require "spec_helper" describe Logtail::LogEntry do let(:time) { Time.utc(2016, 9, 1, 12, 0, 0) } describe "#to_msgpack" do it "should encode properly with an event and context" do event = { message: "event_message", event: { event_type: { a: 1 } } } context = {custom: {a: "b"}} log_entry ="INFO", time, nil, "log message", context, event) msgpack = log_entry.to_msgpack expect(msgpack).to start_with("\x85\xA5level\xA4INFO\xA2dt\xBB2016-09-01T12:00:00.000000Z".force_encoding("ASCII-8BIT")) end end describe "#to_hash" do it "should include runtime context information" do $:.unshift(File.expand_path(__dir__ + '/../../lib')) log_entry ="INFO", time, nil, "log message", {}, {}) hash = log_entry.to_hash expect(hash[:context]).to_not be_nil expect(hash[:context][:runtime]).to_not be_nil expect(hash[:context][:runtime][:file]).to_not be_nil expect(hash[:context][:runtime][:line]).to_not be_nil expect(hash[:context][:runtime][:frame_label]).to_not be_nil end end end