<%= button_for_remove_from_collection(@collection, document, 'Remove from Collection') %>
<%= link_to(edit_curation_concerns_generic_work_path(document.id)) do %>
Edit Work
<% end %>
<%= link_to(curation_concerns_generic_work_path(document.id), method: :delete, data: { confirm: "Deleting a work from #{application_name} is permanent. Click OK to delete this work from #{application_name}, or Cancel to cancel this operation" }) do %>
Delete Work
<% end %>
<%= display_trophy_link(@user, document.id) do |text| %>
<%= text %>
<% end %>
<%= link_to(sufia.new_generic_work_transfer_path(document.id), class: 'itemicon itemtransfer', title: 'Transfer Ownership of Work') do %>
Transfer Ownership of Work
<% end %>