name: Contextual breadcrumbs description: Breadcrumbs that shows different things depending on the page body: | This is a complex component that calls other components. For more accurate preview with real data, see the [contextual navigation preview][preview]. There are 4 main variants of the component: - Step by step, which uses the [step by step header][header] - Parent breadcrumb, which uses the `parent` link of the page with the [breadcrumbs component][breadcrumbs] - Taxon breadcrumb, which uses the `taxons` link of the page with the [breadcrumbs component][breadcrumbs] - Organisation breadcrumb, which uses the `organisations` link of the page with the [breadcrumbs component][breadcrumbs] It must always used [together with the contextual sidebar][sidebar] and [footer]. [preview]: /contextual-navigation [header]: /component-guide/step_by_step_nav_header [footer]: /component-guide/contextual_footer [sidebar]: /component-guide/contextual_sidebar [breadcrumbs]: accessibility_criteria: | Components called by this component must be accessible uses_component_wrapper_helper: true examples: default: data: content_item: title: "A content item" inverse: description: Passes the `inverse` option to the breadcrumbs, if shown. data: content_item: title: "Another content item" inverse: true context: dark_background: true without_ga4_tracking: description: | Disables GA4 tracking. Tracking is enabled by default. This includes GA4 tracking on the step by step nav header component when it is rendered as a breadcrumb. See the [ga4-link-tracker documentation]( for more information. data: disable_ga4: true content_item: title: "A content item" links: part_of_step_navs: - title: "Learn to drive a car: step by step" base_path: "/micropigs-vs-micropugs"