[[ "start", ["doc.comment","***************************************"] ],[ "start", ["doc.comment","** Program: EXAMPLE **"] ],[ "start", ["doc.comment","** Author: Joe Byte, 07-Jul-2007 **"] ],[ "start", ["doc.comment","***************************************"] ],[ "start", ["text"," "] ],[ "start", ["keyword","REPORT"], ["text"," BOOKINGS"], ["keyword.operator","."] ],[ "start", ["text"," "] ],[ "start", ["doc.comment","* Read flight bookings from the database"] ],[ "start", ["keyword","SELECT"], ["keyword.operator"," * "], ["keyword","FROM"], ["text"," FLIGHTINFO"] ],[ "start", ["text"," "], ["keyword","WHERE"], ["text"," "], ["keyword","CLASS"], ["keyword.operator"," = "], ["string","'Y'"], ["text"," "], ["comment","\"Y = economy"] ],[ "start", ["text"," "], ["keyword","OR"], ["text"," "], ["keyword","CLASS"], ["keyword.operator"," = "], ["string","'C'"], ["keyword.operator","."], ["text"," "], ["comment","\"C = business"] ],[ "start", ["paren.lparen","("], ["invalid","..."], ["paren.rparen",")"] ],[ "start" ],[ "start", ["keyword","REPORT"], ["text"," TEST"], ["keyword.operator","."] ],[ "start", ["keyword","WRITE"], ["text"," "], ["string","'Hello World'"], ["keyword.operator","."] ],[ "start" ],[ "start", ["text","USERPROMPT"], ["keyword.operator"," = "], ["string","'Please double-click on a line in the output list '"], ["text"," "], ["keyword.operator","&"] ],[ "start", ["text"," "], ["string","'to see the complete details of the transaction.'"], ["keyword.operator","."] ],[ "start" ],[ "start" ],[ "start", ["keyword","DATA"], ["text"," LAST_EOM "], ["keyword","TYPE"], ["text"," "], ["support.type","D"], ["keyword.operator","."], ["text"," "], ["comment","\"last end-of-month date"] ],[ "start", ["text"," "] ],[ "start", ["doc.comment","* Start from today's date"] ],[ "start", ["text"," LAST_EOM"], ["keyword.operator"," = "], ["variable.parameter","SY"], ["keyword.operator","-"], ["text","DATUM"], ["keyword.operator","."] ],[ "start", ["doc.comment","* Set characters 6 and 7 (0-relative) of the YYYYMMDD string to \"01\","] ],[ "start", ["doc.comment","* giving the first day of the current month"] ],[ "start", ["text"," LAST_EOM"], ["constant.numeric","+6"], ["paren.lparen","("], ["constant.numeric","2"], ["paren.rparen",")"], ["keyword.operator"," = "], ["string","'01'"], ["keyword.operator","."] ],[ "start", ["doc.comment","* Subtract one day"] ],[ "start", ["text"," LAST_EOM"], ["keyword.operator"," = "], ["text","LAST_EOM"], ["keyword.operator"," - "], ["constant.numeric","1"], ["keyword.operator","."] ],[ "start", ["text"," "] ],[ "start", ["text"," "], ["keyword","WRITE"], ["keyword.operator",":"], ["text"," "], ["string","'Last day of previous month was'"], ["keyword.operator",","], ["text"," LAST_EOM"], ["keyword.operator","."] ],[ "start", ["text"," "] ],[ "start", ["keyword","DATA"], ["text"," "], ["keyword.operator",":"], ["text"," "], ["keyword","BEGIN OF"], ["text"," I_VBRK "], ["keyword","OCCURS"], ["text"," "], ["constant.numeric","0"], ["keyword.operator",","] ],[ "start", ["text"," VBELN "], ["keyword","LIKE"], ["text"," "], ["variable.parameter","VBRK-VBELN"], ["keyword.operator",","] ],[ "start", ["text"," ZUONR "], ["keyword","LIKE"], ["text"," "], ["variable.parameter","VBRK-ZUONR"], ["keyword.operator",","] ],[ "start", ["text"," "], ["keyword","END OF"], ["text"," I_VBRK"], ["keyword.operator","."] ]]