require "travis" require "travis/tools/system" require "travis/tools/assets" require "cgi" module Travis module Tools module Notification extend self DEFAULT = [:osx, :growl, :libnotify] ICON = Assets['notifications/icon.png'] def new(*list) list.concat(DEFAULT) if list.empty? notification = { |n| get(n) }.detect { |n| n.available? } raise ArgumentError, "no notification system found (looked for #{list.join(", ")})" unless notification notification end def get(name) const = constants.detect { |c| c.to_s[/[^:]+$/].downcase == name.to_s } raise ArgumentError, "unknown notifications type %p" % name unless const const_get(const).new end class Dummy BIN_PATH = Assets['Travis CI'] def notify(title, body) end def available? true end end class OSX BIN_PATH = Assets["notifications/Travis CI"] def notify(title, body) system BIN_PATH, '-message', body.to_s, '-title', title.to_s, '-sender', 'org.travis-ci.Travis-CI' end def available? System.mac? and System.recent_version?(System.os_version.to_s, '10.8') and System.running? "NotificationCenter" end end class Growl def notify(title, body) system 'growlnotify', '-n', 'Travis', '--image', ICON, '-m', body, title end def available? System.has? 'growlnotify' and System.running? "Growl" end end class LibNotify def notify(title, body) system 'notify-send', '--expire-time=10000', '-h', 'int:transient:1', '-i', ICON, title, CGI.escapeHTML(body) end def available? System.has? 'notify-send' end end end end end