class AbstractFeature < ActiveRecord::Base self.table_name = 'features' class_attribute :automatically_cache_derivatives self.automatically_cache_derivatives = true class_attribute :lowres_simplification self.lowres_simplification = 2 # Threshold in meters belongs_to :spatial_model, :polymorphic => :true, :autosave => false attr_writer :make_valid FEATURE_TYPES = %w(polygon point line) before_validation :sanitize_feature_type validates_presence_of :geog validate :validate_geometry, if: :will_save_change_to_geog? before_save :sanitize, if: :will_save_change_to_geog? after_save :cache_derivatives, :if => [:automatically_cache_derivatives?, :saved_change_to_geog?] # for Rails >= 5 ActiveRecord collections we override the collection_cache_key # to prevent Rails doing its default query on `updated_at` def self.collection_cache_key(_collection, _timestamp_column) self.cache_key end def self.cache_key "#{maximum(:id)}-#{count}" end def self.with_metadata(k, v) if k.present? && v.present? where('metadata->? = ?', k, v) else all end end def self.polygons where(:feature_type => 'polygon') end def self.lines where(:feature_type => 'line') end def self.points where(:feature_type => 'point') end def self.within_distance_of_point(lat, lng, distance_in_meters) where("ST_DWithin(features.geog, ST_Point(:lng, :lat), :distance)", :lat => lat, :lng => lng, :distance => distance_in_meters) end def self.area_in_square_meters(geom = 'geom_lowres') current_scope = all.polygons unscoped { SpatialFeatures::Utils.select_db_value(select("ST_Area(ST_Union(#{geom}))").from(current_scope, :features)).to_f } end def self.total_intersection_area_in_square_meters(other_features, geom = 'geom_lowres') scope = unscope(:select).select("ST_Union(#{geom}) AS geom").polygons other_scope = other_features.polygons query ='ST_Area(ST_Intersection(ST_Union(features.geom), ST_Union(other_features.geom)))') .from(scope, "features") .joins("INNER JOIN (#{other_scope.to_sql}) AS other_features ON ST_Intersects(features.geom, other_features.geom)") return SpatialFeatures::Utils.select_db_value(query).to_f end def self.intersecting(other) join_other_features(other).where('ST_Intersects(features.geom_lowres, other_features.geom_lowres)').uniq end def self.within_distance(other, distance_in_meters) join_other_features(other).where('ST_DWithin(features.geom_lowres, other_features.geom_lowres, ?)', distance_in_meters).uniq end def self.invalid(column = 'geog::geometry') select("features.*, ST_IsValidReason(#{column}) AS invalid_geometry_message").where.not("ST_IsValid(#{column})") end def self.valid where('ST_IsValid(geog::geometry)') end def envelope(buffer_in_meters = 0) envelope_json = JSON.parse("ST_AsGeoJSON(ST_Envelope(ST_Buffer(features.geog, #{buffer_in_meters})::geometry)) AS result").where(:id => id).first.result) envelope_json = envelope_json["coordinates"].first raise "Can't calculate envelope for Feature #{}" if envelope_json.blank? return envelope_json.values_at(0,2) end def self.without_caching_derivatives(&block) old = automatically_cache_derivatives self.automatically_cache_derivatives = false ensure self.automatically_cache_derivatives = old end def self.cache_derivatives(options = {}) update_all <<-SQL.squish geom = ST_Transform(geog::geometry, #{detect_srid('geom')}), north = ST_YMax(geog::geometry), east = ST_XMax(geog::geometry), south = ST_YMin(geog::geometry), west = ST_XMin(geog::geometry), area = ST_Area(geog), centroid = ST_PointOnSurface(geog::geometry) SQL invalid('geom').update_all <<-SQL.squish geom = ST_Buffer(geom, 0) SQL update_all <<-SQL.squish geom_lowres = ST_SimplifyPreserveTopology(geom, #{options.fetch(:lowres_simplification, lowres_simplification)}), tilegeom = ST_Transform(geom, 3857) SQL invalid('geom_lowres').update_all <<-SQL.squish geom_lowres = ST_Buffer(geom_lowres, 0) SQL end def self.mvt(*args) select_sql = mvt_sql(*args) # Result is a hex string representing the desired binary output so we need to convert it to binary result = SpatialFeatures::Utils.select_db_value(select_sql) result.remove!(/^\\x/) result = result.scan(/../).map(&:hex).pack('c*') return result end def self.mvt_sql(tile_x, tile_y, zoom, properties: true, centroids: false, metadata: {}, scope: nil) if centroids column = 'ST_Transform(centroid::geometry, 3857)' # MVT works in SRID 3857 else column = 'tilegeom' end subquery = select(:id) .select("ST_AsMVTGeom(#{column}, ST_TileEnvelope(#{zoom}, #{tile_x}, #{tile_y}), extent => 4096, buffer => 64) AS geom") .where("#{column} && ST_TileEnvelope(#{zoom}, #{tile_x}, #{tile_y}, margin => (64.0 / 4096))") .order(:id) # Merge additional scopes in to allow joins and other columns to be included in the feature output subquery = subquery.merge(scope) unless scope.nil? # Add metadata metadata.each do |column, value| subquery ="#{value} AS #{column}") end select_sql = <<~SQL SELECT ST_AsMVT(mvtgeom.*, 'default', 4096, 'geom', 'id') AS mvt FROM (#{subquery.to_sql}) mvtgeom SQL end def self.geojson(lowres: false, precision: 6, properties: true, srid: 4326, centroids: false, features_only: false, include_record_identifiers: false) # default srid is 4326 so output is Google Maps compatible if centroids column = 'centroid' elsif lowres column = "ST_Transform(geom_lowres, #{srid})" else column = 'geog' end properties_sql = [] if include_record_identifiers properties_sql << "hstore(ARRAY['feature_name', name::varchar, 'feature_id', id::varchar, 'spatial_model_type', spatial_model_type::varchar, 'spatial_model_id', spatial_model_id::varchar])" end if properties properties_sql << "metadata" end if properties.is_a?(Hash) properties_sql << <<~SQL hstore(ARRAY[#{ {|e| "'#{e.to_s}'" }.join(',')}]) SQL end properties_sql = <<~SQL if properties_sql.present? , 'properties', hstore_to_json(#{properties_sql.join(' || ')}) SQL sql = <<~SQL json_agg( json_build_object( 'type', 'Feature', 'geometry', ST_AsGeoJSON(#{column}, #{precision})::json #{properties_sql} ) ) SQL sql = <<~SQL unless features_only json_build_object( 'type', 'FeatureCollection', 'features', #{sql} ) SQL SpatialFeatures::Utils.select_db_value( end def self.bounds values = pluck('MAX(north) AS north, MAX(east) AS east, MIN(south) AS south, MIN(west) AS west').first [:north, :east, :south, :west].zip(values).to_h.with_indifferent_access.transform_values!(&:to_f) if values&.compact.present? end def bounds slice(:north, :east, :south, :west).with_indifferent_access.transform_values!(&:to_f) end def cache_derivatives(*args) self.class.default_scoped.where(:id =>*args) end def kml(options = {}) column = options[:lowres] ? 'geom_lowres' : 'geog' return SpatialFeatures::Utils.select_db_value(self.class.where(:id => id).select("ST_AsKML(#{column}, 6)")) end def geojson(*args) self.class.where(id: id).geojson(*args) end def make_valid? @make_valid end private def make_valid self.geog = SpatialFeatures::Utils.select_db_value("SELECT ST_Buffer('#{sanitize}', 0)") end # Use ST_Force2D to discard z-coordinates that cause failures later in the process def sanitize self.geog = SpatialFeatures::Utils.select_db_value("SELECT ST_Force2D('#{geog}')") end SRID_CACHE = {} def self.detect_srid(column_name) SRID_CACHE[column_name] ||= SpatialFeatures::Utils.select_db_value("SELECT Find_SRID('public', '#{table_name}', '#{column_name}')") end def self.join_other_features(other) joins('INNER JOIN features AS other_features ON true').where(:other_features => {:id => other}) end def validate_geometry return unless geog? error = geometry_validation_message if error && make_valid? make_valid self.make_valid = false validate_geometry elsif error errors.add :geog, error end end def geometry_validation_message klass = self.class.base_class # Use the base class because we don't want to have to include a type column in our select error = klass.connection.select_one(klass.unscoped.invalid.from("(SELECT '#{sanitize_input_for_sql(self.geog)}'::geography::geometry AS geog) #{klass.table_name}")) # Ensure we cast to geography because the geog attribute value may not have been coerced to geography yet, so we want it to apply the +-180/90 bounds to any odd geometry that will happen when we save to the database return error.fetch('invalid_geometry_message') if error end def sanitize_feature_type self.feature_type = FEATURE_TYPES.find {|type| self.feature_type.to_s.strip.downcase.include?(type) } end def sanitize_input_for_sql(input) self.class.send(:sanitize_sql_for_conditions, input) end def saved_change_to_geog? if Rails.version >= '5.1' super else geog_changed? end end end