# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- module RDF::NTriples ## # N-Triples serializer. # # Output is serialized for UTF-8, to serialize as ASCII # (with) unicode escapes, set encoding: Encoding::ASCII as # an option to {RDF::NTriples::Writer#initialize}. # # @example Obtaining an NTriples writer class # RDF::Writer.for(:ntriples) #=> RDF::NTriples::Writer # RDF::Writer.for("etc/test.nt") # RDF::Writer.for(file_name: "etc/test.nt") # RDF::Writer.for(file_extension: "nt") # RDF::Writer.for(content_type: "application/n-triples") # # @example Serializing RDF statements into an NTriples file # RDF::NTriples::Writer.open("etc/test.nt") do |writer| # graph.each_statement do |statement| # writer << statement # end # end # # @example Serializing RDF statements into an NTriples string # RDF::NTriples::Writer.buffer do |writer| # graph.each_statement do |statement| # writer << statement # end # end # # @example Serializing RDF statements into an NTriples string with escaped UTF-8 # RDF::NTriples::Writer.buffer(encoding: Encoding::ASCII) do |writer| # graph.each_statement do |statement| # writer << statement # end # end # # @see http://www.w3.org/TR/rdf-testcases/#ntriples # @see http://www.w3.org/TR/n-triples/ class Writer < RDF::Writer include RDF::Util::Logger format RDF::NTriples::Format # @see http://www.w3.org/TR/rdf-testcases/#ntrip_strings ESCAPE_PLAIN = /\A[\x20-\x21\x23-\x26\x28#{Regexp.escape '['}#{Regexp.escape ']'}-\x7E]*\z/m.freeze ESCAPE_PLAIN_U = /\A(?:#{Reader::IRI_RANGE}|#{Reader::UCHAR})*\z/.freeze ## # Escape Literal and URI content. If encoding is ASCII, all unicode # is escaped, otherwise only ASCII characters that must be escaped are # escaped. # # @param [String] string # @param [Encoding] encoding # @return [String] # @see http://www.w3.org/TR/rdf-testcases/#ntrip_strings def self.escape(string, encoding = nil) ret = case when string.match?(ESCAPE_PLAIN) # a shortcut for the simple case string when string.ascii_only? StringIO.open do |buffer| buffer.set_encoding(Encoding::ASCII) string.each_byte { |u| buffer << escape_ascii(u, encoding) } buffer.string end when encoding && encoding != Encoding::ASCII # Not encoding UTF-8 characters StringIO.open do |buffer| buffer.set_encoding(encoding) string.each_char do |u| buffer << case u.ord when (0x00..0x7F) escape_ascii(u, encoding) else u end end buffer.string end else # Encode ASCII && UTF-8 characters StringIO.open do |buffer| buffer.set_encoding(Encoding::ASCII) string.each_codepoint { |u| buffer << escape_unicode(u, encoding) } buffer.string end end encoding ? ret.encode(encoding) : ret end ## # Escape ascii and unicode characters. # If encoding is UTF_8, only ascii characters are escaped. # # @param [Integer, #ord] u # @param [Encoding] encoding # @return [String] # @raise [ArgumentError] if `u` is not a valid Unicode codepoint # @see http://www.w3.org/TR/rdf-testcases/#ntrip_strings def self.escape_unicode(u, encoding) case (u = u.ord) when (0x00..0x7F) # ASCII 7-bit escape_ascii(u, encoding) when (0x80..0xFFFF) # Unicode BMP escape_utf16(u) when (0x10000..0x10FFFF) # Unicode escape_utf32(u) else raise ArgumentError.new("expected a Unicode codepoint in (0x00..0x10FFFF), but got 0x#{u.to_s(16)}") end end ## # Standard ASCII escape sequences. If encoding is ASCII, use Test-Cases # sequences, otherwise, assume the test-cases escape sequences. Otherwise, # the N-Triples recommendation includes `\b` and `\f` escape sequences. # # Within STRING_LITERAL_QUOTE, only the characters `U+0022`, `U+005C`, `U+000A`, `U+000D` are encoded using `ECHAR`. `ECHAR` must not be used for characters that are allowed directly in STRING_LITERAL_QUOTE. # # @param [Integer, #ord] u # @return [String] # @raise [ArgumentError] if `u` is not a valid Unicode codepoint # @see http://www.w3.org/TR/rdf-testcases/#ntrip_strings # @see http://www.w3.org/TR/n-triples/ def self.escape_ascii(u, encoding) case (u = u.ord) when (0x08) then "\\b" when (0x09) then "\\t" when (0x0A) then "\\n" when (0x0C) then "\\f" when (0x0D) then "\\r" when (0x22) then "\\\"" when (0x5C) then "\\\\" when (0x00..0x1F) then escape_utf16(u) when (0x7F) then escape_utf16(u) when (0x20..0x7E) then u.chr else raise ArgumentError.new("expected an ASCII character in (0x00..0x7F), but got 0x#{u.to_s(16)}") end end ## # @param [Integer, #ord] u # @return [String] # @see http://www.w3.org/TR/rdf-testcases/#ntrip_strings def self.escape_utf16(u) sprintf("\\u%04X", u.ord) end ## # @param [Integer, #ord] u # @return [String] # @see http://www.w3.org/TR/rdf-testcases/#ntrip_strings def self.escape_utf32(u) sprintf("\\U%08X", u.ord) end ## # Returns the serialized N-Triples representation of the given RDF # value. # # @param [RDF::Value] value # @return [String] # @raise [ArgumentError] if `value` is not an `RDF::Statement` or `RDF::Term` def self.serialize(value) writer = (@serialize_writer_memo ||= self.new) case value when nil then nil when FalseClass then value.to_s when RDF::Statement writer.format_statement(value) + "\n" when RDF::Term writer.format_term(value) else raise ArgumentError, "expected an RDF::Statement or RDF::Term, but got #{value.inspect}" end end ## # Initializes the writer. # # @param [IO, File] output # the output stream # @param [Boolean] validate (true) # whether to validate terms when serializing # @param [Hash{Symbol => Object}] options ({}) # any additional options. See {RDF::Writer#initialize} # @yield [writer] `self` # @yieldparam [RDF::Writer] writer # @yieldreturn [void] def initialize(output = $stdout, validate: true, **options, &block) super end ## # Outputs an N-Triples comment line. # # @param [String] text # @return [void] def write_comment(text) puts "# #{text.chomp}" # TODO: correctly output multi-line comments end ## # Outputs the N-Triples representation of a triple. # # @param [RDF::Resource] subject # @param [RDF::URI] predicate # @param [RDF::Term] object # @return [void] def write_triple(subject, predicate, object) puts format_triple(subject, predicate, object, **@options) end ## # Returns the N-Triples representation of a statement. # # @param [RDF::Statement] statement # @param [Hash{Symbol => Object}] options ({}) # @return [String] def format_statement(statement, **options) format_triple(*statement.to_triple, **options) end ## # Returns the N-Triples representation of an RDF-star quoted triple. # # @param [RDF::Statement] statement # @param [Hash{Symbol => Object}] options ({}) # @return [String] def format_quotedTriple(statement, **options) "<<%s %s %s>>" % statement.to_a.map { |value| format_term(value, **options) } end ## # Returns the N-Triples representation of a triple. # # @param [RDF::Resource] subject # @param [RDF::URI] predicate # @param [RDF::Term] object # @param [Hash{Symbol => Object}] options ({}) # @return [String] def format_triple(subject, predicate, object, **options) "%s %s %s ." % [subject, predicate, object].map { |value| format_term(value, **options) } end ## # Returns the N-Triples representation of a blank node. # # @param [RDF::Node] node # @param [Boolean] unique_bnodes (false) # Serialize node using unique identifier, rather than any used to create the node. # @param [Hash{Symbol => Object}] options ({}) # @return [String] def format_node(node, unique_bnodes: false, **options) unique_bnodes ? node.to_unique_base : node.to_s end ## # Returns the N-Triples representation of a URI reference using write encoding. # # @param [RDF::URI] uri # @param [Hash{Symbol => Object}] options ({}) # @return [String] def format_uri(uri, **options) string = uri.to_s iriref = case when string.match?(ESCAPE_PLAIN_U) # a shortcut for the simple case string when string.ascii_only? || (encoding && encoding != Encoding::ASCII) StringIO.open do |buffer| buffer.set_encoding(encoding) string.each_char do |u| buffer << case u.ord when (0x00..0x20) then self.class.escape_utf16(u) when 0x22, 0x3c, 0x3e, 0x5c, 0x5e, 0x60, 0x7b, 0x7c, 0x7d # "<>\^`{|} self.class.escape_utf16(u) else u end end buffer.string end else # Encode ASCII && UTF-8/16 characters StringIO.open do |buffer| buffer.set_encoding(Encoding::ASCII) string.each_byte do |u| buffer << case u when (0x00..0x20) then self.class.escape_utf16(u) when 0x22, 0x3c, 0x3e, 0x5c, 0x5e, 0x60, 0x7b, 0x7c, 0x7d # "<>\^`{|} self.class.escape_utf16(u) when (0x80..0xFFFF) then self.class.escape_utf16(u) when (0x10000..0x10FFFF) then self.class.escape_utf32(u) else u end end buffer.string end end encoding ? "<#{iriref}>".encode(encoding) : "<#{iriref}>" end ## # Returns the N-Triples representation of a literal. # # @param [RDF::Literal, String, #to_s] literal # @param [Hash{Symbol => Object}] options ({}) # @return [String] def format_literal(literal, **options) case literal when RDF::Literal # Note, escaping here is more robust than in Term text = quoted(escaped(literal.value)) text << "@#{literal.language}" if literal.language? text << "--#{literal.direction}" if literal.direction? text << "^^<#{uri_for(literal.datatype)}>" if literal.datatype? text else quoted(escaped(literal.to_s)) end end ## # @private def escaped(string) self.class.escape(string, encoding) end end end