/* * Phusion Passenger - https://www.phusionpassenger.com/ * Copyright (c) 2011-2017 Phusion Holding B.V. * * "Passenger", "Phusion Passenger" and "Union Station" are registered * trademarks of Phusion Holding B.V. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ #ifndef _PASSENGER_WATCHDOG_CONFIG_H_ #define _PASSENGER_WATCHDOG_CONFIG_H_ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace Passenger { namespace Watchdog { using namespace std; /* * BEGIN ConfigKit schema: Passenger::Watchdog::Schema * (do not edit: following text is automatically generated * by 'rake configkit_schemas_inline_comments') * * admin_panel_auth_type string - default("basic") * admin_panel_close_timeout float - default(10.0) * admin_panel_connect_timeout float - default(30.0) * admin_panel_data_debug boolean - default(false) * admin_panel_password string - secret * admin_panel_password_file string - - * admin_panel_ping_interval float - default(30.0) * admin_panel_ping_timeout float - default(30.0) * admin_panel_proxy_password string - secret * admin_panel_proxy_timeout float - default(30.0) * admin_panel_proxy_url string - - * admin_panel_proxy_username string - - * admin_panel_reconnect_timeout float - default(5.0) * admin_panel_url string - read_only * admin_panel_username string - - * admin_panel_websocketpp_debug_access boolean - default(false) * admin_panel_websocketpp_debug_error boolean - default(false) * app_output_log_level string - default("notice") * benchmark_mode string - - * config_manifest object - read_only * controller_accept_burst_count unsigned integer - default(32) * controller_addresses array of strings - default,read_only * controller_client_freelist_limit unsigned integer - default(0) * controller_cpu_affine boolean - default(false),read_only * controller_file_buffered_channel_auto_start_mover boolean - default(true) * controller_file_buffered_channel_auto_truncate_file boolean - default(true) * controller_file_buffered_channel_buffer_dir string - default * controller_file_buffered_channel_delay_in_file_mode_switching unsigned integer - default(0) * controller_file_buffered_channel_max_disk_chunk_read_size unsigned integer - default(0) * controller_file_buffered_channel_threshold unsigned integer - default(131072) * controller_mbuf_block_chunk_size unsigned integer - default(4096),read_only * controller_min_spare_clients unsigned integer - default(0) * controller_pid_file string - default,read_only * controller_request_freelist_limit unsigned integer - default(1024) * controller_secure_headers_password string - default,secret * controller_socket_backlog unsigned integer - default(2048),read_only * controller_start_reading_after_accept boolean - default(true) * controller_threads unsigned integer - default,read_only * core_api_server_accept_burst_count unsigned integer - default(32) * core_api_server_addresses array of strings - default([]),read_only * core_api_server_authorizations array - default("[FILTERED]"),secret * core_api_server_client_freelist_limit unsigned integer - default(0) * core_api_server_file_buffered_channel_auto_start_mover boolean - default(true) * core_api_server_file_buffered_channel_auto_truncate_file boolean - default(true) * core_api_server_file_buffered_channel_buffer_dir string - default * core_api_server_file_buffered_channel_delay_in_file_mode_switching unsigned integer - default(0) * core_api_server_file_buffered_channel_max_disk_chunk_read_size unsigned integer - default(0) * core_api_server_file_buffered_channel_threshold unsigned integer - default(131072) * core_api_server_mbuf_block_chunk_size unsigned integer - default(4096),read_only * core_api_server_min_spare_clients unsigned integer - default(0) * core_api_server_request_freelist_limit unsigned integer - default(1024) * core_api_server_start_reading_after_accept boolean - default(true) * core_file_descriptor_ulimit unsigned integer - default(0),read_only * core_pid_file string - read_only * daemonize boolean - default(false) * default_abort_websockets_on_process_shutdown boolean - default(true) * default_app_file_descriptor_ulimit unsigned integer - - * default_environment string - default("production") * default_force_max_concurrent_requests_per_process integer - default(-1) * default_friendly_error_pages string - default("auto") * default_group string - default * default_load_shell_envvars boolean - default(false) * default_max_preloader_idle_time unsigned integer - default(300) * default_max_request_queue_size unsigned integer - default(100) * default_max_requests unsigned integer - default(0) * default_meteor_app_settings string - - * default_min_instances unsigned integer - default(1) * default_nodejs string - default("node") * default_python string - default("python") * default_ruby string - default("ruby") * default_server_name string - default * default_server_port unsigned integer - default * default_spawn_method string - default("smart") * default_sticky_sessions boolean - default(false) * default_sticky_sessions_cookie_name string - default("_passenger_route") * default_user string - default("nobody") * file_descriptor_log_target any - - * graceful_exit boolean - default(true) * hook_after_watchdog_initialization string - - * hook_after_watchdog_shutdown string - - * hook_before_watchdog_initialization string - - * hook_before_watchdog_shutdown string - - * instance_registry_dir string - default,read_only * integration_mode string - default("standalone") * log_level string - default("notice") * log_target any - default({"stderr": true}) * max_pool_size unsigned integer - default(6) * multi_app boolean - default(false),read_only * passenger_root string required read_only * pidfiles_to_delete_on_exit array of strings - default([]) * pool_idle_time unsigned integer - default(300) * pool_selfchecks boolean - default(false) * prestart_urls array of strings - default([]),read_only * response_buffer_high_watermark unsigned integer - default(134217728) * security_update_checker_certificate_path string - - * security_update_checker_disabled boolean - default(false) * security_update_checker_interval unsigned integer - default(86400) * security_update_checker_proxy_url string - - * security_update_checker_url string - default("https://securitycheck.phusionpassenger.com/v1/check.json") * server_software string - default("Phusion_Passenger/5.3.0") * setsid boolean - default(false) * show_version_in_header boolean - default(true) * single_app_mode_app_root string - default,read_only * single_app_mode_app_type string - read_only * single_app_mode_startup_file string - read_only * standalone_engine string - default * startup_report_file string - - * stat_throttle_rate unsigned integer - default(10) * turbocaching boolean - default(true),read_only * user string - default,read_only * user_switching boolean - default(true) * vary_turbocache_by_cookie string - - * watchdog_api_server_accept_burst_count unsigned integer - default(32) * watchdog_api_server_addresses array of strings - default([]),read_only * watchdog_api_server_authorizations array - default("[FILTERED]"),secret * watchdog_api_server_client_freelist_limit unsigned integer - default(0) * watchdog_api_server_file_buffered_channel_auto_start_mover boolean - default(true) * watchdog_api_server_file_buffered_channel_auto_truncate_file boolean - default(true) * watchdog_api_server_file_buffered_channel_buffer_dir string - default * watchdog_api_server_file_buffered_channel_delay_in_file_mode_switching unsigned integer - default(0) * watchdog_api_server_file_buffered_channel_max_disk_chunk_read_size unsigned integer - default(0) * watchdog_api_server_file_buffered_channel_threshold unsigned integer - default(131072) * watchdog_api_server_mbuf_block_chunk_size unsigned integer - default(4096),read_only * watchdog_api_server_min_spare_clients unsigned integer - default(0) * watchdog_api_server_request_freelist_limit unsigned integer - default(1024) * watchdog_api_server_start_reading_after_accept boolean - default(true) * watchdog_pid_file string - read_only * watchdog_pid_file_autodelete boolean - default(true) * web_server_module_version string - read_only * web_server_version string - read_only * * END */ class Schema: public ConfigKit::Schema { private: /** * Scans `schema` for all options that start with `matchPrefix`. For each matching option, * a translation is inserted in the form of `addPrefix + optionName => optionName`. */ static void addPrefixTranslationsForKeysThatStartWith(const ConfigKit::Schema &schema, ConfigKit::TableTranslator &translator, const StaticString &matchPrefix, const StaticString &addPrefix) { const Json::Value doc = schema.inspect(); Json::Value::const_iterator it, end = doc.end(); for (it = doc.begin(); it != end; it++) { if (startsWith(it.name(), matchPrefix)) { translator.add(addPrefix + it.name(), it.name()); } } } // Prefix config options that come from the given schema template static void addSubSchemaPrefixTranslations(ConfigKit::TableTranslator &translator, const StaticString &prefix) { vector keys = SchemaType().inspect().getMemberNames(); vector::const_iterator it, end = keys.end(); for (it = keys.begin(); it != end; it++) { translator.add(prefix + *it, *it); } } // Some options set their default value to this function to indicate // that their actual default values cannot be inferred from a ConfigKit default // value getter function. Instead they are determined inside WatchdogMain.cpp. static Json::Value dummyDefaultValueGetter(const ConfigKit::Store &store) { return Json::Value(); } static Json::Value getDefaultControllerSecureHeadersPassword(const ConfigKit::Store &store) { return RandomGenerator().generateAsciiString(24); } static Json::Value getDefaultUser(const ConfigKit::Store &store) { if (store["user_switching"].asBool()) { return Json::nullValue; } else { return store["default_user"]; } } static Json::Value getDefaultInstanceRegistryDir(const ConfigKit::Store &store) { return getSystemTempDir(); } static void validateAddresses(const ConfigKit::Store &config, vector &errors) { typedef ConfigKit::Error Error; if (config["watchdog_api_server_addresses"].size() > SERVER_KIT_MAX_SERVER_ENDPOINTS) { errors.push_back(Error("'{{watchdog_api_server_addresses}}' may contain at most " + toString(SERVER_KIT_MAX_SERVER_ENDPOINTS) + " items")); } } static Json::Value normalizePaths(const Json::Value &effectiveValues) { Json::Value updates; updates["instance_registry_dir"] = absolutizePath(effectiveValues["instance_registry_dir"].asString()); if (!effectiveValues["watchdog_pid_file"].isNull()) { updates["watchdog_pid_file"] = absolutizePath(effectiveValues["watchdog_pid_file"].asString()); } return updates; } public: struct { Core::Schema schema; ConfigKit::TableTranslator translator; } core; struct { ApiServer::Schema schema; ConfigKit::TableTranslator translator; } apiServer; struct { ServerKit::Schema schema; ConfigKit::PrefixTranslator translator; } apiServerKit; Schema() { using namespace ConfigKit; // Add subschema: core addPrefixTranslationsForKeysThatStartWith(core.schema, core.translator, "api_server_", "core_"); core.translator.add("core_authorizations", "authorizations"); core.translator.add("core_password", "password"); core.translator.add("core_pid_file", "pid_file"); core.translator.add("core_file_descriptor_ulimit", "file_descriptor_ulimit"); core.translator.finalize(); addSubSchema(core.schema, core.translator); erase("instance_dir"); erase("watchdog_fd_passing_password"); /***********/ /***********/ // Add subschema: apiServer addSubSchemaPrefixTranslations( apiServer.translator, "watchdog_api_server_"); apiServer.translator.add("watchdog_api_server_authorizations", "authorizations"); apiServer.translator.finalize(); addSubSchema(apiServer.schema, apiServer.translator); erase("fd_passing_password"); // Add subschema: apiServerKit apiServerKit.translator.setPrefixAndFinalize("watchdog_api_server_"); addSubSchema(apiServerKit.schema, apiServerKit.translator); erase("watchdog_api_server_secure_mode_password"); overrideWithDynamicDefault("controller_addresses", STRING_ARRAY_TYPE, OPTIONAL | READ_ONLY, dummyDefaultValueGetter); overrideWithDynamicDefault("controller_pid_file", STRING_TYPE, OPTIONAL | READ_ONLY, dummyDefaultValueGetter); overrideWithDynamicDefault("controller_secure_headers_password", STRING_TYPE, OPTIONAL | SECRET | CACHE_DEFAULT_VALUE, getDefaultControllerSecureHeadersPassword); add("watchdog_pid_file", STRING_TYPE, OPTIONAL | READ_ONLY); add("watchdog_pid_file_autodelete", BOOL_TYPE, OPTIONAL, true); add("watchdog_api_server_addresses", STRING_ARRAY_TYPE, OPTIONAL | READ_ONLY, Json::arrayValue); add("setsid", BOOL_TYPE, OPTIONAL, false); add("daemonize", BOOL_TYPE, OPTIONAL, false); add("startup_report_file", STRING_TYPE, OPTIONAL); add("pidfiles_to_delete_on_exit", STRING_ARRAY_TYPE, OPTIONAL, Json::arrayValue); addWithDynamicDefault("user", STRING_TYPE, OPTIONAL | READ_ONLY | CACHE_DEFAULT_VALUE, getDefaultUser); addWithDynamicDefault("instance_registry_dir", STRING_TYPE, OPTIONAL | READ_ONLY | CACHE_DEFAULT_VALUE, getDefaultInstanceRegistryDir); add("hook_before_watchdog_initialization", STRING_TYPE, OPTIONAL); add("hook_after_watchdog_initialization", STRING_TYPE, OPTIONAL); add("hook_before_watchdog_shutdown", STRING_TYPE, OPTIONAL); add("hook_after_watchdog_shutdown", STRING_TYPE, OPTIONAL); /***********/ /***********/ addValidator(validateAddresses); addNormalizer(normalizePaths); /***********/ /***********/ finalize(); } }; } // namespace Watchdog } // namespace Passenger #endif /* _PASSENGER_WATCHDOG_CONFIG_H_ */