Path: | lib/svengali/util.rb |
Last Update: | Sun Jul 11 10:55:34 +0900 2010 |
change platform "default" to platform_name_str "default" was specified on svengali.rb on ahead
# File lib/svengali/util.rb, line 64 def change_platform(platform_name_str) require "#{LIBNAME}/platforms/" + platform_name_str $platform_name = platform_name_str end
*Attention* this method passes nil values
# File lib/svengali/util.rb, line 77 def check_has_keys(params_hash,array_of_symbols) array_of_symbols.each{ |symbol| unless params_hash.has_key?(symbol) err_message_and_exit("please specify a value of :" + symbol.to_s() + "!") end } end
# File lib/svengali/util.rb, line 35 def debug_p(str = "") if $output_debug_print puts "[DEBUG #{caller(1)[0]}] #{str}" end end
# File lib/svengali/util.rb, line 69 def err_message_and_exit(str) debug_p str debug_p "I'm exiting!" exit() end
ipaddr_range_str is like below
return -> hash : { string of ipaddr => true, .….… , string of ipaddr => true}
# File lib/svengali/util.rb, line 100 def find_machines_on_range_by_ping(ipaddr_range_str) octets_arr = ipaddr_range_str.split(".") splited_last_octet = octets_arr[3].split("-") alive_hash = for last_octet in splited_last_octet[0].to_i .. splited_last_octet[1].to_i t = do dest_ip_str = octets_arr[0] + "." + octets_arr[1] + "." + octets_arr[2] + "." + last_octet.to_s() if is_exist_by_ping( alive_hash[dest_ip_str] = true end end end t.join return alive_hash end
ipaddr -> ClibIPAddr : destination IP address return -> boolean
This method returns at most 3sec after
# File lib/svengali/util.rb, line 89 def is_exist_by_ping(ipaddr) # this execution returns at most 3sec after `ping #{ipaddr.to_s} -c 1 -w 3` result = ( $? == 0 ) ? true : false return result end
# File lib/svengali/util.rb, line 45 def lazy_inp() debug_p(caller(1)[0] + " -> Lazily implemented. Here should be fixed if you have time.") end
# File lib/svengali/util.rb, line 53 def load_plugin(plugin_name_str) # open( File::dirname(__FILE__) + "/plugin/" + plugin_name_str + ".rb"){ |file| # contents = # contents = "class Machine\n" + contents + "\nend" # eval(contents) # } require "#{LIBNAME}/plugins/" + plugin_name_str end
# File lib/svengali/util.rb, line 41 def not_inp() debug_p(caller(1)[0] + " -> Not implemented yet.") end
# File lib/svengali/util.rb, line 49 def not_tested() debug_p(caller(1)[0] + " -> Not tested yet.") end