# CHANGELOG All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. ## [4.0.12] - 30-AUG-2024 ### Changed * Updated `selenium-webdriver` gem to version 4.24.0. ## [4.0.11] - 08-AUG-2024 ### Changed * Updated `appium_lib` gem to version 15.2.2. * Updated `appium_lib_core` gem to version 9.2.1. ## [4.0.10] - 25-JULY-2024 ### Changed * Updated `selenium-webdriver` gem to version 4.23.0. * Updated `appium_lib` gem to version 15.2.0. * Updated `appium_lib_core` gem to version 9.2.0. ## [4.0.9] - 23-JUNE-2024 ### Changed * Updated `selenium-webdriver` gem to version 4.22.0. ## [4.0.8] - 03-JUNE-2024 ### Fixed * When testing using locally hosted iOS simulators or physical devices, and when not passing an options hash to specify desired capabilities, the `AppiumConnect.initialize_appium` method now correctly sets the following XCUItest capabilities: * `appium:webviewConnectTimeout` capability is now correctly specified as an `Integer` * `appium:maxTypingFrequency` set to 15 keystrokes per minute to resolve an issue where characters are intermittently dropped during text entry by `AppUIElement.set`, `AppUIElement.send_keys`, or `BaseScreenSectionObject.populate_data_fields` methods. * `AppList.list_item` attribute now defaults to `XCUIElementTypeOther`class for iOS/iPadOS platform and `android.view.ViewGroup` class for Android platform. ### Changed * Updated `appium_lib` gem to version 15.1.0. * Updated `appium_lib_core` gem to version 9.1.1. * Updated `selenium-webdriver` gem to version 4.21.1. ## [4.0.7] - 05-MAY-2024 ### Added * Added support for radio buttons via the `AppRadio` UI element class and the following methods: * `ScreenObject.radio` * `ScreenObject.radios` * `ScreenSection.radio` * `ScreenSection.radios` * `ScreenObject.populate_data_fields` and `ScreenSection.populate_data_fields` methods now support radio buttons. ### Changed * Updated `selenium-webdriver` gem to version 4.20.1. * Updated `appium_lib_core` gem to version 8.0.2. ## [4.0.6] - 02-MAY-2024 ### Fixed * `ScreenSection.find_section` is now able to find `ScreenSection` objects embedded within other `ScreenSections`. ## [4.0.5] - 29-APR-2024 ### Fixed * `ScreenSection.disabled?` no longer returns wrong values. ## [4.0.4] - 26-APR-2024 ### Changed * Updated `selenium-webdriver` gem to version 4.20.0. * Updated `appium_lib` gem to version 15.0.0. * Updated `appium_lib_core` gem to version 8.0.1. * No longer using deprecated Appium `driver.keyboard_shown?` method. ## [4.0.3] - 05-APR-2024 ### Fixed * `AppiumConnect.initialize_appium`, `AppiumServer.start`, and `AppiumServer.running?` methods now support Appium version 2.x. Backward compatibility with Appium version 1.x is provided if `APPIUM_SERVER_VERSION` Environment Variable is set to `1`. ## [4.0.2] - 27-MAR-2024 ### Changed * Updated `selenium-webdriver` gem to version 4.19.0. ## [4.0.0] - 26-MAR-2024 ### Fixed * `DataPresenter.initialize` no longer fails if `data` parameter is `nil`. * `ScreenObject.load_screen` now supports deeplinks on iOS physical devices. ### Added * Added support for specifying and connecting to mobile devices and simulators on unsupported cloud hosting services using `custom` user-defined driver and capabilities. * Added the following new gesture methods: * `AppUIElement.scroll_into_view` * `AppUIElement.drag_by` * `AppUIElement.drag_and_drop` * `AppUIElement.swipe_gesture` * `ScreenObject.swipe_gesture` * `ScreenSection.swipe_gesture` * `ScreenSection.scroll_into_view` * Added `AppUIElement.count` method. * Added `AppAlert.buttons` and `AppAlert.get_caption` methods. * Added the following biometrics methods: * `AppiumConnect.is_biometric_enrolled?` * `AppiumConnect.set_biometric_enrollment` * `AppiumConnect.biometric_match` ### Changed * `AppiumConnect.initialize_appium` method now accepts an optional `options` hash for specifying desired capabilities (using W3C protocol), driver, driver name, endpoint URL, global driver setting, and device type information. * Updated `ScreenObject.verify_ui_states` and `ScreenSection.verify_ui_states` methods to support automatically scrolling to offscreen UI elements. * All touch and gesture methods refactored to no longer depend on deprecated `TouchAction` and `MultiTouchAction` classes. * Ruby version 3.0.0 or greater is now required. * Updated `appium_lib` gem to version 14.0.0. * Updated `selenium-webdriver` gem to version 4.18.1. ### Removed * Support for test data assets stored in Excel `.xls` has been removed because `.xls` files cannot be properly tracked and diffed by source control tools like git. * `ExcelData` and `ExcelDataSource` classes removed. * Removed dependence on `spreadsheet` gem. * Removed the following deprecated methods: * `AppiumConnect.switch_to_default_context` * `AppiumConnect.reset_app` * `AppiumConnect.launch_app` * `AppiumConnect.close_app` ## [3.1.1] - 04-AUGUST-2022 ### Fixed * `AppiumConnect.available_contexts` now correctly returns a list of native app and web contexts when testing hybrid apps with WebViews on iOS simulators. ## [3.1.0] - 02-AUGUST-2022 ### Added * The `DRIVER` Environment Variable is now used to specify the `appium`, `browserstack`, `saucelabs`, `testingbot`, or `lambdatest` driver. ## [3.0.6] - 21-JUNE-2022 ### Fixed * `AppButton.get_caption` correctly returns captions of React Native buttons on Android platform where button caption object hierarchy is `//android.widget.Button/android.widget.ViewGroup/android.widget.TextView`. ## [3.0.5] - 12-JUNE-2022 ### Fixed * Fixed `gemspec` to no longer include specs and Cucumber tests as part of deployment package for the gem. ## [3.0.4] - 02-JUNE-2022 ### Added * Added `AppUIElement.wait_until_enabled` method. ## [3.0.3] - 30-MAY-2022 ### Added * Added `AppAlert.await_and_respond` method. ## [3.0.2] - 26-MAY-2022 ### Fixed * Added runtime dependencies `curb` and `json` to gemspec. * Fixed CHANGELOG url in gemspec. ## [3.0.1] - 26-MAY-2022 ### Added * Added support for testing on cloud hosted iOS and Android simulators and real devices on BrowserStack, SauceLabs, and TestingBot services. * `ScreenObject.load_page` method adds support for using deep links to directly load screens/pages of native apps. * `AppiumConnect.upload_app` method adds support for uploading native apps to BrowserStack and TestingBot services prior to running tests. ### Changed * Ruby version 2.7 or greater is required.