module ActiveRecord # :nodoc: class Base # :nodoc: module IdentityMap # :nodoc: module ClassMethods private # Prepares model for work with identity map. # If you want to turn on identity map for certain classes (recomended) # you should do like this: # # class Address # use_id_map # end # # If you want to turn on identity map for all ActiveRecord models (not recomended) # you should put in some initializator: # # class ActiveRecord::Base # use_id_map # end def use_id_map() # :doc: unless is_a? IdMapClassMethods extend IdMapClassMethods include IdMapInstanceMethods class << self alias_method_chain :find, :identity_map alias_method_chain :instantiate, :identity_map end alias_method_chain :create, :identity_map alias_method_chain :destroy, :identity_map alias_method_chain :reload, :identity_map end end end # :enddoc: module IdMapClassMethods def id_map thread_id_map.try(:for_class, self) end def if_id_map map = id_map yield map if map end private def fetch_single(map, id) if (obj = map[id]) && !(column_names - obj.attribute_names).present? obj end end def fetch_from_map(map, ids) result, not_cached = [], [] ids.each do |id| if ( obj = fetch_single(map, id) ) result << obj else not_cached << id end end unless not_cached.empty? add = yield not_cached result.concat( add ) if add end result end def find_with_identity_map( *args ) if_id_map do |map| if args.size > 1 && args.all?{|a| a.is_a?(Integer) || a.is_a?(String)} args = [ args ] end args1 = args[1] from_arg0 = args1.nil? || args1.is_a?(Hash) && !args1.values.any? from_condition_ids = !from_arg0 && (args[0] == :all || args[0] == :first) && args.size == 2 && args[1].is_a?(Hash) && args1.all?{|key, value| key == :conditions || key == :include || !value.present?} && args1[:conditions].is_a?(Hash) && (args1[:conditions].keys == [:id] || args1[:conditions].keys == ['id']) if from_arg0 || from_condition_ids ids = from_arg0 ? args[0] : (args1[:conditions][:id] || args1[:conditions]['id']) records = if ids.is_a?(Array) if from_arg0 fetch_from_map( map, ids, &method(:find_without_identity_map) ) elsif args[0] == :all fetch_from_map( map, ids ){|not_cached| find_without_identity_map(:all, {:conditions=>{:id=>not_cached}}) } elsif args[0] == :first to_find = nil result = fetch_from_map( map, ids ){|not_cached| to_find = not_cached; nil} unless result.empty? result.first else find_without_identity_map(:first, {:conditions=>{:id=>to_find}}) end end else fetch_single(map, ids) end if method_defined?(:merge_includes) && (include_associations = merge_includes(scope(:find, :include), args1.try(:[],:include))).any? preload_associations(records, include_associations) elsif args1.try(:[], :include) preload_associations(records, args1[:include]) end records end end || find_without_identity_map(*args) end def instantiate_with_identity_map( record ) if_id_map do |map| id = record[primary_key] if (object = map[id]) attrs = object.instance_variable_get( :@attributes ) unless (changed = object.instance_variable_get( :@changed_attributes )).blank? for key, value in record if changed.has_key? key changed[key] = value else attrs[key] = value end end else attrs.merge!( record ) unless attrs == record end object else map[id] = instantiate_without_identity_map( record ) end end || instantiate_without_identity_map( record ) end def delete_with_identity_map( ids ) res = delete_without_identity_map( ids ) if_id_map{|map| [ *ids ].each{|id| map.delete(id) } } res end end module IdMapInstanceMethods private def create_with_identity_map id = create_without_identity_map self.class.if_id_map{|map| map[id] = self } id end def destroy_with_identity_map res = destroy_without_identity_map self.class.if_id_map{|map| map.delete(id) } res end def reload_with_identity_map self.class.without_id_map do reload_without_identity_map end end end end extend IdentityMap::ClassMethods end end