#!/usr/bin/env ruby $0="Plezi Builder" # count lines of code with: ^[ \t]*[\w\d\"\(\{\@\[\]\}\)\:\'\.\*\&]+.*$ require 'irb' require 'securerandom' ########## # this is the template writer # # you can update it by aliasing the old initialize and writing adding to it: # # if defined? BUILDING_PLEZI_TEMPLATE # class AppTemplate # alias :my_new_gem_old_init :initialize # def initialize # # start with the old initialize, to set the template up # my_new_gem_old_init appname # # add your gem to the gemfile # app_tree["Gemfile"] << "\n# feed GEMNAME to plezi" # app_tree["Gemfile"] << "\ngem 'GEMNAME'" # # make sure your folder exists, but don't overwrite!!! # # if you overwrite!!! you might destroy other gems additions. # app_tree["lib"] ||= {} # app_tree["MY_SPECIAL_GEM"] ||= {} # # once your folder exists, create your file # app_tree["lib]["MY_SPECIAL_GEM"]["filename.rb"] = "# code goes here..." # app_tree["file_without_folder.rb"] ||= "# more code goes here..." # end # end # end # class AppTemplate def initialize require 'rubygems' # set end comments @end_comments = [] @app_tree ||= {} # set up application files app_tree["app"] ||= {} app_tree["app"]["controllers"] ||= {} app_tree["app"]["controllers"]["sample_controller.rb"] ||= IO.read(::File.expand_path(File.join("..", "..", "resources" ,"controller.rb"), __FILE__)) app_tree["app"]["models"] ||= {} app_tree["app"]["views"] ||= {} # set up the assets folder app_tree["assets"] ||= {} app_tree["assets"]["stylesheets"] ||= {} app_tree["assets"]["javascripts"] ||= {} app_tree["assets"]["welcome.html"] ||= IO.read(::File.expand_path(File.join("..", "..", "resources" ,"welcome_page.html"), __FILE__)).gsub('appname', ARGV[1]) # app core files. app_tree["environment.rb"] ||= IO.read ::File.expand_path(File.join("..", "..", "resources" ,"environment.rb"), __FILE__) app_tree["routes.rb"] ||= IO.read ::File.expand_path(File.join("..", "..", "resources" ,"routes.rb"), __FILE__) app_tree["rakefile.rb"] ||= IO.read ::File.expand_path(File.join("..", "..", "resources" ,"rakefile.rb"), __FILE__) app_tree["Procfile"] ||= "" app_tree["Procfile"] << "\nweb: bundle exec ./#{ARGV[1]}.rb -p $PORT\n" app_tree["Gemfile"] ||= IO.read ::File.expand_path(File.join("..", "..", "resources" ,"Gemfile"), __FILE__) # set up config files app_tree["config"] ||= {} app_tree["config"]["db_ac_config.rb"] ||= IO.read(::File.expand_path(File.join("..", "..", "resources" ,"db_ac_config.rb"), __FILE__)) app_tree["config"]["db_sequel_config.rb"] ||= IO.read(::File.expand_path(File.join("..", "..", "resources" ,"db_sequel_config.rb"), __FILE__)) app_tree["config"]["db_dm_config.rb"] ||= IO.read(::File.expand_path(File.join("..", "..", "resources" ,"db_dm_config.rb"), __FILE__)) app_tree["config"]["haml_config.rb"] ||= IO.read(::File.expand_path(File.join("..", "..", "resources" ,"haml_config.rb"), __FILE__)) app_tree["config"]["i18n_config.rb"] ||= IO.read(::File.expand_path(File.join("..", "..", "resources" ,"i18n_config.rb"), __FILE__)) app_tree["config"]["redis_config.rb"] ||= (IO.read(::File.expand_path(File.join("..", "..", "resources" ,"redis_config.rb"), __FILE__))).gsub('appsecret', "#{ARGV[1]}_#{SecureRandom.hex}") #set up database stub folders app_tree["db"] ||= {} app_tree["db"]["migrate"] ||= {} #set up the extras folder, to be filled with future goodies. app_tree["extras"] ||= {} app_tree["extras"]["config.ru"] ||= IO.read ::File.expand_path(File.join("..", "..", "resources" ,"config.ru"), __FILE__) #set up I18n stub app_tree["locales"] ||= {} app_tree["locales"]["en.yml"] ||= IO.read ::File.expand_path(File.join("..", "..", "resources" ,"en.yml"), __FILE__) # create library, log and tmp folders app_tree["logs"] ||= {} app_tree["lib"] ||= {} app_tree["tmp"] ||= {} # set up a public folder for static file service app_tree["public"] ||= {} app_tree["public"]["404.slim"] ||= IO.read(::File.expand_path(File.join("..", "..", "resources" ,"404.slim"), __FILE__)) app_tree["public"]["500.slim"] ||= IO.read(::File.expand_path(File.join("..", "..", "resources" ,"500.slim"), __FILE__)) app_tree["public"]["404.html"] ||= IO.read(::File.expand_path(File.join("..", "..", "resources" ,"404.html"), __FILE__)) app_tree["public"]["500.html"] ||= IO.read(::File.expand_path(File.join("..", "..", "resources" ,"500.html"), __FILE__)) app_tree["public"]["404.erb"] ||= IO.read(::File.expand_path(File.join("..", "..", "resources" ,"404.erb"), __FILE__)) app_tree["public"]["500.erb"] ||= IO.read(::File.expand_path(File.join("..", "..", "resources" ,"500.erb"), __FILE__)) app_tree["public"]["404.haml"] ||= IO.read(::File.expand_path(File.join("..", "..", "resources" ,"404.haml"), __FILE__)) app_tree["public"]["500.haml"] ||= IO.read(::File.expand_path(File.join("..", "..", "resources" ,"500.haml"), __FILE__)) app_tree["public"]["assets"] ||= {} app_tree["public"]["assets"]["stylesheets"] ||= {} app_tree["public"]["assets"]["javascripts"] ||= {} app_tree["public"]["images"] ||= {} app_tree["public"]["images"]['plezi_gray.png'] ||= IO.read(::File.expand_path(File.join("..", "..", "resources" ,"plezi_gray.png"), __FILE__)) end def app_tree @app_tree ||= {} end def build # require 'pry' # binding.pry app_tree["Gemfile"] << "\n\n\nruby '#{RUBY_VERSION}'\n" begin Dir.mkdir ARGV[1] puts "created the #{ARGV[1]} application directory.".green rescue Exception => e puts "the #{ARGV[1]} application directory exists - trying to rebuild (no overwrite).".pink end Dir.chdir ARGV[1] puts "starting to write template data...".red puts "" @app_tree["#{ARGV[1]}"] ||= IO.read ::File.expand_path(File.join("..", "..", "resources" ,"code.rb"), __FILE__) write_files app_tree File.chmod 0775, "#{ARGV[1]}" puts "tried to update execution permissions. this probably failed.".pink puts "use: chmod +x ./#{ARGV[1]} to set execution permissions on Unix machines." puts "" puts "done." puts "\n#{@end_comments.join("\n")}" unless @end_comments.empty? puts "" puts "please change directory into the app directory: cd #{ARGV[1]}" puts "" puts "run the #{ARGV[1]} app using: ./#{ARGV[1]} or using: plezi s" puts "" end def write_files files, parent = "." if files.is_a? Hash files.each do |k, v| if v.is_a? Hash begin Dir.mkdir k puts " created #{parent}/#{k}".green rescue Exception => e puts " exists #{parent}/#{k}".red end Dir.chdir k write_files v, (parent + "/" + k) Dir.chdir ".." elsif v.is_a? String if ::File.exists? k if false #%w{Gemfile rakefile.rb}.include? k # old = IO.read k # old = (old.lines.map {|l| "\##{l}"}).join # IO.write k, "#####################\n#\n# OLD DATA COMMENTED OUT - PLEASE REVIEW\n#\n##{old}\n#{v}" # puts " #{parent}/#{k} WAS OVERWRITTEN, old data was preserved by comenting it out.".pink # puts " #{parent}/#{k} PLEASE REVIEW.".pink # @end_comments << "#{parent}/#{k} WAS OVERWRITTEN, old data was preserved by comenting it out. PLEASE REVIEW." else puts " EXISTS(!) #{parent}/#{k}".red end else IO.write k, v puts " wrote #{parent}/#{k}".yellow end end end end end end ###################################################################### # tweek the string class for termial coloring options class String # colorization def colorize(color_code) "\e[#{color_code}m#{self}\e[0m" end def red colorize(31) end def green colorize(32) end def yellow colorize(33) end def pink colorize(35) end end ###################################################################### ###################################################################### ## ## Start the Build script ## ###################################################################### ###################################################################### if ARGV[0] == 'new' || ARGV[0] == 'n' || ARGV[0] == "force" ######### ## set up building environment BUILDING_PLEZI_TEMPLATE = true ARGV[1] = ARGV[1].gsub /[^a-zA-Z0-9]/, '_' if Dir.exists?(ARGV[1]) && ARGV[0] != "force" puts "" puts "WARNING: app/folder alread exists, use `plezi fource #{ARGV[1]}` to attempt rebuild (no files will be overwritten).".red puts "" exit end if Dir.exists?(ARGV[1]) && ARGV[0] == "force" Dir.chdir ARGV[1] require ::File.expand_path(::Dir["."][0], ( ARGV[1] + ".rb") ) Dir.chdir '..' end if ARGV.count > 3 && (ARGV[2] == 'with' || ARGV[2] == 'w') # gem loading local_gems = Gem::Specification.map {|g| g.name} # this will load all requested gems and allow them to update the AppTemplate if ARGV[3] == "all" puts "loading gems and giving each gem a chance to update the app template:".yellow local_gems.each do |g| begin puts "loaded the #{g} gem." if require g rescue Exception => e puts "couldn't load the #{g} gem... moving on.".red end end else require 'pathname' ARGV[3..-1].each do |g| if local_gems.include? g require g puts "loaded the #{g} gem, and gave it a change to update the template." else puts "Error, the gem: #{g} could not be found!".red puts "try first running: gem install #{g}".green exit end end end true end # building template = AppTemplate.new template.build elsif ARGV[0] == 'server' || ARGV[0] == 'start' || ARGV[0] == 's' ARGV.shift load File.expand_path(Dir["."][0], (File.expand_path(Dir["."][0]).split(/[\\\/]/).last) ) rescue load( File.expand_path(Dir["."][0], (File.expand_path(Dir["."][0]).split(/[\\\/]/).last + '.rb') ) ) elsif ARGV[0] == 'console' || ARGV[0] == 'c' NO_PLEZI_AUTO_START ||= true load File.expand_path(Dir["."][0], (File.expand_path(Dir["."][0]).split(/[\\\/]/).last) ) rescue load( File.expand_path(Dir["."][0], (File.expand_path(Dir["."][0]).split(/[\\\/]/).last + '.rb') ) ) ARGV.clear IRB.setup nil IRB.conf[:MAIN_CONTEXT] = IRB::Irb.new.context require 'irb/ext/multi-irb' IRB.irb nil, self else puts "" puts "Plezi fast web app starter.".pink puts "use: plezi new appname" puts "or: plezi new appname with template-gem-to-put-in another-template-gem-to-put" puts "==============================".green puts "new app options:".pink puts "option description".yellow puts "new creates a new application called ." puts "n alias for new." puts "new app with gem 'new' accepts the 'with' paramater (or w for short)." puts "starting up an app:".pink puts "start runs the app. accepts any paramaters the app supports." puts "s alias for start/server." puts "start console innsead of services:".pink puts "console runs the app. accepts any paramaters the app supports." puts "c alias for start/server." puts "==============================".green puts "create an app with specific plugins:".pink puts "plezi new app with gem1 gem2" puts "loads the specific gem(s) and allows them to update the template before building the app.".green puts "" puts "create an app with ALL plugins:".pink puts "plezi n app w all" puts "loads the all available gem(s) and allows them to update the template before building the app.".green puts "" puts "start the application with any paramaters it supports:".pink puts "plezi s -p 80" puts "loads the app with paramaters -p 80".green puts "" end