# -*- encoding: utf-8; frozen_string_literal: true -*-
# This file is part of HexaPDF.
# HexaPDF - A Versatile PDF Creation and Manipulation Library For Ruby
# Copyright (C) 2014-2025 Thomas Leitner
# HexaPDF is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 as
# published by the Free Software Foundation with the addition of the
# following permission added to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a):
# HexaPDF is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
# License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with HexaPDF. If not, see .
# The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code
# versions of HexaPDF must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required
# under Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
# In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public
# License, a covered work must retain the producer line in every PDF that
# is created or manipulated using HexaPDF.
# If the GNU Affero General Public License doesn't fit your need,
# commercial licenses are available at .
require 'hexapdf/layout/style'
require 'geom2d/utils'
require 'hexapdf/utils'
module HexaPDF
module Layout
# The base class for all layout boxes.
# == Box Model
# HexaPDF uses the following box model:
# * Each box can specify a width and height. Padding and border are inside, the margin outside
# of this rectangle.
# * The #content_width and #content_height accessors can be used to get the width and height of
# the content box without padding and the border.
# * If width or height is set to zero, they are determined automatically during layouting.
# == Subclasses
# Each subclass should only take keyword arguments on initialization so that the boxes can be
# instantiated from the common convenience method HexaPDF::Document::Layout#box. To use this
# facility subclasses need to be registered with the configuration option 'layout.boxes.map'.
# The methods #supports_position_flow?, #empty?, #fit_content, #split_content, and #draw_content
# need to be customized according to the subclass's use case (also see the documentation of the
# methods besides the information below):
# #supports_position_flow?::
# If the subclass supports the value :flow of the 'position' style property, this method
# needs to be overridden to return +true+.
# Additionally, if a box object uses flow positioning, #fit_result.x should be set to the
# correct value since Frame#fit can't determine this and uses Frame#left in the absence of a
# set value.
# #empty?::
# This method should return +true+ if the subclass won't draw anything when #draw is called.
# #fit_content::
# This method determines whether the box fits into the available region and should set the
# status of #fit_result appropriately.
# It is called from the #fit method which should not be overridden in most cases. The
# default implementations of both methods provide code common to all use-cases and delegates
# the specifics to the subclass-specific #fit_content method.
# #split_content::
# This method is called from #split which handles the common cases based on the status of
# the #fit_result. It needs to handle the case when only some part of the box fits. The
# method #create_split_box should be used for getting a basic cloned box.
# #draw_content::
# This method draws the box specific content and is called from #draw which already handles
# things like drawing the border and background. So #draw should usually not be overridden.
# This base class also provides various protected helper methods for use in the above methods:
# * #reserved_width, #reserved_height
# * #reserved_width_left, #reserved_width_right, #reserved_height_top,
# #reserved_height_bottom
# * #update_content_width, #update_content_height
# * #create_split_box
class Box
include HexaPDF::Utils
# Stores the result of fitting a box in a frame.
class FitResult
# The box that was fitted into the frame.
attr_accessor :box
# The frame into which the box was fitted.
attr_accessor :frame
# The horizontal position where the box will be drawn.
attr_accessor :x
# The vertical position where the box will be drawn.
attr_accessor :y
# The rectangle (a Geom2D::Rectangle object) that will be removed from the frame when
# drawing the box.
attr_accessor :mask
# The status result of fitting the box in the frame.
# Allowed values are:
# +:failure+:: (default) Indicates fitting the box has failed.
# +:success+:: Indicates that the box was completely fitted.
# +:overflow+:: Indicates that only a part of the box was fitted.
attr_reader :status
# Initializes the result object for the given box and, optionally, frame.
def initialize(box, frame: nil)
@box = box
# Resets the result object.
def reset(frame)
@frame = frame
@x = @y = @mask = nil
@status = :failure
# Sets the result status to success.
def success!
@status = :success
# Returns +true+ if fitting was successful.
def success?
@status == :success
# Sets the result status to overflow.
def overflow!
@status = :overflow
# Returns +true+ if only parts of the box were fitted.
def overflow?
@status == :overflow
# Returns +true+ if fitting was a failure.
def failure?
@status == :failure
# Draws the #box onto the canvas at (#x + *dx*, #y + *dy*).
# The relative offset (dx, dy) is useful when rendering results that were accumulated and
# then need to be moved because the container holding them changes its position.
# The configuration option "debug" can be used to add visual debug output with respect to
# box placement.
def draw(canvas, dx: 0, dy: 0)
return if box.height == 0 || box.width == 0
doc = canvas.context.document
if doc.config['debug']
name = (frame.parent_boxes + [box]).map do |box|
box.class.to_s.sub(/.*::/, '')
end.join('-') << "##{box.object_id}"
name = "#{name} (#{(x + dx).to_i},#{(y + dy).to_i}-#{mask.width.to_i}x#{mask.height.to_i})"
ocg = doc.optional_content.ocg(name)
canvas.optional_content(ocg) do
canvas.translate(dx, dy) do
opacity(fill_alpha: 0.1, stroke_alpha: 0.2).
draw(:geom2d, object: mask, path_only: true).fill_stroke
page = "Page #{canvas.context.index + 1}" rescue "XObject"
doc.optional_content.default_configuration.add_ocg_to_ui(ocg, path: ['Debug', page])
box.draw(canvas, x + dx, y + dy)
# Creates a new Box object, using the provided block as drawing block (see ::new).
# If +content_box+ is +true+, the width and height are taken to mean the content width and
# height and the style's padding and border are added to them appropriately.
# The +style+ argument defines the Style object (see Style::create for details) for the box.
# Any additional keyword arguments have to be style properties and are applied to the style
# object.
def self.create(width: 0, height: 0, content_box: false, style: nil, **style_properties, &block)
style = Style.create(style).update(**style_properties)
if content_box
width += style.padding.left + style.padding.right +
style.border.width.left + style.border.width.right
height += style.padding.top + style.padding.bottom +
style.border.width.top + style.border.width.bottom
new(width: width, height: height, style: style, &block)
# The width of the box, including padding and/or borders.
attr_reader :width
# The height of the box, including padding and/or borders.
attr_reader :height
# The FitResult instance holding the result after a call to #fit.
attr_reader :fit_result
# The style to be applied.
# Only the following properties are used:
# * Style#position
# * Style#overflow
# * Style#background_color
# * Style#background_alpha
# * Style#padding
# * Style#border
# * Style#overlays
# * Style#underlays
attr_reader :style
# Hash with custom properties. The keys should be strings and can be arbitrary.
# This can be used to store arbitrary information on boxes for later use. For example, a
# generic style layer could use one or more custom properties for its work.
# The Box class itself uses the following properties:
# optional_content::
# If this property is set, it needs to be an optional content group dictionary, a String
# defining an (optionally existing) optional content group dictionary, or an optional
# content membership dictionary.
# The whole content of the box, i.e. including padding, border, background..., is
# wrapped with the appropriate commands so that the optional content group or membership
# dictionary specifies whether the content is shown or not.
# See: HexaPDF::Type::OptionalContentProperties
attr_reader :properties
# :call-seq:
# Box.new(width: 0, height: 0, style: nil, properties: nil) {|canv, box| block} -> box
# Creates a new Box object with the given width and height that uses the provided block when
# it is asked to draw itself on a canvas (see #draw).
# Since the final location of the box is not known beforehand, the drawing operations inside
# the block should draw inside the rectangle (0, 0, content_width, content_height) - note that
# the width and height of the box may not be known beforehand.
def initialize(width: 0, height: 0, style: nil, properties: nil, &block)
@width = @initial_width = width
@height = @initial_height = height
@style = Style.create(style)
@properties = properties || {}
@draw_block = block
@fit_result = FitResult.new(self)
@split_box = false
# Returns the set truthy value if this is a split box, i.e. the rest of another box after it
# was split.
def split_box?
# Returns +false+ since a basic box doesn't support the 'position' style property value :flow.
def supports_position_flow?
# The width of the content box, i.e. without padding and/or borders.
def content_width
width = @width - reserved_width
width < 0 ? 0 : width
# The height of the content box, i.e. without padding and/or borders.
def content_height
height = @height - reserved_height
height < 0 ? 0 : height
# Fits the box into the *frame* and returns the #fit_result.
# The arguments +available_width+ and +available_height+ are the width and height of the
# current region of the frame, adjusted for this box. The frame itself is provided as third
# argument.
# If the box uses flow positioning, the width is set to the frame's width and the height to
# the remaining height in the frame. Otherwise the given available width and height are used
# for the width and height if they were initially set to 0. Otherwise the intially specified
# dimensions are used. The method returns early if the thus configured box already doesn't
# fit. Otherwise, the #fit_content method is called which allows sub-classes to fit their
# content.
# The following variables are set that may later be used during splitting or drawing:
# * (@fit_x, @fit_y): The lower-left corner of the content box where fitting was done. Can be
# used to adjust the drawing position in #draw_content if necessary.
def fit(available_width, available_height, frame)
position_flow = supports_position_flow? && style.position == :flow
@width = if @initial_width > 0
elsif position_flow
@height = if @initial_height > 0
elsif position_flow
frame.y - frame.bottom
return @fit_result if !position_flow && (float_compare(@width, available_width) > 0 ||
float_compare(@height, available_height) > 0 ||
@width - reserved_width < 0 ||
@height - reserved_height < 0)
fit_content(available_width, available_height, frame)
@fit_x = frame.x + reserved_width_left
@fit_y = frame.y - @height + reserved_height_bottom
# Tries to split the box into two, the first of which needs to fit into the current region of
# the frame, and returns the parts as array. The method #fit needs to be called before this
# method to correctly set-up the #fit_result.
# If the first item in the result array is not +nil+, it needs to be this box and it means
# that even when #fit fails, a part of the box may still fit. Note that #fit should not be
# called again before #draw on the first box since it is already fitted. If not even a part of
# this box fits into the current region, +nil+ should be returned as the first array element.
# Possible return values:
# [self, nil]:: The box fully fits into the current region.
# [nil, self]:: The box can't be split or no part of the box fits into the current region.
# [self, new_box]:: A part of the box fits and a new box is returned for the rest.
# This default implementation provides the basic functionality based on the status of the
# #fit_result that should be sufficient for most subclasses; only #split_content needs to be
# implemented if necessary.
def split
case @fit_result.status
when :overflow then (@initial_height > 0 ? [self, nil] : split_content)
when :failure then [nil, self]
when :success then [self, nil]
# Draws the content of the box onto the canvas at the position (x, y).
# When +@draw_block+ is used (the block specified when creating the box), the coordinate
# system is translated so that the origin is at the bottom left corner of the **content box**.
# Subclasses should not rely on the +@draw_block+ but implement the #draw_content method. The
# coordinates passed to it are also modified to represent the bottom-left corner of the
# content box but the coordinate system is not translated.
def draw(canvas, x, y)
if @fit_result.overflow? && @initial_height > 0 && style.overflow == :error
raise HexaPDF::Error, "Box with limited height doesn't completely fit and " \
"style property overflow is set to :error"
if (oc = properties['optional_content'])
if style.background_color? && style.background_color
canvas.save_graphics_state do
canvas.opacity(fill_alpha: style.background_alpha).
fill_color(style.background_color).rectangle(x, y, width, height).fill
style.underlays.draw(canvas, x, y, self) if style.underlays?
style.border.draw(canvas, x, y, width, height) if style.border?
draw_content(canvas, x + reserved_width_left, y + reserved_height_bottom)
style.overlays.draw(canvas, x, y, self) if style.overlays?
canvas.end_optional_content if oc
# Returns +true+ if no drawing operations are performed.
def empty?
!(@draw_block ||
(style.background_color? && style.background_color) ||
(style.underlays? && !style.underlays.none?) ||
(style.border? && !style.border.none?) ||
(style.overlays? && !style.overlays.none?))
# Returns the width that is reserved by the padding and border style properties.
def reserved_width
reserved_width_left + reserved_width_right
# Returns the height that is reserved by the padding and border style properties.
def reserved_height
reserved_height_top + reserved_height_bottom
# Returns the width that is reserved by the padding and the border style properties on the
# left side of the box.
def reserved_width_left
result = 0
result += style.padding.left if style.padding?
result += style.border.width.left if style.border?
# Returns the width that is reserved by the padding and the border style properties on the
# right side of the box.
def reserved_width_right
result = 0
result += style.padding.right if style.padding?
result += style.border.width.right if style.border?
# Returns the height that is reserved by the padding and the border style properties on the
# top side of the box.
def reserved_height_top
result = 0
result += style.padding.top if style.padding?
result += style.border.width.top if style.border?
# Returns the height that is reserved by the padding and the border style properties on the
# bottom side of the box.
def reserved_height_bottom
result = 0
result += style.padding.bottom if style.padding?
result += style.border.width.bottom if style.border?
# :call-seq:
# update_content_width { block }
# Updates the width of the box using the content width returned by the block.
def update_content_width
return if @initial_width > 0
@width = yield + reserved_width
# :call-seq:
# update_content_height { block }
# Updates the height of the box using the content height returned by the block.
def update_content_height
return if @initial_height > 0
@height = yield + reserved_height
# Fits the content of the box and returns whether fitting was successful.
# This is just a stub implementation that sets the #fit_result status to success. Subclasses
# should override it to provide the box specific behaviour.
# See #fit for details.
def fit_content(_available_width, _available_height, _frame)
# Splits the content of the box.
# This is just a stub implementation, returning [nil, self] since we can't know how to split
# the content when it didn't fit.
# Subclasses that support splitting content need to provide an appropriate implementation and
# use #create_split_box to create a cloned box to supply as the second return argument.
def split_content
[nil, self]
# Draws the content of the box at position [x, y] which is the bottom left corner of the
# content box.
# This implementation uses the drawing block provided on initialization, if set, to draw the
# contents. Subclasses should override it to provide box specific behaviour.
def draw_content(canvas, x, y)
if @draw_block
canvas.translate(x, y) { @draw_block.call(canvas, self) }
# Creates a new box based on this one and resets the internal data back to their original
# values.
# The variable +@split_box+ is set to +split_box_value+ (defaults to +true+) to make the new
# box aware that it is a split box. If needed, subclasses can set the variable to other truthy
# values to convey more meaning.
# This method should be used by subclasses to create their split box.
def create_split_box(split_box_value: true)
box = clone
box.instance_variable_set(:@width, @initial_width)
box.instance_variable_set(:@height, @initial_height)
box.instance_variable_set(:@fit_result, FitResult.new(box))
box.instance_variable_set(:@split_box, split_box_value)