I use this file to track my own work on the project. Each line is a pomodoro (a 25' slot). Latest pomodoro comes first: - autorequire formatter - refactoring - debugging - debugging - multiple formatters - debugging - fix race condition, debugging - testing/debugging - testing - release - refactoring and README - refactoring - command-line options - roll bin/cuukie_server into bin/cuukie - command-line options - command-line options - command-line options - command-line options - command-line options - command-line options - command-line options - hide stats until run completion - show incomplete running time - show incomplete running time - fix feature keywords - "cuukie" command - "cuukie" command - show undefined scenarios and steps - show incomplete status bar suite - refactoring - refactoring - show code snippets (and release 0.1.4) - show code snippets - show code snippets - show code snippets - show code snippets - show code snippets - code snippet reader - code snippet reader - code snippet reader - code snippet reader - code snippet reader - "fix" Travis build (i.e. remove rbx) - show exception backtraces - show exception messages - run formatter with custom server - run formatter with custom server - run server on custom port - wrap-ups for steps and scenarios - wrap-ups for steps and scenarios - show multiline arguments - compatibility with ruby 1.8.7 and rbx - fix ambiguous steps in test features - support for tables - fail gracefully when cuukie_server is down - working formatter out of gem (DONE) - working formatter out of gem - working formatter out of gem - show skipped scenarios - show backgrounds - show backgrounds - show backgrounds - refactor build status - status for entire suite - better scenario status - HTML escaping - HTML escaping (in progress) - cleanup - jewelized and released first version of gem - scenario status, cuukie_server binary - struggle to show scenario status (broken tests) - mark step status (finally done) - mark failed scenarios (harder than I thought) - mark failed scenarios (almost there) - mark failed scenarios (still broken) - mark failed steps (broken) - fix visualization - show step names - show scenario names and files - show scenarios (first test) - look around and think - show feature narratives - clean up feature name - report travis issue after crash - put on travis... and managed to crash travis ;) - refactoring - full-stack testing - progress on full-stack testing - use separate Sinatra server for testing - try to use separate Sinatra server for testing - set up Cucumber test app - multiple features - post feature - finish extracting CSS and JQuery - begin extracting CSS and JQuery - return example Cucumber HTML - set up environment