday_sch, fridge_weekend_sch, fridge_monthly_sch, 1.0, 1.0, true, true, Constants.ScheduleTypeLimitsFraction) fridge_design_level = fridge_schedule.calcDesignLevelFromDailykWh(rf_annual_kwh / 365.0) rf_space = refrigerator.additional_properties.space rf_space = living_space if rf_space.nil? # appliance is outdoors, so we need to assign the equipment to an arbitrary space add_electric_equipment(model, Constants.ObjectNameRefrigerator, rf_space, fridge_design_level, rf_frac_sens, rf_frac_lat, fridge_schedule.schedule) end # Freezer(s) energy freezers.each do |freezer| fz_annual_kwh, fz_frac_sens, fz_frac_lat = calc_refrigerator_or_freezer_energy(freezer, freezer.additional_properties.space.nil?) freezer_weekday_sch = freezer.weekday_fractions freezer_weekend_sch = freezer.weekend_fractions freezer_monthly_sch = freezer.monthly_multipliers freezer_schedule = MonthWeekdayWeekendSchedule.new(model, Constants.ObjectNameFreezer, freezer_weekday_sch, freezer_weekend_sch, freezer_monthly_sch, 1.0, 1.0, true, true, Constants.ScheduleTypeLimitsFraction) freezer_design_level = freezer_schedule.calcDesignLevelFromDailykWh(fz_annual_kwh / 365.0) fz_space = freezer.additional_properties.space fz_space = living_space if fz_space.nil? # appliance is outdoors, so we need to assign the equipment to an arbitrary space add_electric_equipment(model, Constants.ObjectNameFreezer, fz_space, freezer_design_level, fz_frac_sens, fz_frac_lat, freezer_schedule.schedule) end # Cooking Range energy if not cooking_range.nil? cook_annual_kwh, cook_annual_therm, cook_frac_sens, cook_frac_lat = calc_range_oven_energy(nbeds, cooking_range, oven, cooking_range.additional_properties.space.nil?) cook_weekday_sch = cooking_range.weekday_fractions cook_weekend_sch = cooking_range.weekend_fractions cook_monthly_sch = cooking_range.monthly_multipliers cook_schedule = MonthWeekdayWeekendSchedule.new(model, Constants.ObjectNameCookingRange, cook_weekday_sch, cook_weekend_sch, cook_monthly_sch, 1.0, 1.0, true, true, Constants.ScheduleTypeLimitsFraction) cook_design_level_e = cook_schedule.calcDesignLevelFromDailykWh(cook_annual_kwh / 365.0) cook_design_level_f = cook_schedule.calcDesignLevelFromDailyTherm(cook_annual_therm / 365.0) cook_space = cooking_range.additional_properties.space cook_space = living_space if cook_space.nil? # appliance is outdoors, so we need to assign the equipment to an arbitrary space add_electric_equipment(model, Constants.ObjectNameCookingRange, cook_space, cook_design_level_e, cook_frac_sens, cook_frac_lat, cook_schedule.schedule) add_other_equipment(model, Constants.ObjectNameCookingRange, cook_space, cook_design_level_f, cook_frac_sens, cook_frac_lat, cook_schedule.schedule, cooking_range.fuel_type) end if not hot_water_distribution.nil? fixtures_all_low_flow = true water_fixtures.each do |water_fixture| next unless [HPXML::WaterFixtureTypeShowerhead, HPXML::WaterFixtureTypeFaucet].include? water_fixture.water_fixture_type fixtures_all_low_flow = false if not water_fixture.low_flow end # Calculate mixed water fractions t_mix = 105.0 # F, Temperature of mixed water at fixtures avg_setpoint_temp = 0.0 # WH Setpoint: Weighted average by fraction DHW load served water_heating_systems.each do |water_heating_system| avg_setpoint_temp += water_heating_system.temperature * water_heating_system.fraction_dhw_load_served end daily_wh_inlet_temperatures = calc_water_heater_daily_inlet_temperatures(weather, nbeds, hot_water_distribution, fixtures_all_low_flow) daily_wh_inlet_temperatures_c = daily_wh_inlet_temperatures.map { |t| UnitConversions.convert(t, 'F', 'C') } daily_mw_fractions = calc_mixed_water_daily_fractions(daily_wh_inlet_temperatures, avg_setpoint_temp, t_mix) # Schedules # Replace mains water temperature schedule with water heater inlet temperature schedule. # These are identical unless there is a DWHR. start_date = OpenStudio::Date.new(OpenStudio::MonthOfYear.new(1), 1, model.getYearDescription.assumedYear) timestep_day = OpenStudio::Time.new(1, 0) time_series_tmains = OpenStudio::TimeSeries.new(start_date, timestep_day, OpenStudio::createVector(daily_wh_inlet_temperatures_c), 'C') schedule_tmains = OpenStudio::Model::ScheduleInterval.fromTimeSeries(time_series_tmains, model).get schedule_tmains.setName('mains temperature schedule') model.getSiteWaterMainsTemperature.setTemperatureSchedule(schedule_tmains) mw_schedule = OpenStudio::Model::ScheduleConstant.new(model) mw_schedule.setValue(UnitConversions.convert(t_mix, 'F', 'C')) Schedule.set_schedule_type_limits(model, mw_schedule, Constants.ScheduleTypeLimitsTemperature) water_schedule = HotWaterSchedule.new(model, Constants.ObjectNameFixtures, nbeds) end water_heating_systems.each do |water_heating_system| non_solar_fraction = 1.0 - Waterheater.get_water_heater_solar_fraction(water_heating_system, solar_thermal_system) gpd_frac = water_heating_system.fraction_dhw_load_served # Fixtures fraction if gpd_frac > 0 # Fixtures (showers, sinks, baths) fx_gpd = get_fixtures_gpd(eri_version, nbeds, fixtures_all_low_flow, daily_mw_fractions, fixtures_usage_multiplier) fx_peak_flow = water_schedule.calcPeakFlowFromDailygpm(fx_gpd) add_water_use_equipment(model, Constants.ObjectNameFixtures, fx_peak_flow * gpd_frac * non_solar_fraction, water_schedule.schedule, mw_schedule, water_use_connections[water_heating_system.id]) # Distribution waste (primary driven by fixture draws) w_gpd = get_dist_waste_gpd(eri_version, nbeds, has_uncond_bsmnt, cfa, ncfl, hot_water_distribution, fixtures_all_low_flow, fixtures_usage_multiplier) dist_water_peak_flow = water_schedule.calcPeakFlowFromDailygpm(w_gpd) add_water_use_equipment(model, Constants.ObjectNameDistributionWaste, dist_water_peak_flow * gpd_frac * non_solar_fraction, water_schedule.schedule, mw_schedule, water_use_connections[water_heating_system.id]) # Recirculation pump dist_pump_annual_kwh = get_hwdist_recirc_pump_energy(hot_water_distribution) if dist_pump_annual_kwh > 0 dist_pump_weekday_sch = '0.010, 0.006, 0.004, 0.002, 0.004, 0.006, 0.016, 0.032, 0.048, 0.068, 0.078, 0.081, 0.074, 0.067, 0.057, 0.061, 0.055, 0.054, 0.051, 0.051, 0.052, 0.054, 0.044, 0.024' dist_pump_monthly_sch = '1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0' dist_pump_schedule = MonthWeekdayWeekendSchedule.new(model, Constants.ObjectNameHotWaterRecircPump, dist_pump_weekday_sch, dist_pump_weekday_sch, dist_pump_monthly_sch, 1.0, 1.0) dist_pump_design_level = dist_pump_schedule.calcDesignLevelFromDailykWh(dist_pump_annual_kwh / 365.0) dist_pump = add_electric_equipment(model, Constants.ObjectNameHotWaterRecircPump, living_space, dist_pump_design_level * gpd_frac, 0.0, 0.0, dist_pump_schedule.schedule) dhw_map[water_heating_system.id] << dist_pump unless dist_pump.nil? end end # Clothes washer if not clothes_washer.nil? gpd_frac = nil if clothes_washer.is_shared_appliance && clothes_washer.water_heating_system.id == water_heating_system.id gpd_frac = 1.0 # Shared water heater sees full appliance load elsif not clothes_washer.is_shared_appliance gpd_frac = water_heating_system.fraction_dhw_load_served end if not gpd_frac.nil? cw_peak_flow = cw_schedule.calcPeakFlowFromDailygpm(cw_gpd) add_water_use_equipment(model, Constants.ObjectNameClothesWasher, cw_peak_flow * gpd_frac * non_solar_fraction, cw_schedule.schedule, setpoint_scheds[water_heating_system.id], water_use_connections[water_heating_system.id]) end end # Dishwasher next unless not dishwasher.nil? gpd_frac = nil if dishwasher.is_shared_appliance && dishwasher.water_heating_system.id == water_heating_system.id gpd_frac = 1.0 # Shared water heater sees full appliance load elsif not dishwasher.is_shared_appliance gpd_frac = water_heating_system.fraction_dhw_load_served end if not gpd_frac.nil? dw_peak_flow = dw_schedule.calcPeakFlowFromDailygpm(dw_gpd) add_water_use_equipment(model, Constants.ObjectNameDishwasher, dw_peak_flow * gpd_frac * non_solar_fraction, dw_schedule.schedule, setpoint_scheds[water_heating_system.id], water_use_connections[water_heating_system.id]) end end if not hot_water_distribution.nil? # General water use internal gains # Floor mopping, shower evaporation, water films on showers, tubs & sinks surfaces, plant watering, etc. water_sens_btu, water_lat_btu = get_water_gains_sens_lat(nbeds) water_design_level_sens = water_schedule.calcDesignLevelFromDailykWh(UnitConversions.convert(water_sens_btu, 'Btu', 'kWh') / 365.0) water_design_level_lat = water_schedule.calcDesignLevelFromDailykWh(UnitConversions.convert(water_lat_btu, 'Btu', 'kWh') / 365.0) add_other_equipment(model, Constants.ObjectNameWaterSensible, living_space, water_design_level_sens, 1.0, 0.0, water_schedule.schedule, nil) add_other_equipment(model, Constants.ObjectNameWaterLatent, living_space, water_design_level_lat, 0.0, 1.0, water_schedule.schedule, nil) end end def self.get_range_oven_default_values() return { is_induction: false, is_convection: false } end def self.calc_range_oven_energy(nbeds, cooking_range, oven, is_outside = false) if cooking_range.is_induction burner_ef = 0.91 else burner_ef = 1.0 end if oven.is_convection oven_ef = 0.95 else oven_ef = 1.0 end if cooking_range.fuel_type != HPXML::FuelTypeElectricity annual_kwh = 22.6 + 2.7 * nbeds annual_therm = oven_ef * (22.6 + 2.7 * nbeds) else annual_kwh = burner_ef * oven_ef * (331 + 39.0 * nbeds) annual_therm = 0.0 end annual_kwh *= cooking_range.usage_multiplier annual_therm *= cooking_range.usage_multiplier if not is_outside frac_lost = 0.20 if cooking_range.fuel_type == HPXML::FuelTypeElectricity frac_sens = (1.0 - frac_lost) * 0.90 else elec_btu = UnitConversions.convert(annual_kwh, 'kWh', 'Btu') gas_btu = UnitConversions.convert(annual_therm, 'therm', 'Btu') frac_sens = (1.0 - frac_lost) * ((0.90 * elec_btu + 0.7942 * gas_btu) / (elec_btu + gas_btu)) end frac_lat = 1.0 - frac_sens - frac_lost else # Internal gains outside unit frac_sens = 0.0 frac_lat = 0.0 end if not @runner.nil? @runner.registerWarning('Negative energy use calculated for cooking range/oven; this may indicate incorrect ENERGY GUIDE label inputs.') if (annual_kwh < 0) || (annual_therm < 0) end return annual_kwh, annual_therm, frac_sens, frac_lat end def self.get_dishwasher_default_values() return { rated_annual_kwh: 467.0, # kWh/yr label_electric_rate: 0.12, # $/kWh label_gas_rate: 1.09, # $/therm label_annual_gas_cost: 33.12, # $ label_usage: 4.0, # cyc/week place_setting_capacity: 12.0 } end def self.calc_dishwasher_energy_gpd(eri_version, nbeds, dishwasher, is_outside = false) if Constants.ERIVersions.index(eri_version) >= Constants.ERIVersions.index('2019A') if dishwasher.rated_annual_kwh.nil? dishwasher.rated_annual_kwh = calc_dishwasher_annual_kwh_from_ef(dishwasher.energy_factor) end lcy = dishwasher.label_usage * 52.0 kwh_per_cyc = ((dishwasher.label_annual_gas_cost * 0.5497 / dishwasher.label_gas_rate - dishwasher.rated_annual_kwh * dishwasher.label_electric_rate * 0.02504 / dishwasher.label_electric_rate) / (dishwasher.label_electric_rate * 0.5497 / dishwasher.label_gas_rate - 0.02504)) / lcy dwcpy = (88.4 + 34.9 * nbeds) * (12.0 / dishwasher.place_setting_capacity) annual_kwh = kwh_per_cyc * dwcpy gpd = (dishwasher.rated_annual_kwh - kwh_per_cyc * lcy) * 0.02504 * dwcpy / 365.0 else if dishwasher.energy_factor.nil? dishwasher.energy_factor = calc_dishwasher_ef_from_annual_kwh(dishwasher.rated_annual_kwh) end dwcpy = (88.4 + 34.9 * nbeds) * (12.0 / dishwasher.place_setting_capacity) annual_kwh = ((86.3 + 47.73 / dishwasher.energy_factor) / 215.0) * dwcpy if Constants.ERIVersions.index(eri_version) >= Constants.ERIVersions.index('2014A') gpd = dwcpy * (4.6415 * (1.0 / dishwasher.energy_factor) - 1.9295) / 365.0 else gpd = ((88.4 + 34.9 * nbeds) * 8.16 - (88.4 + 34.9 * nbeds) * 12.0 / dishwasher.place_setting_capacity * (4.6415 * (1.0 / dishwasher.energy_factor) - 1.9295)) / 365.0 end end annual_kwh *= dishwasher.usage_multiplier gpd *= dishwasher.usage_multiplier if not is_outside frac_lost = 0.40 frac_sens = (1.0 - frac_lost) * 0.50 frac_lat = 1.0 - frac_sens - frac_lost else # Internal gains outside unit frac_sens = 0.0 frac_lat = 0.0 end if not @runner.nil? @runner.registerWarning('Negative energy use calculated for dishwasher; this may indicate incorrect ENERGY GUIDE label inputs.') if annual_kwh < 0 @runner.registerWarning('Negative hot water use calculated for dishwasher; this may indicate incorrect ENERGY GUIDE label inputs.') if gpd < 0 end return annual_kwh, frac_sens, frac_lat, gpd end def self.calc_dishwasher_ef_from_annual_kwh(annual_kwh) return 215.0 / annual_kwh end def self.calc_dishwasher_annual_kwh_from_ef(ef) return 215.0 / ef end def self.get_refrigerator_default_values(nbeds) return { rated_annual_kwh: 637.0 + 18.0 * nbeds } # kWh/yr end def self.get_extra_refrigerator_default_values return { rated_annual_kwh: 243.6 } # kWh/yr end def self.get_freezer_default_values return { rated_annual_kwh: 319.8 } # kWh/yr end def self.get_clothes_dryer_default_values(eri_version, fuel_type) if Constants.ERIVersions.index(eri_version) >= Constants.ERIVersions.index('2019A') return { combined_energy_factor: 3.01, control_type: HPXML::ClothesDryerControlTypeTimer } else if fuel_type == HPXML::FuelTypeElectricity return { combined_energy_factor: 2.62, control_type: HPXML::ClothesDryerControlTypeTimer } else return { combined_energy_factor: 2.32, control_type: HPXML::ClothesDryerControlTypeTimer } end end end def self.calc_clothes_dryer_energy(eri_version, nbeds, clothes_dryer, clothes_washer, is_outside = false) if Constants.ERIVersions.index(eri_version) >= Constants.ERIVersions.index('2019A') if clothes_dryer.combined_energy_factor.nil? clothes_dryer.combined_energy_factor = calc_clothes_dryer_cef_from_ef(clothes_dryer.energy_factor) end if clothes_washer.integrated_modified_energy_factor.nil? clothes_washer.integrated_modified_energy_factor = calc_clothes_washer_imef_from_mef(clothes_washer.modified_energy_factor) end rmc = (0.97 * (clothes_washer.capacity / clothes_washer.integrated_modified_energy_factor) - clothes_washer.rated_annual_kwh / 312.0) / ((2.0104 * clothes_washer.capacity + 1.4242) * 0.455) + 0.04 acy = (164.0 + 46.5 * nbeds) * ((3.0 * 2.08 + 1.59) / (clothes_washer.capacity * 2.08 + 1.59)) annual_kwh = (((rmc - 0.04) * 100) / 55.5) * (8.45 / clothes_dryer.combined_energy_factor) * acy if clothes_dryer.fuel_type == HPXML::FuelTypeElectricity annual_therm = 0.0 else annual_therm = annual_kwh * 3412.0 * (1.0 - 0.07) * (3.73 / 3.30) / 100000 annual_kwh = annual_kwh * 0.07 * (3.73 / 3.30) end else if clothes_dryer.energy_factor.nil? clothes_dryer.energy_factor = calc_clothes_dryer_ef_from_cef(clothes_dryer.combined_energy_factor) end if clothes_washer.modified_energy_factor.nil? clothes_washer.modified_energy_factor = calc_clothes_washer_mef_from_imef(clothes_washer.integrated_modified_energy_factor) end if clothes_dryer.control_type == HPXML::ClothesDryerControlTypeTimer field_util_factor = 1.18 elsif clothes_dryer.control_type == HPXML::ClothesDryerControlTypeMoisture field_util_factor = 1.04 end if clothes_dryer.fuel_type == HPXML::FuelTypeElectricity annual_kwh = 12.5 * (164.0 + 46.5 * nbeds) * (field_util_factor / clothes_dryer.energy_factor) * ((clothes_washer.capacity / clothes_washer.modified_energy_factor) - clothes_washer.rated_annual_kwh / 392.0) / (0.2184 * (clothes_washer.capacity * 4.08 + 0.24)) annual_therm = 0.0 else annual_kwh = 12.5 * (164.0 + 46.5 * nbeds) * (field_util_factor / 3.01) * ((clothes_washer.capacity / clothes_washer.modified_energy_factor) - clothes_washer.rated_annual_kwh / 392.0) / (0.2184 * (clothes_washer.capacity * 4.08 + 0.24)) annual_therm = annual_kwh * 3412.0 * (1.0 - 0.07) * (3.01 / clothes_dryer.energy_factor) / 100000 annual_kwh = annual_kwh * 0.07 * (3.01 / clothes_dryer.energy_factor) end end annual_kwh *= clothes_dryer.usage_multiplier annual_therm *= clothes_dryer.usage_multiplier if not is_outside frac_lost = 0.85 if clothes_dryer.fuel_type == HPXML::FuelTypeElectricity frac_sens = (1.0 - frac_lost) * 0.90 else elec_btu = UnitConversions.convert(annual_kwh, 'kWh', 'Btu') gas_btu = UnitConversions.convert(annual_therm, 'therm', 'Btu') frac_sens = (1.0 - frac_lost) * ((0.90 * elec_btu + 0.8894 * gas_btu) / (elec_btu + gas_btu)) end frac_lat = 1.0 - frac_sens - frac_lost else # Internal gains outside unit frac_sens = 0.0 frac_lat = 0.0 end if not @runner.nil? @runner.registerWarning('Negative energy use calculated for clothes dryer; this may indicate incorrect ENERGY GUIDE label inputs.') if (annual_kwh < 0) || (annual_therm < 0) end return annual_kwh, annual_therm, frac_sens, frac_lat end def self.calc_clothes_dryer_cef_from_ef(ef) return ef / 1.15 # Interpretation on ANSI/RESNET/ICC 301-2014 Clothes Dryer CEF end def self.calc_clothes_dryer_ef_from_cef(cef) return cef * 1.15 # Interpretation on ANSI/RESNET/ICC 301-2014 Clothes Dryer CEF end def self.get_clothes_washer_default_values(eri_version) if Constants.ERIVersions.index(eri_version) >= Constants.ERIVersions.index('2019A') return { integrated_modified_energy_factor: 1.0, # ft3/(kWh/cyc) rated_annual_kwh: 400.0, # kWh/yr label_electric_rate: 0.12, # $/kWh label_gas_rate: 1.09, # $/therm label_annual_gas_cost: 27.0, # $ capacity: 3.0, # ft^3 label_usage: 6.0 } # cyc/week else return { integrated_modified_energy_factor: 0.331, # ft3/(kWh/cyc) rated_annual_kwh: 704.0, # kWh/yr label_electric_rate: 0.08, # $/kWh, unused label_gas_rate: 0.58, # $/therm, unused label_annual_gas_cost: 23.0, # $, unused capacity: 2.874, # ft^3 label_usage: 6.0 } # cyc/week, unused end end def self.calc_clothes_washer_energy_gpd(eri_version, nbeds, clothes_washer, is_outside = false) if Constants.ERIVersions.index(eri_version) >= Constants.ERIVersions.index('2019A') gas_h20 = 0.3914 # (gal/cyc) per (therm/y) elec_h20 = 0.0178 # (gal/cyc) per (kWh/y) lcy = clothes_washer.label_usage * 52.0 # label cycles per year scy = 164.0 + nbeds * 46.5 acy = scy * ((3.0 * 2.08 + 1.59) / (clothes_washer.capacity * 2.08 + 1.59)) # Annual Cycles per Year cw_appl = (clothes_washer.label_annual_gas_cost * gas_h20 / clothes_washer.label_gas_rate - (clothes_washer.rated_annual_kwh * clothes_washer.label_electric_rate) * elec_h20 / clothes_washer.label_electric_rate) / (clothes_washer.label_electric_rate * gas_h20 / clothes_washer.label_gas_rate - elec_h20) annual_kwh = cw_appl / lcy * acy gpd = (clothes_washer.rated_annual_kwh - cw_appl) * elec_h20 * acy / 365.0 else ncy = (3.0 / 2.874) * (164 + nbeds * 46.5) acy = ncy * ((3.0 * 2.08 + 1.59) / (clothes_washer.capacity * 2.08 + 1.59)) # Adjusted Cycles per Year annual_kwh = ((clothes_washer.rated_annual_kwh / 392.0) - ((clothes_washer.rated_annual_kwh * clothes_washer.label_electric_rate - clothes_washer.label_annual_gas_cost) / (21.9825 * clothes_washer.label_electric_rate - clothes_washer.label_gas_rate) / 392.0) * 21.9825) * acy gpd = 60.0 * ((clothes_washer.rated_annual_kwh * clothes_washer.label_electric_rate - clothes_washer.label_annual_gas_cost) / (21.9825 * clothes_washer.label_electric_rate - clothes_washer.label_gas_rate) / 392.0) * acy / 365.0 if Constants.ERIVersions.index(eri_version) < Constants.ERIVersions.index('2014A') gpd -= 3.97 # Section end end annual_kwh *= clothes_washer.usage_multiplier gpd *= clothes_washer.usage_multiplier if not is_outside frac_lost = 0.70 frac_sens = (1.0 - frac_lost) * 0.90 frac_lat = 1.0 - frac_sens - frac_lost else # Internal gains outside unit frac_sens = 0.0 frac_lat = 0.0 end if not @runner.nil? @runner.registerWarning('Negative energy use calculated for clothes washer; this may indicate incorrect ENERGY GUIDE label inputs.') if annual_kwh < 0 @runner.registerWarning('Negative hot water use calculated for clothes washer; this may indicate incorrect ENERGY GUIDE label inputs.') if gpd < 0 end return annual_kwh, frac_sens, frac_lat, gpd end def self.calc_clothes_washer_imef_from_mef(mef) return (mef - 0.503) / 0.95 # Interpretation on ANSI/RESNET 301-2014 Clothes Washer IMEF end def self.calc_clothes_washer_mef_from_imef(imef) return 0.503 + 0.95 * imef # Interpretation on ANSI/RESNET 301-2014 Clothes Washer IMEF end def self.calc_refrigerator_or_freezer_energy(refrigerator_or_freezer, is_outside = false) # Get values annual_kwh = refrigerator_or_freezer.adjusted_annual_kwh if annual_kwh.nil? annual_kwh = refrigerator_or_freezer.rated_annual_kwh end annual_kwh *= refrigerator_or_freezer.usage_multiplier if not is_outside frac_sens = 1.0 frac_lat = 0.0 else # Internal gains outside unit frac_sens = 0.0 frac_lat = 0.0 end if not @runner.nil? @runner.registerWarning('Negative energy use calculated for refrigerator; this may indicate incorrect ENERGY GUIDE label inputs.') if annual_kwh < 0 end return annual_kwh, frac_sens, frac_lat end def self.get_dist_energy_consumption_adjustment(has_uncond_bsmnt, cfa, ncfl, water_heating_system, hot_water_distribution) if water_heating_system.fraction_dhw_load_served <= 0 # No fixtures; not accounting for distribution system return 1.0 end # ANSI/RESNET 301-2014 Addendum A-2015 # Amendment on Domestic Hot Water (DHW) Systems # Eq. 4.2-16 ew_fact = get_dist_energy_waste_factor(hot_water_distribution) o_frac = 0.25 # fraction of hot water waste from standard operating conditions oew_fact = ew_fact * o_frac # standard operating condition portion of hot water energy waste ocd_eff = 0.0 sew_fact = ew_fact - oew_fact ref_pipe_l = get_default_std_pipe_length(has_uncond_bsmnt, cfa, ncfl) if hot_water_distribution.system_type == HPXML::DHWDistTypeStandard pe_ratio = hot_water_distribution.standard_piping_length / ref_pipe_l elsif hot_water_distribution.system_type == HPXML::DHWDistTypeRecirc ref_loop_l = get_default_recirc_loop_length(ref_pipe_l) pe_ratio = hot_water_distribution.recirculation_piping_length / ref_loop_l end e_waste = oew_fact * (1.0 - ocd_eff) + sew_fact * pe_ratio return (e_waste + 128.0) / 160.0 end def self.get_default_std_pipe_length(has_uncond_bsmnt, cfa, ncfl) # ANSI/RESNET 301-2014 Addendum A-2015 # Amendment on Domestic Hot Water (DHW) Systems bsmnt = has_uncond_bsmnt ? 1 : 0 return 2.0 * (cfa / ncfl)**0.5 + 10.0 * ncfl + 5.0 * bsmnt # Eq. 4.2-13 (refPipeL) end def self.get_default_recirc_loop_length(std_pipe_length) # ANSI/RESNET 301-2014 Addendum A-2015 # Amendment on Domestic Hot Water (DHW) Systems return 2.0 * std_pipe_length - 20.0 # Eq. 4.2-17 (refLoopL) end def self.get_default_recirc_branch_loop_length() return 10.0 # ft end def self.get_default_recirc_pump_power() return 50.0 # Watts end def self.get_default_shared_recirc_pump_power() # From ANSI/RESNET 301-2019 Equation 4.2-15b pump_horsepower = 0.25 motor_efficiency = 0.85 pump_kw = pump_horsepower * 0.746 / motor_efficiency return UnitConversions.convert(pump_kw, 'kW', 'W') end private def self.add_electric_equipment(model, obj_name, space, design_level_w, frac_sens, frac_lat, schedule) return if design_level_w == 0.0 ee_def = OpenStudio::Model::ElectricEquipmentDefinition.new(model) ee = OpenStudio::Model::ElectricEquipment.new(ee_def) ee.setName(obj_name) ee.setEndUseSubcategory(obj_name) ee.setSpace(space) ee_def.setName(obj_name) ee_def.setDesignLevel(design_level_w) ee_def.setFractionRadiant(0.6 * frac_sens) ee_def.setFractionLatent(frac_lat) ee_def.setFractionLost(1.0 - frac_sens - frac_lat) ee.setSchedule(schedule) return ee end def self.add_other_equipment(model, obj_name, space, design_level_w, frac_sens, frac_lat, schedule, fuel_type) return if design_level_w == 0.0 oe_def = OpenStudio::Model::OtherEquipmentDefinition.new(model) oe = OpenStudio::Model::OtherEquipment.new(oe_def) oe.setName(obj_name) oe.setEndUseSubcategory(obj_name) if fuel_type.nil? oe.setFuelType('None') else oe.setFuelType(EPlus.input_fuel_map(fuel_type)) end oe.setSpace(space) oe_def.setName(obj_name) oe_def.setDesignLevel(design_level_w) oe_def.setFractionRadiant(0.6 * frac_sens) oe_def.setFractionLatent(frac_lat) oe_def.setFractionLost(1.0 - frac_sens - frac_lat) oe.setSchedule(schedule) return oe end def self.add_water_use_equipment(model, obj_name, peak_flow, schedule, temp_schedule, water_use_connections) return if peak_flow == 0.0 wu_def = OpenStudio::Model::WaterUseEquipmentDefinition.new(model) wu = OpenStudio::Model::WaterUseEquipment.new(wu_def) wu.setName(obj_name) wu_def.setName(obj_name) wu_def.setPeakFlowRate(peak_flow) wu_def.setEndUseSubcategory(obj_name) wu.setFlowRateFractionSchedule(schedule) wu_def.setTargetTemperatureSchedule(temp_schedule) water_use_connections.addWaterUseEquipment(wu) return wu end def self.get_dwhr_factors(nbeds, hot_water_distribution, fixtures_all_low_flow) # ANSI/RESNET 301-2014 Addendum A-2015 # Amendment on Domestic Hot Water (DHW) Systems # Eq. 4.2-14 eff_adj = 1.0 if fixtures_all_low_flow eff_adj = 1.082 end iFrac = 0.56 + 0.015 * nbeds - 0.0004 * nbeds**2 # fraction of hot water use impacted by DWHR if hot_water_distribution.system_type == HPXML::DHWDistTypeRecirc pLength = hot_water_distribution.recirculation_branch_piping_length elsif hot_water_distribution.system_type == HPXML::DHWDistTypeStandard pLength = hot_water_distribution.standard_piping_length end plc = 1 - 0.0002 * pLength # piping loss coefficient # Location factors for DWHR placement if hot_water_distribution.dwhr_equal_flow locF = 1.000 else locF = 0.777 end # Fixture Factor if hot_water_distribution.dwhr_facilities_connected == HPXML::DWHRFacilitiesConnectedAll fixF = 1.0 elsif hot_water_distribution.dwhr_facilities_connected == HPXML::DWHRFacilitiesConnectedOne fixF = 0.5 end return eff_adj, iFrac, plc, locF, fixF end def self.calc_water_heater_daily_inlet_temperatures(weather, nbeds, hot_water_distribution, fixtures_all_low_flow) # Get daily mains temperatures avgOAT = weather.data.AnnualAvgDrybulb maxDiffMonthlyAvgOAT = weather.data.MonthlyAvgDrybulbs.max - weather.data.MonthlyAvgDrybulbs.min tmains_daily = WeatherProcess.calc_mains_temperatures(avgOAT, maxDiffMonthlyAvgOAT, weather.header.Latitude)[2] wh_temps_daily = tmains_daily if (not hot_water_distribution.dwhr_efficiency.nil?) dwhr_eff_adj, dwhr_iFrac, dwhr_plc, dwhr_locF, dwhr_fixF = get_dwhr_factors(nbeds, hot_water_distribution, fixtures_all_low_flow) # Adjust inlet temperatures dwhr_inT = 97.0 # F for day in 0..364 dwhr_WHinTadj = dwhr_iFrac * (dwhr_inT - tmains_daily[day]) * hot_water_distribution.dwhr_efficiency * dwhr_eff_adj * dwhr_plc * dwhr_locF * dwhr_fixF wh_temps_daily[day] = (wh_temps_daily[day] + dwhr_WHinTadj).round(3) end else for day in 0..364 wh_temps_daily[day] = (wh_temps_daily[day]).round(3) end end return wh_temps_daily end def self.calc_mixed_water_daily_fractions(daily_wh_inlet_temperatures, tHot, tMix) adjFmix = [] for day in 0..364 adjFmix << (1.0 - ((tHot - tMix) / (tHot - daily_wh_inlet_temperatures[day]))).round(4) end return adjFmix end def self.get_hwdist_recirc_pump_energy(hot_water_distribution) dist_pump_annual_kwh = 0.0 # Annual electricity consumption factor for hot water recirculation system pumps if hot_water_distribution.system_type == HPXML::DHWDistTypeRecirc if (hot_water_distribution.recirculation_control_type == HPXML::DHWRecirControlTypeNone) || (hot_water_distribution.recirculation_control_type == HPXML::DHWRecirControlTypeTimer) dist_pump_annual_kwh += (8.76 * hot_water_distribution.recirculation_pump_power) elsif hot_water_distribution.recirculation_control_type == HPXML::DHWRecirControlTypeTemperature dist_pump_annual_kwh += (1.46 * hot_water_distribution.recirculation_pump_power) elsif hot_water_distribution.recirculation_control_type == HPXML::DHWRecirControlTypeSensor dist_pump_annual_kwh += (0.15 * hot_water_distribution.recirculation_pump_power) elsif hot_water_distribution.recirculation_control_type == HPXML::DHWRecirControlTypeManual dist_pump_annual_kwh += (0.10 * hot_water_distribution.recirculation_pump_power) else fail "Unexpected hot water distribution system recirculation type: '#{hot_water_distribution.recirculation_control_type}'." end elsif hot_water_distribution.system_type == HPXML::DHWDistTypeStandard # nop else fail "Unexpected hot water distribution system type: '#{hot_water_distribution.system_type}'." end # Shared recirculation system pump energy if hot_water_distribution.has_shared_recirculation n_dweq = hot_water_distribution.shared_recirculation_number_of_units_served if (hot_water_distribution.shared_recirculation_control_type == HPXML::DHWRecirControlTypeNone) || (hot_water_distribution.shared_recirculation_control_type == HPXML::DHWRecirControlTypeTimer) op_hrs = 8760.0 elsif (hot_water_distribution.shared_recirculation_control_type == HPXML::DHWRecirControlTypeSensor) || (hot_water_distribution.shared_recirculation_control_type == HPXML::DHWRecirControlTypeManual) op_hrs = 730.0 else fail "Unexpected hot water distribution system shared recirculation type: '#{hot_water_distribution.shared_recirculation_control_type}'." end shared_pump_kw = UnitConversions.convert(hot_water_distribution.shared_recirculation_pump_power, 'W', 'kW') dist_pump_annual_kwh += (shared_pump_kw * op_hrs / n_dweq.to_f) end return dist_pump_annual_kwh end def self.get_fixtures_effectiveness(fixtures_all_low_flow) f_eff = fixtures_all_low_flow ? 0.95 : 1.0 return f_eff end def self.get_fixtures_gpd(eri_version, nbeds, fixtures_all_low_flow, daily_mw_fractions, fixtures_usage_multiplier = 1.0) if Constants.ERIVersions.index(eri_version) < Constants.ERIVersions.index('2014A') hw_gpd = 30.0 + 10.0 * nbeds # Table 4.2.2(1) Service water heating systems # Convert to mixed water gpd avg_mw_fraction = daily_mw_fractions.reduce(:+) / daily_mw_fractions.size.to_f return hw_gpd / avg_mw_fraction * fixtures_usage_multiplier end # ANSI/RESNET 301-2014 Addendum A-2015 # Amendment on Domestic Hot Water (DHW) Systems ref_f_gpd = 14.6 + 10.0 * nbeds # Eq. 4.2-2 (refFgpd) f_eff = get_fixtures_effectiveness(fixtures_all_low_flow) return f_eff * ref_f_gpd * fixtures_usage_multiplier end def self.get_water_gains_sens_lat(nbeds) # Table 4.2.2(3). Internal Gains for Reference Homes sens_gains = -1227.0 - 409.0 * nbeds # Btu/day lat_gains = 1245.0 + 415.0 * nbeds # Btu/day return sens_gains * 365.0, lat_gains * 365.0 end def self.get_dist_waste_gpd(eri_version, nbeds, has_uncond_bsmnt, cfa, ncfl, hot_water_distribution, fixtures_all_low_flow, fixtures_usage_multiplier = 1.0) if Constants.ERIVersions.index(eri_version) <= Constants.ERIVersions.index('2014') return 0.0 end # ANSI/RESNET 301-2014 Addendum A-2015 # Amendment on Domestic Hot Water (DHW) Systems # Service Hot Water Use # Table Hot Water Distribution System Insulation Factors sys_factor = nil if (hot_water_distribution.system_type == HPXML::DHWDistTypeRecirc) && (hot_water_distribution.pipe_r_value < 3.0) sys_factor = 1.11 elsif (hot_water_distribution.system_type == HPXML::DHWDistTypeRecirc) && (hot_water_distribution.pipe_r_value >= 3.0) sys_factor = 1.0 elsif (hot_water_distribution.system_type == HPXML::DHWDistTypeStandard) && (hot_water_distribution.pipe_r_value >= 3.0) sys_factor = 0.90 elsif (hot_water_distribution.system_type == HPXML::DHWDistTypeStandard) && (hot_water_distribution.pipe_r_value < 3.0) sys_factor = 1.0 end ref_w_gpd = 9.8 * (nbeds**0.43) # Eq. 4.2-2 (refWgpd) o_frac = 0.25 o_cd_eff = 0.0 if hot_water_distribution.system_type == HPXML::DHWDistTypeRecirc p_ratio = hot_water_distribution.recirculation_branch_piping_length / 10.0 elsif hot_water_distribution.system_type == HPXML::DHWDistTypeStandard ref_pipe_l = get_default_std_pipe_length(has_uncond_bsmnt, cfa, ncfl) p_ratio = hot_water_distribution.standard_piping_length / ref_pipe_l end o_w_gpd = ref_w_gpd * o_frac * (1.0 - o_cd_eff) # Eq. 4.2-12 s_w_gpd = (ref_w_gpd - ref_w_gpd * o_frac) * p_ratio * sys_factor # Eq. 4.2-13 # Table Distribution system water use effectiveness if hot_water_distribution.system_type == HPXML::DHWDistTypeRecirc wd_eff = 0.1 elsif hot_water_distribution.system_type == HPXML::DHWDistTypeStandard wd_eff = 1.0 end f_eff = get_fixtures_effectiveness(fixtures_all_low_flow) mw_gpd = f_eff * (o_w_gpd + s_w_gpd * wd_eff) # Eq. 4.2-11 return mw_gpd * fixtures_usage_multiplier end def self.get_dist_energy_waste_factor(hot_water_distribution) # ANSI/RESNET 301-2014 Addendum A-2015 # Amendment on Domestic Hot Water (DHW) Systems # Table Hot water distribution system relative annual energy waste factors if hot_water_distribution.system_type == HPXML::DHWDistTypeRecirc if (hot_water_distribution.recirculation_control_type == HPXML::DHWRecirControlTypeNone) || (hot_water_distribution.recirculation_control_type == HPXML::DHWRecirControlTypeTimer) if hot_water_distribution.pipe_r_value < 3.0 return 500.0 else return 250.0 end elsif hot_water_distribution.recirculation_control_type == HPXML::DHWRecirControlTypeTemperature if hot_water_distribution.pipe_r_value < 3.0 return 375.0 else return 187.5 end elsif hot_water_distribution.recirculation_control_type == HPXML::DHWRecirControlTypeSensor if hot_water_distribution.pipe_r_value < 3.0 return 64.8 else return 43.2 end elsif hot_water_distribution.recirculation_control_type == HPXML::DHWRecirControlTypeManual if hot_water_distribution.pipe_r_value < 3.0 return 43.2 else return 28.8 end end elsif hot_water_distribution.system_type == HPXML::DHWDistTypeStandard if hot_water_distribution.pipe_r_value < 3.0 return 32.0 else return 28.8 end end fail 'Unexpected hot water distribution system.' end def self.get_default_extra_refrigerator_and_freezer_locations(hpxml) extra_refrigerator_location_hierarchy = [HPXML::LocationGarage, HPXML::LocationBasementUnconditioned, HPXML::LocationBasementConditioned, HPXML::LocationLivingSpace] extra_refrigerator_location = nil extra_refrigerator_location_hierarchy.each do |space_type| if hpxml.has_space_type(space_type) extra_refrigerator_location = space_type break end end return extra_refrigerator_location end end