{ "nsxt_algorithm_type_ns_service": { "full_properties": { "algorithm": { "description": "Algorithm one of \"ORACLE_TNS\", \"FTP\", \"SUN_RPC_TCP\", \"SUN_RPC_UDP\", \"MS_RPC_TCP\", \"MS_RPC_UDP\", \"NBNS_BROADCAST\", \"NBDG_BROADCAST\", \"TFTP\"", "required": true }, "description": { "description": "Description.", "required": false }, "destination_port": { "description": "a single destination port.", "required": true }, "display_name": { "description": "Display name, defaults to ID if not set.", "required": false }, "source_ports": { "description": "Set of source ports/ranges.", "required": false }, "tag": { "description": "A list of scope + tag pairs to associate with this service.", "required": false } }, "path": "/docs/providers/nsxt/r/algorithm_type_ns_service.html", "properties": [ "display_name", "description", "destination_port", "source_ports", "algorithm", "tag" ] }, "nsxt_dhcp_relay_profile": { "full_properties": { "description": { "description": "Description of this resource.", "required": false }, "display_name": { "description": "The display name of this resource. Defaults to ID if not set.", "required": false }, "server_addresses": { "description": "IP addresses of the DHCP relay servers.", "required": true }, "tag": { "description": "A list of scope + tag pairs to associate with this dhcp relay profile.", "required": false } }, "path": "/docs/providers/nsxt/r/dhcp_relay_profile.html", "properties": [ "description", "display_name", "tag", "server_addresses" ] }, "nsxt_dhcp_relay_service": { "full_properties": { "description": { "description": "Description of this resource.", "required": false }, "dhcp_relay_profile_id": { "description": "dhcp relay profile referenced by the dhcp relay service.", "required": true }, "display_name": { "description": "The display name of this resource. Defaults to ID if not set.", "required": false }, "tag": { "description": "A list of scope + tag pairs to associate with this dhcp_relay_service.", "required": false } }, "path": "/docs/providers/nsxt/r/dhcp_relay_service.html", "properties": [ "description", "display_name", "tag", "dhcp_relay_profile_id" ] }, "nsxt_ether_type_ns_service": { "full_properties": { "description": { "description": "Description.", "required": false }, "display_name": { "description": "Display name, defaults to ID if not set.", "required": false }, "ether_type": { "description": "Type of the encapsulated protocol.", "required": true }, "tag": { "description": "A list of scope + tag pairs to associate with this service.", "required": false } }, "path": "/docs/providers/nsxt/r/ether_type_ns_service.html", "properties": [ "display_name", "description", "ether_type", "tag" ] }, "nsxt_firewall_section": { "full_properties": { "action": { "description": "Action enforced on the packets which matches the firewall rule. [Allowed values: \"ALLOW\", \"DROP\", \"REJECT\"]", "required": true }, "applied_to": { "description": "List of object where rule will be enforced. The section level field overrides this one. Null will be treated as any. [Supported target types: \"LogicalPort\", \"LogicalSwitch\", \"NSGroup\"]", "required": false }, "description": { "description": "Description of this rule.", "required": false }, "destination": { "description": "List of the destinations. Null will be treated as any. [Allowed target types: \"IPSet\", \"LogicalPort\", \"LogicalSwitch\", \"NSGroup\", \"MACSet\" (depending on the section type)]", "required": false }, "destinations_excluded": { "description": "Negation of the destination.", "required": false }, "direction": { "description": "Rule direction in case of stateless firewall rules. This will only considered if section level parameter is set to stateless. Default to IN_OUT if not specified. [Allowed values: \"IN\", \"OUT\", \"IN_OUT\"]", "required": false }, "disabled": { "description": "Flag to disable rule. Disabled will only be persisted but never provisioned/realized.", "required": false }, "display_name": { "description": "The display name of this rule. Defaults to ID if not set.", "required": false }, "ip_protocol": { "description": "Type of IP packet that should be matched while enforcing the rule. [allowed values: \"IPV4\", \"IPV6\", \"IPV4_IPV6\"]", "required": false }, "logged": { "description": "Flag to enable packet logging. Default is disabled.", "required": false }, "notes": { "description": "User notes specific to the rule.", "required": false }, "rule_tag": { "description": "User level field which will be printed in CLI and packet logs.", "required": false }, "ruledisplay_namedescriptionactionapplied_todestinationdestinations_excludeddirectiondisabledip_protocolloggednotesrule_tagservicesourcesources_excluded": { }, "section_type": { "description": "Type of the rules which a section can contain. Either LAYER2 or LAYER3. Only homogeneous sections are supported.", "required": true }, "service": { "description": "List of the services. Null will be treated as any. [Allowed target types: \"NSService\", \"NSServiceGroup\"]", "required": false }, "source": { "description": "List of sources. Null will be treated as any. [Allowed target types: \"IPSet\", \"LogicalPort\", \"LogicalSwitch\", \"NSGroup\", \"MACSet\" (depending on the section type)]", "required": false }, "sources_excluded": { "description": "Negation of the source.", "required": false }, "stateful": { "description": "Stateful or Stateless nature of firewall section is enforced on all rules inside the section. Layer3 sections can be stateful or stateless. Layer2 sections can only be stateless.", "required": true }, "tag": { "description": "A list of scope + tag pairs to associate with this firewall section.", "required": false } }, "path": "/docs/providers/nsxt/r/firewall_section.html", "properties": [ "display_name", "description", "tag", "applied_to", "section_type", "stateful", "ruledisplay_namedescriptionactionapplied_todestinationdestinations_excludeddirectiondisabledip_protocolloggednotesrule_tagservicesourcesources_excluded", "action", "destination", "destinations_excluded", "direction", "disabled", "ip_protocol", "logged", "notes", "rule_tag", "service", "source", "sources_excluded" ] }, "nsxt_icmp_type_ns_service": { "full_properties": { "description": { "description": "Description.", "required": false }, "display_name": { "description": "Display name, defaults to ID if not set.", "required": false }, "icmp_code": { "description": "ICMP message code", "required": false }, "icmp_type": { "description": "ICMP message type.", "required": false }, "protocol": { "description": "Version of ICMP protocol ICMPv4 or ICMPv6.", "required": true }, "tag": { "description": "A list of scope + tag pairs to associate with this service.", "required": false } }, "path": "/docs/providers/nsxt/r/icmp_type_ns_service.html", "properties": [ "display_name", "description", "protocol", "icmp_type", "icmp_code", "tag" ] }, "nsxt_igmp_type_ns_service": { "full_properties": { "description": { "description": "Description.", "required": false }, "display_name": { "description": "Display name, defaults to ID if not set.", "required": false }, "tag": { "description": "A list of scope + tag pairs to associate with this service.", "required": false } }, "path": "/docs/providers/nsxt/r/igmp_type_ns_service.html", "properties": [ "display_name", "description", "tag" ] }, "nsxt_ip_protocol_ns_service": { "full_properties": { "description": { "description": "Description.", "required": false }, "display_name": { "description": "Display name, defaults to ID if not set.", "required": false }, "protocol": { "description": "IP protocol number (0-255)", "required": true }, "tag": { "description": "A list of scope + tag pairs to associate with this service.", "required": false } }, "path": "/docs/providers/nsxt/r/ip_protocol_ns_service.html", "properties": [ "display_name", "description", "protocol", "tag" ] }, "nsxt_ip_set": { "full_properties": { "description": { "description": "Description of this resource.", "required": false }, "display_name": { "description": "The display name of this resource. Defaults to ID if not set.", "required": false }, "ip_addresses": { "description": "IP addresses.", "required": false }, "tag": { "description": "A list of scope + tag pairs to associate with this ip_set.", "required": false } }, "path": "/docs/providers/nsxt/r/ip_set.html", "properties": [ "description", "display_name", "tag", "ip_addresses" ] }, "nsxt_l4_port_set_ns_service": { "full_properties": { "description": { "description": "Description of this resource.", "required": false }, "destination_ports": { "description": "Set of destination ports.", "required": false }, "display_name": { "description": "Display name, defaults to ID if not set.", "required": false }, "protocol": { "description": "VL4 protocol", "required": false }, "source_ports": { "description": "Set of source ports.", "required": false }, "tag": { "description": "A list of scope + tag pairs to associate with this service.", "required": false } }, "path": "/docs/providers/nsxt/r/l4_port_set_ns_service.html", "properties": [ "display_name", "description", "destination_ports", "source_ports", "protocol", "tag" ] }, "nsxt_logical_port": { "full_properties": { "admin_state": { "description": "Admin state for the logical port. Accepted values - 'UP' or 'DOWN'. The default value is 'UP'.", "required": false }, "description": { "description": "Description of this resource.", "required": false }, "display_name": { "description": "Display name, defaults to ID if not set.", "required": false }, "logical_switch_id": { "description": "Logical switch ID for the logical port.", "required": true }, "switching_profile_id": { "description": "List of IDs of switching profiles (of various types) to be associated with this switch. Default switching profiles will be used if not specified.", "required": false }, "tag": { "description": "A list of scope + tag pairs to associate with this logical port.", "required": false } }, "path": "/docs/providers/nsxt/r/logical_port.html", "properties": [ "display_name", "description", "logical_switch_id", "admin_state", "switching_profile_id", "tag" ] }, "nsxt_logical_router_downlink_port": { "full_properties": { "description": { "description": "Description of the resource.", "required": false }, "display_name": { "description": "Display name, defaults to ID if not set.", "required": false }, "ip_address": { "description": "Logical router port subnet (ip_address / prefix length)", "required": true }, "linked_logical_switch_port_id": { "description": "Identifier for port on logical switch to connect to", "required": true }, "logical_router_id": { "description": "Identifier for logical Tier-1 router on which this port is created", "required": true }, "mac_address": { "description": "Mac Address", "required": false }, "service_binding": { "description": "A list of services for this port", "required": false }, "tag": { "description": "A list of scope + tag pairs to associate with this port.", "required": false }, "urpf_mode": { "description": "Unicast Reverse Path Forwarding mode", "required": false } }, "path": "/docs/providers/nsxt/r/logical_router_downlink_port.html", "properties": [ "logical_router_id", "linked_logical_switch_port_id", "ip_address", "mac_address", "urpf_mode", "display_name", "description", "tag", "service_binding" ] }, "nsxt_logical_router_link_port_on_tier0": { "full_properties": { "description": { "description": "Description of the resource.", "required": false }, "display_name": { "description": "Display name, defaults to ID if not set.", "required": false }, "logical_router_id": { "description": "Identifier for logical Tier0 router on which this port is created.", "required": true }, "service_binding": { "description": "A list of services for this port", "required": false }, "tag": { "description": "A list of scope + tag pairs to associate with this port.", "required": false } }, "path": "/docs/providers/nsxt/r/logical_router_link_port_on_tier0.html", "properties": [ "logical_router_id", "display_name", "description", "tag", "service_binding" ] }, "nsxt_logical_router_link_port_on_tier1": { "full_properties": { "description": { "description": "Description of the resource.", "required": false }, "display_name": { "description": "Display name, defaults to ID if not set.", "required": false }, "linked_logical_switch_port_id": { "description": "Identifier for port on logical Tier-0 router to connect to.", "required": true }, "logical_router_id": { "description": "Identifier for logical tier-1 router on which this port is created.", "required": true }, "service_binding": { "description": "A list of services for this port", "required": false }, "tag": { "description": "A list of scope + tag pairs to associate with this port.", "required": false } }, "path": "/docs/providers/nsxt/r/logical_router_link_port_on_tier1.html", "properties": [ "logical_router_id", "linked_logical_switch_port_id", "display_name", "description", "tag", "service_binding" ] }, "nsxt_logical_switch": { "full_properties": { "address_binding": { "description": "List of Address Bindings for the logical switch. This setting allows to provide bindings between IP address, mac Address and vlan.", "required": false }, "admin_state": { "description": "Admin state for the logical switch. Accepted values - 'UP' or 'DOWN'. The default value is 'UP'.", "required": false }, "description": { "description": "Description of the resource.", "required": false }, "display_name": { "description": "Display name, defaults to ID if not set.", "required": false }, "ip_pool_id": { "description": "Ip Pool ID to be associated with the logical switch.", "required": false }, "mac_pool_id": { "description": "Mac Pool ID to be associated with the logical switch.", "required": false }, "replication_mode": { "description": "Replication mode of the Logical Switch. Accepted values - 'MTEP' (Hierarchical Two-Tier replication) and 'SOURCE' (Head Replication), with 'MTEP' being the default value. Applies to overlay logical switches.", "required": false }, "switching_profile_id": { "description": "List of IDs of switching profiles (of various types) to be associated with this switch. Default switching profiles will be used if not specified.", "required": false }, "tag": { "description": "A list of scope + tag pairs to associate with this logical switch.", "required": false }, "transport_zone_id": { "description": "Transport Zone ID for the logical switch.", "required": true }, "vlan": { "description": "Vlan for vlan logical switch. If not specified, this switch is overlay logical switch.", "required": false }, "vni": { "description": "Vni for the logical switch.", "required": false } }, "path": "/docs/providers/nsxt/r/logical_switch.html", "properties": [ "transport_zone_id", "admin_state", "replication_mode", "switching_profile_id", "display_name", "description", "ip_pool_id", "mac_pool_id", "vlan", "vni", "address_binding", "tag" ] }, "nsxt_logical_tier1_router": { "full_properties": { "advertise_connected_routes": { "description": "Enable the router advertisement for all NSX connected routes", "required": false }, "advertise_nat_routes": { "description": "Enable the router advertisement for NAT routes", "required": false }, "advertise_static_routes": { "description": "Enable the router advertisement for static routes", "required": false }, "description": { "description": "Description of the resource.", "required": false }, "display_name": { "description": "Display name, defaults to ID if not set.", "required": false }, "edge_cluster_id": { "description": "Edge Cluster ID for the logical Tier1 router.", "required": false }, "enable_router_advertisement": { "description": "Enable the router advertisement", "required": false }, "failover_mode": { "description": "This failover mode determines, whether the preferred service router instance for given logical router will preempt the peer. Note - It can be specified if and only if logical router is ACTIVE_STANDBY and NON_PREEMPTIVE mode is supported only for a Tier1 logical router. For ACTIVE_ACTIVE logical routers, this field must not be populated", "required": false }, "tag": { "description": "A list of scope + tag pairs to associate with this logical Tier1 router.", "required": false } }, "path": "/docs/providers/nsxt/r/logical_tier1_router.html", "properties": [ "edge_cluster_id", "display_name", "description", "tag", "failover_mode", "enable_router_advertisement", "advertise_connected_routes", "advertise_static_routes", "advertise_nat_routes" ] }, "nsxt_nat_rule": { "full_properties": { "action": { "description": "NAT rule action type. Valid actions are: SNAT, DNAT, NO_NAT and REFLEXIVE. All rules in a logical router are either stateless or stateful. Mix is not supported. SNAT and DNAT are stateful, and can NOT be supported when the logical router is running at active-active HA mode. The REFLEXIVE action is stateless. The NO_NAT action has no translated_fields, only match fields.", "required": true }, "description": { "description": "Description of this resource.", "required": false }, "display_name": { "description": "The display name of this resource. Defaults to ID if not set.", "required": false }, "enabled": { "description": "enable/disable the rule.", "required": false }, "logging": { "description": "enable/disable the logging of rule.", "required": false }, "logical_router_id": { "description": "ID of the logical router.", "required": true }, "match_destination_network": { "description": "IP Address | CIDR | (null implies Any).", "required": false }, "match_source_network": { "description": "IP Address | CIDR | (null implies Any).", "required": false }, "nat_pass": { "description": "Enable/disable to bypass following firewall stage. The default is true, meaning that the following firewall stage will be skipped. Please note, if action is NO_NAT, then nat_pass must be set to true or omitted.", "required": false }, "tag": { "description": "A list of scope + tag pairs to associate with this NAT rule.", "required": false }, "translated_network": { "description": "IP Address | IP Range | CIDR. For DNAT rules only a single ip is supported.", "required": false }, "translated_ports": { "description": "port number or port range. DNAT only.", "required": false } }, "path": "/docs/providers/nsxt/r/nat_rule.html", "properties": [ "logical_router_id", "description", "display_name", "tag", "action", "enabled", "logging", "match_destination_network", "match_source_network", "nat_pass", "translated_network", "translated_ports" ] }, "nsxt_ns_group": { "full_properties": { "description": { "description": "Description of this resource.", "required": false }, "display_name": { "description": "The display name of this resource. Defaults to ID if not set.", "required": false }, "member": { "description": "Reference to the direct/static members of the NSGroup. Can be ID based expressions only. VirtualMachine cannot be added as a static member. target_type can be: NSGroup, IPSet, LogicalPort, LogicalSwitch, MACSet", "required": false }, "membership_criteria": { "description": "List of tag or ID expressions which define the membership criteria for this NSGroup. An object must satisfy at least one of these expressions to qualify as a member of this group.", "required": false }, "tag": { "description": "A list of scope + tag pairs to associate with this NS group.", "required": false } }, "path": "/docs/providers/nsxt/r/ns_group.html", "properties": [ "description", "display_name", "tag", "member", "membership_criteria" ] }, "nsxt_static_route": { "full_properties": { "administrative_distance": { "description": "Administrative Distance for the next hop IP.", "required": false }, "description": { "description": "Description of this resource.", "required": false }, "display_name": { "description": "The display name of this resource. Defaults to ID if not set.", "required": false }, "ip_address": { "description": "Next Hop IP.", "required": false }, "logical_router_id": { "description": "Logical router id.", "required": false }, "logical_router_port_id": { "description": "Reference of logical router port to be used for next hop.", "required": false }, "network": { "description": "CIDR.", "required": true }, "next_hopadministrative_distanceip_addresslogical_router_port_id": { }, "tag": { "description": "A list of scope + tag pairs to associate with this static route.", "required": false } }, "path": "/docs/providers/nsxt/r/static_route.html", "properties": [ "description", "display_name", "tag", "logical_router_id", "network", "next_hopadministrative_distanceip_addresslogical_router_port_id", "administrative_distance", "ip_address", "logical_router_port_id" ] }, "nsxt_vm_tags": { "full_properties": { "instance_id": { "description": "BIOS Id of the Virtual Machine.", "required": true }, "tag": { "description": "A list of scope + tag pairs to associate with this VM.", "required": true } }, "path": "/docs/providers/nsxt/r/vm_tags.html", "properties": [ "instance_id", "tag" ] } }