//DOM-Extension helper jQuery.webshims.register('dom-extend', function($, webshims, window, document, undefined){ "use strict"; //shortcus var modules = webshims.modules; var listReg = /\s*,\s*/; //proxying attribute var olds = {}; var havePolyfill = {}; var extendedProps = {}; var extendQ = {}; var modifyProps = {}; var oldVal = $.fn.val; var singleVal = function(elem, name, val, pass, _argless){ return (_argless) ? oldVal.call($(elem)) : oldVal.call($(elem), val); }; $.fn.val = function(val){ var elem = this[0]; if(arguments.length && val == null){ val = ''; } if(!arguments.length){ if(!elem || elem.nodeType !== 1){return oldVal.call(this);} return $.prop(elem, 'value', val, 'val', true); } if($.isArray(val)){ return oldVal.apply(this, arguments); } var isFunction = $.isFunction(val); return this.each(function(i){ elem = this; if(elem.nodeType === 1){ if(isFunction){ var genVal = val.call( elem, i, $.prop(elem, 'value', undefined, 'val', true)); if(genVal == null){ genVal = ''; } $.prop(elem, 'value', genVal, 'val') ; } else { $.prop(elem, 'value', val, 'val'); } } }); }; var dataID = '_webshimsLib'+ (Math.round(Math.random() * 1000)); var elementData = function(elem, key, val){ elem = elem.jquery ? elem[0] : elem; if(!elem){return val || {};} var data = $.data(elem, dataID); if(val !== undefined){ if(!data){ data = $.data(elem, dataID, {}); } if(key){ data[key] = val; } } return key ? data && data[key] : data; }; [{name: 'getNativeElement', prop: 'nativeElement'}, {name: 'getShadowElement', prop: 'shadowElement'}, {name: 'getShadowFocusElement', prop: 'shadowFocusElement'}].forEach(function(data){ $.fn[data.name] = function(){ return this.map(function(){ var shadowData = elementData(this, 'shadowData'); return shadowData && shadowData[data.prop] || this; }); }; }); ['removeAttr', 'prop', 'attr'].forEach(function(type){ olds[type] = $[type]; $[type] = function(elem, name, value, pass, _argless){ var isVal = (pass == 'val'); var oldMethod = !isVal ? olds[type] : singleVal; if( !elem || !havePolyfill[name] || elem.nodeType !== 1 || (!isVal && pass && type == 'attr' && $.attrFn[name]) ){ return oldMethod(elem, name, value, pass, _argless); } var nodeName = (elem.nodeName || '').toLowerCase(); var desc = extendedProps[nodeName]; var curType = (type == 'attr' && (value === false || value === null)) ? 'removeAttr' : type; var propMethod; var oldValMethod; var ret; if(!desc){ desc = extendedProps['*']; } if(desc){ desc = desc[name]; } if(desc){ propMethod = desc[curType]; } if(propMethod){ if(name == 'value'){ oldValMethod = propMethod.isVal; propMethod.isVal = isVal; } if(curType === 'removeAttr'){ return propMethod.value.call(elem); } else if(value === undefined){ return (propMethod.get) ? propMethod.get.call(elem) : propMethod.value ; } else if(propMethod.set) { if(type == 'attr' && value === true){ value = name; } ret = propMethod.set.call(elem, value); } if(name == 'value'){ propMethod.isVal = oldValMethod; } } else { ret = oldMethod(elem, name, value, pass, _argless); } if((value !== undefined || curType === 'removeAttr') && modifyProps[nodeName] && modifyProps[nodeName][name]){ var boolValue; if(curType == 'removeAttr'){ boolValue = false; } else if(curType == 'prop'){ boolValue = !!(value); } else { boolValue = true; } modifyProps[nodeName][name].forEach(function(fn){ if(!fn.only || (fn.only = 'prop' && type == 'prop') || (fn.only == 'attr' && type != 'prop')){ fn.call(elem, value, boolValue, (isVal) ? 'val' : curType, type); } }); } return ret; }; extendQ[type] = function(nodeName, prop, desc){ if(!extendedProps[nodeName]){ extendedProps[nodeName] = {}; } if(!extendedProps[nodeName][prop]){ extendedProps[nodeName][prop] = {}; } var oldDesc = extendedProps[nodeName][prop][type]; var getSup = function(propType, descriptor, oDesc){ if(descriptor && descriptor[propType]){ return descriptor[propType]; } if(oDesc && oDesc[propType]){ return oDesc[propType]; } if(type == 'prop' && prop == 'value'){ return function(value){ var elem = this; return (desc.isVal) ? singleVal(elem, prop, value, false, (arguments.length === 0)) : olds[type](elem, prop, value) ; }; } if(type == 'prop' && propType == 'value' && desc.value.apply){ return function(value){ var sup = olds[type](this, prop); if(sup && sup.apply){ sup = sup.apply(this, arguments); } return sup; }; } return function(value){ return olds[type](this, prop, value); }; }; extendedProps[nodeName][prop][type] = desc; if(desc.value === undefined){ if(!desc.set){ desc.set = desc.writeable ? getSup('set', desc, oldDesc) : (webshims.cfg.useStrict && prop == 'prop') ? function(){throw(prop +' is readonly on '+ nodeName);} : $.noop ; } if(!desc.get){ desc.get = getSup('get', desc, oldDesc); } } ['value', 'get', 'set'].forEach(function(descProp){ if(desc[descProp]){ desc['_sup'+descProp] = getSup(descProp, oldDesc); } }); }; }); //see also: https://github.com/lojjic/PIE/issues/40 | https://prototype.lighthouseapp.com/projects/8886/tickets/1107-ie8-fatal-crash-when-prototypejs-is-loaded-with-rounded-cornershtc var isExtendNativeSave = (!$.browser.msie || parseInt($.browser.version, 10) > 8); var extendNativeValue = (function(){ var UNKNOWN = webshims.getPrototypeOf(document.createElement('foobar')); var has = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; return function(nodeName, prop, desc){ var elem = document.createElement(nodeName); var elemProto = webshims.getPrototypeOf(elem); if( isExtendNativeSave && elemProto && UNKNOWN !== elemProto && ( !elem[prop] || !has.call(elem, prop) ) ){ var sup = elem[prop]; desc._supvalue = function(){ if(sup && sup.apply){ return sup.apply(this, arguments); } return sup; }; elemProto[prop] = desc.value; } else { desc._supvalue = function(){ var data = elementData(this, 'propValue'); if(data && data[prop] && data[prop].apply){ return data[prop].apply(this, arguments); } return data && data[prop]; }; initProp.extendValue(nodeName, prop, desc.value); } desc.value._supvalue = desc._supvalue; }; })(); var initProp = (function(){ var initProps = {}; webshims.addReady(function(context, contextElem){ var nodeNameCache = {}; var getElementsByName = function(name){ if(!nodeNameCache[name]){ nodeNameCache[name] = $(context.getElementsByTagName(name)); if(contextElem[0] && $.nodeName(contextElem[0], name)){ nodeNameCache[name] = nodeNameCache[name].add(contextElem); } } }; $.each(initProps, function(name, fns){ getElementsByName(name); if(!fns || !fns.forEach){ webshims.warn('Error: with '+ name +'-property. methods: '+ fns); return; } fns.forEach(function(fn){ nodeNameCache[name].each(fn); }); }); nodeNameCache = null; }); var tempCache; var emptyQ = $([]); var createNodeNameInit = function(nodeName, fn){ if(!initProps[nodeName]){ initProps[nodeName] = [fn]; } else { initProps[nodeName].push(fn); } if($.isDOMReady){ (tempCache || $( document.getElementsByTagName(nodeName) )).each(fn); } }; var elementExtends = {}; return { createTmpCache: function(nodeName){ if($.isDOMReady){ tempCache = tempCache || $( document.getElementsByTagName(nodeName) ); } return tempCache || emptyQ; }, flushTmpCache: function(){ tempCache = null; }, content: function(nodeName, prop){ createNodeNameInit(nodeName, function(){ var val = $.attr(this, prop); if(val != null){ $.attr(this, prop, val); } }); }, createElement: function(nodeName, fn){ createNodeNameInit(nodeName, fn); }, extendValue: function(nodeName, prop, value){ createNodeNameInit(nodeName, function(){ $(this).each(function(){ var data = elementData(this, 'propValue', {}); data[prop] = this[prop]; this[prop] = value; }); }); } }; })(); var createPropDefault = function(descs, removeType){ if(descs.defaultValue === undefined){ descs.defaultValue = ''; } if(!descs.removeAttr){ descs.removeAttr = { value: function(){ descs[removeType || 'prop'].set.call(this, descs.defaultValue); descs.removeAttr._supvalue.call(this); } }; } if(!descs.attr){ descs.attr = {}; } }; $.extend(webshims, { getID: (function(){ var ID = new Date().getTime(); return function(elem){ elem = $(elem); var id = elem.attr('id'); if(!id){ ID++; id = 'ID-'+ ID; elem.attr('id', id); } return id; }; })(), extendUNDEFProp: function(obj, props){ $.each(props, function(name, prop){ if( !(name in obj) ){ obj[name] = prop; } }); }, //http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/common-dom-interfaces.html#reflect createPropDefault: createPropDefault, data: elementData, moveToFirstEvent: (function(){ var getData = $._data ? '_data' : 'data'; return function(elem, eventType, bindType){ var events = ($[getData](elem, 'events') || {})[eventType]; var fn; if(events && events.length > 1){ fn = events.pop(); if(!bindType){ bindType = 'bind'; } if(bindType == 'bind' && events.delegateCount){ events.splice( events.delegateCount, 0, fn); } else { events.unshift( fn ); } } elem = null; }; })(), addShadowDom: (function(){ var resizeTimer; var lastHeight; var lastWidth; var handler; var docObserve = { init: false, start: function(){ if(!this.init){ this.init = true; this.height = $(document).height(); this.width = $(document).width(); setInterval(function(){ var height = $(document).height(); var width = $(document).width(); if(height != docObserve.height || width != docObserve.width){ docObserve.height = height; docObserve.width = width; handler({type: 'docresize'}); } }, 400); } } }; handler = function(e){ clearTimeout(resizeTimer); resizeTimer = setTimeout(function(){ if(e.type == 'resize'){ var width = $(window).width(); var height = $(window).width(); if(height == lastHeight && width == lastWidth){ return; } lastHeight = height; lastWidth = width; docObserve.height = $(document).height(); docObserve.width = $(document).width(); } $.event.trigger('updateshadowdom'); }, 40); }; $(window).bind('resize', handler); $.event.customEvent.updateshadowdom = true; return function(nativeElem, shadowElem, opts){ opts = opts || {}; if(nativeElem.jquery){ nativeElem = nativeElem[0]; } if(shadowElem.jquery){ shadowElem = shadowElem[0]; } var nativeData = $.data(nativeElem, dataID) || $.data(nativeElem, dataID, {}); var shadowData = $.data(shadowElem, dataID) || $.data(shadowElem, dataID, {}); var shadowFocusElementData = {}; if(!opts.shadowFocusElement){ opts.shadowFocusElement = shadowElem; } else if(opts.shadowFocusElement){ if(opts.shadowFocusElement.jquery){ opts.shadowFocusElement = opts.shadowFocusElement[0]; } shadowFocusElementData = $.data(opts.shadowFocusElement, dataID) || $.data(opts.shadowFocusElement, dataID, shadowFocusElementData); } nativeData.hasShadow = shadowElem; shadowFocusElementData.nativeElement = shadowData.nativeElement = nativeElem; shadowFocusElementData.shadowData = shadowData.shadowData = nativeData.shadowData = { nativeElement: nativeElem, shadowElement: shadowElem, shadowFocusElement: opts.shadowFocusElement }; if(opts.shadowChilds){ opts.shadowChilds.each(function(){ elementData(this, 'shadowData', shadowData.shadowData); }); } if(opts.data){ shadowFocusElementData.shadowData.data = shadowData.shadowData.data = nativeData.shadowData.data = opts.data; } opts = null; docObserve.start(); } })(), propTypes: { standard: function(descs, name){ createPropDefault(descs); if(descs.prop){return;} descs.prop = { set: function(val){ descs.attr.set.call(this, ''+val); }, get: function(){ return descs.attr.get.call(this) || descs.defaultValue; } }; }, "boolean": function(descs, name){ createPropDefault(descs); if(descs.prop){return;} descs.prop = { set: function(val){ if(val){ descs.attr.set.call(this, ""); } else { descs.removeAttr.value.call(this); } }, get: function(){ return descs.attr.get.call(this) != null; } }; }, "src": (function(){ var anchor = document.createElement('a'); anchor.style.display = "none"; return function(descs, name){ createPropDefault(descs); if(descs.prop){return;} descs.prop = { set: function(val){ descs.attr.set.call(this, val); }, get: function(){ var href = this.getAttribute(name); var ret; if(href == null){return '';} anchor.setAttribute('href', href+'' ); if(!$.support.hrefNormalized){ try { $(anchor).insertAfter(this); ret = anchor.getAttribute('href', 4); } catch(er){ ret = anchor.getAttribute('href', 4); } $(anchor).detach(); } return ret || anchor.href; } }; }; })(), enumarated: function(descs, name){ createPropDefault(descs); if(descs.prop){return;} descs.prop = { set: function(val){ descs.attr.set.call(this, val); }, get: function(){ var val = (descs.attr.get.call(this) || '').toLowerCase(); if(!val || descs.limitedTo.indexOf(val) == -1){ val = descs.defaultValue; } return val; } }; } // ,unsignedLong: $.noop // ,"doubble": $.noop // ,"long": $.noop // ,tokenlist: $.noop // ,settableTokenlist: $.noop }, reflectProperties: function(nodeNames, props){ if(typeof props == 'string'){ props = props.split(listReg); } props.forEach(function(prop){ webshims.defineNodeNamesProperty(nodeNames, prop, { prop: { set: function(val){ $.attr(this, prop, val); }, get: function(){ return $.attr(this, prop) || ''; } } }); }); }, defineNodeNameProperty: function(nodeName, prop, descs){ havePolyfill[prop] = true; if(descs.reflect){ webshims.propTypes[descs.propType || 'standard'](descs, prop); } ['prop', 'attr', 'removeAttr'].forEach(function(type){ var desc = descs[type]; if(desc){ if(type === 'prop'){ desc = $.extend({writeable: true}, desc); } else { desc = $.extend({}, desc, {writeable: true}); } extendQ[type](nodeName, prop, desc); if(nodeName != '*' && webshims.cfg.extendNative && type == 'prop' && desc.value && $.isFunction(desc.value)){ extendNativeValue(nodeName, prop, desc); } descs[type] = desc; } }); if(descs.initAttr){ initProp.content(nodeName, prop); } return descs; }, defineNodeNameProperties: function(name, descs, propType, _noTmpCache){ var olddesc; for(var prop in descs){ if(!_noTmpCache && descs[prop].initAttr){ initProp.createTmpCache(name); } if(propType){ if(descs[prop][propType]){ webshims.log('override: '+ name +'['+prop +'] for '+ propType); } else { descs[prop][propType] = {}; ['value', 'set', 'get'].forEach(function(copyProp){ if(copyProp in descs[prop]){ descs[prop][propType][copyProp] = descs[prop][copyProp]; delete descs[prop][copyProp]; } }); } } descs[prop] = webshims.defineNodeNameProperty(name, prop, descs[prop]); } if(!_noTmpCache){ initProp.flushTmpCache(); } return descs; }, createElement: function(nodeName, create, descs){ var ret; if($.isFunction(create)){ create = { after: create }; } initProp.createTmpCache(nodeName); if(create.before){ initProp.createElement(nodeName, create.before); } if(descs){ ret = webshims.defineNodeNameProperties(nodeName, descs, false, true); } if(create.after){ initProp.createElement(nodeName, create.after); } initProp.flushTmpCache(); return ret; }, onNodeNamesPropertyModify: function(nodeNames, props, desc, only){ if(typeof nodeNames == 'string'){ nodeNames = nodeNames.split(listReg); } if($.isFunction(desc)){ desc = {set: desc}; } nodeNames.forEach(function(name){ if(!modifyProps[name]){ modifyProps[name] = {}; } if(typeof props == 'string'){ props = props.split(listReg); } if(desc.initAttr){ initProp.createTmpCache(name); } props.forEach(function(prop){ if(!modifyProps[name][prop]){ modifyProps[name][prop] = []; havePolyfill[prop] = true; } if(desc.set){ if(only){ desc.set.only = only; } modifyProps[name][prop].push(desc.set); } if(desc.initAttr){ initProp.content(name, prop); } }); initProp.flushTmpCache(); }); }, defineNodeNamesBooleanProperty: function(elementNames, prop, descs){ if(!descs){ descs = {}; } if($.isFunction(descs)){ descs.set = descs; } webshims.defineNodeNamesProperty(elementNames, prop, { attr: { set: function(val){ this.setAttribute(prop, val); if(descs.set){ descs.set.call(this, true); } }, get: function(){ var ret = this.getAttribute(prop); return (ret == null) ? undefined : prop; } }, removeAttr: { value: function(){ this.removeAttribute(prop); if(descs.set){ descs.set.call(this, false); } } }, reflect: true, propType: 'boolean', initAttr: descs.initAttr || false }); }, contentAttr: function(elem, name, val){ if(!elem.nodeName){return;} var attr; if(val === undefined){ attr = (elem.attributes[name] || {}); val = attr.specified ? attr.value : null; return (val == null) ? undefined : val; } if(typeof val == 'boolean'){ if(!val){ elem.removeAttribute(name); } else { elem.setAttribute(name, name); } } else { elem.setAttribute(name, val); } }, // set current Lang: // - webshims.activeLang(lang:string); // get current lang // - webshims.activeLang(); // get current lang // webshims.activeLang({ // register: moduleName:string, // callback: callback:function // }); // get/set including removeLang // - webshims.activeLang({ // module: moduleName:string, // callback: callback:function, // langObj: languageObj:array/object // }); activeLang: (function(){ var callbacks = []; var registeredCallbacks = {}; var currentLang; var shortLang; var notLocal = /:\/\/|^\.*\//; var loadRemoteLang = function(data, lang, options){ var langSrc; if(lang && options && $.inArray(lang, options.availabeLangs || []) !== -1){ data.loading = true; langSrc = options.langSrc; if(!notLocal.test(langSrc)){ langSrc = webshims.cfg.basePath+langSrc; } webshims.loader.loadScript(langSrc+lang+'.js', function(){ if(data.langObj[lang]){ data.loading = false; callLang(data, true); } else { $(function(){ if(data.langObj[lang]){ callLang(data, true); } data.loading = false; }); } }); return true; } return false; }; var callRegister = function(module){ if(registeredCallbacks[module]){ registeredCallbacks[module].forEach(function(data){ data.callback(); }); } }; var callLang = function(data, _noLoop){ if(data.activeLang != currentLang && data.activeLang !== shortLang){ var options = modules[data.module].options; if( data.langObj[currentLang] || (shortLang && data.langObj[shortLang]) ){ data.activeLang = currentLang; data.callback(data.langObj[currentLang] || data.langObj[shortLang], currentLang); callRegister(data.module); } else if( !_noLoop && !loadRemoteLang(data, currentLang, options) && !loadRemoteLang(data, shortLang, options) && data.langObj[''] && data.activeLang !== '' ) { data.activeLang = ''; data.callback(data.langObj[''], currentLang); callRegister(data.module); } } }; var activeLang = function(lang){ if(typeof lang == 'string' && lang !== currentLang){ currentLang = lang; shortLang = currentLang.split('-')[0]; if(currentLang == shortLang){ shortLang = false; } $.each(callbacks, function(i, data){ callLang(data); }); } else if(typeof lang == 'object'){ if(lang.register){ if(!registeredCallbacks[lang.register]){ registeredCallbacks[lang.register] = []; } registeredCallbacks[lang.register].push(lang); lang.callback(); } else { if(!lang.activeLang){ lang.activeLang = ''; } callbacks.push(lang); callLang(lang); } } return currentLang; }; return activeLang; })() }); $.each({ defineNodeNamesProperty: 'defineNodeNameProperty', defineNodeNamesProperties: 'defineNodeNameProperties', createElements: 'createElement' }, function(name, baseMethod){ webshims[name] = function(names, a, b, c){ if(typeof names == 'string'){ names = names.split(listReg); } var retDesc = {}; names.forEach(function(nodeName){ retDesc[nodeName] = webshims[baseMethod](nodeName, a, b, c); }); return retDesc; }; }); webshims.isReady('webshimLocalization', true); }); //html5a11y (function($, document){ var browserVersion = $.webshims.browserVersion; if($.browser.mozilla && browserVersion > 5){return;} if (!$.browser.msie || (browserVersion < 12 && browserVersion > 7)) { var elemMappings = { article: "article", aside: "complementary", section: "region", nav: "navigation", address: "contentinfo" }; var addRole = function(elem, role){ var hasRole = elem.getAttribute('role'); if (!hasRole) { elem.setAttribute('role', role); } }; $.webshims.addReady(function(context, contextElem){ $.each(elemMappings, function(name, role){ var elems = $(name, context).add(contextElem.filter(name)); for (var i = 0, len = elems.length; i < len; i++) { addRole(elems[i], role); } }); if (context === document) { var header = document.getElementsByTagName('header')[0]; var footers = document.getElementsByTagName('footer'); var footerLen = footers.length; if (header && !$(header).closest('section, article')[0]) { addRole(header, 'banner'); } if (!footerLen) { return; } var footer = footers[footerLen - 1]; if (!$(footer).closest('section, article')[0]) { addRole(footer, 'contentinfo'); } } }); } })(jQuery, document); jQuery.webshims.register('form-datalist', function($, webshims, window, document, undefined){ var doc = document; /* * implement propType "element" currently only used for list-attribute (will be moved to dom-extend, if needed) */ webshims.propTypes.element = function(descs){ webshims.createPropDefault(descs, 'attr'); if(descs.prop){return;} descs.prop = { get: function(){ var elem = descs.attr.get.call(this); if(elem){ elem = document.getElementById(elem); if(elem && descs.propNodeName && !$.nodeName(elem, descs.propNodeName)){ elem = null; } } return elem || null; }, writeable: false }; }; /* * Implements datalist element and list attribute */ (function(){ var formsCFG = $.webshims.cfg.forms; var listSupport = Modernizr.input.list; if(listSupport && !formsCFG.customDatalist){return;} var initializeDatalist = function(){ if(!listSupport){ webshims.defineNodeNameProperty('datalist', 'options', { prop: { writeable: false, get: function(){ var elem = this; var select = $('select', elem); var options; if(select[0]){ options = select[0].options; } else { options = $('option', elem).get(); if(options.length){ webshims.warn('you should wrap your option-elements for a datalist in a select element to support IE and other old browsers.'); } } return options; } } }); } var inputListProto = { //override autocomplete autocomplete: { attr: { get: function(){ var elem = this; var data = $.data(elem, 'datalistWidget'); if(data){ return data._autocomplete; } return ('autocomplete' in elem) ? elem.autocomplete : elem.getAttribute('autocomplete'); }, set: function(value){ var elem = this; var data = $.data(elem, 'datalistWidget'); if(data){ data._autocomplete = value; if(value == 'off'){ data.hideList(); } } else { if('autocomplete' in elem){ elem.autocomplete = value; } else { elem.setAttribute('autocomplete', value); } } } } } }; // if(formsCFG.customDatalist && (!listSupport || !('selectedOption') in $('<input />')[0])){ // //currently not supported x-browser (FF4 has not implemented and is not polyfilled ) // inputListProto.selectedOption = { // prop: { // writeable: false, // get: function(){ // var elem = this; // var list = $.prop(elem, 'list'); // var ret = null; // var value, options; // if(!list){return ret;} // value = $.prop(elem, 'value'); // if(!value){return ret;} // options = $.prop(list, 'options'); // if(!options.length){return ret;} // $.each(options, function(i, option){ // if(value == $.prop(option, 'value')){ // ret = option; // return false; // } // }); // return ret; // } // } // }; // } if(!listSupport){ inputListProto['list'] = { attr: { get: function(){ var val = webshims.contentAttr(this, 'list'); return (val == null) ? undefined : val; }, set: function(value){ var elem = this; webshims.contentAttr(elem, 'list', value); webshims.objectCreate(shadowListProto, undefined, {input: elem, id: value, datalist: $.prop(elem, 'list')}); } }, initAttr: true, reflect: true, propType: 'element', propNodeName: 'datalist' }; } else { //options only return options, if option-elements are rooted: but this makes this part of HTML5 less backwards compatible if(!($('<datalist><select><option></option></select></datalist>').prop('options') || []).length ){ webshims.defineNodeNameProperty('datalist', 'options', { prop: { writeable: false, get: function(){ var options = this.options || []; if(!options.length){ var elem = this; var select = $('select', elem); if(select[0] && select[0].options && select[0].options.length){ options = select[0].options; } } return options; } } }); } inputListProto['list'] = { attr: { get: function(){ var val = webshims.contentAttr(this, 'list'); if(val != null){ this.removeAttribute('list'); } else { val = $.data(this, 'datalistListAttr'); } return (val == null) ? undefined : val; }, set: function(value){ var elem = this; $.data(elem, 'datalistListAttr', value); webshims.objectCreate(shadowListProto, undefined, {input: elem, id: value, datalist: $.prop(elem, 'list')}); } }, initAttr: true, reflect: true, propType: 'element', propNodeName: 'datalist' }; } webshims.defineNodeNameProperties('input', inputListProto); if($.event.customEvent){ $.event.customEvent.updateDatalist = true; $.event.customEvent.updateInput = true; $.event.customEvent.datalistselect = true; } webshims.addReady(function(context, contextElem){ contextElem .filter('datalist > select, datalist, datalist > option, datalist > select > option') .closest('datalist') .triggerHandler('updateDatalist') ; }); }; /* * ShadowList */ var listidIndex = 0; var noDatalistSupport = { submit: 1, button: 1, reset: 1, hidden: 1, //ToDo range: 1, date: 1 }; var lteie6 = ($.browser.msie && parseInt($.browser.version, 10) < 7); var globStoredOptions = {}; var getStoredOptions = function(name){ if(!name){return [];} if(globStoredOptions[name]){ return globStoredOptions[name]; } var data; try { data = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('storedDatalistOptions'+name)); } catch(e){} globStoredOptions[name] = data || []; return data || []; }; var storeOptions = function(name, val){ if(!name){return;} val = val || []; try { localStorage.setItem( 'storedDatalistOptions'+name, JSON.stringify(val) ); } catch(e){} }; var getText = function(elem){ return (elem.textContent || elem.innerText || $.text([ elem ]) || ''); }; var shadowListProto = { _create: function(opts){ if(noDatalistSupport[$.prop(opts.input, 'type')]){return;} var datalist = opts.datalist; var data = $.data(opts.input, 'datalistWidget'); if(datalist && data && data.datalist !== datalist){ data.datalist = datalist; data.id = opts.id; data.shadowList.prop('className', 'datalist-polyfill '+ (data.datalist.className || '') + ' '+ data.datalist.id +'-shadowdom'); if(formsCFG.positionDatalist){ data.shadowList.insertAfter(opts.input); } else { data.shadowList.appendTo('body'); } $(data.datalist) .unbind('updateDatalist.datalistWidget') .bind('updateDatalist.datalistWidget', $.proxy(data, '_resetListCached')) ; data._resetListCached(); return; } else if(!datalist){ if(data){ data.destroy(); } return; } else if(data && data.datalist === datalist){ return; } listidIndex++; var that = this; this.hideList = $.proxy(that, 'hideList'); this.timedHide = function(){ clearTimeout(that.hideTimer); that.hideTimer = setTimeout(that.hideList, 9); }; this.datalist = datalist; this.id = opts.id; this.hasViewableData = true; this._autocomplete = $.attr(opts.input, 'autocomplete'); $.data(opts.input, 'datalistWidget', this); this.shadowList = $('<div class="datalist-polyfill '+ (this.datalist.className || '') + ' '+ this.datalist.id +'-shadowdom' +'" />'); if(formsCFG.positionDatalist || $(opts.input).hasClass('position-datalist')){ this.shadowList.insertAfter(opts.input); } else { this.shadowList.appendTo('body'); } this.index = -1; this.input = opts.input; this.arrayOptions = []; this.shadowList .delegate('li', 'mouseenter.datalistWidget mousedown.datalistWidget click.datalistWidget', function(e){ var items = $('li:not(.hidden-item)', that.shadowList); var select = (e.type == 'mousedown' || e.type == 'click'); that.markItem(items.index(e.currentTarget), select, items); if(e.type == 'click'){ that.hideList(); if(formsCFG.customDatalist){ $(opts.input).trigger('datalistselect'); } } return (e.type != 'mousedown'); }) .bind('focusout', this.timedHide) ; opts.input.setAttribute('autocomplete', 'off'); $(opts.input) .attr({ //role: 'combobox', 'aria-haspopup': 'true' }) .bind('input.datalistWidget', function(){ if(!that.triggeredByDatalist){ that.changedValue = false; that.showHideOptions(); } }) .bind('keydown.datalistWidget', function(e){ var keyCode = e.keyCode; var activeItem; var items; if(keyCode == 40 && !that.showList()){ that.markItem(that.index + 1, true); return false; } if(!that.isListVisible){return;} if(keyCode == 38){ that.markItem(that.index - 1, true); return false; } if(!e.shiftKey && (keyCode == 33 || keyCode == 36)){ that.markItem(0, true); return false; } if(!e.shiftKey && (keyCode == 34 || keyCode == 35)){ items = $('li:not(.hidden-item)', that.shadowList); that.markItem(items.length - 1, true, items); return false; } if(keyCode == 13 || keyCode == 27){ if (keyCode == 13){ activeItem = $('li.active-item:not(.hidden-item)', that.shadowList); that.changeValue( $('li.active-item:not(.hidden-item)', that.shadowList) ); } that.hideList(); if(formsCFG.customDatalist && activeItem && activeItem[0]){ $(opts.input).trigger('datalistselect'); } return false; } }) .bind('focus.datalistWidget', function(){ if($(this).hasClass('list-focus')){ that.showList(); } }) .bind('mousedown.datalistWidget', function(){ if($(this).is(':focus')){ that.showList(); } }) .bind('blur.datalistWidget', this.timedHide) ; $(this.datalist) .unbind('updateDatalist.datalistWidget') .bind('updateDatalist.datalistWidget', $.proxy(this, '_resetListCached')) ; this._resetListCached(); if(opts.input.form && (opts.input.name || opts.input.id)){ $(opts.input.form).bind('submit.datalistWidget'+opts.input.id, function(){ if(!$(opts.input).hasClass('no-datalist-cache') && that._autocomplete != 'off'){ var val = $.prop(opts.input, 'value'); var name = (opts.input.name || opts.input.id) + $.prop(opts.input, 'type'); if(!that.storedOptions){ that.storedOptions = getStoredOptions( name ); } if(val && that.storedOptions.indexOf(val) == -1){ that.storedOptions.push(val); storeOptions(name, that.storedOptions ); } } }); } $(window).bind('unload.datalist'+this.id+' beforeunload.datalist'+this.id, function(){ that.destroy(); }); }, destroy: function(){ var autocomplete = $.attr(this.input, 'autocomplete'); $(this.input) .unbind('.datalistWidget') .removeData('datalistWidget') ; this.shadowList.remove(); $(document).unbind('.datalist'+this.id); $(window).unbind('.datalist'+this.id); if(this.input.form && this.input.id){ $(this.input.form).unbind('submit.datalistWidget'+this.input.id); } this.input.removeAttribute('aria-haspopup'); if(autocomplete === undefined){ this.input.removeAttribute('autocomplete'); } else { $(this.input).attr('autocomplete', autocomplete); } }, _resetListCached: function(e){ var that = this; var forceShow; this.needsUpdate = true; this.lastUpdatedValue = false; this.lastUnfoundValue = ''; if(!this.updateTimer){ if(window.QUnit || (forceShow = (e && document.activeElement == that.input))){ that.updateListOptions(forceShow); } else { webshims.ready('WINDOWLOAD', function(){ that.updateTimer = setTimeout(function(){ that.updateListOptions(); that = null; listidIndex = 1; }, 200 + (100 * listidIndex)); }); } } }, updateListOptions: function(_forceShow){ this.needsUpdate = false; clearTimeout(this.updateTimer); this.updateTimer = false; this.shadowList .css({ fontSize: $.css(this.input, 'fontSize'), fontFamily: $.css(this.input, 'fontFamily') }) ; this.searchStart = formsCFG.customDatalist && $(this.input).hasClass('search-start'); var list = []; var values = []; var allOptions = []; var rElem, rItem, rOptions, rI, rLen, item; for(rOptions = $.prop(this.datalist, 'options'), rI = 0, rLen = rOptions.length; rI < rLen; rI++){ rElem = rOptions[rI]; if(rElem.disabled){return;} rItem = { value: $(rElem).val() || '', text: $.trim($.attr(rElem, 'label') || getText(rElem)), className: rElem.className || '', style: $.attr(rElem, 'style') || '' }; if(!rItem.text){ rItem.text = rItem.value; } else if(rItem.text != rItem.value){ rItem.className += ' different-label-value'; } values[rI] = rItem.value; allOptions[rI] = rItem; } if(!this.storedOptions){ this.storedOptions = ($(this.input).hasClass('no-datalist-cache') || this._autocomplete == 'off') ? [] : getStoredOptions((this.input.name || this.input.id) + $.prop(this.input, 'type')); } this.storedOptions.forEach(function(val, i){ if(values.indexOf(val) == -1){ allOptions.push({value: val, text: val, className: 'stored-suggest', style: ''}); } }); for(rI = 0, rLen = allOptions.length; rI < rLen; rI++){ item = allOptions[rI]; list[rI] = '<li class="'+ item.className +'" style="'+ item.style +'" tabindex="-1" role="listitem"><span class="option-label">'+ item.text +'</span> <span class="option-value">'+item.value+'</span></li>'; } this.arrayOptions = allOptions; this.shadowList.html('<div class="datalist-outer-box"><div class="datalist-box"><ul role="list">'+ list.join("\n") +'</ul></div></div>'); if($.fn.bgIframe && lteie6){ this.shadowList.bgIframe(); } if(_forceShow || this.isListVisible){ this.showHideOptions(); } }, showHideOptions: function(_fromShowList){ var value = $.prop(this.input, 'value').toLowerCase(); //first check prevent infinite loop, second creates simple lazy optimization if(value === this.lastUpdatedValue || (this.lastUnfoundValue && value.indexOf(this.lastUnfoundValue) === 0)){ return; } this.lastUpdatedValue = value; var found = false; var startSearch = this.searchStart; var lis = $('li', this.shadowList); if(value){ this.arrayOptions.forEach(function(item, i){ var search; if(!('lowerText' in item)){ if(item.text != item.value){ item.lowerText = item.value.toLowerCase() + item.text.toLowerCase(); } else { item.lowerText = item.text.toLowerCase(); } } search = item.lowerText.indexOf(value); search = startSearch ? !search : search !== -1; if(search){ $(lis[i]).removeClass('hidden-item'); found = true; } else { $(lis[i]).addClass('hidden-item'); } }); } else if(lis.length) { lis.removeClass('hidden-item'); found = true; } this.hasViewableData = found; if(!_fromShowList && found){ this.showList(); } if(!found){ this.lastUnfoundValue = value; this.hideList(); } }, setPos: function(){ this.shadowList.css({marginTop: 0, marginLeft: 0, marginRight: 0, marginBottom: 0}); var css = (formsCFG.positionDatalist) ? $(this.input).position() : webshims.getRelOffset(this.shadowList, this.input); css.top += $(this.input).outerHeight(); css.width = $(this.input).outerWidth() - (parseInt(this.shadowList.css('borderLeftWidth'), 10) || 0) - (parseInt(this.shadowList.css('borderRightWidth'), 10) || 0); this.shadowList.css({marginTop: '', marginLeft: '', marginRight: '', marginBottom: ''}).css(css); return css; }, showList: function(){ if(this.isListVisible){return false;} if(this.needsUpdate){ this.updateListOptions(); } this.showHideOptions(true); if(!this.hasViewableData){return false;} this.isListVisible = true; var that = this; that.setPos(); that.shadowList.addClass('datalist-visible').find('li.active-item').removeClass('active-item'); $(window).unbind('.datalist'+that.id); $(document) .unbind('.datalist'+that.id) .bind('mousedown.datalist'+that.id +' focusin.datalist'+that.id, function(e){ if(e.target === that.input || that.shadowList[0] === e.target || $.contains( that.shadowList[0], e.target )){ clearTimeout(that.hideTimer); setTimeout(function(){ clearTimeout(that.hideTimer); }, 9); } else { that.timedHide(); } }) .bind('updateshadowdom.datalist'+that.id, function(){ that.setPos(); }) ; return true; }, hideList: function(){ if(!this.isListVisible){return false;} var that = this; var triggerChange = function(e){ if(that.changedValue){ $(that.input).trigger('change'); } that.changedValue = false; }; that.shadowList.removeClass('datalist-visible list-item-active'); that.index = -1; that.isListVisible = false; if(that.changedValue){ that.triggeredByDatalist = true; webshims.triggerInlineForm && webshims.triggerInlineForm(that.input, 'input'); if($(that.input).is(':focus')){ $(that.input).one('blur', triggerChange); } else { triggerChange(); } that.triggeredByDatalist = false; } $(document).unbind('.datalist'+that.id); $(window) .unbind('.datalist'+that.id) .one('resize.datalist'+that.id, function(){ that.shadowList.css({top: 0, left: 0}); }) ; return true; }, scrollIntoView: function(elem){ var ul = $('ul', this.shadowList); var div = $('div.datalist-box', this.shadowList); var elemPos = elem.position(); var containerHeight; elemPos.top -= (parseInt(ul.css('paddingTop'), 10) || 0) + (parseInt(ul.css('marginTop'), 10) || 0) + (parseInt(ul.css('borderTopWidth'), 10) || 0); if(elemPos.top < 0){ div.scrollTop( div.scrollTop() + elemPos.top - 2); return; } elemPos.top += elem.outerHeight(); containerHeight = div.height(); if(elemPos.top > containerHeight){ div.scrollTop( div.scrollTop() + (elemPos.top - containerHeight) + 2); } }, changeValue: function(activeItem){ if(!activeItem[0]){return;} var newValue = $('span.option-value', activeItem).text(); var oldValue = $.prop(this.input, 'value'); if(newValue != oldValue){ $(this.input) .prop('value', newValue) .triggerHandler('updateInput') ; this.changedValue = true; } }, markItem: function(index, doValue, items){ var activeItem; var goesUp; items = items || $('li:not(.hidden-item)', this.shadowList); if(!items.length){return;} if(index < 0){ index = items.length - 1; } else if(index >= items.length){ index = 0; } items.removeClass('active-item'); this.shadowList.addClass('list-item-active'); activeItem = items.filter(':eq('+ index +')').addClass('active-item'); if(doValue){ this.changeValue(activeItem); this.scrollIntoView(activeItem); } this.index = index; } }; //init datalist update initializeDatalist(); })(); });