Pills are useful for showing statuses as an admin can get a better idea of the state of the object by the color alone. These are most effective in a table, as displayed below, but can also be used in other areas of the system where appropriate.

<%- snippet = capture do %> Complete Active Inactive Pending Warning Error <%- end %>
<%= snippet %>
<%= escape_once snippet %>


Date Number Payments Shipments Customer Total
July 18, 2017 R1234 Paid Shipped lauren@example.com $75.00
July 17, 2017 R1234 Balance Due Pending jessicajones@example.com $105.00
July 15, 2017 R1234 Credit Owed Ready john@example.com $34.00


Code Status Used Start End
FALL2017 Inactive 0 September 1, 2017
SAVE_20 Active 651 June 20, 2016
NEWSLETTER Expired 358 January 1, 2016 March 30, 2016