module "Cartilage.Views.BasicListView" setup: -> @testCollection = new Backbone.Collection([ {id: 1, name: "one"}, {id: 2, name: "two"}, {id: 3, name: "three"} ], model: Backbone.Model) @testListView = new Cartilage.Views.ListView collection: @testCollection test "should render collection correctly", 3, -> @testListView.prepare() $('#testElement').html @testListView.render().el ok $('.list-view').length, "ListView container was created." equal $('.list-view-items-container > li').length, 3, "testListView should have 3 items." equal @testListView.selected.length, 0, "testListView should have 0 selected items." test "should add an item to the list view", 3, -> @testListView.prepare() $('#testElement').html @testListView.render().el ok $('.list-view').length, "ListView container was created." equal $('.list-view-items-container > li').length, 3, "testListView should have 3 items." @testCollection.add({id: 4, name: "four"}) equal $('.list-view-items-container > li').length, 4, "testListView should now have 4 items." test "should remove an item from the list view", 3, -> @testListView.prepare() $('#testElement').html @testListView.render().el ok $('.list-view').length, "ListView container was created." equal $('.list-view-items-container > li').length, 3, "testListView should have 3 items." @testCollection.remove(@testCollection.get(3)) equal $('.list-view-items-container > li').length, 2, "testListView should now have 2 items." asyncTest "should trigger select event for single-select ListView", 1, -> @testListView.prepare() $('#testElement').html @testListView.render().el @testListView.on "select", -> ok true, "Select event should have been triggered." start() @testListView.selectFirst() asyncTest "should trigger deselect event for single-select ListView", 1, -> @testListView.prepare() $('#testElement').html @testListView.render().el @testListView.on "deselect", -> ok true, "Deselect event should have been triggered." start() @testListView.selectFirst() @testListView.deselect($('.list-view > ul.list-view-items-container > li').first()) module "Cartilage.Views.ListView.AllowsMultipleSelection" setup: -> @testListView = null testCollection = new Backbone.Collection([ {id: 1, name: "one"}, {id: 2, name: "two"}, {id: 3, name: "three"} ], model: Backbone.Model) @testListView = new Cartilage.Views.ListView collection: testCollection allowsMultipleSelection: yes asyncTest "should trigger add event on @selected collection for multi-select ListView", 2, -> @testListView.prepare() $('#testElement').html @testListView.render().el @testListView.selected.on "add", -> ok true, "add was called on multi-select" start() @testListView.selectFirst() #select($('.list-view > ul.list-view-items-container > li').first()) equal @testListView.selected.length, 1, "One element should have been selected" asyncTest "should trigger remove event on @selected collection for multi-select ListView", 3, -> @testListView.prepare() $('#testElement').html @testListView.render().el @testListView.selected.on "remove", -> ok true, "remove was called on multi-select" start()$('.list-view > ul.list-view-items-container > li').first()) @testListView.selectAnother($('.list-view > ul.list-view-items-container > li').last()) equal @testListView.selected.length, 2, "Two elements should have been selected" @testListView.deselect($('.list-view > ul.list-view-items-container > li').first()) equal @testListView.selected.length, 1, "Only one element should have been selected after deselect" asyncTest "should trigger reset event on @selected collection for multi-select ListView", 3, -> @testListView.prepare() $('#testElement').html @testListView.render().el @testListView.selected.on "reset", => ok true, "reset was called" start()$('.list-view > ul.list-view-items-container > li').first()) @testListView.selectAnother($('.list-view > ul.list-view-items-container > li').last()) equal @testListView.selected.length, 2, "Two elements should have been selected" @testListView.clearSelection() equal @testListView.selected.length, 0, "No elements should have been selected" test "should keep selected items collection in the same order as collection passed to the view", 5, -> @testListView.prepare() $('#testElement').html @testListView.render().el$('.list-view > ul.list-view-items-container > li').first()) @testListView.selectAnother($('.list-view > ul.list-view-items-container > li').last()) equal, equal, @testListView.selectAnother($('.list-view > ul.list-view-items-container > li')[1]) equal, equal, equal, module "Cartilage.Views.ListView.Ordered" setup: -> @testListView = null @testCollection = new Backbone.Collection( [], model: Backbone.Model, comparator: (item) -> item.get("name") ) @testListView = new Cartilage.Views.ListView collection: @testCollection ordered: yes test "should render items inserted into the collection in the proper order on the screen", 9, -> @testListView.prepare() $('#testElement').html @testListView.render().el equal $('#testElement li').length, 0, "No elements should have been rendered" @testCollection.add({id: "charlie", name: "charlie"}) equal $('#testElement li').length, 1, "One element should have been rendered" @testCollection.add({id: "alpha", name: "alpha"}) equal $('#testElement li').length, 2, "Two elements should have been rendered" equal $('#testElement li').first().data('model'), @testCollection.get("alpha"), "alpha should have been rendered first" equal $('#testElement li').last().data('model'), @testCollection.get("charlie"), "charlie should have been rendered last" @testCollection.add({id: "bravo", name: "bravo"}) equal $('#testElement li').length, 3, "Three elements should have been rendered" equal $('#testElement li').first().data('model'), @testCollection.get("alpha"), "alpha should have been rendered first" equal $('#testElement li').eq(1).data('model'), @testCollection.get("bravo"), "bravo should have been rendered second" equal $('#testElement li').last().data('model'), @testCollection.get("charlie"), "charlie should have been rendered last" test "should render removed items back into the proper position", 4, -> @testCollection.add([{id: "alpha", name: "alpha"}, {id: "bravo", name: "bravo"}, {id: "charlie", name: "charlie"}]) @testListView.prepare() $('#testElement').html @testListView.render().el equal $('#testElement li').length, 3, "Three elements should have been rendered" @bravo = @testCollection.get("bravo") @testCollection.remove(@bravo) equal $('#testElement li').length, 2, "Two elements should have been rendered" @testCollection.add(@bravo) equal $('#testElement li').length, 3, "Three elements should have been rendered" equal $('#testElement li').eq(1).data('model'), @testCollection.get("bravo"), "bravo should have been reinserted second" # This is how I'd like to test to make sure clicks get passed through to links contained # in the ListViewItem, but there's no way to simulate a click at coordinates in pure JS. # # module "Cartilage.Views.ListView.SelectionDisabled" # setup: -> # @testListView = null # class window.TestModel extends Backbone.Model # @testCollection = new Backbone.Collection([ {id: 1, name: "one"}, # {id: 2, name: "two"}, # {id: 3, name: "three"} ], # model: TestModel) # class window.TestListViewItem extends Cartilage.Views.ListViewItem # window.JST = { "test_list_view_item": _.template('Link')} # @testListView = new Cartilage.Views.ListView # collection: @testCollection # allowsSelection: no # allowsDeselction: no # itemView: TestListViewItem # asyncTest "should pass a click in the listview through to the underlying element", 1, -> # @testListView.prepare() # $('#testElement').html @testListView.render().el # $('#testElement a#link-1').click (e) -> # ok true, "Click was received" # start() # e.preventDefault(); # offset = $('#testElement a#link-1').offset(); # $("#testElement a#link-1").simulate("click", {screenX: offset.left + 5, screenY: + 5})