// wrapped by build app define("dojox/image/Gallery", ["dijit","dojo","dojox","dojo/require!dojo/fx,dijit/_Widget,dijit/_Templated,dojox/image/ThumbnailPicker,dojox/image/SlideShow"], function(dijit,dojo,dojox){ dojo.provide("dojox.image.Gallery"); dojo.experimental("dojox.image.Gallery"); // // dojox.image.Gallery courtesy Shane O Sullivan, licensed under a Dojo CLA // // For a sample usage, see http://www.skynet.ie/~sos/photos.php // // TODO: Make public, document params and privitize non-API conformant methods. // document topics. dojo.require("dojo.fx"); dojo.require("dijit._Widget"); dojo.require("dijit._Templated"); dojo.require("dojox.image.ThumbnailPicker"); dojo.require("dojox.image.SlideShow"); dojo.declare("dojox.image.Gallery", [dijit._Widget, dijit._Templated], { // summary: // Gallery widget that wraps a dojox.image.ThumbnailPicker and dojox.image.SlideShow widget // // imageHeight: Number // Maximum height of an image in the SlideShow widget imageHeight: 375, // imageWidth: Number // Maximum width of an image in the SlideShow widget imageWidth: 500, // pageSize: Number // The number of records to retrieve from the data store per request. pageSize: dojox.image.SlideShow.prototype.pageSize, // autoLoad: Boolean // If true, images are loaded before the user views them. If false, an // image is loaded when the user displays it. autoLoad: true, // linkAttr: String // Defines the name of the attribute to request from the store to retrieve the // URL to link to from an image, if any. linkAttr: "link", // imageThumbAttr: String // Defines the name of the attribute to request from the store to retrieve the // URL to the thumbnail image. imageThumbAttr: "imageUrlThumb", // imageLargeAttr: String // Defines the name of the attribute to request from the store to retrieve the // URL to the image. imageLargeAttr: "imageUrl", // titleAttr: String // Defines the name of the attribute to request from the store to retrieve the // title of the picture, if any. titleAttr: "title", // slideshowInterval: Integer // Time, in seconds, between image changes in the slide show. slideshowInterval: 3, templateString: dojo.cache("dojox.image", "resources/Gallery.html", "
"), postCreate: function(){ // summary: // Initializes the widget, creates the ThumbnailPicker and SlideShow widgets this.widgetid = this.id; this.inherited(arguments) this.thumbPicker = new dojox.image.ThumbnailPicker({ linkAttr: this.linkAttr, imageLargeAttr: this.imageLargeAttr, imageThumbAttr: this.imageThumbAttr, titleAttr: this.titleAttr, useLoadNotifier: true, size: this.imageWidth }, this.thumbPickerNode); this.slideShow = new dojox.image.SlideShow({ imageHeight: this.imageHeight, imageWidth: this.imageWidth, autoLoad: this.autoLoad, linkAttr: this.linkAttr, imageLargeAttr: this.imageLargeAttr, titleAttr: this.titleAttr, slideshowInterval: this.slideshowInterval, pageSize: this.pageSize }, this.slideShowNode); var _this = this; //When an image is shown in the Slideshow, make sure it is visible //in the ThumbnailPicker dojo.subscribe(this.slideShow.getShowTopicName(), function(packet){ _this.thumbPicker._showThumbs(packet.index); }); //When the user clicks a thumbnail, show that image dojo.subscribe(this.thumbPicker.getClickTopicName(), function(evt){ _this.slideShow.showImage(evt.index); }); //When the ThumbnailPicker moves to show a new set of pictures, //make the Slideshow start loading those pictures first. dojo.subscribe(this.thumbPicker.getShowTopicName(), function(evt){ _this.slideShow.moveImageLoadingPointer(evt.index); }); //When an image finished loading in the slideshow, update the loading //notification in the ThumbnailPicker dojo.subscribe(this.slideShow.getLoadTopicName(), function(index){ _this.thumbPicker.markImageLoaded(index); }); this._centerChildren(); }, setDataStore: function(dataStore, request, /*optional*/paramNames){ // summary: // Sets the data store and request objects to read data from. // dataStore: // An implementation of the dojo/data/api/Read API. This accesses the image // data. // request: // An implementation of the dojo/data/api/Request API. This specifies the // query and paging information to be used by the data store // paramNames: // An object defining the names of the item attributes to fetch from the // data store. The four attributes allowed are 'linkAttr', 'imageLargeAttr', // 'imageThumbAttr' and 'titleAttr' this.thumbPicker.setDataStore(dataStore, request, paramNames); this.slideShow.setDataStore(dataStore, request, paramNames); }, reset: function(){ // summary: // Resets the widget to its initial state this.slideShow.reset(); this.thumbPicker.reset(); }, showNextImage: function(inTimer){ // summary: // Changes the image being displayed in the SlideShow to the next // image in the data store // inTimer: Boolean // If true, a slideshow is active, otherwise the slideshow is inactive. this.slideShow.showNextImage(); }, toggleSlideshow: function(){ dojo.deprecated("dojox.widget.Gallery.toggleSlideshow is deprecated. Use toggleSlideShow instead.", "", "2.0"); this.toggleSlideShow(); }, toggleSlideShow: function(){ // summary: // Switches the slideshow mode on and off. this.slideShow.toggleSlideShow(); }, showImage: function(index, /*optional*/callback){ // summary: // Shows the image at index 'idx'. // idx: Number // The position of the image in the data store to display // callback: Function // Optional callback function to call when the image has finished displaying. this.slideShow.showImage(index, callback); }, resize: function(dim){ this.thumbPicker.resize(dim); }, _centerChildren: function() { // summary: // Ensures that the ThumbnailPicker and the SlideShow widgets // are centered. var thumbSize = dojo.marginBox(this.thumbPicker.outerNode); var slideSize = dojo.marginBox(this.slideShow.outerNode); var diff = (thumbSize.w - slideSize.w) / 2; if(diff > 0) { dojo.style(this.slideShow.outerNode, "marginLeft", diff + "px"); } else if(diff < 0) { dojo.style(this.thumbPicker.outerNode, "marginLeft", (diff * -1) + "px"); } } }); });