= bootstrap_form_for [@site, @deployment], html: { 'v-on': 'submit: addDeployment($event)' } do |f| #deploymentModal.modal.fade{"aria-hidden" => "true", "aria-labelledby" => "boldLabel", :role => "dialog", :tabindex => "-1"} .modal-dialog .modal-content .modal-header %button.close{"aria-label" => "Close", "data-dismiss" => "modal", :type => "button"} %span{"aria-hidden" => "true"} × %h4#boldLabel.modal-title Create Deployment .modal-body .form-group %h3 Push your site live = fields_for @site do |s| = s.label :domain_name = s.text_field :domain_name, placeholder: 'example.com', class: 'form-control' %p.help-block Every site is entitled to a statixite.com subdomain. Yours is #{@site.statixite_name}. In order for your custom domain to work, you will need to create a CNAME record. A hostname will be created after the first deployment which you can find on the #{link_to("settings page", settings_site_path(@site))}. If you would like to use a naked domain, then you may use DNSimple, or use a naked domain redirect service provided by wwwizer.com .modal-footer %button.btn.btn-default{"data-dismiss" => "modal", :type => "button"} Cancel %button.btn.btn-primary{"data-dismiss" => "modal", type: "submit", 'v-on': 'click: addDeployment($event, true)'} Deploy