# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- require 'digest/md5' require "optparse" module Keystone::Batch # # = バッチをざくっと書きたい時用モジュール # # 基本的にはexecuteメソッドにバッチ処理をブロックで渡す # # == 定数 # # ERROR_MAIL_TO (エラーメール送信先) 設定しておけば自動でエラーメールを送信してくれる # # ERROR_MAIL_FROM (エラーメール送信元) 設定されてない場合はERROR_MAIL_TOを使用 # # ERROR_MAIL_STMP_ADDR (エラーメール送信SMTPアドレス) 設定されてない場合は"" # # ERROR_MAIL_STMP_PORT (エラーメール送信SMTPポート) 設定されてない場合は25 # module Base def option_parser @options ||= OptionParser.new end # [options] # プログラムより指定するバッチ動作オプション(ハッシュ値) # :error_mail_to # :error_mail_from # :error_mail_smtp_addr # :error_mail_smtp_port # :double_process_check # :auto_recover # # バッチの主処理をこのメソッドへのブロック引数として定義してください # # require 'rubygems' # require 'keystone' # # include Keystone::Batch::Base # # execute() do # info "batch process01" # end # # railsのscript/runnerで使用する場合はscript/runnerを以下の感じでいじってから使用してください # # #!/usr/bin/env ruby # # #original add start # ARGV_ORIGINAL = ARGV.clone # ARGV.delete("-h") # ARGV.delete("--help") # #original add end # # require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../config/boot' # require 'commands/runner' # def execute(options={},&process) options[:error_mail_to] = nil unless options.key?(:error_mail_to) options[:error_mail_from] = nil unless options.key?(:error_mail_from) options[:error_mail_smtp_addr] = "" unless options.key?(:error_mail_smtp_addr) options[:error_mail_smtp_port] = 25 unless options.key?(:error_mail_smtp_port) options[:double_process_check] = true unless options.key?(:double_process_check) options[:auto_recover] = true unless options.key?(:auto_recover) double_process_check = options[:double_process_check] auto_recover = options[:auto_recover] opts = option_parser() pg_path = nil # 2010/03/10 追加機能 まだrailsバッチ以外での動作をテストしてません opts.on("--not_rails","set if this batch is not rails batch") do |v| ; end if Module.constants.include?("ARGV_ORIGINAL") Keystone::Base::Logger.instance.debug "ARGV_ORIGINAL found!!" ARGV << "-h" if ARGV_ORIGINAL.include?("-h") ARGV << "--help" if ARGV_ORIGINAL.include?("--help") script_name = File.basename(ARGV_ORIGINAL[0]) pg_path = File.expand_path(script_name) opts.banner = "Usage: script/runner #{script_name} [options]" Keystone::Base::Logger.instance.debug "pg_path=#{pg_path}" opts.on("-e", "--environment=name", String,"specifies the environment for the runner to operate under (test/development/production).", "default: development") else Keystone::Base::Logger.instance.debug "caller=#{caller}" pg_path = if File.expand_path(caller[0]) =~ /(.*):\d*:in `.*?'\z/ $1 else raise "must not happen!! can not get caller value" end # unless ARGV.include?("--not_rails") opts.on("-e", "--environment=name", String,"specifies the environment for the runner to operate under (test/development/production).", "default: development") end end opts.on("-h","--help","show this help message.") { $stderr.puts opts; exit } pid_file = nil opts.on("--lockfile LOCK_FILE_PATH","set lock file path") do |v| double_process_check = true unless double_process_check pid_file = v end opts.on("--double_process_check_off","disable double process check") do |v| double_process_check = false end opts.on("--auto_recover_off","disable auto recover mode") do |v| auto_recover = false end opts.on("--error_mail_to MAIL_ADDR") do |v| options[:error_mail_to] = v end opts.on("--error_mail_from MAIL_ADDR") do |v| options[:error_mail_from] = v end opts.on("--error_mail_smtp_addr IP_ADDR") do |v| options[:error_mail_smtp_addr] = v end opts.on("--error_mail_smtp_port PORT") do |v| options[:error_mail_smtp_port] = Integer(v) end opts.parse!(ARGV) Keystone::Base::Logger.instance.info "start script(#{pg_path})" script_started_at = Time.now double_process_check_worked = false begin # double process check if double_process_check #pg_path = File.expand_path($0) pg_name = File.basename(pg_path) hash = Digest::MD5.hexdigest(pg_path) pid_file = "/tmp/.#{pg_name}.#{hash}.pid" unless pid_file Keystone::Base::Logger.instance.debug pid_file if File.exists?(pid_file) pid = File.open(pid_file).read.chomp pid_list = `ps ax | awk '{print $1}'` if (pid != nil && pid != "" ) && pid_list =~ /#{pid}/ Keystone::Base::Logger.instance.warn "pid:#{pid} still running" double_process_check_worked = true return nil else if auto_recover Keystone::Base::Logger.instance.warn "lock file still exists[pid=#{pid}],but process does not found.auto_recover enabled.so process continues" else double_process_check_worked = true raise "lock file still exists[pid=#{pid}],but process does not found.auto_recover disabled.so process can not continue" end end end File.open(pid_file, "w"){|file| file.write $$ } end return (yield process) rescue => e Keystone::Base::Logger.instance.error e send_error_mail(e,options) ensure unless double_process_check_worked File.delete(pid_file) if double_process_check end Keystone::Base::Logger.instance.info "finish script (%1.3fsec)" % (Time.now - script_started_at) end end # # = エラーメール送信メソッド # エクセプションを何も考えずにメールにて送信する # 各種メール送信属性は定数にて渡す # # [exception] # エクセプションクラスインスタンス # def send_error_mail(exception,options) if options[:error_mail_to] host = Keystone::Os.get() title = %|[error][#{host.hostname}][#{exception.message}]| mail_to = options[:error_mail_to] mail_to = [mail_to] if mail_to.is_a?(String) mail_from = options[:error_mail_from] ? options[:error_mail_from] : mail_to[0] smtp_addr = options[:error_mail_smtp_addr] smtp_port = options[:error_mail_smtp_port] Keystone::Base::Logger.instance.debug "mail_to=#{mail_to}" Keystone::Base::Logger.instance.debug "mail_from=#{mail_from}" Keystone::Base::Logger.instance.debug "smtp_addr=#{smtp_addr}" Keystone::Base::Logger.instance.debug "smtp_port=#{smtp_port}" body = <<-BODY ==== pg ==== #{File.expand_path($0)} ==== error message ==== #{exception.message} ====== backtrace ====== #{exception.backtrace.join("\n")} ===== environment ===== #{host.dump} BODY Keystone::Mail::Send.sendmail(mail_from,mail_to,title,body,smtp_addr,smtp_port) else Keystone::Base::Logger.instance.info "ERROR_MAIL_TO not defined.if you want error mail automatically,set this value(check execute() method option)." end end end end