@edit @contributors Feature: Add a Contributor In order to associate new people, organizations and conferences with an item As a person with edit permissions I want to add a new contributor # These are breaking with complaints that "Only get requests are allowed. (ActionController::MethodNotAllowed)" # This error only occurs in cucumber, not in real browser testing. @nojs Scenario: Add a person without javascript Given I am logged in as "archivist1@example.com" And I am on the edit document page for hydrangea:fixture_mods_article1 When I follow "Add a Person" And I fill in the following: | Computing ID | 098556 | | First Name | Myra | | Last Name | Breckenridge | | Department | Posture and Empathy | | Institution | Academy for Aspiring Young Actors and Actresses | # And I press "Add Person" # Then I should be on the edit document page for hydrus:test_object1 # And the following should contain: # | Computing ID | 098556 | # | First Name | Myra | # | Last Name | Breckenridge | # | Department | Posture and Empathy | # | Institution | Academy for Aspiring Young Actors and Actresses | @nojs Scenario: Add an organization without javascript Given I am logged in as "archivist1@example.com" And I am on the edit document page for hydrangea:fixture_mods_article1 When I follow "Add an Organization" And I fill in "Organization" with "American Film Academy" # And I press "Add Organization" # Then I should be on the edit document page for hydrus:test_object1 # And the "Organization" field should contain "American Film Academy"