--- en: config: event_calendar: path: Calendar path layout: Layout refresh_interval: Refresh subscriptions after cache_duration: Cache duration time: formats: calendar_period_description_week: "in week %U of %Y" calendar_period_description_month: "in %B %Y" calendar_period_description_year: "in %Y" calendar_period_describe: "%d %B" calendar_period_describe_with_year: "%d %B %Y" calendar_period_describe_detailed: "%I:%M%p %d/%m/%Y" calendar_period_minicalendar_title: "%B %Y" calendar_period_minicalendar_month: "%B" calendar_month: "%B" calendar_short_day: "%a" calendar_short_month: "%b" calendar_day_name: "%A" calendar_day_of_month: "%d" event_calendar_time_format: "%I:%M%p" event_calendar_round_time_format: "%I%p" date: formats: event_calendar_date_format: "%d %B" event_calendar_short_date_format: "%d/%m/%Y" calendar_period_minicalendar_title: "%B %Y" calendar_period_minicalendar_month: "%B" calendar_month: "%B" calendar_short_month: "%b" calendar_day_name: "%A" calendar_day_of_month: "%d" event_calendar_extension: download_event: "Download event" view_on_facebook: "view on facebook" attend_on_facebook: "attend on facebook" tweet_this: "Tweet this" # all this is going to be moved into the more conventional activerecord and event_calendar_extension namespaces when I get a chance. refresh_calendar: "refresh calendar" edit_calendar: "edit calendar" delete_calendar: "delete calendar" really_delete_calendar: "Are you sure you want to delete the %{name} calendar?" calendar: Calendar calendars: Calendars events: Events locations: Locations event_venues: Locations defaults: cancel: Cancel or: or at: at day: day week: week month: month year: year forever: forever until: until for: for calendar_admin: defaults: title: Calendar index: title: Calendars new: new calendar name: Name url: URL (category/slug) last_refresh: Last Refresh auto_refresh: Refresh automatically? yes: yes no: no events: events new: title: New calendar header: New Calendar edit: header: Edit Calendar show: subscribe: subscribe to this calendar address: address username: username password: password detail_text: This may be part of a master calendar with several individual calendars. In that case there will be a different address that lets you access all the calendars at once. Consult your site administrator if unsure. no_events: No Events actions: refresh: Refresh calendar edit: Edit calendar delete: Delete calendar confirm: Are you sure you want to delete the form: name: Name subscription_url: Subscription url (optional) username: Username password: Password auto_refresh: Refresh automatically? keywords: Keywords more: more description: Description slug: Slug category: Category event_admin: dashboard: coming_events: "Events coming up" defaults: title: Calendar index: title: Events new: new event calendar: Calendar time: Time location: Location keywords: Keywords modify: Modify no_events: No events to display show_all: (show all) events: Events many_times: many times new: title: New calendar header: New Calendar edit: header: Edit Event form: new_location: add a new location edit_location: edit this location choose_location: Choose a location description: Description title: Title keywords: Keywords calendar: Calendar start: Start date and time end: end date and time event_url: Event url facebook_id: Facebook event id repeat_note: (this is for separate similar events. For events that span several days you only need to set the start and end.) calendar_note: This is optional but can be used to file your events or to mix local events into a subscribed calendar. all_day: All-day event? repeats: Repeats repeats_every: Repeats every many_time: this many times remove: title: Delete event message: Are you sure you want to submit: Delete warning: permanently remove event: the event event_venues_admin: defaults: title: Calendar index: title: Locations place: Place address: Address website: Website modify: Modify no_places: No places in the system yet. You can create one here or when you add an event. new: new venue event: event remove: remove edit: title: Edit Location description: Remember that changes you make here will affect the display of every event in this location. update: Update Venue new: title: Add an event location text: You can also do this whenever you enter a new event. create: Create Venue form: title: Venue or location title choose: choose an existing place choose_note: "We remember these details for you, so changes here affect every event occurring in this place" choose_list: "choose it from the list" choose_before: "If you've used this place before, please" choose_after: "so that you can update it globally" keywords: Keywords location_tag: Location tag location_tag_note: "If your address is very specific or difficult to locate, you can enter a postcode, grid reference or lat/long pair here." address: Address or directions postcode: Postcode or grid reference postcode_note: This is only required if your address is unusual or you want these events to show on a map in a particular place. url: Location url remove: title: Remove location no_events: It has no events. event: event confirm: Are you sure you want to warning: permanently remove the_location: the location delete: Delete location associated: It is associated with remain: that will remain in the calendar without a location event_page: calendar: Calendar more_pages: "%{start} to %{end} of" more_pages_to: events: Events continuing_events_title: Continuing events runs_until: runs until sorry_no_events: "Sorry: there are no events" sorry_no_upcoming_events: "Sorry: there are no events coming up" stay_up_to_date: "stay up to date" rss: "RSS" calendar_feed: "calendar feed" or: or at: at summarize_period_one_day: "all day on %{date}" summarize_period_all_day: "from %{from_date} to %{to_date}" summarize_period_within_day: "%{start_time} on %{date}" summarize_period_within_day_with_end_time: "%{start_time} to %{end_time} on %{date}" summarize_period_spanning_days: "%{start_time} on %{date} to %{end_time} on %{end_date}" on_date: "%{time} on %{date}" from_date: "from %{date}" all_day_on: "all day on %{date}" all_day: "all day" coming_up: "coming up" showing: Showing in_calendars: "in %{calendars}" description: "Create a viewer for calendar data. " number_events: one: 1 event other: "%{count} events" continuing_events: one: 1 continuing event other: "%{count} continuing events" calendar_period: description_day: "on %{day} %{monthname} %{year}" onwards: "from %{describe_start} onwards" until: "until %{describe_finish}" between: "between %{describe_start} and %{describe_finish}" inspect: "%{describe_start} to %{describe_finish}" to_s: "%{distance_of_time_in_words} from %{start}"