#color-variables.style-guide__subsection %h3= link_to_style_guide('settings', 'color_variables') %h5 Base colors .grid.grid--auto - colors = %w(red green blue yellow black white black-alpha-15 black-alpha-50 white-alpha-50 transparent) - colors.each do |color| .grid__cell .color-box .color-box__swatch{ class: "style-guide__color-swatch--#{color}" } .color-box__swatch-name $#{color} %br %h4 Brand colors = render "workarea/storefront/style_guides/settings/color_schemes/#{Workarea.config.theme[:color_scheme].downcase}_color_scheme" %h4 Functional Color variables - these should be used in the storefront %br -# %h5 Primary colors -# .grid.grid--auto -# - colors = %w(primary-color primary-color-light primary-color-dark) -# - colors.each do |color| -# .grid__cell -# .color-box -# .color-box__swatch{ class: "color-box__swatch--#{color}" } -# .color-box__swatch-name $#{color} -# %br -# %h5 Background colors -# .grid.grid--auto -# - colors = %w(background-color background-color-component background-secondary-color) -# - colors.each do |color| -# .grid__cell -# .color-box -# .color-box__swatch{ class: "color-box__swatch--#{color}" } -# .color-box__swatch-name $#{color} -# %br -# %h5 Text colors -# .grid.grid--auto -# - colors = %w(font-color heading-color product-name-color) -# - colors.each do |color| -# .grid__cell -# .color-box -# .color-box__swatch{ class: "color-box__swatch--#{color}" } -# .color-box__swatch-name $#{color} -# %br -# %h5 Input colors -# .grid.grid--auto -# - colors = %w(input-color input-background-color input-secondary-color input-secondary-bg-color) -# - colors.each do |color| -# .grid__cell -# .color-box -# .color-box__swatch{ class: "color-box__swatch--#{color}" } -# .color-box__swatch-name $#{color} -# %br -# %h5 Header + Navigation colors -# .grid.grid--auto -# - colors = %w(header-icon-color utility-nav-background-color primary-nav-links primary-nav-dropdown-links mobile-nav-links) -# - colors.each do |color| -# .grid__cell -# .color-box -# .color-box__swatch{ class: "color-box__swatch--#{color}" } -# .color-box__swatch-name $#{color} -# %br -# %h5 Other colors -# .grid.grid--auto -# - colors = %w(border-color highlight-color overlay-shadow-color focus-ring-color) -# - colors.each do |color| -# .grid__cell -# .color-box -# .color-box__swatch{ class: "color-box__swatch--#{color}" } -# .color-box__swatch-name $#{color}