shared_examples_for "Koala GraphAPI" do # all Graph API instances should pass these tests, regardless of configuration # API it "never uses the rest api server" do Koala.should_receive(:make_request).with( anything, anything, anything, hash_not_including(:rest_api => true) ).and_return(, "", {})) @api.api("anything") end # GRAPH CALL describe "graph_call" do it "passes all arguments to the api method" do args = [KoalaTest.user1, {}, "get", {:a => :b}] @api.should_receive(:api).with(*args) @api.graph_call(*args) end it "throws an APIError if the result hash has an error key" do Koala.stub(:make_request).and_return(, '{"error": "An error occurred!"}', {})) lambda { @api.graph_call(KoalaTest.user1, {}) }.should raise_exception(Koala::Facebook::APIError) end it "passes the results through GraphCollection.evaluate" do result = {} @api.stub(:api).and_return(result) Koala::Facebook::GraphCollection.should_receive(:evaluate).with(result, @api) @api.graph_call("/me") end it "returns the results of GraphCollection.evaluate" do expected = {} @api.stub(:api).and_return([]) Koala::Facebook::GraphCollection.should_receive(:evaluate).and_return(expected) @api.graph_call("/me").should == expected end it "returns the post_processing block's results if one is supplied" do other_result = [:a, 2, :three] block = {|r| other_result} @api.stub(:api).and_return({}) @api.graph_call("/me", {}, "get", {}, &block).should == other_result end end # SEARCH it "can search" do result ="facebook") result.length.should be_an(Integer) end # DATA # access public info # get_object it "gets public data about a user" do result = @api.get_object(KoalaTest.user1) # the results should have an ID and a name, among other things (result["id"] && result["name"]).should_not be_nil end it "gets public data about a Page" do result = @api.get_object( # the results should have an ID and a name, among other things (result["id"] && result["name"]).should end it "returns [] from get_objects if passed an empty array" do results = @api.get_objects([]) results.should == [] end it "gets multiple objects" do results = @api.get_objects([, KoalaTest.user1]) results.should have(2).items end it "gets multiple objects if they're a string" do results = @api.get_objects("facebook,#{KoalaTest.user1}") results.should have(2).items end describe "#get_picture" do it "can access a user's picture" do @api.get_picture(KoalaTest.user2).should =~ /http[s]*\:\/\// end it "can access a user's picture, given a picture type" do @api.get_picture(KoalaTest.user2, {:type => 'large'}).should =~ /^http[s]*\:\/\// end it "works even if Facebook returns nil" do @api.stub(:graph_call).and_return(nil) @api.get_picture(KoalaTest.user2, {:type => 'large'}).should be_nil end end it "can access connections from public Pages" do result = @api.get_connections(, "photos") result.should be_a(Array) end it "can access comments for a URL" do result = @api.get_comments_for_urls([""]) (result[""]).should end it "can access comments for 2 URLs" do result = @api.get_comments_for_urls(["", ""]) (result[""] && result[""]).should end # SEARCH it "can search" do result ="facebook") result.length.should be_an(Integer) end # PAGING THROUGH COLLECTIONS # see also graph_collection_tests it "makes a request for a page when provided a specific set of page params" do query = [1, 2] @api.should_receive(:graph_call).with(*query) @api.get_page(query) end # Beta tier it "can use the beta tier" do result = @api.get_object(KoalaTest.user1, {}, :beta => true) # the results should have an ID and a name, among other things (result["id"] && result["name"]).should_not be_nil end # FQL describe "#fql_query" do it "makes a request to /fql" do @api.should_receive(:get_object).with("fql", anything, anything) @api.fql_query stub('query string') end it "passes a query argument" do query = stub('query string') @api.should_receive(:get_object).with(anything, hash_including(:q => query), anything) @api.fql_query(query) end it "passes on any other arguments provided" do args = {:a => 2} @api.should_receive(:get_object).with(anything, hash_including(args), anything) @api.fql_query("a query", args) end end describe "#fql_multiquery" do it "makes a request to /fql" do @api.should_receive(:get_object).with("fql", anything, anything) @api.fql_multiquery 'query string' end it "passes a queries argument" do queries = stub('query string') queries_json = "some JSON" MultiJson.stub(:dump).with(queries).and_return(queries_json) @api.should_receive(:get_object).with(anything, hash_including(:q => queries_json), anything) @api.fql_multiquery(queries) end it "simplifies the response format" do raw_results = [ {"name" => "query1", "fql_result_set" => [1, 2, 3]}, {"name" => "query2", "fql_result_set" => [:a, :b, :c]} ] expected_results = { "query1" => [1, 2, 3], "query2" => [:a, :b, :c] } @api.stub(:get_object).and_return(raw_results) results = @api.fql_multiquery({:query => true}) results.should == expected_results end it "passes on any other arguments provided" do args = {:a => 2} @api.should_receive(:get_object).with(anything, hash_including(args), anything) @api.fql_multiquery("a query", args) end end end shared_examples_for "Koala GraphAPI with an access token" do it "gets private data about a user" do result = @api.get_object(KoalaTest.user1) # updated_time should be a pretty fixed test case result["updated_time"].should_not be_nil end it "gets data about 'me'" do result = @api.get_object("me") result["updated_time"].should end it "gets multiple objects" do result = @api.get_objects([, KoalaTest.user1]) result.length.should == 2 end it "can access connections from users" do result = @api.get_connections(KoalaTest.user2, "friends") result.length.should > 0 end # PUT it "can write an object to the graph" do result = @api.put_wall_post("Hello, world, from the test suite!") @temporary_object_id = result["id"] @temporary_object_id.should_not be_nil end # DELETE it "can delete posts" do result = @api.put_wall_post("Hello, world, from the test suite delete method!") object_id_to_delete = result["id"] delete_result = @api.delete_object(object_id_to_delete) delete_result.should == true end it "can delete likes" do result = @api.put_wall_post("Hello, world, from the test suite delete like method!") @temporary_object_id = result["id"] @api.put_like(@temporary_object_id) delete_like_result = @api.delete_like(@temporary_object_id) delete_like_result.should == true end # additional put tests it "can verify messages posted to a wall" do message = "the cats are asleep" put_result = @api.put_wall_post(message) @temporary_object_id = put_result["id"] get_result = @api.get_object(@temporary_object_id) # make sure the message we sent is the message that got posted get_result["message"].should == message end it "can post a message with an attachment to a feed" do result = @api.put_wall_post("Hello, world, from the test suite again!", {:name => "OAuth Playground", :link => ""}) @temporary_object_id = result["id"] @temporary_object_id.should_not be_nil end it "can post a message whose attachment has a properties dictionary" do url = KoalaTest.oauth_test_data["callback_url"] args = { "picture" => "#{KoalaTest.oauth_test_data["callback_url"]}/images/logo.png", "name" => "It's a big question", "type" => "link", "link" => KoalaTest.oauth_test_data["callback_url"], "properties" => { "Link1" => {"text" => "Left", "href" => url}, "other" => {"text" => "Straight ahead", "href" => url + "?"} } } result = @api.put_wall_post("body", args) @temporary_object_id = result["id"] @temporary_object_id.should_not be_nil # ensure the properties dictionary is there api_data = @api.get_object(@temporary_object_id) api_data["properties"].should_not be_nil end describe "#put_picture" do it "can post photos to the user's wall with an open file object" do content_type = "image/jpg" file =, "..", "fixtures", "beach.jpg")) result = @api.put_picture(file, content_type) @temporary_object_id = result["id"] @temporary_object_id.should_not be_nil end it "can post photos to the user's wall without an open file object" do content_type = "image/jpg", file_path = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "..", "fixtures", "beach.jpg") result = @api.put_picture(file_path, content_type) @temporary_object_id = result["id"] @temporary_object_id.should_not be_nil end it "can verify a photo posted to a user's wall" do content_type = "image/jpg", file_path = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "..", "fixtures", "beach.jpg") expected_message = "This is the test message" result = @api.put_picture(file_path, content_type, :message => expected_message) @temporary_object_id = result["id"] @temporary_object_id.should_not be_nil get_result = @api.get_object(@temporary_object_id) get_result["name"].should == expected_message end describe "using a URL instead of a file" do before :each do @url = "" end it "can post photo to the user's wall using a URL" do result = @api.put_picture(@url) @temporary_object_id = result["id"] @temporary_object_id.should_not be_nil end it "can post photo to the user's wall using a URL and an additional param" do result = @api.put_picture(@url, :message => "my message") @temporary_object_id = result["id"] @temporary_object_id.should_not be_nil end end end describe "#put_video" do before :each do @cat_movie = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "..", "fixtures", "cat.m4v") @content_type = "video/mpeg4" end it "sets options[:video] to true" do source = stub("UploadIO") Koala::UploadableIO.stub(:new).and_return(source) source.stub(:requires_base_http_service).and_return(false) Koala.should_receive(:make_request).with(anything, anything, anything, hash_including(:video => true)).and_return(, "[]", {})) @api.put_video("foo") end it "can post videos to the user's wall with an open file object" do file = result = @api.put_video(file, @content_type) @temporary_object_id = result["id"] @temporary_object_id.should_not be_nil end it "can post videos to the user's wall without an open file object" do result = @api.put_video(@cat_movie, @content_type) @temporary_object_id = result["id"] @temporary_object_id.should_not be_nil end # note: Facebook doesn't post videos immediately to the wall, due to processing time # during which get_object(video_id) will return false # hence we can't do the same verify test we do for photos end it "can verify a message with an attachment posted to a feed" do attachment = {"name" => "OAuth Playground", "link" => ""} result = @api.put_wall_post("Hello, world, from the test suite again!", attachment) @temporary_object_id = result["id"] get_result = @api.get_object(@temporary_object_id) # make sure the result we fetch includes all the parameters we sent it_matches = attachment.inject(true) {|valid, param| valid && (get_result[param[0]] == attachment[param[0]])} it_matches.should == true end it "can comment on an object" do result = @api.put_wall_post("Hello, world, from the test suite, testing comments!") @temporary_object_id = result["id"] # this will be deleted when the post gets deleted comment_result = @api.put_comment(@temporary_object_id, "it's my comment!") comment_result.should_not be_nil end it "can verify a comment posted about an object" do message_text = "Hello, world, from the test suite, testing comments again!" result = @api.put_wall_post(message_text) @temporary_object_id = result["id"] # this will be deleted when the post gets deleted comment_text = "it's my comment!" comment_result = @api.put_comment(@temporary_object_id, comment_text) get_result = @api.get_object(comment_result["id"]) # make sure the text of the comment matches what we sent get_result["message"].should == comment_text end it "can like an object" do result = @api.put_wall_post("Hello, world, from the test suite, testing liking!") @temporary_object_id = result["id"] like_result = @api.put_like(@temporary_object_id) like_result.should be_true end # Page Access Token Support describe "#get_page_access_token" do it "gets the page object with the access_token field" do # we can't test this live since test users (or random real users) can't be guaranteed to have pages to manage @api.should_receive(:api).with("my_page", hash_including({:fields => "access_token"}), "get", anything) @api.get_page_access_token("my_page") end it "merges in any other arguments" do # we can't test this live since test users (or random real users) can't be guaranteed to have pages to manage args = {:a => 3} @api.should_receive(:api).with("my_page", hash_including(args), "get", anything) @api.get_page_access_token("my_page", args) end end it "can get information about an access token" do result = @api.debug_token(KoalaTest.app_access_token) result.should be_kind_of(Hash) result["data"].should be_kind_of(Hash) result["data"]["app_id"].to_s.should == KoalaTest.app_id.to_s result["data"]["application"].should_not be_nil end describe "#set_app_restrictions" do before :all do oauth =, KoalaTest.secret) app_token = oauth.get_app_access_token @app_api = @restrictions = {"age_distr" => "13+"} end it "makes a POST to /app_id" do @app_api.should_receive(:graph_call).with(KoalaTest.app_id, anything, "post", anything) @app_api.set_app_restrictions(KoalaTest.app_id, @restrictions) end it "JSON-encodes the restrictions" do @app_api.should_receive(:graph_call).with(anything, hash_including(:restrictions => MultiJson.dump(@restrictions)), anything, anything) @app_api.set_app_restrictions(KoalaTest.app_id, @restrictions) end it "includes the other arguments" do args = {:a => 2} @app_api.should_receive(:graph_call).with(anything, hash_including(args), anything, anything) @app_api.set_app_restrictions(KoalaTest.app_id, @restrictions, args) end it "works" do @app_api.set_app_restrictions(KoalaTest.app_id, @restrictions).should be_true end end it "can access public information via FQL" do result = @api.fql_query("select uid, first_name from user where uid = #{KoalaTest.user2_id}") result.size.should == 1 result.first['first_name'].should == KoalaTest.user2_name result.first['uid'].should == KoalaTest.user2_id.to_i end it "can access public information via FQL.multiquery" do result = @api.fql_multiquery( :query1 => "select uid, first_name from user where uid = #{KoalaTest.user2_id}", :query2 => "select uid, first_name from user where uid = #{KoalaTest.user1_id}" ) result.size.should == 2 # this should check for first_name, but there's an FB bug currently result["query1"].first['uid'].should == KoalaTest.user2_id.to_i # result["query1"].first['first_name'].should == KoalaTest.user2_name result["query2"].first['first_name'].should == KoalaTest.user1_name end it "can access protected information via FQL" do # Tests agains the permissions fql table # get the current user's ID # we're sneakily using the Graph API, which should be okay since it has its own tests g = id = g.get_object("me", :fields => "id")["id"] # now send a query about your permissions result = @api.fql_query("select read_stream from permissions where uid = #{id}") result.size.should == 1 # we've verified that you have read_stream permissions, so we can test against that result.first["read_stream"].should == 1 end it "can access protected information via FQL.multiquery" do result = @api.fql_multiquery( :query1 => "select post_id from stream where source_id = me()", :query2 => "select fromid from comment where post_id in (select post_id from #query1)", :query3 => "select uid, name from user where uid in (select fromid from #query2)" ) result.size.should == 3 result.keys.should include("query1", "query2", "query3") end # test all methods to make sure they pass data through to the API # we run the tests here (rather than in the common shared example group) # since some require access tokens describe "HTTP options" do # Each of the below methods should take an options hash as their last argument # ideally we'd use introspection to determine how many arguments a method has # but some methods require specially formatted arguments for processing # (and anyway, Ruby 1.8's arity method fails (for this) for methods w/ 2+ optional arguments) # (Ruby 1.9's parameters method is perfect, but only in 1.9) # so we have to double-document { :get_object => 3, :put_object => 4, :delete_object => 2, :get_connections => 4, :put_connections => 4, :delete_connections => 4, :put_wall_post => 4, :put_comment => 3, :put_like => 2, :delete_like => 2, :search => 3, :set_app_restrictions => 4, :get_page_access_token => 3, :fql_query => 3, :fql_multiquery => 3, # methods that have special arguments :get_comments_for_urls => [["url1", "url2"], {}], :put_picture => ["x.jpg", "image/jpg", {}, "me"], :put_video => ["x.mp4", "video/mpeg4", {}, "me"], :get_objects => [["x"], {}] }.each_pair do |method_name, params| it "passes http options through for #{method_name}" do options = {:a => 2} # graph call should ultimately receive options as the fourth argument @api.should_receive(:graph_call).with(anything, anything, anything, options) # if we supply args, use them (since some methods process params) # the method should receive as args n-1 anythings and then options args = (params.is_a?(Integer) ? ([{}] * (params - 1)) : params) + [options] @api.send(method_name, *args) end end # also test get_picture, which merges a parameter into options it "passes http options through for get_picture" do options = {:a => 2} # graph call should ultimately receive options as the fourth argument @api.should_receive(:graph_call).with(anything, anything, anything, hash_including(options)).and_return({}) @api.send(:get_picture, "x", {}, options) end end end # GraphCollection shared_examples_for "Koala GraphAPI with GraphCollection" do describe "when getting a collection" do # GraphCollection methods it "gets a GraphCollection when getting connections" do @result = @api.get_connections(, "photos") @result.should be_a(Koala::Facebook::GraphCollection) end it "returns nil if the get_collections call fails with nil" do # this happens sometimes @api.should_receive(:graph_call).and_return(nil) @api.get_connections(, "photos").should be_nil end it "gets a GraphCollection when searching" do result ="facebook") result.should be_a(Koala::Facebook::GraphCollection) end it "returns nil if the search call fails with nil" do # this happens sometimes @api.should_receive(:graph_call).and_return(nil)"facebook").should be_nil end it "gets a GraphCollection when paging through results" do @results = @api.get_page(["search", {"q"=>"facebook", "limit"=>"25", "until"=> KoalaTest.search_time}]) @results.should be_a(Koala::Facebook::GraphCollection) end it "returns nil if the page call fails with nil" do # this happens sometimes @api.should_receive(:graph_call).and_return(nil) @api.get_page(["search", {"q"=>"facebook", "limit"=>"25", "until"=> KoalaTest.search_time}]).should be_nil end end end shared_examples_for "Koala GraphAPI without an access token" do it "can't get private data about a user" do result = @api.get_object(KoalaTest.user1) # updated_time should be a pretty fixed test case result["updated_time"].should be_nil end it "can't get data about 'me'" do lambda { @api.get_object("me") }.should raise_error(Koala::Facebook::ClientError) end it "can't access connections from users" do lambda { @api.get_connections(KoalaTest.user2, "friends") }.should raise_error(Koala::Facebook::ClientError) end it "can't put an object" do lambda { @result = @api.put_connections(KoalaTest.user2, "feed", :message => "Hello, world") }.should raise_error(Koala::Facebook::AuthenticationError) # legacy put_object syntax lambda { @result = @api.put_object(KoalaTest.user2, "feed", :message => "Hello, world") }.should raise_error(Koala::Facebook::AuthenticationError) end # these are not strictly necessary as the other put methods resolve to put_connections, # but are here for completeness it "can't post to a feed" do (lambda do attachment = {:name => "OAuth Playground", :link => ""} @result = @api.put_wall_post("Hello, world", attachment, "facebook") end).should raise_error(Koala::Facebook::AuthenticationError) end it "can't comment on an object" do # random public post on the facebook wall lambda { @result = @api.put_comment("7204941866_119776748033392", "The hackathon was great!") }.should raise_error(Koala::Facebook::AuthenticationError) end it "can't like an object" do lambda { @api.put_like("7204941866_119776748033392") }.should raise_error(Koala::Facebook::AuthenticationError) end # DELETE it "can't delete posts" do # test post on the Ruby SDK Test application lambda { @result = @api.delete_object("115349521819193_113815981982767") }.should raise_error(Koala::Facebook::AuthenticationError) end it "can't delete a like" do lambda { @api.delete_like("7204941866_119776748033392") }.should raise_error(Koala::Facebook::AuthenticationError) end # FQL_QUERY describe "when making a FQL request" do it "can access public information via FQL" do result = @api.fql_query("select uid, first_name from user where uid = #{KoalaTest.user2_id}") result.size.should == 1 result.first['first_name'].should == KoalaTest.user2_name end it "can access public information via FQL.multiquery" do result = @api.fql_multiquery( :query1 => "select uid, first_name from user where uid = #{KoalaTest.user2_id}", :query2 => "select uid, first_name from user where uid = #{KoalaTest.user1_id}" ) result.size.should == 2 result["query1"].first['first_name'].should == KoalaTest.user2_name result["query2"].first['first_name'].should == KoalaTest.user1_name end it "can't access protected information via FQL" do lambda { @api.fql_query("select read_stream from permissions where uid = #{KoalaTest.user2_id}") }.should raise_error(Koala::Facebook::APIError) end it "can't access protected information via FQL.multiquery" do lambda { @api.fql_multiquery( :query1 => "select post_id from stream where source_id = me()", :query2 => "select fromid from comment where post_id in (select post_id from #query1)", :query3 => "select uid, name from user where uid in (select fromid from #query2)" ) }.should raise_error(Koala::Facebook::APIError) end end end