require 'spec_helper' describe Devise::Oauth2::AuthorizationsController do describe 'GET #new' do context 'with valid redirect_uri' do with :user with :client let(:redirect_uri) { client.redirect_uri } before do sign_in user get :new, :client_id => client.identifier, :redirect_uri => redirect_uri, :response_type => 'code', :use_route => 'devise_oauth2_providable' end it { should respond_with :ok } it { should respond_with_content_type :html } it { should assign_to(:redirect_uri).with(redirect_uri) } it { should assign_to(:response_type) } it { should render_template 'devise/oauth2_providable/authorizations/new' } it { should render_with_layout 'application' } end context 'with invalid redirect_uri' do with :user with :client let(:redirect_uri) { '' } before do sign_in user get :new, :client_id => client.identifier, :redirect_uri => redirect_uri, :response_type => 'code', :use_route => 'devise_oauth2_providable' end it { should respond_with :bad_request } it { should respond_with_content_type :html } end end end