require 'fileutils' require 'date' require 'time' require 'aws/s3' require 'rubber' namespace :rubber do def rubber_env() Rubber::Configuration.rubber_env end def rubber_instances() Rubber::Configuration.rubber_instances end def cloud_provider rubber_env.cloud_providers[rubber_env.cloud_provider] end def init_s3() AWS::S3::Base.establish_connection!(:access_key_id => cloud_provider.access_key, :secret_access_key => cloud_provider.secret_access_key) end desc "Generate system config files by transforming the files in the config tree" task :config do cfg = Rubber::Configuration.get_configuration(RUBBER_ENV) instance_alias = cfg.environment.current_host instance = cfg.instance[instance_alias] if instance roles = instance.role_names env = cfg.environment.bind(roles, instance_alias) gen ="#{RUBBER_ROOT}/config/rubber", roles, instance_alias) elsif RUBBER_ENV == 'development' roles = cfg.environment.known_roles role_items = roles.collect do |r|, r == "db" ? {'primary' => true} : {}) end env = cfg.environment.bind(roles, instance_alias) domain = env.domain instance =, domain, role_items, 'dummyid', ['dummygroup']) instance.external_host = instance.full_name instance.external_ip = "" instance.internal_host = instance.full_name instance.internal_ip = "" cfg.instance.add(instance) gen ="#{RUBBER_ROOT}/config/rubber", roles, instance_alias) gen.fake_root ="#{RUBBER_ROOT}/tmp/rubber" else puts "Instance not found for host: #{instance_alias}" exit 1 end if ENV['NO_POST'] gen.no_post = true end if ENV['FILE'] gen.file_pattern = ENV['FILE'] end if ENV['FORCE'] gen.force = true end gen.stop_on_error_cmd = env.stop_on_error_cmd end desc <<-DESC Rotate rails app server logfiles. Should be run right after midnight. The following arguments affect behavior: LOG_DIR (required): Directory where log files are located LOG_FILE (*.log): File pattern to match to find logs to rotate LOG_AGE (7): Delete rotated logs older than this many days in the past DESC task :rotate_logs do log_src_dir = get_env('LOG_DIR', true) log_file_glob = get_env('LOG_FILES') || "*.log" log_file_age = (get_env('LOG_AGE') || 7).to_i rotated_date = ( - 1).strftime('%Y%m%d') puts "Rotating logfiles located at: #{log_src_dir}/#{log_file_glob}" Dir["#{log_src_dir}/#{log_file_glob}"].each do |logfile| rotated_file = "#{logfile}.#{rotated_date}" if File.exist?(rotated_file) rotated_file += "_#{}" end FileUtils.cp(logfile, rotated_file) File.truncate logfile, 0 end tdate = - log_file_age threshold = Time.local(tdate.year, tdate.month, puts "Cleaning rotated log files older than #{log_file_age} days" Dir["#{log_src_dir}/#{log_file_glob}.[0-9]*"].each do |logfile| if File.mtime(logfile) < threshold FileUtils.rm_f(logfile) end end end desc <<-DESC Backup database to given backup directory The following arguments affect behavior: BACKUP_DIR (required): Directory where db backups will be stored BACKUP_AGE (7): Delete rotated logs older than this many days in the past DBUSER (required) User to connect to the db as DBPASS (optional): Pass to connect to the db with DBHOST (required): Host where the db is DBNAME (required): Database name to backup DESC task :backup_db do dir = get_env('BACKUP_DIR', true) age = (get_env('BACKUP_AGE') || 3).to_i time_stamp ="%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M") backup_file = "#{dir}/#{RUBBER_ENV}_dump_#{time_stamp}.sql.gz" FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(backup_file)) user = get_env('DBUSER', true) pass = get_env('DBPASS') pass = nil if pass.strip.size == 0 host = get_env('DBHOST', true) name = get_env('DBNAME', true) raise "No db_backup_cmd defined in rubber.yml, cannot backup!" unless rubber_env.db_backup_cmd db_backup_cmd = rubber_env.db_backup_cmd.gsub(/%([^%]+)%/, '#{\1}') db_backup_cmd = eval('%Q{' + db_backup_cmd + '}') puts "Backing up database with command:" sh db_backup_cmd puts "Created backup: #{backup_file}" s3_prefix = "db/" backup_bucket = cloud_provider.backup_bucket if backup_bucket init_s3 unless AWS::S3::Bucket.list.find { |b| == backup_bucket } AWS::S3::Bucket.create(backup_bucket) end dest = "#{s3_prefix}#{File.basename(backup_file)}" puts "Saving db backup to S3: #{backup_bucket}:#{dest}", open(backup_file), backup_bucket) end tdate = - age threshold = Time.local(tdate.year, tdate.month, puts "Cleaning backups older than #{age} days" Dir["#{dir}/*"].each do |file| if File.mtime(file) < threshold puts "Deleting #{file}" FileUtils.rm_f(file) end end if backup_bucket puts "Cleaning S3 backups older than #{age} days from: #{backup_bucket}:#{s3_prefix}" AWS::S3::Bucket.objects(backup_bucket, :prefix => s3_prefix).clone.each do |obj| if Time.parse(obj.about["last-modified"]) < threshold puts "Deleting #{obj.key}" obj.delete end end end end desc <<-DESC Restores a database backup from s3. This tries to find the last backup made or the s3 object identified by the key FILENAME The following arguments affect behavior: FILENAME (optional): key of S3 object to use DBUSER (required) User to connect to the db as DBPASS (optional): Pass to connect to the db with DBHOST (required): Host where the db is DBNAME (required): Database name to backup DESC task :restore_db_s3 do file = get_env('FILENAME') user = get_env('DBUSER', true) pass = get_env('DBPASS') pass = nil if pass && pass.strip.size == 0 host = get_env('DBHOST', true) name = get_env('DBNAME', true) raise "No db_restore_cmd defined in rubber.yml" unless rubber_env.db_restore_cmd db_restore_cmd = rubber_env.db_restore_cmd.gsub(/%([^%]+)%/, '#{\1}') db_restore_cmd = eval('%Q{' + db_restore_cmd + '}') # try to fetch a matching file from s3 (if backup_bucket given) backup_bucket = cloud_provider.backup_bucket raise "No backup_bucket defined in rubber.yml" unless backup_bucket if (init_s3 && AWS::S3::Bucket.list.find { |b| == backup_bucket }) s3objects = AWS::S3::Bucket.find(backup_bucket, :prefix => 'db/') if file puts "trying to fetch #{file} from s3" data = s3objects.detect { |o| file == o.key } else puts "trying to fetch last modified s3 backup" data = s3objects.max {|a,b| a.about["last-modified"] <=> b.about["last-modified"] } end end raise "could not access backup file via s3" unless data puts "piping restore data to command [#{db_restore_cmd}]" IO.popen(db_restore_cmd, mode='w') do |p| data.value do |segment| p.write segment end end end def get_env(name, required=false) value = ENV[name] raise("#{name} is required, pass using environment") if required && ! value return value end end