require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper' require 'ostruct' describe "YARD::Handlers::Ruby::#{LEGACY_PARSER ? "Legacy::" : ""}DSLHandler" do before(:all) { parse_file :dsl_handler_001, __FILE__ } it "creates a readable attribute when @!attribute r is found" do obj ='Foo#attr1') expect(obj).not_to be nil expect(obj).to be_reader expect(obj.tag(:return).types).to eq ['Numeric'] expect('Foo#attr1=')).to be nil end it "creates a writable attribute when @!attribute w is found" do obj ='Foo#attr2=') expect(obj).not_to be nil expect(obj).to be_writer expect('Foo#attr2')).to be nil end it "defaults to readwrite @!attribute" do obj ='Foo#attr3') expect(obj).not_to be nil expect(obj).to be_reader obj ='Foo#attr3=') expect(obj).not_to be nil expect(obj).to be_writer end it "allows @!attribute to define alternate method name" do expect('Foo#attr4')).to be nil expect('Foo#custom')).not_to be nil end it "defaults to creating an instance method for any DSL method with special tags" do obj ='Foo#implicit0') expect(obj).not_to be nil expect(obj.docstring).to eq "IMPLICIT METHOD!" expect(obj.tag(:return).types).to eq ['String'] end it "recognizes implicit docstring when it has scope tag" do obj ="Foo.implicit1") expect(obj).not_to be nil expect(obj.scope).to eq :class end it "recognizes implicit docstring when it has visibility tag" do obj ="Foo#implicit2") expect(obj).not_to be nil expect(obj.visibility).to eq :protected end it "does not recognize implicit docstring with any other normal tag" do obj ='Foo#implicit_invalid3') expect(obj).to be nil end it "sets the method name when using @!method" do obj ='') expect(obj).not_to be nil expect(obj.signature).to eq 'def xyz(a, b, c)' expect(obj.parameters).to eq [['a', nil], ['b', nil], ['c', nil]] expect(obj.source).to eq 'foo_bar' expect(obj.docstring).to eq 'The foo method' end it "allows setting of @!scope" do expect('').scope).to eq :class end it "creates module function if @!scope is module" do mod_c ='Foo.modfunc1') mod_i ='Foo#modfunc1') expect(mod_c.scope).to eq :class expect(mod_i.visibility).to eq :private end it "allows setting of @!visibility" do expect('').visibility).to eq :protected end it "ignores DSL methods without tags" do expect('Foo#implicit_invalid')).to be nil end it "accepts a DSL method without tags if it has hash_flag (##)" do expect('Foo#implicit_valid')).not_to be nil expect('Foo#implicit_invalid2')).to be nil end it "allows creation of macros" do macro = CodeObjects::MacroObject.find('property') expect(macro).not_to be nil expect(macro).not_to be_attached expect(macro.method_object).to be nil end it "handles macros with no parameters to expand" do expect('Foo#none')).not_to be nil expect('Baz#none').signature).to eq 'def none(foo, bar)' end it "expands $N on method definitions" do expect('Foo#regular_meth').docstring).to eq 'a b c' end it "applies new macro docstrings on new objects" do obj ='Foo#name') expect(obj).not_to be nil expect(obj.source).to eq 'property :name, String, :a, :b, :c' expect(obj.signature).to eq 'def name(a, b, c)' expect(obj.docstring).to eq 'A property that is awesome.' expect(obj.tag(:param).name).to eq 'a' expect(obj.tag(:param).text).to eq 'first parameter' expect(obj.tag(:return).types).to eq ['String'] expect(obj.tag(:return).text).to eq 'the property name' end it "allows reuse of named macros" do obj ='Foo#age') expect(obj).not_to be nil expect(obj.source).to eq 'property :age, Fixnum, :value' expect(obj.signature).to eq 'def age(value)' expect(obj.docstring).to eq 'A property that is awesome.' expect(obj.tag(:param).name).to eq 'value' expect(obj.tag(:param).text).to eq 'first parameter' expect(obj.tag(:return).types).to eq ['Fixnum'] expect(obj.tag(:return).text).to eq 'the property age' end it "knows about method information on DSL with macro expansion" do expect('Foo#right_name')).not_to be nil expect('Foo#right_name').source).to eq 'implicit_with_different_method_name :wrong, :right' expect('Foo#wrong_name')).to be nil end it "uses attached macros" do macro = CodeObjects::MacroObject.find('parser') expect(macro.macro_data).to eq "@!method $1(opts = {})\n@return NOTHING!" expect(macro).not_to be nil expect(macro).to be_attached expect(macro.method_object).to eq P('Foo.parser') obj ='Foo#c_parser') expect(obj).not_to be nil expect(obj.docstring).to eq "" expect(obj.signature).to eq "def c_parser(opts = {})" expect(obj.docstring.tag(:return).text).to eq "NOTHING!" end it "appends docstring on DSL method to attached macro" do obj ='Foo#d_parser') expect(obj).not_to be nil expect(obj.docstring).to eq "Another docstring" expect(obj.signature).to eq "def d_parser(opts = {})" expect(obj.docstring.tag(:return).text).to eq "NOTHING!" end it "only uses attached macros on methods defined in inherited hierarchy" do expect('Bar#x_parser')).to be nil expect('Baz#y_parser')).not_to be nil end it "looks through mixins for attached macros" do meth ='Baz#mixin_method') expect(meth).not_to be nil expect(meth.docstring).to eq 'DSL method mixin_method' end it "handles top-level DSL methods" do obj ='#my_other_method') expect(obj).not_to be nil expect(obj.docstring).to eq "Docstring for method" end it "handles syntax" do obj ='#beep') expect(obj).not_to be nil expect(obj.signature).to eq 'def beep(a, b, c)' end it "expands attached macros in first DSL method" do expect('DSLMethods#foo').docstring).to eq "Returns String for foo" expect('DSLMethods#bar').docstring).to eq "Returns Integer for bar" end it "does not detect implicit macros with invalid method names" do undoc_error <<-eof ## # IMPLICIT METHOD THAT SHOULD # NOT BE DETECTED dsl_method '/foo/bar' eof end # @note Currently unsupported behavior. Overriding a macro on an alias will # not work until macro lookups can be done by caller_method directly. # @todo optimize MacroObject lookup to work by caller name, not macro name. it "cannot attach a macro on alias of attached macro" do expect('AliasTest#main_foo1')).not_to be nil expect('AliasTest#alt_foo1')).to be nil end if HAVE_RIPPER it "searches attached macro's aliases for caller method match" do expect('AliasTest#main_foo2')).not_to be nil expect('AliasTest#alt_foo2')).to be nil end if HAVE_RIPPER it "does not create method object if directive data detected in expanded macro" do expect('DirectiveMethods#Bar')).to be nil expect('DirectiveMethods').mixins).to include P(:Bar) end end