#require 'ruby-rets' require "rets/version" require "rets/exceptions" require "rets/client" require "rets/http" require "rets/stream_http" require "rets/base/core" require "rets/base/sax_search" require "rets/base/sax_metadata" require 'httparty' require 'json' # http://rets.solidearth.com/ClientHome.aspx class CabooseRets::RetsImporter # < ActiveRecord::Base @@rets_client = nil @@config = nil def self.config return @@config end def self.get_config @@config = { 'url' => nil, # URL to the RETS login 'username' => nil, 'password' => nil, 'temp_path' => nil, 'log_file' => nil, 'media_base_url' => nil } config = YAML::load(File.open("#{Rails.root}/config/rets_importer.yml")) config = config[Rails.env] config.each { |key,val| @@config[key] = val } end def self.client self.get_config if @@config.nil? || @@config['url'].nil? if @@rets_client.nil? @@rets_client = RETS::Client.login( :url => @@config['url'], :username => @@config['username'], :password => @@config['password'] ) end return @@rets_client end def self.meta(class_type) case class_type when 'Office' then Caboose::StdClass.new({ :search_type => 'Office' , :remote_key_field => 'OfficeMlsId' , :local_key_field => 'lo_mls_id' , :local_table => 'rets_offices' , :date_modified_field => 'ModificationTimestamp'}) when 'Member' then Caboose::StdClass.new({ :search_type => 'Member' , :remote_key_field => 'MemberMlsId' , :local_key_field => 'mls_id' , :local_table => 'rets_agents' , :date_modified_field => 'ModificationTimestamp'}) when 'OpenHouse' then Caboose::StdClass.new({ :search_type => 'OpenHouse' , :remote_key_field => 'OpenHouseKey' , :local_key_field => 'matrix_unique_id' , :local_table => 'rets_open_houses' , :date_modified_field => 'ModificationTimestamp'}) when 'Property' then Caboose::StdClass.new({ :search_type => 'Property' , :remote_key_field => 'ListingId' , :local_key_field => 'mls_number' , :local_table => 'rets_properties' , :date_modified_field => 'ModificationTimestamp'}) when 'Media' then Caboose::StdClass.new({ :search_type => 'Media' , :remote_key_field => 'MediaObjectID' , :local_key_field => 'media_id' , :local_table => 'rets_media' , :date_modified_field => 'ModificationTimestamp' }) end end #============================================================================= # Import method #============================================================================= def self.import(class_type, query) m = self.meta(class_type) self.log3(class_type,nil,"Importing #{m.search_type}:#{class_type} with query #{query}...") self.get_config if @@config.nil? || @@config['url'].nil? params = { :search_type => m.search_type, :class => class_type, :query => query, # :limit => 3, :timeout => -1 } obj = nil begin self.client.search(params) do |data| obj = self.get_instance_with_id(class_type, data) if obj.nil? self.log3(class_type,nil,"Error: object is nil") self.log3(class_type,nil,data.inspect) next end obj.parse(data) obj.save end rescue RETS::HTTPError => err self.log3(class_type,nil,"Import error for #{class_type}: #{query}") self.log3(class_type,nil,err.message) end end def self.get_instance_with_id(class_type, data) obj = nil self.log "Getting instance of #{class_type}..." m = case class_type when 'Property' then CabooseRets::Property when 'OpenHouse' then CabooseRets::OpenHouse when 'Member' then CabooseRets::Agent when 'Office' then CabooseRets::Office when 'Media' then CabooseRets::Media end obj = case class_type when 'Property' then m.where(:mls_number => data['ListingId']).exists? ? m.where(:mls_number => data['ListingId']).first : m.create(:mls_number => data['ListingId']) when 'OpenHouse' then m.where(:matrix_unique_id => data['OpenHouseKey']).exists? ? m.where(:matrix_unique_id => data['OpenHouseKey']).first : m.create(:matrix_unique_id => data['OpenHouseKey']) when 'Member' then m.where(:mls_id => data['MemberMlsId']).exists? ? m.where(:mls_id => data['MemberMlsId']).first : m.create(:mls_id => data['MemberMlsId']) when 'Office' then m.where(:lo_mls_id => data['OfficeMlsId']).exists? ? m.where(:lo_mls_id => data['OfficeMlsId']).first : m.create(:lo_mls_id => data['OfficeMlsId']) when 'Media' then m.where(:media_id => data['MediaObjectID'] ).exists? ? m.where(:media_id => data['MediaObjectID'] ).first : m.create(:media_id => data['MediaObjectID'] ) end self.log "Found matching object ID #{obj.id}" return obj end #============================================================================= # Main updater #============================================================================= def self.update_after(date_modified, save_images = true) si = save_images ? 'saving images' : 'not saving images' self.log3(nil,nil,"Updating after #{date_modified} and #{si}") self.delay(:priority => 10, :queue => 'rets').update_helper('Property' , date_modified, save_images) self.delay(:priority => 10, :queue => 'rets').update_helper('Office' , date_modified, false) self.delay(:priority => 10, :queue => 'rets').update_helper('Member' , date_modified, false) self.delay(:priority => 10, :queue => 'rets').update_helper('OpenHouse', date_modified, false) end def self.update_helper(class_type, date_modified, save_images = true) #self.log3(class_type,nil,"In update helper for #{class_type}") self.log3(class_type,nil,"Updating everything modified after #{date_modified}") m = self.meta(class_type) k = m.remote_key_field d = date_modified.in_time_zone(CabooseRets::timezone).strftime("%FT%T") quer = "(#{m.date_modified_field}=#{d}+)" quer += "OR(PhotosChangeTimestamp=#{d}+)" if class_type == 'Property' params = { :search_type => m.search_type, :class => class_type, :select => [m.remote_key_field], :querytype => 'DMQL2', :query => quer, :standard_names_only => true, :timeout => -1 } self.log3(class_type,nil,"Searching with params: " + params.to_s) self.client.search(params) do |data| self.log3(class_type,nil,"Resulting data: " + data.to_s) case class_type when 'Property' then self.delay(:priority => 10, :queue => 'rets').import_properties(data[k], save_images) when 'Office' then self.delay(:priority => 10, :queue => 'rets').import_office( data[k], false) when 'Member' then self.delay(:priority => 10, :queue => 'rets').import_agent( data[k], false) when 'OpenHouse' then self.delay(:priority => 10, :queue => 'rets').import_open_house(data[k], false) end end end #============================================================================= # Single model import methods (called from a worker dyno) #============================================================================= # def self.import_property(mui, save_images = true) # self.import('Listing', "(Matrix_Unique_ID=#{mui})") # p = CabooseRets::Property.where(:matrix_unique_id => mui.to_s).first # if p != nil # self.download_property_images(p) # self.update_coords(p) # else # self.log("No Property associated with #{mui}") # end # end def self.import_properties(mls_id, save_images = true) si = save_images ? 'saving images' : 'not saving images' self.log3('Property',mls_id,"Importing Property #{mls_id} and #{si}...") self.import('Property', "(ListingId=#{mls_id})") p = CabooseRets::Property.where(:mls_number => mls_id.to_s).first if p != nil self.download_property_images(p) if save_images self.update_coords(p) else self.log3(nil,nil,"No Property associated with #{mls_id}") end end def self.import_office(mls_id, save_images = true) self.log3('Office',mls_id,"Importing Office #{mls_id}...") self.import('Office', "(OfficeMlsId=#{mls_id})") office = CabooseRets::Office.where(:matrix_unique_id => mls_id.to_s).first end def self.import_agent(mls_id, save_images = true) self.log3('Agent',mls_id,"Importing Agent #{mls_id}...") self.import('Member', "(MemberMlsId=#{mls_id})") a = CabooseRets::Agent.where(:mls_id => mls_id.to_s).first end def self.import_open_house(oh_id, save_images = true) self.log3('OpenHouse',oh_id,"Importing Open House #{oh_id}...") self.import('OpenHouse', "(OpenHouseKey=#{oh_id})") end def self.import_media(id, save_images = true) self.log3('Media',id,"Importing Media #{id}...") self.import('Media', "((MediaObjectID=#{id}+),(MediaObjectID=#{id}-))") end #============================================================================= # Images #============================================================================= # def self.download_property_images(p, save_images = true) # return if save_images == false # self.log("- Downloading GFX records for #{p.matrix_unique_id}...") # params = { # :search_type => 'Media', # :class => 'Photo', # :type => 'Photo', # :resource => 'Property', # :query => "(ID=*#{p.matrix_unique_id}:1*)", # :limit => 1000, # :timeout => -1 # } # ids = [] # self.client.search(params) do |data| # puts data # ids << data['MEDIA_ID'] # m = CabooseRets::Media.where(:media_id => data['MEDIA_ID']).first # m = CabooseRets::Media.new if m.nil? # data.MEDIA_MUI = p.matrix_unique_id # m.parse(data) # m.save # end # if ids.count > 0 # # Delete any records in the local database that shouldn't be there # self.log("- Deleting GFX records for MLS ##{p.matrix_unique_id} in the local database that are not in the remote database...") # query = "select media_id from rets_media where matrix_unique_id = '#{p.matrix_unique_id}'" # rows = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all(ActiveRecord::Base.send(:sanitize_sql_array, query)) # local_ids = rows.collect{ |row| row['media_id'] } # ids_to_remove = local_ids - ids # if ids_to_remove && ids_to_remove.count > 0 # query = ["delete from rets_media where media_id in (?)", ids_to_remove] # ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute(ActiveRecord::Base.send(:sanitize_sql_array, query)) # end # end # end def self.download_property_images(p) self.log3('Property',p.mls_number,"Downloading images for #{p.mls_number}...") begin # Get first image self.client.get_object(:resource => 'Property', :type => 'Photo', :location=> false, :id => "#{p.matrix_unique_id}:0") do |headers, content| m = CabooseRets::Media.where(:media_mui => headers['content-id'], :media_order => 0).first m = CabooseRets::Media.new if m.nil? tmp_path = "#{Rails.root}/tmp/rets_media_#{headers['content-id']}:0.jpeg" File.open(tmp_path, "wb") do |f| f.write(content) end m.media_mui = headers['content-id'] m.media_order = 0 m.media_type = 'Photo' cm = Caboose::Media.new cm.image = File.open(tmp_path) cm.name = "rets_media_#{headers['content-id']}_0" cm.original_name = "rets_media_#{headers['content-id']}_0.jpeg" cm.processed = true cm.save m.media_id = cm.id m.save `rm #{tmp_path}` self.log("Image rets_media_#{headers['content-id']}_0 saved") end # Get rest of images self.client.get_object(:resource => 'Property', :type => 'Photo', :location=> false, :id => "#{p.matrix_unique_id}:*") do |headers, content| m = CabooseRets::Media.where(:media_mui => headers['content-id'], :media_order => headers['orderhint']).first m = CabooseRets::Media.new if m.nil? tmp_path = "#{Rails.root}/tmp/rets_media_#{headers['content-id']}:#{headers['object-id']}.jpeg" File.open(tmp_path, "wb") do |f| f.write(content) end m.media_mui = headers['content-id'] m.media_order = headers['orderhint'] m.media_type = 'Photo' cm = Caboose::Media.new cm.image = File.open(tmp_path) cm.name = "rets_media_#{headers['content-id']}_#{headers['object-id']}" cm.original_name = "rets_media_#{headers['content-id']}_#{headers['object-id']}.jpeg" cm.processed = true cm.save m.media_id = cm.id m.save `rm #{tmp_path}` self.log("Image rets_media_#{headers['content-id']}_#{headers['object-id']} saved") end rescue RETS::APIError => err self.log "No image for #{p.mls_number}." self.log err end end def self.download_missing_images self.log3("Property",nil,"Downloading all missing images...") CabooseRets::Property.where("photo_count = ? OR photo_count is null", '').all.each do |p| self.delay(:priority => 10, :queue => 'rets').import_properties(p.mls_number, true) end end def self.download_agent_image(agent) # self.log "Saving image for #{agent.first_name} #{agent.last_name}..." # begin # self.client.get_object(:resource => :Member, :type => :Photo, :location => true, :id => property.list_agent_mls_id) do |headers, content| # agent.verify_meta_exists # agent.meta.image_location = headers['location'] # agent.meta.save # end # rescue RETS::APIError => err # self.log "No image for #{agent.first_name} #{agent.last_name}." # self.log err # end end def self.download_office_image(office) #self.log "Saving image for #{agent.first_name} #{agent.last_name}..." #begin # self.client.get_object(:resource => :Agent, :type => :Photo, :location => true, :id => agent.la_code) do |headers, content| # agent.verify_meta_exists # agent.meta.image_location = headers['location'] # agent.meta.save # end #rescue RETS::APIError => err # self.log "No image for #{agent.first_name} #{agent.last_name}." # self.log err #end end #============================================================================= # GPS #============================================================================= def self.update_coords(p = nil) if p.nil? model = CabooseRets::Property i = 0 self.log3('Property',nil,"Updating coords properties...") model.where(:latitude => nil).reorder(:mls_number).each do |p1| self.delay(:priority => 10, :queue => 'rets').update_coords(p1) end return end self.log3('Property',p.mls_number,"Getting coords for MLS # #{p.mls_number}...") coords = self.coords_from_address(CGI::escape "#{p.street_number} #{p.street_name}, #{p.city}, #{p.state_or_province} #{p.postal_code}") if coords.nil? || coords == false self.log3('Property',nil,"Can't set coords for MLS # #{p.mls_number}...") return end p.latitude = coords['lat'] p.longitude = coords['lng'] p.save end def self.coords_from_address(address) begin uri = "https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json?key=AIzaSyBD34Da5DhRH5wkq3sROsE7-jv90-f1v6o&address=#{address}" uri.gsub!(" ", "+") resp = HTTParty.get(uri) json = JSON.parse(resp.body) return json['results'][0]['geometry']['location'] rescue self.log "Error: #{uri}" sleep(2) return false end end #============================================================================= # Purging #============================================================================= def self.purge self.log3(nil,nil,'purging') self.purge_properties self.purge_offices self.purge_agents self.purge_open_houses end def self.purge_properties() self.delay(:priority => 10, :queue => 'rets').purge_helper('Property', '2012-01-01') end def self.purge_offices() self.delay(:priority => 10, :queue => 'rets').purge_helper('Office', '2012-01-01') end def self.purge_agents() self.delay(:priority => 10, :queue => 'rets').purge_helper('Member', '2012-01-01') end def self.purge_open_houses() self.delay(:priority => 10, :queue => 'rets').purge_helper('OpenHouse', '2012-01-01') end def self.purge_helper(class_type, date_modified) m = self.meta(class_type) self.log(m.search_type) self.log3(class_type,nil,"Purging #{class_type}...") # Get the total number of records self.log3(class_type,nil,"Getting total number of records for #{class_type}...") statusquery = "" case class_type when 'Property' then statusquery = "MlsStatus=Active" when 'Office' then statusquery = "OfficeStatus=Active" when 'Member' then statusquery = "MemberStatus=Active" when 'OpenHouse' then statusquery = "OpenHouseKeyNumeric=0+" end params = { :search_type => m.search_type, :class => class_type, :query => "(#{m.date_modified_field}=#{date_modified}T00:00:01+)AND(#{statusquery})", :standard_names_only => true, :timeout => -1 } count = 0 self.client.search(params.merge({ :count => 1})) do |data| end count = self.client.rets_data[:code] == "20201" ? 0 : self.client.rets_data[:count] batch_count = (count.to_f/5000.0).ceil ids = [] k = m.remote_key_field (0...batch_count).each do |i| self.log3(class_type,nil,"Getting ids for #{class_type} (batch #{i+1} of #{batch_count})...") self.client.search(params.merge({ :select => [k], :limit => 5000, :offset => 5000*i })) do |data| ids << (class_type == 'OpenHouse' ? data[k].to_i : data[k]) end end # Only do stuff if we got a real response from the server if ids.count > 0 self.log3(class_type,nil,"Remote IDs found: #{ids.to_s}") # Delete any records in the local database that shouldn't be there self.log3(class_type,nil,"Finding #{class_type} records in the local database that are not in the remote database...") t = m.local_table k = m.local_key_field query = "select distinct #{k} from #{t}" rows = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all(ActiveRecord::Base.send(:sanitize_sql_array, query)) local_ids = rows.collect{ |row| row[k] } self.log3(class_type,nil,"Local IDs found: #{local_ids.to_s}") ids_to_remove = local_ids - ids self.log3(class_type,nil,"Found #{ids_to_remove.count} #{class_type} records in the local database that are not in the remote database.") self.log3(class_type,nil,"Deleting #{class_type} records in the local database that shouldn't be there...") query = ["delete from #{t} where #{k} in (?)", ids_to_remove] ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute(ActiveRecord::Base.send(:sanitize_sql_array, query)) # Find any ids in the remote database that should be in the local database self.log3(class_type,nil,"- Finding #{class_type} records in the remote database that should be in the local database...") query = "select distinct #{k} from #{t}" rows = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all(ActiveRecord::Base.send(:sanitize_sql_array, query)) local_ids = rows.collect{ |row| row[k] } self.log3(class_type,nil,"Local IDs found: #{local_ids.to_s}") ids_to_add = ids - local_ids ids_to_add = ids_to_add.sort.reverse self.log3(class_type,nil,"Found #{ids_to_add.count} #{class_type} records in the remote database that we need to add to the local database.") ids_to_add.each do |id| self.log3(class_type,nil,"Importing #{id}...") case class_type when "Property" then self.delay(:priority => 10, :queue => 'rets').import_properties(id, true) when "Office" then self.delay(:priority => 10, :queue => 'rets').import_office(id, false) when "Member" then self.delay(:priority => 10, :queue => 'rets').import_agent(id, false) when "OpenHouse" then self.delay(:priority => 10, :queue => 'rets').import_open_house(id, false) end end end end # def self.get_media_urls # m = self.meta(class_type) # # Get the total number of records # params = { # :search_type => m.search_type, # :class => class_type, # :query => "(#{m.matrix_modified_dt}=#{date_modified}T00:00:01+)", # :standard_names_only => true, # :timeout => -1 # } # self.client.search(params.merge({ :count => 1 })) # count = self.client.rets_data[:code] == "20201" ? 0 : self.client.rets_data[:count] # batch_count = (count.to_f/5000.0).ceil # ids = [] # k = m.remote_key_field # (0...batch_count).each do |i| # self.client.search(params.merge({ :select => [k], :limit => 5000, :offset => 5000*i })) do |data| # ids << data[k] # end # end # if ids.count > 0 # # Delete any records in the local database that shouldn't be there # t = m.local_table # k = m.local_key_field # query = ["delete from #{t} where #{k} not in (?)", ids] # ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute(ActiveRecord::Base.send(:sanitize_sql_array, query)) # # Find any ids in the remote database that should be in the local database # query = "select distinct #{k} from #{t}" # rows = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all(ActiveRecord::Base.send(:sanitize_sql_array, query)) # local_ids = rows.collect{ |row| row[k] } # ids_to_add = ids - local_ids # ids_to_add.each do |id| # self.log("Importing #{id}...") # case class_type # when "Property" then self.delay(:priority => 10, :queue => 'rets').import_properties(id, true) # when "Office" then self.delay(:priority => 10, :queue => 'rets').import_office(id, false) # when "Member" then self.delay(:priority => 10, :queue => 'rets').import_agent(id, false) # when "OpenHouse" then self.delay(:priority => 10, :queue => 'rets').import_open_house(id, false) # end # end # end # end #============================================================================= # Logging #============================================================================= def self.log(msg) puts "[rets_importer] #{msg}" end def self.log2(msg) puts "======================================================================" puts "[rets_importer] #{msg}" puts "======================================================================" end def self.log3(class_name, object_id, text) self.log2(text) log = CabooseRets::Log.new log.class_name = class_name log.object_id = object_id log.text = text log.timestamp = DateTime.now log.save end #============================================================================= # Locking update task #============================================================================= def self.update_rets self.log3(nil,nil,"Updating rets...") if self.task_is_locked self.log2("Task is locked, aborting.") return end self.log2("Locking task...") task_started = self.lock_task begin overlap = 2.hours if (DateTime.now - self.last_purged).to_f >= 0.5 self.purge self.save_last_purged(task_started) overlap = 1.week end self.update_after(self.last_updated - overlap) self.download_missing_images self.log3(nil,nil,"Saving the timestamp for when we updated to #{task_started.to_s}...") self.save_last_updated(task_started) self.log2("Unlocking the task...") self.unlock_task rescue Exception => err puts err raise ensure self.log2("Unlocking task if last updated...") self.unlock_task_if_last_updated(task_started) end # Start the same update process in 20 minutes self.log3(nil,nil,"Adding the update rets task for 20 minutes from now...") q = "handler like '%update_rets%'" count = Delayed::Job.where(q).count if count == 0 || (count == 1 && Delayed::Job.where(q).first.locked_at) self.delay(:run_at => 20.minutes.from_now, :priority => 10, :queue => 'rets').update_rets end # Delete old logs CabooseRets::Log.where("timestamp < ?",(DateTime.now - 30.days)).destroy_all end def self.last_updated if !Caboose::Setting.exists?(:name => 'rets_last_updated') Caboose::Setting.create(:name => 'rets_last_updated', :value => '2013-08-06T00:00:01') end s = Caboose::Setting.where(:name => 'rets_last_updated').first return DateTime.parse(s.value) end def self.last_purged if !Caboose::Setting.exists?(:name => 'rets_last_purged') Caboose::Setting.create(:name => 'rets_last_purged', :value => '2013-08-06T00:00:01') end s = Caboose::Setting.where(:name => 'rets_last_purged').first return DateTime.parse(s.value) end def self.save_last_updated(d) s = Caboose::Setting.where(:name => 'rets_last_updated').first s.value = d.in_time_zone(CabooseRets::timezone).strftime("%FT%T%:z") s.save end def self.save_last_purged(d) s = Caboose::Setting.where(:name => 'rets_last_purged').first s.value = d.in_time_zone(CabooseRets::timezone).strftime("%FT%T%:z") s.save end def self.task_is_locked return Caboose::Setting.exists?(:name => 'rets_update_running') end def self.lock_task d = DateTime.now.utc.in_time_zone(CabooseRets::timezone) Caboose::Setting.create(:name => 'rets_update_running', :value => d.strftime("%FT%T%:z")) return d end def self.unlock_task Caboose::Setting.where(:name => 'rets_update_running').first.destroy end def self.unlock_task_if_last_updated(d) setting = Caboose::Setting.where(:name => 'rets_update_running').first self.unlock_task if setting && d.in_time_zone.strftime("%FT%T%:z") == setting.value end end