# # Prawn::Svg makes a Prawn::Svg::Parser instance, uses that object to parse the supplied # SVG into Prawn-compatible method calls, and then calls the Prawn methods. # class Prawn::Svg attr_reader :data, :prawn, :options # An +Array+ of warnings that occurred while parsing the SVG data. If this array is non-empty, # it's likely that the SVG failed to render correctly. attr_reader :parser_warnings # # Creates a Prawn::Svg object. # # +data+ is the SVG data to convert. +prawn+ is your Prawn::Document object. # # +options+ must contain the key :at, which takes a tuple of x and y co-ordinates. # # +options+ can optionally contain the key :width or :height. If both are # specified, only :width will be used. # def initialize(data, prawn, options) @data = data @prawn = prawn @options = options @options[:at] or raise "options[:at] must be specified" @parser = Parser.new(data, [prawn.bounds.width, prawn.bounds.height], options) @parser_warnings = @parser.warnings end # # Draws the SVG to the Prawn::Document object. # def draw prawn.bounding_box(@options[:at], :width => @parser.width, :height => @parser.height) do prawn.save_graphics_state do proc_creator(prawn, @parser.parse).call end end end private def proc_creator(prawn, calls) Proc.new {issue_prawn_command(prawn, calls)} end def issue_prawn_command(prawn, calls) calls.each do |call, arguments, children| if rewrite_call_arguments(prawn, call, arguments) == false issue_prawn_command(prawn, children) if children.any? else if children.empty? prawn.send(call, *arguments) else prawn.send(call, *arguments, &proc_creator(prawn, children)) end end end end def rewrite_call_arguments(prawn, call, arguments) case call when 'text_box' if (anchor = arguments.last.delete(:text_anchor)) && %w(middle end).include?(anchor) width = prawn.width_of(*arguments) width /= 2 if anchor == 'middle' arguments.last[:at][0] -= width end arguments.last[:at][1] += prawn.height_of(*arguments) / 3 * 2 when 'font' unless prawn.font_families.member?(arguments.first) @parser_warnings << "#{arguments.first} is not a known font." false end end end end