require 'monitor' require File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', '..', 'spec_helper')) require DataMapper.root / 'spec' / 'unit' / 'adapters' / 'adapter_shared_spec' # TODO: make a shared adapter spec for all the DAO objects to adhere to describe DataMapper::Adapters::DataObjectsAdapter do before :all do class Cheese include DataMapper::Resource property :id, Serial property :name, String, :nullable => false property :color, String, :default => 'yellow' property :notes, String, :length => 100, :lazy => true end end before do @uri = Addressable::URI.parse('mock://localhost') @adapter =, @uri) end it_should_behave_like 'a DataMapper Adapter' describe "#find_by_sql" do before do class Plupp include DataMapper::Resource property :id, Integer, :key => true property :name, String end end it "should be added to DataMapper::Model" do DataMapper::Model.instance_methods.include?("find_by_sql").should == true Plupp.should respond_to(:find_by_sql) end describe "when called" do before do @reader = mock("reader") @reader.stub!(:next!).and_return(false) @reader.stub!(:close) @connection = mock("connection") @connection.stub!(:close) @command = mock("command") @adapter = Plupp.repository.adapter @repository = Plupp.repository @repository.stub!(:adapter).and_return(@adapter) @adapter.stub!(:create_connection).and_return(@connection) @adapter.should_receive(:is_a?).any_number_of_times.with(DataMapper::Adapters::DataObjectsAdapter).and_return(true) end it "should accept a single String argument with or without options hash" do @connection.should_receive(:create_command).twice.with("SELECT * FROM plupps").and_return(@command) @command.should_receive(:execute_reader).twice.and_return(@reader) Plupp.should_receive(:repository).any_number_of_times.and_return(@repository) Plupp.should_receive(:repository).any_number_of_times.with(:plupp_repo).and_return(@repository) Plupp.find_by_sql("SELECT * FROM plupps").to_a Plupp.find_by_sql("SELECT * FROM plupps", :repository => :plupp_repo).to_a end it "should accept an Array argument with or without options hash" do @connection.should_receive(:create_command).twice.with("SELECT * FROM plupps WHERE plur = ?").and_return(@command) @command.should_receive(:execute_reader).twice.with("my pretty plur").and_return(@reader) Plupp.should_receive(:repository).any_number_of_times.and_return(@repository) Plupp.should_receive(:repository).any_number_of_times.with(:plupp_repo).and_return(@repository) Plupp.find_by_sql(["SELECT * FROM plupps WHERE plur = ?", "my pretty plur"]).to_a Plupp.find_by_sql(["SELECT * FROM plupps WHERE plur = ?", "my pretty plur"], :repository => :plupp_repo).to_a end it "should accept a Query argument with or without options hash" do @connection.should_receive(:create_command).twice.with('SELECT "name" FROM "plupps" WHERE ("name" = ?) ORDER BY "id"').and_return(@command) @command.should_receive(:execute_reader).twice.with('my pretty plur').and_return(@reader) Plupp.should_receive(:repository).any_number_of_times.and_return(@repository) Plupp.should_receive(:repository).any_number_of_times.with(:plupp_repo).and_return(@repository) Plupp.find_by_sql(, Plupp, "name" => "my pretty plur", :fields => ["name"])).to_a Plupp.find_by_sql(, Plupp, "name" => "my pretty plur", :fields => ["name"]), :repository => :plupp_repo).to_a end it "requires a Repository that is a DataObjectsRepository to work" do non_do_adapter = mock("non do adapter") non_do_repo = mock("non do repo") non_do_repo.stub!(:adapter).and_return(non_do_adapter) Plupp.should_receive(:repository).any_number_of_times.with(:plupp_repo).and_return(non_do_repo) do Plupp.find_by_sql(:repository => :plupp_repo) end.should raise_error(Exception, /DataObjectsAdapter/) end it "requires some kind of query to work at all" do Plupp.should_receive(:repository).any_number_of_times.with(:plupp_repo).and_return(@repository) do Plupp.find_by_sql(:repository => :plupp_repo) end.should raise_error(Exception, /requires a query/) end end end describe '#uri options' do it 'should transform a fully specified option hash into a URI' do options = { :adapter => 'mysql', :host => '', :username => 'me', :password => 'mypass', :port => 5000, :database => 'you_can_call_me_al', :socket => 'nosock' } adapter =, options) adapter.uri.should == DataObjects::URI.parse("mysql://") end it 'should transform a minimal options hash into a URI' do options = { :adapter => 'mysql', :database => 'you_can_call_me_al' } adapter =, options) adapter.uri.should == DataObjects::URI.parse("mysql:you_can_call_me_al") end it 'should accept the uri when no overrides exist' do uri = Addressable::URI.parse("protocol:///"), uri).uri.should == DataObjects::URI.parse(uri) end end describe '#create' do before do @result = mock('result', :to_i => 1, :insert_id => 1) @adapter.stub!(:execute).and_return(@result) @adapter.stub!(:supports_returning?).and_return(false) @property = mock('property', :kind_of? => true, :serial? => true, :name => :property, :field => 'property', :custom? => false, :typecast => 'bind value') @properties = [ @property ] @bind_values = [ 'bind value' ] @attributes = mock('attributes', :keys => @properties, :values => @bind_values) @model = mock('model', :kind_of? => true, :key => [ @property ], :storage_name => 'models') @resource = mock('resource', :model => @model, :dirty_attributes => @attributes) @property.stub!(:set!).and_return(@resource) @statement = 'INSERT INTO "models" ("property") VALUES (?)' end def do_create @adapter.create([ @resource ]) end it 'should use only dirty properties' do @resource.should_receive(:dirty_attributes).with(no_args).and_return(@attributes) do_create.should == 1 end it 'should use the bind values' do @attributes.should_receive(:values).with(no_args).and_return(@bind_values) @adapter.should_receive(:execute).with(@statement, *@bind_values).and_return(@result) do_create.should == 1 end it 'should generate an SQL statement when supports_returning? is true' do @property.should_receive(:serial?).with(no_args).and_return(true) @adapter.should_receive(:supports_returning?).with(no_args).and_return(true) @statement = 'INSERT INTO "models" ("property") VALUES (?) RETURNING "property"' @adapter.should_receive(:execute).with(@statement, 'bind value').and_return(@result) do_create.should == 1 end it 'should generate an SQL statement when supports_default_values? is true' do @bind_values.clear @properties.clear @adapter.should_receive(:supports_default_values?).with(no_args).and_return(true) @statement = 'INSERT INTO "models" DEFAULT VALUES' @adapter.should_receive(:execute).with(@statement).and_return(@result) do_create.should == 1 end it 'should generate an SQL statement when supports_default_values? is false' do @bind_values.clear @properties.clear @adapter.should_receive(:supports_default_values?).with(no_args).and_return(false) @statement = 'INSERT INTO "models" () VALUES ()' @adapter.should_receive(:execute).with(@statement).and_return(@result) do_create.should == 1 end it 'should return 0 if no rows created' do @result.should_receive(:to_i).with(no_args).and_return(0) do_create.should == 0 end it 'should return 1 if number of rows created is 1' do @result.should_receive(:to_i).with(no_args).and_return(1) do_create.should == 1 end it 'should set the resource primary key if the model key size is 1 and the key is serial' do @model.key.size.should == 1 @property.should_receive(:serial?).and_return(true) @result.should_receive(:insert_id).and_return(777) @property.should_receive(:set!).with(@resource, 777) do_create.should == 1 end end [ :read_many, :read_one ].each do |method| describe "##{method}" do before do @key = mock('key') @model = mock('model', :key => @key, :storage_name => 'models', :relationships => {}) @primitive = mock('primitive') @property = mock('property', :kind_of? => true, :model => @model, :field => 'property', :primitive => @primitive) @child_model = @model @parent_model = mock('parent model', :storage_name => 'parents') @parent_property = mock('parent id', :kind_of? => true, :model => @parent_model, :field => 'id') @child_key = [ @property ] @parent_key = [ @parent_property ] @relationship = mock('relationship', :child_model => @child_model, :parent_model => @parent_model, :child_key => @child_key, :parent_key => @parent_key) @links = [ @relationship ] @fields = [ @property ] @bind_values = [ 'bind value' ] @conditions = [ [ :eql, @property, @bind_values[0] ] ] @direction = mock('direction', :property => @property, :direction => :desc) @order = [ @direction ] @query = mock('query', :model => @model, :kind_of? => true, :links => @links, :fields => @fields, :conditions => @conditions, :order => @order, :limit => 111, :offset => 222, :bind_values => @bind_values) @query.should_receive(:unique?).with(no_args).and_return(false) @reader = mock('reader', :close => true, :next! => false) @command = mock('command', :set_types => nil, :execute_reader => @reader) @connection = mock('connection', :close => true, :create_command => @command) DataObjects::Connection.stub!(:new).and_return(@connection) DataMapper::Query::Direction.stub!(:===).and_return(true) end if method == :read_one before do @query.should_receive(:limit).with(no_args).twice.and_return(1) @values = @bind_values.dup @reader.should_receive(:next!).with(no_args).and_return(true) @reader.should_receive(:values).with(no_args).and_return(@values) @resource = mock('resource') @resource.should_receive(:kind_of?).with(DataMapper::Resource).any_number_of_times.and_return(true) @model.should_receive(:load).with(@values, @query).and_return(@resource) @statement = 'SELECT "models"."property" FROM "models" INNER JOIN "parents" ON ("parents"."id" = "models"."property") WHERE ("models"."property" = ?) ORDER BY "models"."property" DESC LIMIT 1 OFFSET 222' end define_method(:do_read) do resource = @adapter.read_one(@query) resource.should == @resource resource end elsif method == :read_many before do @statement = 'SELECT "models"."property" FROM "models" INNER JOIN "parents" ON ("parents"."id" = "models"."property") WHERE ("models"."property" = ?) ORDER BY "models"."property" DESC LIMIT 111 OFFSET 222' end define_method(:do_read) do collection = @adapter.read_many(@query) collection.to_a collection end end it 'should use the bind values' do @command.should_receive(:execute_reader).with(*@bind_values).and_return(@reader) do_read end it 'should generate an SQL statement' do @connection.should_receive(:create_command).with(@statement).and_return(@command) do_read end it 'should generate an SQL statement with composite keys' do other_property = mock('other property', :kind_of? => true) other_property.should_receive(:field).with(:default).and_return('other') other_property.should_receive(:model).with(no_args).and_return(@model) other_value = 'other value' @bind_values << other_value @conditions << [ :eql, other_property, other_value ] @statement = %[SELECT "models"."property" FROM "models" INNER JOIN "parents" ON ("parents"."id" = "models"."property") WHERE ("models"."property" = ?) AND ("models"."other" = ?) ORDER BY "models"."property" DESC LIMIT #{method == :read_one ? '1' : '111'} OFFSET 222] @query.should_receive(:conditions).with(no_args).twice.and_return(@conditions) @connection.should_receive(:create_command).with(@statement).and_return(@command) do_read end it 'should set the return types to the property primitives' do @command.should_receive(:set_types).with([ @primitive ]) do_read end it 'should close the reader' do @reader.should_receive(:close).with(no_args) do_read end it 'should close the connection' do @connection.should_receive(:close).with(no_args) do_read end if method == :read_one it 'should return a DataMapper::Resource' do do_read.should == be_kind_of(DataMapper::Resource) end else it 'should return a DataMapper::Collection' do do_read.should be_kind_of(DataMapper::Collection) end end end end describe '#update' do before do @result = mock('result', :to_i => 1) @adapter.stub!(:execute).and_return(@result) @values = %w[ new ] @model = mock('model', :storage_name => 'models') @property = mock('property', :kind_of? => true, :field => 'property') @bind_values = [ 'bind value' ] @conditions = [ [ :eql, @property, @bind_values[0] ] ] @attributes = mock('attributes', :kind_of? => true, :empty? => false, :keys => [ @property ], :values => @values) @query = mock('query', :kind_of? => true, :model => @model, :links => [], :conditions => @conditions, :bind_values => @bind_values) @statement = 'UPDATE "models" SET "property" = ? WHERE ("property" = ?)' end def do_update @adapter.update(@attributes, @query) end it 'should use the bind values' do @attributes.should_receive(:values).with(no_args).and_return(@values) @query.should_receive(:bind_values).with(no_args).and_return(@bind_values) @adapter.should_receive(:execute).with(@statement, *@values + @bind_values).and_return(@result) do_update.should == 1 end it 'should generate an SQL statement' do other_property = mock('other property', :kind_of? => true) other_property.should_receive(:field).with(:default).and_return('other') other_property.should_receive(:model).with(no_args).and_return(@model) other_value = 'other value' @bind_values << other_value @conditions << [ :eql, other_property, other_value ] @query.should_receive(:conditions).with(no_args).twice.and_return(@conditions) @statement = 'UPDATE "models" SET "property" = ? WHERE ("property" = ?) AND ("other" = ?)' @adapter.should_receive(:execute).with(@statement, *%w[ new ] + @bind_values).and_return(@result) do_update.should == 1 end it 'should return 0 if no rows updated' do @result.should_receive(:to_i).with(no_args).and_return(0) do_update.should == 0 end it 'should return 1 if number of rows updated is 1' do @result.should_receive(:to_i).with(no_args).and_return(1) do_update.should == 1 end end describe '#delete' do before do @result = mock('result', :to_i => 1) @adapter.stub!(:execute).and_return(@result) @model = mock('model', :storage_name => 'models') @property = mock('property', :kind_of? => true, :field => 'property') @bind_values = [ 'bind value' ] @conditions = [ [ :eql, @property, @bind_values[0] ] ] @query = mock('query', :kind_of? => true, :model => @model, :links => [], :conditions => @conditions, :bind_values => @bind_values) @resource = mock('resource', :to_query => @query) @statement = 'DELETE FROM "models" WHERE ("property" = ?)' end def do_delete @adapter.delete(@resource.to_query(@repository)) end it 'should use the bind values' do @query.should_receive(:bind_values).with(no_args).and_return(@bind_values) @adapter.should_receive(:execute).with(@statement, *@bind_values).and_return(@result) do_delete.should == 1 end it 'should generate an SQL statement' do other_property = mock('other property', :kind_of? => true) other_property.should_receive(:field).with(:default).and_return('other') other_property.should_receive(:model).with(no_args).and_return(@model) other_value = 'other value' @bind_values << other_value @conditions << [ :eql, other_property, other_value ] @query.should_receive(:conditions).with(no_args).twice.and_return(@conditions) @statement = 'DELETE FROM "models" WHERE ("property" = ?) AND ("other" = ?)' @adapter.should_receive(:execute).with(@statement, *@bind_values).and_return(@result) do_delete.should == 1 end it 'should return 0 if no rows deleted' do @result.should_receive(:to_i).with(no_args).and_return(0) do_delete.should == 0 end it 'should return 1 if number of rows deleted is 1' do @result.should_receive(:to_i).with(no_args).and_return(1) do_delete.should == 1 end end describe "when upgrading tables" do it "should raise NotImplementedError when #storage_exists? is called" do lambda { @adapter.storage_exists?("cheeses") }.should raise_error(NotImplementedError) end describe "#upgrade_model_storage" do it "should call #create_model_storage" do @adapter.should_receive(:create_model_storage).with(repository, Cheese).and_return(true) @adapter.upgrade_model_storage(repository, Cheese).should == end it "should check if all properties of the model have columns if the table exists" do @adapter.should_receive(:field_exists?).with("cheeses", "id").and_return(true) @adapter.should_receive(:field_exists?).with("cheeses", "name").and_return(true) @adapter.should_receive(:field_exists?).with("cheeses", "color").and_return(true) @adapter.should_receive(:field_exists?).with("cheeses", "notes").and_return(true) @adapter.should_receive(:storage_exists?).with("cheeses").and_return(true) @adapter.upgrade_model_storage(repository, Cheese).should == [] end it "should create and execute add column statements for columns that dont exist" do @adapter.should_receive(:field_exists?).with("cheeses", "id").and_return(true) @adapter.should_receive(:field_exists?).with("cheeses", "name").and_return(true) @adapter.should_receive(:field_exists?).with("cheeses", "color").and_return(true) @adapter.should_receive(:field_exists?).with("cheeses", "notes").and_return(false) @adapter.should_receive(:storage_exists?).with("cheeses").and_return(true) connection = mock("connection") connection.should_receive(:close) @adapter.should_receive(:create_connection).and_return(connection) statement = mock("statement") command = mock("command") result = mock("result") command.should_receive(:execute_non_query).and_return(result) connection.should_receive(:create_command).with(statement).and_return(command) @adapter.should_receive(:alter_table_add_column_statement).with("cheeses", { :nullable? => true, :name => "notes", :serial? => false, :primitive => "VARCHAR", :size => 100 }).and_return(statement) @adapter.upgrade_model_storage(repository, Cheese).should == [Cheese.notes] end end end describe '#execute' do before do @mock_command = mock('Command', :execute_non_query => nil) @mock_db = mock('DB Connection', :create_command => @mock_command, :close => true) @adapter.stub!(:create_connection).and_return(@mock_db) end it 'should #create_command from the sql passed' do @mock_db.should_receive(:create_command).with('SQL STRING').and_return(@mock_command) @adapter.execute('SQL STRING') end it 'should pass any additional args to #execute_non_query' do @mock_command.should_receive(:execute_non_query).with(:args) @adapter.execute('SQL STRING', :args) end it 'should return the result of #execute_non_query' do @mock_command.should_receive(:execute_non_query).and_return(:result_set) @adapter.execute('SQL STRING').should == :result_set end it 'should log any errors, then re-raise them' do @mock_command.should_receive(:execute_non_query).and_raise("Oh Noes!") DataMapper.logger.should_receive(:error) lambda { @adapter.execute('SQL STRING') }.should raise_error("Oh Noes!") end it 'should always close the db connection' do @mock_command.should_receive(:execute_non_query).and_raise("Oh Noes!") @mock_db.should_receive(:close) lambda { @adapter.execute('SQL STRING') }.should raise_error("Oh Noes!") end end describe '#query' do before do @mock_reader = mock('Reader', :fields => ['id', 'UserName', 'AGE'], :values => [1, 'rando', 27], :close => true) @mock_command = mock('Command', :execute_reader => @mock_reader) @mock_db = mock('DB Connection', :create_command => @mock_command, :close => true) #make the while loop run exactly once @mock_reader.stub!(:next!).and_return(true, nil) @adapter.stub!(:create_connection).and_return(@mock_db) end it 'should #create_command from the sql passed' do @mock_db.should_receive(:create_command).with('SQL STRING').and_return(@mock_command) @adapter.query('SQL STRING') end it 'should pass any additional args to #execute_reader' do @mock_command.should_receive(:execute_reader).with(:args).and_return(@mock_reader) @adapter.query('SQL STRING', :args) end describe 'returning multiple fields' do it 'should underscore the field names as members of the result struct' do @mock_reader.should_receive(:fields).and_return(['id', 'UserName', 'AGE']) result = @adapter.query('SQL STRING') result.first.members.should == %w{id user_name age} end it 'should convert each row into the struct' do @mock_reader.should_receive(:values).and_return([1, 'rando', 27]) @adapter.query('SQL STRING') end it 'should add the row structs into the results array' do results = @adapter.query('SQL STRING') results.should be_kind_of(Array) row = results.first row.should be_kind_of(Struct) == 1 row.user_name.should == 'rando' row.age.should == 27 end end describe 'returning a single field' do it 'should add the value to the results array' do @mock_reader.should_receive(:fields).and_return(['username']) @mock_reader.should_receive(:values).and_return(['rando']) results = @adapter.query('SQL STRING') results.should be_kind_of(Array) results.first.should == 'rando' end end it 'should log any errors, then re-raise them' do @mock_command.should_receive(:execute_non_query).and_raise("Oh Noes!") DataMapper.logger.should_receive(:error) lambda { @adapter.execute('SQL STRING') }.should raise_error("Oh Noes!") end it 'should always close the db connection' do @mock_command.should_receive(:execute_non_query).and_raise("Oh Noes!") @mock_db.should_receive(:close) lambda { @adapter.execute('SQL STRING') }.should raise_error("Oh Noes!") end end end