module Fog module Compute class Vsphere class Real # => VirtualE1000( #addressType: "assigned", #backing: VirtualEthernetCardNetworkBackingInfo( # deviceName: "VM Network", # dynamicProperty: [], # network: Network("network-163"), # useAutoDetect: false #), #connectable: VirtualDeviceConnectInfo( # allowGuestControl: true, # connected: true, # dynamicProperty: [], # startConnected: true, # status: "ok" #), #controllerKey: 100, #deviceInfo: Description( # dynamicProperty: [], # label: "Network adapter 1", # summary: "VM Network" #), #dynamicProperty: [], #key: 4000, #macAddress: "00:50:56:a9:00:28", #unitNumber: 7, # def list_vm_interfaces(vm_id) get_vm_ref(vm_id).config.hardware.device.grep(RbVmomi::VIM::VirtualEthernetCard).map do |nic| { :name => nic.deviceInfo.label, :mac => nic.macAddress, :network => nic.backing.respond_to?("network") ? : nic.backing.port.portgroupKey, :status => nic.connectable.status, :summary => nic.deviceInfo.summary, :type => nic.class, :key => nic.key, } end end def get_vm_interface(vm_id, options={}) raise ArgumentError, "instance id is a required parameter" unless vm_id if options.is_a? Fog::Compute::Vsphere::Interface options else raise ArgumentError, "Either key or name is a required parameter. options: #{options}" unless options.key? :key or options.key? :mac or options.key? :name list_vm_interfaces(vm_id).find do | nic | (options.key? :key and nic[:key]==options[:key].to_i) or (options.key? :mac and nic[:mac]==options[:mac]) or (options.key? :name and nic[:name]==options[:name]) end end end end class Mock def list_vm_interfaces(vm_id) end end end end end