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Built-in types are grouped under 5 categories: - default: pass-through without any checks - `strict` - doesn't coerce and checks the input type against the primitive class - `coercible` - tries to coerce and raises type-error if it failed - `form` - non-strict coercion types suitable for form params - `maybe` - accepts either a nil or something else ### Built-in Type Categories Non-coercible: - `nil` - `symbol` - `class` - `true` - `false` - `date` - `date_time` - `time` Coercible types using kernel coercion methods: - `coercible.string` - `coercible.int` - `coercible.float` - `coercible.decimal` - `coercible.array` - `coercible.hash` Optional strict types: - `maybe.strict.string` - `maybe.strict.int` - `maybe.strict.float` - `maybe.strict.decimal` - `maybe.strict.array` - `maybe.strict.hash` Optional coercible types: - `maybe.coercible.string` - `maybe.coercible.int` - `maybe.coercible.float` - `maybe.coercible.decimal` - `maybe.coercible.array` - `maybe.coercible.hash` Coercible types suitable for form param processing: - `form.nil` - `form.date` - `form.date_time` - `form.time` - `form.true` - `form.false` - `form.bool` - `form.int` - `form.float` - `form.decimal` ### Accessing Built-in Types ``` ruby # default passthrough category float = Dry::Data["float"] float[3.2] # => 3.2 float["3.2"] # "3.2" # strict type-check category int = Dry::Data["strict.int"] int[1] # => 1 int['1'] # => raises TypeError # coercible type-check group string = Dry::Data["coercible.string"] array = Dry::Data["coercible.array"] string[:foo] # => 'foo' array[:foo] # => [:foo] # form group date = Dry::Data["form.date"] date['2015-11-29'] # => # ``` ### Optional types All built-in types have their optional versions too, you can access them under `"maybe.strict"` and `"maybe.coercible"` categories: ``` ruby maybe_int = Dry::Data["maybe.strict.int"] maybe_int[nil] # None maybe_int[123] # Some(123) maybe_coercible_float = Dry::Data["maybe.coercible.float"] maybe_int[nil] # None maybe_int['12.3'] # Some(12.3) ``` You can define your own optional types too: ``` ruby maybe_string = Dry::Data["string"].optional maybe_string[nil] # => None maybe_string[nil].fmap(&:upcase) # => None maybe_string['something'] # => Some('something') maybe_string['something'].fmap(&:upcase) # => Some('SOMETHING') maybe_string['something'].fmap(&:upcase).value # => "SOMETHING" ``` ### Sum-types You can specify sum types using `|` operator, it is an explicit way of defining what are the valid types of a value. In example `dry-data` defines `bool` type which is a sum-type consisting of `true` and `false` types which is expressed as `Dry::Data['true'] | Dry::Data['false']` (and it has its strict version, too). Another common case is defining that something can be either `nil` or something else: ``` ruby nil_or_string = Dry::Data['strict.nil'] | Dry::Data['strict.string'] nil_or_string[nil] # => nil nil_or_string["hello"] # => "hello" ``` ### Constrained Types You can create constrained types that will use validation rules to check if the input is not violating any of the configured contraints. You can treat it as a lower level guarantee that you're not instantiating objects that are broken. All types support constraints API, but not all constraints are suitable for a particular primitive, it's up to you to set up constraints that make sense. Under the hood it uses [`dry-validation`](https://github.com/dryrb/dry-validation) and all of its predicates are supported. IMPORTANT: `dry-data` does not have a runtime dependency on `dry-validation` so if you want to use contrained types you need to add it to your Gemfile If you want to use constrained type you need to require it explicitly: ``` ruby require "dry/data/type/constrained" ``` ``` ruby string = Dry::Data["strict.string"].constrained(min_size: 3) string['foo'] # => "foo" string['fo'] # => Dry::Data::ConstraintError: "fo" violates constraints email = Dry::Data['strict.string'].constrained( format: /\A[\w+\-.]+@[a-z\d\-]+(\.[a-z]+)*\.[a-z]+\z/i ) email["jane@doe.org"] # => "jane@doe.org" email["jane"] # => Dry::Data::ConstraintError: "fo" violates constraints ``` ### Setting Type Constants Types can be stored as easily accessible constants in a configured namespace: ``` ruby module Types; end Dry::Data.configure do |config| config.namespace = Types end # after defining your custom types (if you've got any) you can finalize setup Dry::Data.finalize # this defines all types under your namespace Types::Coercible::String # => #, @primitive=String> ``` With types accessible as constants you can easily compose more complex types, like sum-types or constrained types, in hash schemas or structs: ``` ruby Dry::Data.configure do |config| config.namespace = Types end Dry::Data.finalize module Types Email = String.constrained(format: /\A[\w+\-.]+@[a-z\d\-]+(\.[a-z]+)*\.[a-z]+\z/i) Age = Int.constrained(gt: 18) end class User < Dry::Data::Struct attribute :name, Types::String attribute :email, Types::Email attribute :age, Types::Age end ``` ### Defining Enums In many cases you may want to define an enum. For example in a blog application a post may have a finite list of statuses. Apart from accessing the current status value it is useful to have all possible values accessible too. Furthermore an enum is a `int => value` map, so you can store integers somewhere and have them mapped to enum values conveniently. You can define enums for every type but it probably only makes sense for `string`: ``` ruby # assuming we have types loaded into `Types` namespace # we can easily define an enum for our post struct class Post < Dry::Data::Struct Statuses = Types::Strict::String.enum('draft', 'published', 'archived') attribute :title, Types::Strict::String attribute :body, Types::Strict::String attribute :status, Statuses end # enum values are frozen, let's be paranoid, doesn't hurt and have potential to # eliminate silly bugs Post::Statuses.values.frozen? # => true Post::Statuses.values.all?(&:frozen?) # => true # you can access values using indices or actual values Post::Statuses[0] # => "draft" Post::Statuses['draft'] # => "draft" # it'll raise if something silly was passed in Post::Statuses['something silly'] # => Dry::Data::ConstraintError: "something silly" violates constraints # nil is considered as something silly too Post::Statuses[nil] # => Dry::Data::ConstraintError: nil violates constraints ``` ### Defining a hash with explicit schema The built-in hash type has constructors that you can use to define hashes with explicit schemas and coercible values using the built-in types. ### Hash Schema ``` ruby # using simple kernel coercions hash = Dry::Data['hash'].schema(name: 'string', age: 'coercible.int') hash[name: 'Jane', age: '21'] # => { :name => "Jane", :age => 21 } # using form param coercions hash = Dry::Data['hash'].schema(name: 'string', birthdate: 'form.date') hash[name: 'Jane', birthdate: '1994-11-11'] # => { :name => "Jane", :birthdate => # } ``` ### Strict Hash Strict hash will raise errors when keys are missing or value types are incorrect. ``` ruby hash = Dry::Data['hash'].strict(name: 'string', age: 'coercible.int') hash[email: 'jane@doe.org', name: 'Jane', age: 21] # => Dry::Data::SchemaKeyError: :email is missing in Hash input ``` ### Symbolized Hash Symbolized hash will turn string key names into symbols ``` ruby hash = Dry::Data['hash'].symbolized(name: 'string', age: 'coercible.int') hash['name' => 'Jane', 'age' => '21'] # => { :name => "Jane", :age => 21 } ``` ### Defining a struct You can define struct objects which will have attribute readers for specified attributes using a simple dsl: ``` ruby class User < Dry::Data::Struct attribute :name, "maybe.coercible.string" attribute :age, "coercible.int" end # becomes available like any other type user_type = Dry::Data["user"] user = user_type[name: nil, age: '21'] user.name # None user.age # 21 user = user_type[name: 'Jane', age: '21'] user.name # => Some("Jane") user.age # => 21 ``` ## Status and Roadmap This library is in an early stage of development but you are encauraged to try it out and provide feedback. For planned features check out [the issues](https://github.com/dryrb/dry-data/labels/feature). ## Development After checking out the repo, run `bin/setup` to install dependencies. Then, run `rake spec` to run the tests. You can also run `bin/console` for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment. To install this gem onto your local machine, run `bundle exec rake install`. To release a new version, update the version number in `version.rb`, and then run `bundle exec rake release`, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the `.gem` file to [rubygems.org](https://rubygems.org). ## Contributing Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/dryrb/dry-data.